Whitby Free Press, 2 Apr 1986, p. 21

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WtITITTI3V CI2CCPRl2Iqç;-WEDNPMI';nÀV APlI. l 19gRèS PAI'G '51 FREE PRESS Emporium Ads will only he accepted subject to the following conditions. COLLIER'S Encyclopedla wlth bIbllography and Index, 24 vaiumee worih, $682. Aiso 23 yaar booke 198611988, covere etors (piciuren) af Kennedyns assaninafione, firef men on the moon and many aiher eforlea fram araund the worid, tofai value $1,200, anking $550. Tas 1100 an. awering aervice machina, ana year old, $120. Lanterna, ail nizan and ehapea, $3 aach or ail for $150. Drafiing fable, $200, lishi a Inciuded, $250. Thraa beaufiful handmade sombreroa, 835 each. Cai 6U8-9288 aftar 5 p.m. ENVIROLET aleciric waferiesa foilaf, vo wafer, no aepfic tank, selle naw for $943.95 (U.S.> Rafurb, Unit Ai, $395 plus $45 vent kit. Caeiler 5 pe.,. 723- 9109. PRINCESS canopy bedroomn suite, white wif h goid trim, ln- cludas bad wiih canopy framo, cheef of drawern, dresser and mIrror and nIfe.fabie. Aino box aprIng and maffreas, maiching canopy caver, apread, aham and curf aine, aieo bed liens, $700. Ail lice sew. Cali 433-4093. INQLIS 30" white gaa ef Ove, $150. Goid Kanmare diahwaser, 9 yearn oid, mofor and pump i lh yaara aid, $175. White change fable, $50. Ruai cofoured coach and chair, $50. Phono 68-0283. MOVIND MUST SELL -Dining room suite wil h 6 chaire, bal ch and buffai, 2 yaare oid, $SM. Ladies 3 seed bike, $55. Two paire of ladiea taller aaes, aize 4 and 7, $25 each. Two, aide ,ables, $20 each, Round glane fable, $55. AMIFM radio clith rebord ployer, $25. Cheef of dracare, $20. Phono 686-4220. FOR SALE antique dining roomn suite, la ahowroom condition, 8 placee, approoimateiy 60 peare aid, fable chen enlended eais 10 peaple comforfabiy. prIce $1,650 ar beai offer. 668-2461. APARTMENT SIZE washer and dryer, l0e than 2 years aid, aaking $400 or beel cffer. Phone 68747. DINING ROON SET, eoiid pecan pedeetat ovai fable wif h f wo leanea, four beige uphoieiered and caned chaire, two cil h arme, encellent condition, $450. Ranch mink full iengih fur coaf, aize 18, $550 etoai. Cali 662551. SIZE 12 Kailnger Golden K nki boots, new, $150, nover corn. Phono 666.4102 aller 6 p.m. DININO TABLE, eald pine, doable pedeetl, 92x3, on. cellenf condition and 8 pins eiraighi back chaire, $800 Phone 6553868, aller 5 p.. SNOWTHROWER for M.T.D. trac- lor, ueed one neasan, complote cib wbei weighle and chaîne, $6«. Phone 86-5925. COAL and wood burning kitchen range, chite enamel finish, prico $350. Cali alter 5 p.M., 65548W0. FOR SALE parlour tone, $150. Woodhoider, $5. Phono 868-4032. WOODOURNING farnace, Surefire 201, attaches to eoInting forced air farnace, haits 2,500 eq. IL., nover uned, $750. Phono 655- 4882 aflter p.m. COMPUTER Appe Il plan, Clone, 48K. $200. Thoe portriai boards for ahane, $30. Phone 688178. ANTIQUE Saffordehire doge, famiiy of four, 2.15, 28"', circa 1900, togoîber $400. Phono 683- 9471. ENTîRE HOUSEHOLD furnilare, neW and ueed, Admirai f ridge, $150. HD. dryer, $250. Viking uiomnatia ceeher, HOD., $300 Four 15" radiai Fireatane tires, Pli 7RIS.$W each. 12 vol bal- tory, $50. Table and four chaire, kiicben, $100. 19" calour T.V., MW5. reser, $60. Large ook deek, $1,000. Large book eheif, $110. Office deek, wood, SM5. Steel book ceei, $60. Couch and reclInIng chair, leaiber, $W5. Deak ceiculalar, $80. Anique couch and 2 metching chaire, $400. Coat rock, $100. EieclrIc siove, SM0. Boeatcash aitfer. Oel 6558966. SKATES, baye nize 3, Wayne Greleky modal, $15. Boys eize 5 new Bauor, $25. Hockey Eqaip. ment, ehouider pads, pente and other eqaipment, fifte 9-11 yoar baye, $20. Ski boots, menea Reickor 5 buckie boots, nizo 91h, $35. Ladtes lace bool, nzo 7, $10. ElectrIcai panels, 8 fane panel, $12. Tco 30 amp panels, $5 each and 80 amp dIeconnecl, $10. Ca11 578-7697. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item la sotd, dlopoeed of, or unavaitabte for wbalever reason, thse item wilii o deemed ta have been eotd and a comminsiono ciiibe charged based on TiHE ADVERTISEDIIRcE ne ilutrated betow. regardions If price le tted wlth "boni affer'. If the item es NOT SOLO, or dinponed af, the ad wit be run for a MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50 wiii appiy payable la advance of publication of the firaI ad. The ahane minimum charge wiltl b applied bo the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Att odver. tinements muni bc ptoced on an exclusive banin with tise WIIITIIY FREE PRESS and ran at enst one month if ont notd. RATES if article le nîdi 5% nf advertieed price ap (e 8400.00 2% of balance ever 8400.9o EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertieed