PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, APRI L 23, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Playground opens May2 The Playground, a new teenage nightclub, will open it's doors May -1- but flot for it's young patrons. "This will be an in- troduction to the Playground for the parents," said General Manager, Daniel LeBlanc. Staff and the owner, Bob Longmuir, will bc on hand to answer an> questions and also ex pected to attend are councillors Joe Drumni and Marcel Brunelle. Free coffee and donuts will be served and parents will get an opportunity to observe the atmosphere of the club. Parents are in- vited to the club -from 7 to 9 p.m. The Playground will open for business May 2 at 8:30 p.m., offering balloons and door prizes, The club was scheduled to open it's doors on April 18, but the installation of a new lighting and music system has delayed the opening. The Playground will cater to teenagers aged 14 to 17 and wilI open Friday and Saturday nights from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission is $5. Ail Occasion Party Supplies Balloon Bouquets BuIk Prlclng on Dsposable Tableware ONE STOP SHOPPING Choose your weddlng InvItations and accessorles from a large selection of styles and designs. Choose a cake topper f rom Our catalogue. We also have daccrations, disposable tableware', pomn poma, satin pllows, cake wrap and doilea Rent a weddlng parasol, brides cake basket, cake knlfe or coffee percolator. 76 BALDWIN ST., HWY. 12 655-8828 Ail Round Cord April 15 was a big night for seven girl guides at the Brooklin United Church who received their Ail Round Corda. Seen here ln the front row are Jennifer Trlpp, Heather aton, Vickl Mink, Janis Tripp and Paulyne Akers. In the Br(ok1 in Bylines ByBErFY-JEAN BLYTH, Caîl 65-3679 wityh Ite ms f or thîb olumn How corne someone always leaves a milk bag with about two drops left in the milk jug so that I don't know we're out of milk until IVve poured my cereal? How corne my last two pair of pantyhose always wait until the last minute and then run together like a couple of contenders for the Olympie hundred metre dash? How corne it always seems to ramn on Monday mornings and how corne I can always thing of plenty of things to say until I sit down in front of my typewriter? WeIl now, lets get on with some good news - LET'S ~Renniges SEEYOU mens& Gfts DO IT... IMore thn alOUrDOORS! '>Flower Shop 655-3833 4v Speclalizilg In t HANDCRAFTED GIFT ITEMS APRIL SHOWER SALE <20.300 /o OFF selected gîif Itemns S71 BALqWIN ST., BROOKLINS655-8731 Mvon..closed, Tues.-Wed. .10-1, Thurs.-Sat. 10-5 back row are leaders Donna Kahn and Barb Sanderson, guides Jennifer Walendzewlcz and Sharmnen Porter and leaders Maureen Jackson and Teena Wlttenbols. Freeress Staff Photo I BROOKLIN FLOUR MILIS _____ *BAKING SUPPLIE$ *ANIMAL FEES*PET FOODS a FLOUReCER EALSe MIXES* DRI ED FRUITNUTSHONEY@SPICESaJAMS *CHOCOLATE'OILS.COOKBOOKS.PASTA.SUGAR.CAN DY SPECIAL: NATURAL BRAN N 1.5Ibs- .O~CASSas RD. FE 23 CASSELS RD. E. B BROOKLIN Ha.meS.tite 7TV.- 774. ies«t Show on Earth A eton-pckedmovies are just the beginning of the A oramming now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: g *More movie, sports, news, educational, religious. and children's programming than 's available. frcrnt any oci-er source. *l0t)-plus channels ta choose frkm, for about the same moahly paynents as cable TV. *Free and legal reception. To flad out more about how home satellite televi- stan worlis, ask us for a FREE copy of Tuning la HlomeSatellte TV. But durry--supplies are limitej. sg #0-pr (~ TYPESETTING ON LOCATION I~!a~ j - 4a " DESKS o TABLES " FILING CABINETS " ADDING MACHINES " TYPMWITERS " CHAIRS " SAFES * KARDEX " CASH REGISTERS " ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS " STEEL. LOCKERS a FANS " SHELVING * TIME EECOIOER.S " TRANSFER CASES ETC. " DUPLICATING êIACRTES OFFICE p NAR cl"S DESGN COMPLEUE PR INTUNG SERVI, 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 PLANT AUCTION Calling all Gardeners!1 Brooklin Horticultural Society is holding its annual Plant Auction just in time to get you off to a good start on this year's growing season., There will be a full array of an- nuals, bedding plants, perennials, shrubs and vegetables offered for sale by the cultivated and genial auctioneer, Ken Brown. It will take place in Grass Park on Highways 7, and 12 in the centre of beautiful downtown Broolin on Saturday, May 10 beginning at 10 a.m. This is a major fund raising event for the society so be sure to get out and support this organization that does such fine work in beautifying oui' village. MONTE CARLO NIGHT Brooklin and District Kinsmen are holding their annual Monte Carlo Night and Elimination Draw on Saturday, April 26inBrooklin Community Centre., The games of chance wil begin at 1 p.m. and con- tinue through until 1 a.m. giving everyone plenty of chance ta lose lots of money which will ho used to help Cystic Fibrosis. The Elimination draw will star( around 4 o'clock and continue until someone wins the grand prize of $500. Ia addition, every tenth ticket drawn will win a lesser prize, every 2th ticket wins $10. In the evenng, a live band will play for dancing. The tickets are just $5 and can ho pickedý up at Brooklin Esso or by calling Sully Vipond at 655-4953. Advance tickets will allow the purchaser a chance at the draw prizes as well as admission to the games and dance. Tickets will also be available at the door. ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOKS« The Women's Division of Brooklin Spring Fair are compiling a Commemorative Cookbook ta celebrate the fair's 75th birthday. Ail former contestants are invited to submnit the recipes they have used In coni- petition through the years. For information on how to go about thîs, caîl Linda at 655-4168 or Anne at 723- 5230. FIDDLE AND STEP DANCE In keeping with this year's fair themne "Memories", an oldtimne Fiddle and Step Dance competition will take place in Luther Vipond Memorial Arena to wind-up the festivities. This will be on Sunday, June 8starting at 6:30 p.m. Competition rules and entry forms are.available by calling Walter Smith 728-3154 or Allan Downey at 576-3655. Note: the deadline for entries is June 1. 12 1WNITBY 655«4851 (Z O ROOKLIN ILECTRONICS 4105 Baldwin St., Brooklin \~')(1/4 mile N of Famlly Kartways) 655-4069 1 . p #ýy 4 -i-