PAGE 28. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23,1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS. HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION W all.coverings are easy to instail Lots of people have phobias. Some have agoraphobia, a fear of open spaces. Some have claustrophobia, a fear of closed spaces. Stili others, have what miRht be described as decoraphobia, a fear of decorating. They shouldn't, at-least flot when it cornes to wallcoverings, says the Wallcovering Information Bureau, because they allow anyone to CUSTOM KITCHEN & BATHROOM CABINETRY COMPLETE DESIGN, PLANNING &INSTALLATION EXTENSIVE RANGE 0F MODERN AND EUROPEAN STYLES CUSTOM VANMTE OPIG TRASH PAILS 1 SLVM5TOWEL BANIS DEPWOL 5JWTS UTIjTY RL OUTfS FOR POS & PAN STWLE DESIGN KRAFT introduces ITS NEW TRADEMRK DESIGN CABINETS featuring the most Up to date technology, in cabinet production *Extra Deep Upper Cabinets e Standard *Att Dowet Construction e Standard *Cast Metal 1250 Hinges a Standard *120 gKr Metamine Box e Standard *100lb Drawer Gldes e Standard SPECIAL PURCHASE OFFER with every custom kitchen order receive a free kitchen sink and tap tili May 31lst. LSTEEQEEINKI ( AP decorate a roomn or an entire home in attractive colors and patternis and in styles ranging from traditional to con- temporary. Up-to-date manufacturing techni- ques have even made the task of hang- ing wallcoverings a lot easier - so much so that it's becomine more and more popular as a do-it-yourself project. With pre-trimmed and 'pre- pasted wallcoverings, for example, hanging themn is simplified. Just dip a strip of wallcovering in water to ac- tivate the glue on the backing. Wallcovering retailers are an excel- lent source for decorating advice. They can advise you on the amount of wallcovering and tools you'll need as well as provide you with informa- tion on colors, styles and patterns. These retailers can be found at local decorating centers, home centers, paint and wallpaper stores and depart- ment stores. When choosing wallcoverings, con- sider the effeet that style and pattern will have in the room being decorat- ed. Choose a design and pattern scaled to the size of the room. A large room with a hiigh ceiling should have a large-scale pattern in a bolder de- sign. A small room should have a proportional-scale design and pattern. For the ultimate in sophistication, consider a wallcoverinq collection that includes companion llsbri'cs for uphol- stery, window treatments, bed linens or pillows. THE IMPACT 0F WALLCOVERING on kitchen designs is displayed here with Katzen- bach & Warren's Delft Tiles wallcovering and border fram the Wlliamsburg Museum Prints Collection. The pattern transtorms this kitchen int a charming Dutch Colonial retreat. WHITBY AJAX w0 SYNON ST. S AJAX PLAZA 6685862 3-1660 I *GREAT QUALITY *GREAT PRICE *FREE ADVICE *NAME BRAND YOU CAN TRUST Kitchen ideas:' It's been called the heart of the home, but just how inviting is your kitchen? There are many ways to, make it more cheery and here are a few: If your kitchens dark and dreary because of limited exposure, look up. ... your ceiling's tbr ideal place to get that extra lighting, either through' skylights or fluorescent fixtures. Short of counter space? A butcher block table on wheels can provide a handy and attractive work area when needed, and rolîs out of the way after- ward. Get one with storage space below for an added bonus! New linoleumn flooring can make a world of difference in the way your kitchen looks. There are many colors and patterns to choose from, you can easily coordinate new flooring to your present appliances and cabinets. And, how about new curtains to complete the redo? Speaking of curtains, you might consider doing without. Leaded or stained glass windows are a beautifrnl and uniq ue way of letting the sun shine in. The art of making leaded or stained glass windows is one that is enjoying a renaissance today; you can locate a local craftsperson through classificd ads or the phone book. A dramatic way to make your kit- chen the center of family life is to add a fireplace. What better place to melt marshmellows or pop corn the old- fashioned way than at the kitchen hearth? The simplest way to redo a kitchen is with a new coat of paint. But, why flot try one of the attractive new wall- ýcoverings instead? They wash dlean for easy maintenance, yet add so much interest Io a kitchens decor - !or\added pizzazz. wallpaper the c.eil- ing as well. Make the most of that small, over- the-sink window by banishing th'ose curtains 'and înstalling, light, airy shutters that open up your view. Paint or stain the shutters to complement the decor. Tired-looking Çountertop? An inex- pensive way toelýrighten it up is to cover it with an epoxy-based paint. If your kitchen seemns dark and cramped. it may be time for a breakthrough: check into the possibii- ty of knocking down that wall be- tween your kitchen and breakfast nook or dining area for a more up- to-date, open look. This can also be a good way to gain added Êounter space. -mon 1