WHITBY FREE PRIESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16.,1986, PAGE 3 Bus route problems again? .1 Dupont expands Wbltby Mayor Bob Attersley and General Manager for Packaging, John Camneron, turned sod at the Du Pont building on south Blair St. last Thursday to officially mark the start of construction on a $1.4 million ex- pansion of the plant. The new expansion wll house offices and laboratories for the design, development and testing of products for Du Pont Canada's packaging customners. Free Press Staff Photo F ROM PG, 2 Local companies at risk 4e said, adding that this other countries,". he with a rally at Queen'. type of competition wll said. Park on April 26 at E have a. profound effect The OFL is currently noon. on jobs in Canada. travelling to 20 com- if Free Trade ii ,,Me also sald that munities across the negotiated, tarrifs comRanies which bave province, holding public could be eliminated bj an adviantage because forums to explain exac- 1987 leaving Canada a' of the, low Canadlan tly what Free Trade will the mercy of the U.S dollar, ýwlll lose their mean to Canadian asserted Mr. Pilkey. advantage because the workers, and feit that "We would bx Amzerican and Canadian their message was hostages in our owr dollar wll be equal. beginning to be heard. home," he concluded. The OFL is not op- When the OFL started posed to trade, said Mr. it's cross province trek Plkey, but he suggested in St. Catherines on Feb, that multi-lateral trade 18, gallop polis sho)wed E Rennies t'ould be a good alter- Canadians were 78 per- Foers & ifS native to a bi-lateral cent in favour of free m r it trade system. trade - that figure is now _. More thenae elves in with the US. The cross province 655.8 3 .et's also negotiate forums will culminate 6533 trade agreements with s' 12 s )y at )e ?n By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff The Whltby Transit system is once. again creating problems for town councillors. Two weeks ago, coun- cil approved construc- tion of a turning circle at the north end of Good- fellow St. to remove the bus from Renfield Cres. after residents on the street threatened to put up roadblocks upon discoverinà that their street was to be used as a turning point for the route 'A' bus. The turning circle, which is completed, now has Goodfellow St. residents angry. "We already ex- perience high volumes of traffic on our street," spokesman- for the group, Joseph Czulinski told members of the operations committee last week. "And now these buses will only add to the problem."1 He saîd the street, which connects the Ot- ter Creek area with Rossland Rd., is a vir- tuaI highway for heavy trucks involved in con. struction on Rossland Rd. A questionnaire, delivered to the 25 houses on the street showed 23 opposed the turning point. He also told commit- tee members that there are 31 children under the age of seven living on the street. "Our concerna are no different than those ex- pressed by Renfield residents - the safety of our children, " said Mr.Czulinski. Mr. Czulinski also sald residents were unhappy that they were not notified of the tur- ning point until two days after construction had begun. When he suggested that Goodfellow 'residents did not attend a public meeting with Renfield residents because they would have been outnum- bered, chairman of the operations committee, Marcel Brunelle, told Mr. Czulinski that "council does not count heads." Suggestions were then made hy Mr. Czulinski to alleviate the problem. White he said that a permanent solution was the best alternative, he suggested that Good- fellow coutld be made in- to a dead-end street or a movable barrier could be constructed; speed bumps could be built or a turnung point could be built at the top of McQuay Blvd. A turning point cannot be built on McQuay because the land in that area is privately owned and the owner does not wish to seil, councillor Brunelle po.inted out. Further, a removable barrier could not be built because emergen- cy vehicles would have to stop and remove the barrier, he added. Council has referred a public works recom- mendation to the a - -- -M operations committee to erect stop sîgns at: Rossland Rd. and Good- fellow for eastbound traffie, Goodfellow and Rossland Rd. for north- bound traffie, Good- fellow and McQuay Blvd. for southbound traffice and a stop sign on McQuay Blvd. and Goodfellow. Councillor Joe Bugelli has also asked the operations committee té look. into the possibility of reducing the speed limit on Goodfellow to 40 kph, a sign restricting heavy- vehicles, and any other ways of restricting speeding vehicles. Plates stolen Seven cars in the midnlght last Wed- Michael Blvd. and Bell nesday. Dr. area of West Lynde had their back licence Police are in- plates stolen around vestigating the thefts. Sponnored by OSHAWA CAMPEAU CENTRE CORPORATION i ARBOR THEATRE PRESENTS 2 SHOW SERIES ONLY 10& 17 SAT., APRIL 26th 1:00 & 3:30 p.m. ERIC NAGC-LER Known and loned from ...me Elephant Show" SAT., MAY 24th 1:00 & 3:30 p.m. Ken) & Chris Whitely Chldren'a recording aristle Eastdaie Colleglate Auditorium (Oshawa) Tickets avaleble in Oshawa centre et CoIe's, Sam The Record Men & Klddle Kobbler or Sayweî's on Slmcoe St. & Zan'e HeIr Salon on King St. For Information Cali 433-2561 - NERITAGE FLOOR FASHIONS RETURUS WITH THE ORIGINAL 3I5NYLON 31Sq. Ff. LIVING ROOM- DUNINO ROOM AND HALL OR STAIRS.Adii.nai requirmenia '1.11 aq . LA igo yooea 0rdo SHOP ATCoronot, Commercial Divsion 86-7226- HOP ATVIC SEE SAMPLES HOME SRVICEIN VOUR HOME INTEREST FOR 12 MOS. OR OFFICE L T ~ TO QUALIFIED BUVERS THIS OFFER LIMITED TO INSTALATIO____ SHOP AT HOME BUVERSI LIFETIMEGUARANTEE SATISFACTION ________AM/FM PORTABLE RADIO GUARANTEED OR .-WITH EVERV PURCHASE MONET REFUNDED ""HERITAGE" A TRUSTED NAME UN CARPET Imm, O IFIRST QUALITY NEW SPRINGMINIPRINTS* 1$4m95 GTYNE$995 BUVONEi A DOUBLE.ROLL FREE A DOUBLE BOLT FREE