fer $150.00. (om mission due $7.50 l minimum charge la 17.501 Privale ndvertlsing onlyl Pieuse notify tise Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item la eoid no tisat we may delete Il fror tise foitowing isaue. Ail adsnsot fitting tise Emporum gmideinen wiii ha trealed and charged per week an regular cionnlfied ads oosa pre-paid bonis sucb as: services, heîp wanied, clolising, reai estate, and personai message type adn, or adsnsot quotlag prîce or quaatity. Privale classifird adn easy appear ia tise Emporium section aoder appropriale headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION IJNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whiiby, LIN 551 If ln doubt caii: 668-6111 OR DELI VER To: 131 Oreck St. N. Wbitby, ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS s TUE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. LARGE Cononiai style ermchair, comfortahio and ln good con. dIlIon, $40. Iniorior door, $15. New nanliy basin, $5. Grey Por- nias lamb fur iackel. $65. Warm fllu lesgth Moaton for coal, per- fect, izo 16, $75. Poli young eilier Mopie frrse, huled, la ho dag ap bhoaro May, $15. Older manuel lypecriler, $20. Phono 68-7404. ROTO TILLER, 5 hp., encellent canditlon, $295. Stop iadder, alumIsum, $25. Wheeiberrac, $10. Hai-moon table and magazine stand, $25 oach. Ladies bike, $40. Junior 10 npeed, $45. Rock mepie kiîchon nef, $225, Secing machine, $35. Smaii table. $35. Phono 883-663. TRAîLER TP Robot, sott top. on- collent condition, somo camping eqaipmontIinciudod, $950 or bonI aller. 688178. SUPPLI ES SMHf TZU Pappy, 8 ceeke oid maie, OKO reginlared, ehole, decormod and homo rained, non- ehedding, non-ailergia, good clsh hblidren, $350. Cail 1-416985- 3960. PEREGO PRAM, largo Engiinh style, 6 peere aid, good condition, nany, apron, basket, large wheoe, $85. Car neet, brawn ninyl, gaad condition, $50. Booster car neat, brocn inyl, encollent shape, $20. Tcln troler, oange cannas, glood condition, aide by aide neaf e, lde fiel, $100. Cradie, white, $20. CrIb, colonial style, with mettrons and humper pad, gond candition, $100. Phase DEBUT, Locrey organ, excollent condition, ankIng $950. Phono (7057862543. PIVE GOOD YEAR Wrangior radial ail lorrain ires, size P195175R15, oniy 2.000 miles, $450. Four Oodgo iMiisihunhii Rallye cheois, ie 14"e6". fit Colts Sapporo, Challenger, Arrow, $80. Phone 655-3266. SNOWTIRES Michelin No. P22515, on onernizo Snick rims, liko nec, $300. Phonoe8654682 aller 6 p.m. JEEP RENAGADE 1985, excellent condition, ruai, tint, hlick, tlti, hard-top, 5 epeed, 6 cytinder, p.b., pes., wInferieammer package, 8,000 km, $13,500. Phane 655. 4682 aller 0 p. 1879 CHEV Monza, V-8 automnalle, 2 door halchback, pes., phb., AMIFM cassett e alereo, 70,000 milan anly, han nec tires, excellent condition, $2,100. Cali 666-4890 aler 5 p.m. 1077 DODUE Aepen S.W., radia, good ftiren, an le, $450 or beat af- fer. Phone 6833825 allers5 p.m. 1977 DODUE 314 Ion club cab, 318 ca. ln., 4 npeed tilck, p.n., p.b., $1495. Cail 6682655, afler 5 p.m. 1077 FORD i Ion, 351 V8, pes., p.b., single wheela, OnlO elake box, excellent condition, $3,400, cerllfled. 66»3850. 1076 FORD HAROUIS sataion wagon, pes., p.b., cramse, very good candilion, 92,000 miles, $500 firm. 831-0880alter 6 p.m. 1970 CHRYSLER CORDODA pes., p.b., air condlfionlng. $600 or bonI offer. Oel 85-3176. 1975 DUSTER, $400, an leaor beat offer. Phone 685038. 1974 BUICK APOLLO, rune good, body good, O cyt., $550 or bent ai. fer. 433-1942. 1973 PONTIAC Laurenilan, 400 cc moior, rune bal neada work, aiea cen be baught for parta, $200. Phono 579-3030. Chenue s jumping for joy since ho f ound out about the service et Duckson Printing & Office Supplies in the Ajax Pleze. _ ~1 Parn7cffat.rl ewC ON FU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just becaus!e you have If you: @are a private advertiser; ehave an article to sell; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sell within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. IS E D? questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111l and we'Il be pleased to explain the Emporiumx Section to you personally. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the Ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.i 1 enclose $750 to cover the minimui Charge $7.50 to my Visa accourît. ('ard No. !iaese pIeuse priti Address don'i ivrgc-l cccincinde yccur phone num ber: mi,- ho ,-n. MAIL, I TO: I'%cý Dile jWHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. -P«ý1 -Cdý Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three rnonths, Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. 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