PAGE 22 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ PAINTING à DECORATINO professlonal bonded worflman. ehlp, reeldentlal and commercial, free esllmates. Oeil 8394277 or 66&-9712. MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours &shades that corn- plment your skin tons & enhance your bet features. OnIy $30 prOConsultation 666.2770 Homes, apart monts, *Offces hals. ReSýberates. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES CandlewickIng, Count- ted ross-stitch, Em- broldery and Crewel. We even do Needepolnt and Trapunto too. Join ln the fun. Have a Croatlve Crcle Class n your home. Teaching you to stit- Ch 18 easy. Book now and recelve a Free IGlît. Cail: Nadine, eveninge at 86861490 1GRAMMER for people who fite grammer' lale eideal pochai reference booki for business people. $3.95 per copy and evel fable et Dîckson Printing & Office Supplies la the Ajax Plaza. Dealer Inquirles lnvled 683-1968. ONE ROW, 3 poîn hlilcir, vegelabi e transplater, clfi caler tank. Phone 723-439, LUMMER for sale, Cedar, Pins, Heaffloofi, I and 2 Inch Mrerl. 655-4200. VISIT our used fumlure warehouse by appolalmenl. Big eavInga on deaN., chaire, fi ng cabines, etc. Oeil Dikkhna Prin. f Ing & Office Supplies Io arrange an appoinîmeaf 10 vlew. 683- 1988. MATTRESSES and box apriags ai haif prlce. McKeen Furaifure, 524 Slmcoe Street Southr, Oshrawa. 725-1a1. GEOTYPE prea-on iefferlng aow n stock aI Ockson Prlnflag & Of- fice Supplies la the Aax Sirop. ping Plana. Large seleclIon of styes and sizea. Why pay more for a amailer aheel 0f fellering? 83-968. CHESTERFIELD suifes, loveseaf a, seclIonala, lesf haa t½ price. Large selec Iona. McKaen FurIlure, 524 Simcoe Sf. S., Oahawa. 725-5181. "HEROES of lire Bible" colourIag booki availaflie ai Dicksoa Pria. f lng & Office Supplies, Ajax Plaza, 683-19M8 Dealer InquIries IavIfed. SPECIAL Toroato prIces, 20" colour T.V. la boxes, $449, 3 pear full carranfy, Falcon TV., 100 Lxpin Dr., Blair Park Plana, 668- 606, 723-0011. SPECIAL 26 colour console flevision, $599, 3 year fll warraf y, Falcon TV., 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 8684060, 7230011. SEFORE YOU BUY a Zeaif h colaur TV. f rom any airer dealer comeanad ses Falcon TV. for bot prces, 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plana, 66.8M66,723-0011. SPECIALI $1250 Service cells an aay meke oI clour TV., Falcon Plana.668.6060723-0011. Wilh E~~WANTDI firsad. HEAVY DUTY traiter, double mie, M T R C ES for landscaplng use, haul up la one ton. 649-3183. __________________ 1078 HONDA 400 Twin cil h Cafe- ~ r n ] X taiing, $80. Pickering, 631- 3075. OLD BRICK FARM HOU5ES can- lad for cracklagisaivaga. Rx3ss W RAIE L Lumlay. Bnndad endl fasured, cilir refereacea, aca 1969. Fanm 1985 PONTIAC Acadien, oniy bluildings an comploe faciorlea. 12,000 km., mnafly iigircay 1800-26&-7545, ceekdays. mlsaga, $8.900. CeIl aller 6 p.M. __________________ 7235M3. FREE. Drap lalo the Dcsoa Priniing andl Office Sapply store an lire Aan Plaza and pick up a. f ree capy nIflire1986 Maire Caiendar. PrInlad la lwo, clours. If mnafas for hardy refarance. 683-1968 TYPEWRITER reniai, many mafias andl modeis, by lira caekand, week ar monlir. DIscounis availabla. Dicirana Priniig & Office Supplies lnlire Ajan Plaza. Cali us for business machine repaire. 683.968. 1980 PLYMOUTH Volae, 4 door, 6 cpi, PS., p.b., nec braies,,ex- cellent conditiona, 1w mleaga, raducmd 10 $1.7W0. Phone 433- eau0alter5 p.m. 1978 DODGE irall ion cil h cam- per, good condlitinn, $3.500 firra. Pickering, 831-3075. 1977 CHEV IMPALA, PS..,p., wmii maIntlneul, $1,500 certIi ld. Cati 4272170 (ranwoodi), Ifn anacer pses leana message. