Whitby Free Press, 23 Apr 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 24. WEDNESDAY. APIL 2,3.1I98ô., WHITBY FREE PRESS. HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION Side wai insulation provides comnforf and reduces energy costs Many horceowners have addeol in- crcased atîrounts if insulationt iti scl places ris attics. crawl spaces . trd garages. One inmportaint rireai iten overlookcd however. is side wall.s. Ad- ding insulation to side walls tnt oîîîy increrises the resale value nf a homtîe and cuis uts energy consumptîîîn. boit FOR HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS' BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE FACTORY SUNRISE ALUMINUM 1626 Charles St. (Factory> Whitby, Ontario 668-7602 DOORS WITH 4 SEALS ( PATENTED) MORE THAN 2" TH ICK COMA DELUXE STORM WINDOWS THERMAL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS, STORM AND TRIPLE GLAZED PATIO DOORS. 'OS>O VISIT OUR SHOWROOM: 4 7:30 A.M. -5:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS, H SAT. 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. SPECIAL PRICES FROM OUR BOOTH AT TH E OSHAWA HOME SHOW, CIVIC AUDITORIUM, STEVENSON RD. S., APRIL 24, 25,26,27186 Futon, rougtiiy transtateri fromnteJpnee en SLEE.. -.R 11~~~cotton sleeping mat," but hstrdioa matiresses are flot useti just for sleeping any more. Canadians are repondtnig ta the tutonsa many ttributes as a bai - cooînes n summer, warmth ln 0 F TH IE inter, goati support andi tow price - by wetcoming tl O F T H E tnto the ttvtng mcom. Now acttng as chatre, rectiners IY E A R ttons are.great for squeezlng two roome out at one. 19 BONDCIST. E.THE PREB433. OSHAWA 1SA EB (Acroas fromn Majestic Restaurant> 4244 need extra space? 1 need a sofa & bed? it crin increase overailI conibori within the dwelling. If you*ve ever srtin your livitng rorîrn rnd noticed thrit tîte wisfecl wvriî tn the touch in surner and cool ini witer, chaînces arcireis because your side waîîs are nu> ris wcll insulated as tlrey couId be. As a rule tif thunrb. ac- cording tir the CeruinTecd Home In- stitule. ifytrr honme is nmore than ergt> years nId, you slîtuld consider addirtg more insulation Io your side walls. Chancers are îhey havc a snall amnunt of insulation or none at aIl installed in theni now. Installation of atîditionaî insalation to side walls involves the driiling of holes in the waIls and then blosving in loose-filI fiher glass insulation. The procedure nmust hc donc by at profes- sional insulation contractor. To find a professionrol insulation con- trrîcîîr ask ytur uiîity cotrrpany fir suiTeestitîns. ctînsrîli friends rtnd neigîr- hors tir ltook in tîte Yellîss' ligcs un- der -Instîlrtin Coiite>ir%.* Once yia\'e chisen one. yoau shîîald edacate yourself n bit rabout itrsuaring proce- dures lii ensure thnît the jirîr s donc priiperly. Forr instance. tic coîntractor will irsi likely ioreriare tire rrea you wýa ni insulated t10 deîerrninc httw ntiuch oraterial he wiIl nccd antti estiîîîate the cîrst. If you have elaphîrrîrd tir sid- ing tit the outsidc of ytrar homie. the cotrnrac>îrr wiIl renoîve sortie tif Ibis niaterial and drill trpentings itn order iii blîîw-in liber glnîss insulatiîrn it the stud spacing. This wil re done with a special insuîraîiîn boise. Openings arc gecrally muade for cach 4-to-5-ft. hcighî. These hîrles arc essentiral toi en- sure that the stud space is cimpîctcly full. Blîîwing through a single orpen- ing in an eighn-foîiî %,ail. for exaniple. could leave sorrti f' yîur sud space with nol insulratiîîn. Ilf yru brave brick verteer trn the cx- terinîr. the prccdure is mach thesature. Aftcr holes hrave been made. the contrnîctor wilI instrail the insuiration by blîîwing tlsinderIligb pressure ilirugh a big flexible luise itîtir yirr staid spnîciFig. BilI McCrtrthy. tmrarketing itîrnager. CeroainTécd Coirporatiorn, ntes thrî, siligenerrlly recotrrretrded thatlos- er roles bc fillcd first. If not. sonne tif the Iîiwer ones can irisîakenly appear tor be filcd. and pmobalrly wontbe in- sulated tir the correct density.