PAGE 36, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23. 1986. WIIITBY FREE PRESS FREE t- COLUIERS Encyciopedia ctth bIbIlography snd Index, 24 volumes corth, SM8. Ata 23 yesr bookts 1903.198, covers Motes (pIctures> of Kennedy& assaaslsations, fret mas on the moon and rnany olher atontes fom araund the corld, total value $1,200, aolng $W5. Tas 1100 an- swernn. service machine, ana year oId, $120. Lanterne, ait sisas and shapes, $3 each or eM for 8150.,Drffing table, $200, ighle Incuded, $250. Three beautIful hendmade sombreros, $35 each. Cati 666-988 alerS p.m. ENVIROLET eleclric %valersesa tollet, no caler, no eeplIc tank, sella nec for 8943.é8 (US.> Relent. Unit Ai. 8395 plus $45 vent kil. Cai afler 5 p.m., 723 9109. PRINCEOS canapy bedroomn suite, white clîl goid lrim, Is. dadaes bed with canapy trame. chant of dracers, dresser and min-or and nIle-labla. Aiea box sprIng and mattrons, mafchIng canopy cooer, apread, sham and curains,,&laebed Imens, $700. Ail lite sec. Cai 433403. INGLIS 30" white ga8slatve, $1W0. Gald Kasmare dishcashar, 9 yearn aId, malar and pump 1 /a yeame aid, $175. VWhie change table, $5. RuaI cloured couch and chair, $W. Phtone 668-283. MOVINC MUST 8ELL -Dlning raom selitIr ô chaire, hitulh and buffet, 2 yeane oid, SM0. Ladies 3 apeed bite, 855. Tco pairs af ladies ratier skates, ie 4 and 7, $25 escit. Tco ide tables, 820 each. Round gloa table, M55 AMIFM radio wth record player, $25. CliesI aI drawars, $20. Phone 6864220 FOR SALE antique dlnlng room sute, In ehocmoom condition, 8 pleces, appronlmateiy 8W yeare aid, table whnitaxaoended seals 10 people comforlabiy, price $,Ss or otsl er. 688&2461. FOR SALE ico place bon unit, $W. CG.E. electria luwnmocar, 880.24' eoension ladder, $5. Ail Items la excellant condition, anme sec. Clt 6U89519. DIMNN ROON SET, solid pacan Pdestat nosi tablecut Ico iaavas, four belge upholsiared and cased chaire, two clih rres, excelent condition, S45. Rasch mînit fuît langth fur coat, tisa 18, $stela. Call 668.2551. ROTO TILLER, 5 hp., excellent condition, S29. Stop laddar, aluminum, M2. Whelbarrow, 810. I-all.moon tabla and magazine stand, $25 each. Ladies bita, $40. Junior 10 epeed. 845. Rock mapla kilcitan set, $225. Secing machine, 3M5..Smail tabla, 335. Phase 683638l. ROLLER SKATES. Nite, blackt, aise 3,825. Dominion. whitee, sie 5 -(ladies>, 830. Flfty record albums, 19401950s music, some ciasaicai, $5 each. Phone 655- 3266. SINGLE DED, $35. Soys 10 npeed bite, $5W. Keaene heaier, $W0. Phone 4384.033 FOR SALE parlour tove, $150. Woodhnider, $5. Phtone 6684032. WOODUURNINO lurnace, Sureflre 201, attaches to exletlng forced air furnace, hoto s2,500 sq. fi., nanan usod, $750. Phoane 655. 46862 atr6 p.m. COMPUTER Appla Il plus, Clone, 48K, $200. Thrae perfial boards for above, 83. Phane 6688178. ANTIQUE Staffardshira doge, famlly aoftour, 215", 28, cîrca 1900, tageltaer $40. Phase 683 9471. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD furnîture, nec and used. Admirai frIdge, $150. H.D. dysr, $250. Viking aulamalloc aaher, HMD., $30. Four 15" radiai Prealone tiras, P19W/5R5, $W each. 12 volt bat. iery, $50. Tabla and four chairs, ittchan, 8100. 19" calour T.V., 93W5. Dressear, $W. Large oak dssk, $1,000. Larga book shelf, 8110. Office dask, wood, $35. Sleei book shaif, 8$0. Coudh and raclining chair, Isather, S55. Desk caiculatar, 3$W. Antique couch and 2 maiching chaire, $400. Coal rait. 8100. ElectInl slave, $M0. 6.81 cash aller. Cai 0854966. LARGE Colonial style armchair, comfoelabie and ln good con- dition, $40. Intarlor door, $15. Nec vanlly basin, $5. Grey Par- stan iamb fur jacket, $85. Warm flii lngt Mouton fur coat, per- tact, size 16, $75. Fait young tliver Maple rea, balled, la ha dug np b.lore May, $15. Older manuel typecnItar, $20. Phone 68-7404. PRESS M M -PLEASE READ- Wtsen te adnertised item ta sold, dispaeed of, or unavailable for whtever reanan, te item wili be deemned in have been sold and s commission watt ite chorgenhbased on THE ADVERTISEO FRICE as illîustraled below, regardlena if price is stated with -best offer". If te Item in NOT SOLO, or disposed of. tse ad will be rus for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50 will apply payable ln advance nf publication of te first ad. The above minimum charge wilI be applied la ltte final commission due. Maximum commission: $100,00. Att adver- isements muat be placed o an exclusive banis witi thle WHITBY FREE PRÈSS and rito t leasi one manth if flot sotd.1 RATES (Of article le eeid i 5% of advertised price uapta 8400.0 2% ni balance EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed fer 1150.00. (Commissien due $7.50 i(minimum charge la I7.5eî Private odvertlnlng onlyl1Please notify te Whitby Pree Press; immediately cites itemn la sld s tat we may delele