Fiig income tax at last minute?* TORONTO - Uanaaa Post Corporation is again making a special Iate-night mail service avallable until midnight April 30, as a service canvenieuce for iast minute filers on incarne tax deadline day. I,ast .year, about 30,000 income tax retur- ns were mailed at the two Metro Toronto postal stations that remained open to seil stamps and cancel postage on niailed returna, to prove they had been filed prior to the deadline. The service proved so popular last year that WillowdaIe Postal Station "A", at 5170> Yange St., had ta be kept open 30 minutes beyond the scheduled clasing time to accam- modaLe Iast-minute in- carne tax return filera. Some travelled Up ta 50 miles ta get their retur- ns in, just under the wire. The other station remaining open again this year is Toronto Postai Station "A" at 17 Front St. W. Services available at Gord Osborne (left) and John Smith (right) were presented with community service awards by Robert McDonald, the Deputy Minister of Correctional. Services, at the Whitby Jal's annual appreciation dinner. Mr. WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1986, PAGE 19 the two stations until midnight, April 30, in- clude weighing, date- stamping, cancellation and postage sales. Home break-i A Sanyo video tape recorder and some gold jewelry were stolen from a Whitby homne during the weekend. The items stolen had a value of $80 while $25 damage was done to a front door. Police are investigating the crime. Dises stolen Four wheel discs were stolen from a Brooklin man's car while it was parked at Newcastle's V an A grey 1986 van was stolen from.Gus Brown motars on Dundas St. E. over the weekend. The van was in the shop for tawn hall Saturday night. There are no suspects and the hub- caps are valued at $200. stolen repaira. The licence number is TNM-928. Police are investigating the theft. FROM PG. 3 Iroquois pool repairs sideratian should be the the two jobs, but the Iroquois Park issu, bass of time ta the many report states the com- «Council felt organizations which pletion of the repaira to much ta deai witt use the pool in the faîl. the pool in the summer Iroquois and the When council does would minimize the in- year capital budS decide when the repaira convenience ta the the same night,' wil commence, a nura- public and variaus user Mayor Attersle3 ber will be required. groupo for their fail meeting on the fou Tliese include work on programs. budget will be h( the outalde walls, piping - The meeting on May 8 a later date saii wthin the pool deck, will deal only with the mayor. deteriation of niechanical and elec- DONTF R E . trical equipment and D N T F R E . the pools interior finish. Wrk ln these areas plus consulting fées and t overhead is estimated at$36,784. Z The building commit- W U U~ teha othrrmepaira and ECONIIOMI tehas notrrnpisdconi additions should be done ta the pool whle the Box major repaira are being conducted. These include con- struction of 100 pull out se ta o be installed on fn e the pool deck level.. The ù tn e seating would be used 9 C during swimming cam -c' e petitions while the F/M "l public gallery would Iyt o 3-4 PeOOPi remnain intact. The committet has offrgoodtiliiApil 30/86NI r conciuded that a secondO public vlewing area at NOW the pool -would not be ~ A practical or cost effec- tive. VL The cammittee has i Zo also suggested renovation im- provemnents tothe pooi's dressing rooma. These include relocating lights, and repaira ta the wals and ceiinga. "The estlmated cost of the seats and dressing roomn repaira is $43000, brlnging the total of the full repaira te, the pool in k at $«2,M8. In order to make the FED HIKEN repaira durlng the 1017 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY summer, the commlittee (BnldeWlndmill Oonut and Dary Ouen) las asked council ta separate the repaira ta the pool and the ad- N ditians tbyIEXTuWEEK Tne motion passed b E TW E council cails for a W c u u second ice pad, a new W t ho tfor u concession ares and ad- ditional washrooms ta let ysar be canstructed. 1They have estirnat'- ¶ theseparaf*: .uietwo i projects may cost $20000 due ta differentd9K L contractors completing ue. it ta th bath efour Iet on tsaid >. A ar year ield at d the 'y Osborne bas been a volunteer at the jail for seven years while Mr. Smith has 13 years of volunteer service. Freeress Staff Photo Volunteers honoured un