WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23,1i98b, PAGE 13 Optimists press on with Bike Back campaign The Whitby Optimist Club is pressing ahead ln its efforts to register ail the bicycles in the area and close to 8,000 registration forms and Instruction sheets have been distributed to ail schoois in Brookiin and Whltby. According to bike registration chairman ,Max Ridi, the Bike Back program is designed to reduce the increasing number of children's bikes lost to joy ridlng The following 26 cails were responded to by the Whitby FIre Depar- >tment for the seven day period fromn 8 a.m. Monday, April 14 until 8 a.m. Monday, April 21. APRIL 14 9:38 a.m. - Woolco Mail - Super X Drug Store. Assistance to ambulance. 1:54 p.m. - 1121 Dun- das St. E. Medical aid. 4:08 p.m. - 54 Garrard Rd..N. Check cali. 6:08 p.m. - Garden St., Whitby Senior Public Schooi. Garbage bin fire. 7: 11 p.m. .- 4 Harper Crt. Medicai aid. 7:16 p.m. - 206 Kent St. Hydro wires down. APRIL 15 3:50 a.m. - 300 Hopkins St. Alarms ringing. 7:22 a.m. . Ritson Rd. N., South of the 9th Conc. Bulling cali. 11:33 a.m. - Thickson Rd. south of Wentworth east side 7th house. Assistance toambulan- ce. 5:17 p.m. c-i28 Muir ARPIL 16 9:44 a.m - 700 Garden St. Check cali. APRIL 17 <6:14 p.m. - Regency Place - 15 Regency Ores. Building eaul. 9:30 p.m. - 602 Palace St. Building cail. APRILI18 10: 14 a.m. 108 Dunlop St. W. Gas washdown. 11:24 a.m. - Garden St. and Manning Rd. Vehicie accident. 12:20 p.m. - 200 Gar- den St. Truck fire. 5:23 pni. - 15 Regency Cres. Building cali. 7:14 p.m. - 3625 Brock St. N. Cars on fire. APRIL 19 8:17 a.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Assistance to ambulance. 12:52 p.m. - 116 Hilcrest Dr. Assistance to ambulance. 8:44 p.m. - Hwy. 12 south of Myrtle. Motor vehicle accident. APRIL 20 11:23 a.m. - 1801 Dan- das St. E. Check caii. 12:50 p.m. - Anderson St. south of Rossiand.. Vehicle accident. 1: 14 p.m. - 415 Rosedale res. Assistance to police. 2:05 p.m. - 3775 Broék St. N. Assistance to am- bulance. 8:41 p.m. - Whitby Psych. Hospital, building 25. Assistance to ambulance. APRIL 21 youths who of ten wiil take another chld's bike for a spin before dumping it off at another location. Mr. Ridi said a recent study done by the Durham Regional Police indicated that the force had recovered close to $200,000 worth of lost or stolen bicycles which were neyer returned to their owners because the police had no wà y of identifying No cails reported before 8 a.m. 37h ere's a major change Ataking place i the auto- motive fuel in4ustry. And it bas everything to do with money. Rlight across Ontario, the switch is on to Natural Gas auto fuel. Private cars, taxis, delivery services and fleets are Srapidiyconverting to Natural Gas- because of the V Natural Gas auto fuel is cheaper than gasoine, diesel or propane. Natural Gas auto fuel is the same Natural Gas that heats your home and powers Canada's industries. Now, Consumers' Gas has made it a safe, economical way to get around town. Switch to Natural Gas auto fuel today. Do it because of them. Bikes registered with the Optimists' Bike Back program will have a sticker wlth a special serial number which, upon recovery, police wil check- against a master list identifying the owners and the bîke will be promptly retur- xied. "The program was started in Oshawa and they've had quite a bit of success. A lot of the bikes that go missing have just been taken on a joy ride and dumped and if the sticker is on the bike the police just go tbrough a computer print-ou t and phone the owner right away. "lIt's a good programn. It doesn't cost anything to register and maybe we'l be able to get al the bikes in the area registered," said Mr. Ridi. The Optimists first kick ed off the program last October and sent out flyers to ail the schools notifying students of the registration date. Un. fortunately, when the registration day arrived it was raining and Mr. Ridi said they didn't get the turn-out they were hoping for. This time around, with the registration forms being distributed directly to the students in the schoois, Mr. Ridi said they hope to have con- siderably more success. Aiready close to 1,5W0 bikes in Whitby have been registered and are bearing stickers. In Oshawa, 7,000 bicycles have been registered and Optimist clubs eisewhere in the region are also registering bikes. The registration for- ms are distributed to students in the classroom and the youngsters are instruc- Delivery services, fleets, taxis and private cars rapidly converting to Natural Gas-because of the savings. CONVERSION 15 AFFORDABLE. Convert your vehicle now and Consumers' Cas, the Federal Covernment andthi' Ontario Government will huip pick up the tab. 1' Consumers' Cas will do c/cn more for you. Not only do wu ,give you $500 toward con- version, but we also let you finance the balance on our monthlv gas bill with two years to pay. VEHICLE CONVERSION COSTS Eu Iel Ni.wIy Puitctsed i )it fIýtII il iii > D1.0> (000) Netcost SI,200- 1.800 S200800 i - \,-\i 11111iî Il i .1 11-*tIii i ilî l u WILL YOUR VEHICLE ST]IL1ÃWN ON GASOLINE? YLes. With the Ilick of a switch on youi- dashboard, you cani go from 'ýatural Cas to ,gas<lin-and back-even while the vehicie is movi.An because Natural Ga s is an add- on system your dffi'ing range is extended by 100- 200km. ted to take them home and fi them out accor- ding to the directions contained i the instruc- tion sheet. The registration forms require the owner's name, address and phone number as weii as a description of the bike and its serial number. Parents are advlsed to assist their children fMing out the form to in- sure that it is done ac- curately and correctiy. Once the registration forms have been coilec- ted by the teachers they should be put in an en- velope with the teacher's name and schooi clearly marked on the outside and returned to the principal who will turn themn over to the Optimnists. They will then be entered into a computer by the Op- timists, a print-out will be sent to the police and the individual stickers wiil beilssued. The police print-out will be updated by the Optimists every two months. Back stickers are also available at Peacock Famnily Sports, Whitby Canadian Tire, K-mart, Woolco, Toys 'R' Us and the Durham Regional Police Station on Rossland Rd. HOWDOES THE NATURAL GAS FUEL SYSTEM WORX? Natural Cas in pressurized tanks is connected to a regulator installed in the engine compartment. ,The regulator reduces the pressure of the Natural Gas. Prom the regulator, the gas is fed into the carburetor where it is mixed with air. It then enters the engine through the intake manifold where ignition takes place. NATURAL GAS SAVES MOST. OUR GUARANtEE. If, during the twelve month period following the con- version of your vehicle, you have flot saved on fuel costs by using Natural Gas, the Consumers' Gas Company Ltd., will remove the natural gas systemn and refund double your net conversion cost. M EENMMWS AfALt«C,5 This offer is valid until December 31, 1986. Consumet'Gaffllfgiveryui toward your coetof convem~on CALINOW _51Lt L (JP/À ATUAL 5 ConsurmersUgas (416)>668-9341 Fire Department SWRrC oNATMGMAAUTFUâE IT'S A [Jr TCHEPERTHANJGASOUE.E Thbis is jast the beghiing. Watch for the opening of new natural gas filhing stations in yoar area.