- McCar- îb>' alsor suggests tIral the contractor hand pack insulation into tIre spaces svhich have been occupied by the noz- zle tif' the insulation irîse. A new produet wlrich nmore and tmorre contr.icttrrs are using forr side wall rapplicatioîns is Insul-Safe Ill" ta fliber glass blown-in insulatitîn frornr CcrîtinTced Corporation. Insul-Safe I11 tîffers trutstanding thermal perfor- irrance. is noncormbustible. wîll not aIr- sorrb nroisture and will frît rot tir decay. In rîdoititîn. il cointains nor Iazardoas cheiricals to corrode pipes tirvires. Buy a mattress? Lie down and think about if There arce lots of reasons for buying a new mattress and foundation: geuting married. movingto a new home or ac- quiring a ncw and biggerhbed. Maybe your old matress is rerady for the bed- ding graveyard. No malter what yorur reason, the altimate expeetatinîn is a comfortablc nights sleep. Bai with aIl the different construc- tions, ftrmnesses, sizes and prices for sleep sets, how doi you decide svhich one is right for yoru? Consider tliese helpful hirnts fromn the Sealy Posture- pedic& bedding experts: e Teste i baures.s by lying on îh. Sitting on the edge of a nattress set and bouncing up and dnwn a few limes isn*t enough. To furher test tIre mattress, lie on it for 10 tir 15 minutes, and make sure it s cornîfor- table in aIl normal sleep positiorns and offers plenty of support ta your shoulders, hips and lower back, in ad- dition to providing gond perimeter support. If you and yourspousc plan to sîcep on the bedding, you shoald both hop aboard and give il the corm- fort and support test. a Shop for the larges> sleep set your bedroom can acconimodaie. A fulI-size mattress is no mnore than 54 inches %vide; that's twîce the size of a babys crib - not very roorny for two grown aduts. YoulIl be surpris- cd to learn that yoa prahably have room for a*qaeen (60 inches widc) or king (76 inches wvide) bed. e Is bes> to bay a slcep set - rnattrcss and matching fcundation. Your new matress deserves a foun- dation of equal quality tir properly support it. Tests shtiwihat an inade- quate foundation, or no foundatîon ut ail, shortens the performance years of a mattress. The best advice is to buy the matching founidation that was designed Io work with the mattress you select. OCEEN SIZE un o an KING' SIZE rWru FUL11 76ux BO 39 xu75 54 xo7 THE DOUBLE BE0 (full-stze) used >0 be the accepted size for two sleepers, But consider what the "double ' n a double bed really means. The standard ful-size is 54 inches wde That means (ha> if two people share a double bed. each aduit has only the widf h of a babys crb (o move around in. As the char> from Sealy PosurepedicID indicafes, a queen-size mat> ress set exfends the wid(h by four inches, white a king-size provides more sleeping area han two twin beds.t e I whai 's inside the mrattress that courlis. Many types of innerspring mattress constructions are available, each with its own unique features, in- cîuding design of the coils, tIhe way they are assembled, gauge of the wire,i and number of turns per coil. Gener- ally, the Iower thre gauge of the wire,1 thre firmer the support of the in-j dividual coil. e Shop in stores whose repatations you trust. Many stores have 'sleep centers- where thre bedding is displayed. And stores oftcn have eutaway miniatures or selling aids showing mattress construction. A number of stores also have ýbrief vîdeotapes to explain the construction features and benefits of top-quality bedding. Ask to see these buying aids. e Make sure your salesperson is a qualilicd source of information. He should Ire trained to answcr your ques- tions about construction, warranry, sizes and other points. If your ques- tions produce a shrug, you may be wisc 10 îry another store. e Generally hin purchasing sleep Sets. you get what yon pay for. If you've decided to buy a new mattress set, invest in the very best you can af- ford. Prices are determined by thre materials used, thre quality of construc- lion and thre size of thre set. Don't cut corners when it comes to gc(ting a good night's sleep. It's an investmnent in one-third of every day of your lité. That can have a dratratie effect on how you feel thre other two-thirds. One last thought from the people at Sealy: If you're thinking of passing on your old bedding to a- relative or friend, or even selling il, forget it. And don't put womn-out mattresses in a guest room. If your old set is not giv- ing you thre comfort and support you need, dont pans on your displeasure to others. And, of course, thre reverse is true: Don't accept hand-mne-down bedding. Remember, a proper night's rent helps ease thre stress of the day ahead. t AQUAVELVETr Latex eggsheIl Fiat enamel PAINT by Now arrîved Sîkkens Cetol 1 Cetol 23 Superlorqualhty wood coatings engirieered f0 stand Up againsi the elements. CENTRAL PAINT AND WALLPAPER 295 Ritson Rd. S., - -Oshawa.......728.-6809. EARLY BUY SPECIALS ON ABOVE GROUND POOLS DIRECT FROM OUR WAREHOUSE 18' ROUND ONLY $1,1 71.92 24' ROUND LOOK $191338.36 15x24 OVAL NOW $1,484.28 SALE ENDS APRIL 30116 843 KING ST. W., OSHAWA . CAtL-(416) 433-0055

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