WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1986. PAGE 19 IPROM PO. il Decom hearing resumes April 21 dance with recommen- dations laid down by Tran- ysport Canada's Transpor- ~tation of Dangerous Goods branch. Ail vehicles will display a placard bearing the biohazard symbol and a minimum of four signs in- structing anyone in the event of an emergency to telephone colleet, day or night, a phone number displayed on the sign. The drivers will also be ,trained to keep, ail bystan- ders away, according to the written proposal, and will be carrying a list of hospital locations and telephone numbers along their route. The proposaI further assures the reader that a continuing review of X emergency proceedures and contingency plans will be maintained. Crime Stoppers: With regard to safety training, the proposal states that ail employees -wilI be fully trained in accordance with the recommendations of the Occupational Health Branch of the Ministry of Labour. The proceedures and protocols will also be posted in the vehicles and the transfer station and they will be subject to periodlic review. Ail accidents or incidents out of the ordinary are to be documnented for in- vestigation with a view to preventing 'a recurrence and to allow the assessment of the employees ' unde r- standing and compliance with work proceedures. The Decom site would also be fenced in to prevent the entry of any unauthorized personnel and there will be staff on. the property at ail times when there is waste that has yet to be hauled off the site. If the application is ap- Proved, the proceedures, protocol and design features laid out in the present Decom proposai* may be subject to change based on recommendations arising from the Environ- mental Assessment Hearing. The hearing is scheduled to resume April 21 in the Council Chambers of the Whitby Municipal Building. Firsi prize. Kara-Leigh Harness and Dana Sievin, students of Whitby's Studio of Dance and Performing Arts, placed first with their duet, Ease on Down the Road, in a major competition in Buffalo, New York recently. The girls will strut their award winning steps at the Pickering Town Centre April 23-26. Snow Machine thefts investigated The Durham Regional Crime Stoppers prograni is asking for the assistance of the public in aolving the theft of a number of snow machines over the winter months. This year there are stiil 26 machines outstandlng with a total value of ap- proximately $30,000. Although these snow machines were stolen from across the Reglon of Durham, there ap- peared te be a larger number stolen in the Norh nd f urRegion, particularly the Beaver- >ton. and Lake Slmcoe area. As a matter ofilnterest >York Reglon have a sinilar amount eut- standing wlth a similar dollar value. Crime Stoppera is of- fering an award for in- formation leadlng te the arrest of the person or persona responsible for these offences. in ad- dition an award of up te $1,000 is being offered f.or Information leading te an arreat in any aerious crime. As a caller you will neyer have te identify yourself or testify in court. If you have any Information regarding these offences or any in- formation regarding any crime cail the Crime Stoppera number, at 1-800-387-8477 (TIPS tol free or 22-8477 Break and enter Damage te a front door la estimated at $100 after someone broke in- te Nicol Motora on 401 Dundaa St. E. sometime last Wednesday night. A package cf cigaret- tes and a blank chequebook were also atolen. Police are in- vestigating the incident but there are ne sus- pects. t (TEPS). Each week a crime or crimes will be profiled and published - by 'the local media withln the Region of Durham. Every third week a major crime will be re- enacted and shown on CITY-TV, CHEX TV in Peterborough along .with local Cable TV stations and CKO Riadio in Toronto. Sergeant Sandy Ryrie of the Durham Regional Police Force writes thia article to help combat crime. A citizens board administera the prograni one of more than 600 Crime Stoppera programa in North Ainerica. The award money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent to - The Toronto and Regional Crime Stop- pera, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ont. W1H7K8. CLEAR SWEET WATERI ATl LAST ... New Technology te Canada eliminates rusty - smelly - bad tasting water - bacteria, staining,.. chemnical contamination and more. .S.A. ap- proved. Proven in over 12,000 installations. Monthly Payment Plan. See the results with our FREE 6 -MONTH TRIAL OFFER. Bad water can be yaur profils worst enhmny. Your property and lite is much more valuable when your water supply is good. CLEAR SWEET WATER IT'S YOUR RIGHTI CALL 1-800-268-2656 or 1-416-624-4344 AZTEC «FIRKST IN w ATER PURIFICATION» COMEONE COME-ALI'l TO THE WH ITBY JAYCEES 2ND ANNUAL SPRING CARNIVAL The Whitby Jaycees wouid like ta Thank First-City Developments and ail the members of the A & P Whitby Plaza for thoir participation ln this years Spring Carnîval. We'd also like ta, Thank the ownor of the following mldway rides: eHuricane *Plane Ride eScrambler eBoat Ride *Round Up *Merry go round *TiltaWhirl oKoncord Kastie *Car ride *Lot of games APRIL 19-27/86 AT THE A&P WHITBY PLAZA COME OUT AND BE PART OF THE FUN 0 YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID WHITBY jýé, là 114 q %'V fý0%Yýiýj P. lit f. Ji C lý, k-e.ý i' t,