lAGE 6,.WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby Admin. Committee to study affordable housing tiy MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff The Administrative Committee of the Town of Whitby will under- take an investigation in- to the affordable housing shortagu in Whitby. "We know we have a probleni with affordable housing and we're going to look into it," said chairman of the ad- ministrative commit- tee, Joe Bugelli. The investigation will commence once a time table is arranged by the planning department which will include goals and objectives and op- portunities for public hearings with groups and citizens interested in the problem. A Task Force had initially been suggested to council by the Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Whitby. They noted that a recent country wide housing study, Whitby and Oshawa had the lowest apartment vacancy rate in Canada at 0.1 per- cent. "This means that one in every one thousand apartments is available," said Susan Fletcher, executive director of the Social Planning Council. "The desirable rate is 3 per- cent." While Oshawa bas recently set-up a Housing Task Force, Whitby has decided to have the administrative committee research the problem. "The way we'll go about it we will receive the expertise of the planning department and the public. We'Il have better input than Oshawa," said commit- tee member Joe Drumm. The planning depar- tment bas informed council of, special housing issues and ac- cessibility problenis which should be con- sidered, these include: the conversion of single family dwellings to multiple unit dwellings; suitable areas and SEE PG. 18 Town declines Ajax challenge The Town of Whitby of physical activity. The has declined a challenge municipality which by the Town of Ajax to would have recorded the participate in the Par- highest percentage of ticipation Challenge on participation was to be May 28. declared the winner. The objeet of the The Parks and challenge was to Recreation department motivate as many has informed council people as possible to that they do not have the register their par- staff available to ticipation in 15 minutes organize the event. 4 e- Ship Shape Whitby Yacht Club member, Peter Pelten- water. Mr. Peltenburg expected to have the burg, was busy over the weekend getting bis sloop ship shape within the next couple of 28 ft. Granmpian, Romibeje ready for the weeks. Free Press Staff Photo FROM PG. 4 Smail business associations, politic- ians, news media and anyone that is in- terested. I arn appealing to you for your support in or- der that the citizens and businesses in Ontario, Canada will receive fair treatment from the On- tario government. Yours truly, RH. Gram. Opporunityknocks,. NATIONAL' S Until May 15, 1986, VG National Trust will charge you NO FEE *, whether you need a new mortgage or wish to transfer from another financial institution. Plus, you get:ma Excellent rates a Fast, easy approvals a Savings with our flexibli! plans w Mortgage insurance to protect your fainily for just pennies a day Contact your nearest National Trust branch today. This is one opportunity you can't afford to miss! *NATIOINAL TRUST A Div.ision of National Vc.tria and Grey Tmustc.o WHITBY - 352 Brook St. 666-1800 OSHAWA -32 Silmcoe St. 723-5207 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 PICKERING - Pickering Super Center AJAX - Harwood Place Mail 683-7344 1792 Liverpool Road 831-6501 ù* '.»-:' 1 THECORPORATIONOF THETOWNOFWHITBY, IN THE MATTER 0F'THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.SO. 1980, c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of WhiIby has passed By-law No. 1997-86 10 designate the folîowlng property as belng of architectural and hîstorîcal value or In- terest under Part IV of the Ontario Hertage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: The Alexander Campbell House 60 Queen Street Brookiin, Ontario LOB 100O REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 60 QUEEN STREET, BROOKLIN Historical The house was built ln 1868 by Alexander Cam- pbell. He ls beîieved to be the original oparator of the Brookiin MiIl. Architectural Athough the house sa 0f no particular architec- tural style, it i8ln the vernaclar late Victorian tradition using such elements as peaked gables, bargeboard, open verandahs and bay windows. The house ls welI preserved and retains much of ts original detailling. DATED at the Town of Whltby this 9th day of April, 1986. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whlîby 575 Rossîand Road East Whltby, Ontario LIN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803