PAGE .4, WEDNESDAY, APRIL j (>, 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS mai PubIislied every Wcdnesday whitby BLLbCUA Tf 4 z luip dN-l lVALERIE COWEN Michel an BJrgSS, bii .11(1 >hftflgaj)Iy BlslnManager ILIul r" ~ ~ ~ ~IIJ "lite F'ree IPress Iiuildiiig, AdrtsnMage Voice of the County Edtr i rock Street North,. econd lass Mail V leoth onyTown MiheI> ugss uise angn dtr1.0. Box 206, Witby. On. Registialion No. 5351 The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residemits for Whiithy residents. Decom:e. A question of publiceinterest Next week the Environmentai Assessment Board hearlng into the Decom proposai resumes and based on the evidence gleaned from this hearing the province's Director 0f Environmental Approvais will sooner or later- hand down a decision on whether to allow Decom to bulit Its transfer station ln Whitby. What exactiy It is that the director wil11 be looking for when he sits down to make hie decision we have no way of knowing but we wouid hope he pays close attention to the questions raised during the hearing regard lng the *many giaring omnissions In Decom's application. Certainly one of the most articulate spokesmen *to, make an appearance during the hearing thus far was former WhItby Mayor Des Newman and the questions he raises - both at the hearing and ln the story whIch appears on page i1lin this week's *free Press - are worth more than moment's thought. At the heart of Mr. Newman's reservations regarding the Decom proposai is the fact that the company has ieft 80 many critical questions unanswered. Having picked over Decom's proposai with a fine tooth comb prior to- the hearIng, Mr. Newman was concerned and decIded to att -end the hearing In the hopes that Decom's representatives wouid be able to fMI1ln at ieast somne*0f the gaps. After the f irst three days of the hearing, the buik of Mr. Newman's questions remain unanswered and his original concern has escalated Into some serlous fears about the proposa's sensitIvity to environmental Issues. During an interview iast week Mr. Newman highlighted some of his concerns and they com- prise an appreciabieIlist. To reitterate only a few of Mr. Newman's concerns: there is the question of what exactly Decom empioyees wiil receive In the way of training and the extent of the training proceedures and programs pianned; there is the question of the kinds of provisions Decom has made for identifying the waste materials it will be handling and whether or not abberrantiy hazar- dous materiais wIil be handied any differently from the "run of the miii".pathologIcal wastes; there Is the questiôn about the fact that Decom has oniy submItted a conceptual drawing of the station and has provided a full accounting of the facility's design features; and there Is the question, given ail the above questions, of whether Decom is compitant to operate such a facIlIty safely. In view of these and other questions that have yet to be answered, the question that remains is: 18 a proposai such as this reaiiy ln the best ln- terests of the people that must Ilve with the Decom proposalIif It is approved. Unless there isa radical shift ln the thrust of Decom's presentation when the hearIng resumes Monday, we would have to conclude that the Decom proposai Is most certainiy not In the best interests of the pé opie 0f Whitby planet. or any other popuiated area on this Letters to the editor: To The Editor: 'm a littie disappoin- ted in Mike Knell, but tliat should corne as no surprise, because I'm a fundamentalist. None- the-less, I have been impressed wlth some of what he has said in the past, such as is column on the shuttie disaster. But last week was a waste of time. Ris first two words, "Ho Hum," were prophetic. of his colwnn, together with the next three, "I don't know," present them- selves as the only five words that held any significance or truth. * Under the subtitle, "The Power of Prayer, " he suggests that anyone who prays (having a one way or two way conver- sation with God) is wasting their time, unless of course this in- dividual should be reciting the Our Father (claiming it's the only one he's heard that' makes sense - his ignorance is shining through in those famiiar words, "I don't know." Is Mike limited to hearing prayers? Does he not say them? Participant or spec- tator?) He also insinuates that anyone, who bas anytbing legitimate to request of God, is self- centered and neurotic. While tbere are tbose who may fali into this category, there are many wbo are Christ- centered, self- sacrificing and bealtby minded individuals. Self denial is not a sign of a snivelling, spoiled cbild." He dlaims be thinks (whicb is highly ironic) it Is pretty conceited that a buman being tbinks be can sway tbe opinion of God. Ob- viously Mike has not read is bible lately, other tban maybe Mat- tbew 6:9-13. Mattbew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, Timotby, James and a long list of otbers, including Jesus Himself <who gave us tbe Our Father), repeatedly *urged us ta pray. I bave to admit, tbat in tbe Eigbty's, tbere is a spiritual credit card mentality going around in some groups, but this is no reason ta under- mine an bonest and sin- cere conversation witb God. Mike has taken jabs at fundamentalists in tbe past by suggesting tbat be is criticized because be does not think tbe way a fundamentalist does, as if be is expected ta live according ta tbeir understanding. This also, may be true, but Mike's column has done the sarne. He bas judged, labelled and criticized tbose wbo do not live witbin the limits of is understanding, wbicb is apparently limited. Arn I turning the tables? Is Mike tbe bypocrite tbat be daims we are? Perbaps be is a littie neurotic, self- centered and conceited? Mike rnigbt be wise ta take is own advice and stuff a cork or some other large abject in bis proverbial 'moutb' tbe next time be offers ad- vice or sticks his quill into somnetbing tbat's not bis business. Brian Ciasson, Osbawa. Hleartfelt thanks To The ditor: Every day of the year tbousands of pbysically disabled children in On- tario are figbting ta live life ta its fullest. And each day of the year tbe Easter Seal Society is there ta help tbem win tbeir figbt. More than 6,800 children across the province count on Easter Seal support ta belp tbemn overcome wbat can be incredible odds, and rnove dloser ta realizing their ultimate level of ability. Whetber support takes tbe form of provision or a wbeelcbair, artificial limb, transportation ta treatment centres, a memorable camping boliday, the benefits of extensive research programs, or a home visit by an Easter Seal Nurse, the Society remains dedicated ta belping special cbildren in need - a privilege we bave enjoyed since aur inception in 1922. The wide scope of Easter Seal services would not be possible if flot for the generosity of individuals and businesses wha care about tbe quality of life available ta Easter Seal children. This would also be impossible if not for tbe tremendous valunteer commitment of aur 235 affiliated Easter Seal Service Clubs who spearbead local fund raising ac- tivities, and administer Easter Seal funds on behaîf of children in their communities. The Rotary Club of Whitby bas been an ac- tive partner in this im- portant work since 1956. Tbraugbout this time many past and present members bave sacrificed hours of determined effort ta help physically disabled children. We know this exceptional record is one whicb ail of the members take pride in sbaring. On bebaîf of the Easter Seal Saciety, aur heartfelt thanks ta tbe entire community of Witby for backing thousands of young fighters served by Easter Seals. Your gifts ta the 1986 Easter Seal Campaign will go a long way helping disabled cbildren go a long way. Sincerely yours, F. Howard Keast President Tbe Easter Seal Society. Decoîn To Tbe Editor: Recently the Globe and Mail carried an ar- ticle beaded "Whitby opposes plan for waste transfer station". The article deait with Decom Medical Waste Transportation Systems Inc., application for a licence ta transport biomedical waste from Toronto area laboratories and bospitals ta Whitby, as well as the "Corridor Area Ratepayers Association" petition opposing te transfer station. It is a fact of 2tb cen- tury life that biomedical SEE PG. 6