il (rom lise foowlng Isue. Ail adsn fot fiting te Emporium gidelins wicU be lrealed and charged per week ss regular classified adaaan a pre-paid basis sncb as: services, hlep wanted, ciothlng, real estote, and persosat mesauge type adia, or adas ol quoting prIce or quatity. Frivole ciessified ode may oppeorilte Emporium section under apprapriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASStFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIF'IED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Ban 206 Whigby. LIN 581 If ln douitt cai: 668-6111 OR DELIVEIlTO: 131 Bracit St. N. Whilty, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR SALE ~jCAPERS .QYED BICYCLE - glrls 23 Inach Raleighi TRUCK CAMPER, 68 Chev - 74 PRG nls tranit,$50or esl lle. Pone Cavalcade, slave, lrîdge, lurnace, style, 6 years old. good Condition, aller 6 p.m.. 663274. taîlet, $1,9W,. ciii sai separate. aymnakeirelees 668-525. . 88. Car $st, brown inyl, good SNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac- condition. $50. Booster car seat, for, used anae teson. competes~ brown vinyl, excellent shape, S20. wilh cheet weighls and chaîna, ' ET& I Tain traîler, orange canoas, SM0. Phone661k5925. iD S PLE I good condition. ide by &Ide osias, lds fiat, $100. Cradie, COAL and wood burning kitchen 514114 TZIJ Puppy, 8 weeks id wcile, $20. Crib, colonial style, range, white enamel finish, pnice mage, CKC regitsred, shots, cîit matresssand bumper $350 Coall ter 5 pm., 655-48W<. dewormsd and home raleed, nos- pad, good condition, $100. Phone sheciding, nan-aliergIc. goad clh 86115925. G.M.. LOVESEAT, S30. GM. lad- children, $350. Cuit 1-416-985- A...è--% - . 3930. WHIITE CRIB cilIr mtress and $15. Fluke 60208 tant mater, $110 or neareet aller. 683-3858.T TRAILER TP Rebel, soit top,ex ~ caltent condition, soma camping equipmexl lnciuded, $950 or beel DEDROOM SET, astique cKite aller. 66"-178. Frencit Provincial bedraom set, doubla bed, casapy frame, TRAILER, NImred, Riviara, sai dresser, night tabla, bon sprIng top, fair condition, eolres In- and mamtans, badapread, aur- cluded, $500. Phonne 65&3142. tains, canopy coar and round _____________ tabla cover, $425. Phase 666& 3592. QUEIN IZE ISEO, posture padia, matai frame dth «el, ex- cellent condition, $140. Phone 668-911. bumper puda, $75. 40"x40' playpan, $40. Navy Prego Prom, apron antd basket, $50. White change lubie, $20. Swing-0- Malla. $10. Electria botte sterilizer, $12. Girls ta montir o l ico dresa. $3. Baby neat, $12. Bottin carmen, $3. Cali 868-0523. Give _ UNICEF gifts andr cards q and help a child contact; leef Canauda , 443 MI ResantRid. Toronto. Ont M4S 2L6 Or ail UNiCEF 8c trodotnO,,r 1 Wt26863U . 11iiX2 flJhOi JEEP RENAQADE 1988, excellant' condition, ruaI, tint, i1tta, tliti, itard-top, 5 spaed, 6 cylîndar, p.b., ps., cintenltummer pacitage, 6,000 km, $13.500.Phase 655. 4882 aler 6p.m. 1978 DODO! hall ton ct cabt, AM/FM cassette, automatll, $2,11M or aller. Cati aller ô p..., 680964. 1977 0000! Aspen S.W., radio, goad Mlee, as le, 8450 or basf of. er. Pitone 683-3825 aller 5 p.m. 1977 DODO! J4 tan club cab, 318 eu. ln., 4 seed stick, psà ., p.b., $1.495. Cati 668265M, aller 5 p.m. 1077 FORD 1 ton, 351 V8, ps., p.b., single cheels. 8x10 siake bon, excellent condition, 33,400, carliflad. 666-388. 1976 FORD HARQUiS station wagon, ps., p.b., cruise, oeny goad condition, 92,000 mles, 8500fins. 831.0680after6 p.m. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOSA ps., p.b., air condillonlng, 8600 on beet aller. Cati 655.3176. 1974 SUPER 'BEATLE, excellant condition, lady driven, 26,000 originel miles, sunroof, radio, new paint, $2,75.725-3744. 1974 SUICI< APOLLO, ruse good, body good, 6 cyl., $55 or best al- fer. 4331842. 1973 PONTIAC Laurantias, 400 cc malor, ruse but nea ont, aiea cas b. bought for parla, $200. Pion. 578-3030. It suîted ChaIlie ta take offfor Dickson Printing & Offica Supp 'lies el thîs particxlsc point in lima, îomatltioqg h will navar camaIl FIVE 0000 YEAR Wranglar radiai &Il tenrais ires, aiza P195175R15, only 2,000 miles, Lois se $450. Four Dodga iMilsbushi) rau do Rallya cheels, aize 14"x6", lit C df Catis Sapporo, Challenger, r Arroc, $90. Phoana 655.-32663. SNOWTIRES Michelin Na. P22515, on oveaise Bulcit rima lita nec, $300. Phase 055.488 alter 6 P.m. A m a 4!âwCON FU Don't put off advertising in the Whiiby Free Press Emiporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss eut on our lew advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to sell;- and, *have a speified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more detailsi. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article selis, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. ISEDM questions. 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