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CAL L 6686111 ELDRIDGE, John William bora Jane 4, 1928, Brooklln, Onterio, seerchlag for lformelion ebout parents. Please wrile John Tuil y, Apt. 1706, 10045 117 Street, Ed- monton, Alberta. T6i( 1W8. TO WI4OM IT MAY CONCERN, we are lrying 10 raitrace Our femliy iree. Ail Information woufd be greafiy appreclaled. Thrr are il Colline femllye In Sa, end 8.C. frOm Our greel greel gradperen- la the Callase endlMadlI famifles. John and Mary Calls.- residen. ce Pickerng erea. Ofhidren: Mer. lTr6 SPRINOI For pour tan- dscaping end mainenance *ILODEAU, DENIS ai lira Osiraca needs cali"Dtcircay Lan- Generai Hospital on Salarday, dscaplng and Maintenance' 649- March 29, 196. Denis Biiodemu 3183. beloveul aon oI Rosalra and Alixa IMISTER TRIMI *LAWN & GARDEN * SERVICE 753300 Maurina and Lisebolf i aIhome, dear broîhar 0f Roland ad Mms. rafe Stevena bolh 0f 8.C., Rameo of St. Thoma, Ronald of Cochrane, Robert of Timmins, Jeokie (Mms. Oerad SauvaIs> 0f Hamilton, Thorm@@ <Mm. Norbert Quevîlion> of Iroquole Faflle, Michael of Bradford, and Gaton 0f Whiiby. Predeceaaed by oaa ...MaiieuLanam miy ier Rlruiv r. um.I, married Wiiisoa. CirristinlasFanerai services cars irmid ai married H.J. Pefers Dec. 25, 1&98. M DUSLAWN U Mclntosh-Anderaon Fanerai George married Rcheat MadIII MAINTENANCE Home, 152 King Street East, (ygatgrandparanls), Josphus Gvrmn Oshawa on Tueaday, April 1 at Married Hodsa. (minister>, Saraira I11:0eZ I 0&.ha, Heaan.DSroatFoans married -Clark, Joha l?. William iesd ed tthHnitadSrkFo. and Mary Maulili - Chidrea: Control, Fertliizing, dat ion would fie appraciafed by Elizabethfi....?acheai married Miso Landscaping the famiiy. George Colline, Mary ?. Fracis ?. 03 Ynurs lruly, Jules and Helen 6603 Sureau, 10040 Bamberfon- Dr. Richmond 8.C., V7PA 1K3. HII.IFW NE OJ 5CHILD CARE FUN FASTBALL PLAYERS aeeded for l W SERVICES LOST female Doberma, reul or a compelIlIve fan lague la broca la coixur, floppy aura, 4 Oshnawa, ntravelinig, 2 gamma years nid, very frieadip, anacers par waek. plîchera alaonaemded. EXPERIENCED GRANOMA f0 Tara, losi Safurday, Marcir 29 Piease cafl 28-9U43or 72-1891. wiiiiag 10 do bobysiiling ln my ai Tficisoa Raad Animai Shelfer. ______________ home, 5 minules froro G.M. 683-0471 or 649-2530. anal h. fenced yard. 433-1519. _____________ FULL.TIME cashiar andl baklag assistent caafed for Bans ___________________HELP Masler la WhIfby. Phone 666& ~AN 0I N~S ~ IIA Ai4EDTE 1) 117 afterl1p.m. daiiy. CONGRATULATIONS an pourPA T UP ER N forlhcxmlng marriage. Pieuse ATED PAPR-TIM lec Our sampias of engraved ATDPATTM cedlng Invitatn s ai pour To assiet with preparation f local weekiy leisure lanaor Ajax Plana sore. newspapr. Ad assembiy, headiiner, and camera icsoa rilin &OffceSu experience an asset. Appiy In person <o: * 10 Mobile Homes Clearwaier - Tfree bedroaro mobile homes. Healad pools, tniclose fa beaches and mjrattractonsa, cldren~ Lecome. lisea Ian motel roonil 683-5503 WHITDY OFFICE SPACE for rani on profassioal- floar. Wouid be suliabie for iawyer, accounait, etc. Rantinlcludas ail aililles andl la negofiaflie for un appropriaisa tenant. For furifler Information cail 6U8-6372 beiceen 9:30 ar. and 5 pm. Moaday la Friday. WHITBY COMMERCIAL SPACE aoaliabla July 1sf, 1986, ap. proximafaiy 2,300 square feaf, fias been used for about the tast 10 yeaam as a dance studio.Calii Mr. Burgess ai 688-72. ARE YOU LOOIIINO for a lob or a lob corifi workiag for? Doaft fIghiri iiLearam oix use lire compuier and fie a slep akead lnl thle jobi markai. We aller lobi pacement and financiai assistance for ukse uaempiayed or foc Income. 427-3010. BA13YSITTER NEEDEO lul.iime, In my home for a 15 manlir aid cflld, raquired tfa coiN shlifs, West Lyxule ares. Cali 6M.538 ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran. sport drivers needaul. Nac 1lalire lime fa frein for pour Case A license. For pre-screening Inier- vlaw and lob pacement Infor- maition, coatact Merv Orrs Tran. sport Driver Trainiag, Brampton 1-800-285-1260. MATURE RELIABLE babysiliar required, xar irome, iwo cihidran, 1 ½ý and 4 years, 0f far Creek orea. Ocn iransportaf ion. Monday f0 Friday, 6:30 e.m. 10 5:20 p.m., $100 waekly. 725-0842. i -MOTORCYCÈ - * AUCTION * Speclal sale for dealers and public. *SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1986.12 NOON Buy or ssii your newlused bikes. Excellent oppor. Itunlty for dealers to liquidate excessa1 'nvsntory.I *Bikes wiii be soid as Is, as vieil as certified. This advertlsement sa belng circulated ln twelve Inewspapers, and we are sxpecting over 100 bikes. IFor those wishlng to conslgn bikes, please haveI t hem here by April 9,1986 for catalogue purposes. Inventory may be inspected prior to sale on April *10 &11, 1986. I For terms of sale cali 1*753427 I~ D& MSALESI *LINDSAY,ONTARIO * W.R. BUD McKEE, AUCTIONEER * * Located 1 mi le west of Lndsay on Littie Britain Road.I I PLEASE CUT OUT THIS AD I ICalus about ourGUN AUCTION* * APRIL 18, 1986, same. location. - ----- -- -- - - - CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., APRIL 4 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles wsst of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. The property of the lats TOM HERRON, of Peter- borough plus others. Pins chest of drawers, washstands, pariour tables, Kenmore 24" green eiectric stove (nsw>, Inglis dishwasher <used 2 weeks), Kenmore microwavs oven, Sears VCR, modern dressers and chest 0f drawers, odd pressback chairs, air conditioners, 18 K white goid diamond wsdding set, 14 K yeilow goid diamond ring, 7 h.p. gas generator, 225 Lincoln electric weidsr, 3 h.p. upright air compressor, 10 ftL x 5 ftL Tandum trailer, 9 ft. x 5 fIL singie axis traiier, qljantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-21 83 It suitad Chûlie to tae off for Dickson Printing & Office Supplie, et this particular point in time, somefhing ha 111l caver regret! CALU OAi. 8 16 AUCTION SALE SAT., APRILI12 10:00 A.M. At Orval MoLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Prope r- ty of MARIE DUNN, Lin. dsay and' DAWSON ESTATE, Cannington. Large sais of fUrniturs, appilances, somfe an- tiques, coliectables. Ses Iist next week. To con- sign or list your sale cati 324-2783 ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTION, LINDSAY Complets auction 'op. praisai and liquidation service. AUCTION SALE- SAT.,APRIL19 10:00 A.M. At Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Our an- nual Spring consignment sais of motorcycies, farm machinery, trac- tors, cars, trucks, corm. pers, boats, iawn and gardon equipmsnt, recreation vehicies, con- struction equipment and tools. Pisase bring to barn or consIgn this week, for advertieing Iist next wssk. 324-2783 ORVAL MCLEANi AUCTION, LINDSAY Complote auction ap. praisai and liquidation service. AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTENDONETHIS WEEKENDI St. John Ambulance ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please"check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, Pday of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each addjtional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage libable aiur forblshafadiolureypgrphctoTH, Epub-li.0shrth fran10 oad,12 ecorleedtforsethotypographicla i frwrdn errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocuie aBiiRTHS, oDEAH. 70 oshuirt10wrd;1<e ch leas. etrogfil u erepor dbea forwardingbe by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not cailed for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F' THANKS - $8,00 for the fîr- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 5 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelied. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43; perlins. <No word ads ailowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. itional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 Whltby Free Press 131 Brock St. N., Whltby CUTHE FRAMING0842