WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 198b PAGE 9 A great year forE aster Seals By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff The Whltby Rotary Club's annual Easter Seal's drive is winding down and . it looks like the campaiga could surpass last year's totals. In 190 the month long campaign raised just over $8,000 and this year's chairman of the Easter Seals Commit- tee, Henry Kortekaas, is hoping to do con- siderably better. IlSo far the total is around $4,000 and we're hoping to raise at least $12,000," said Mr. Kor- tekaas. Money raised during the campaign is used to assist parents who require help raising physically handicapped children. Financial assistance is provided for a num- ber of things including taxi's to and from therapy and school, diets, wheelchairs and visita to Sick Kids hospital ln Toronto. Mr. Kortekaas poin- ted out that the province -covers most of the cost when a wheelchair 15 needed. He estimated that between 25 and 30 physically disabled cblldren la the Whitby area benefit from the money raised during the campaiga. One of -tbose children ta Lisa Chamberlain.' Lisa, who will h four next montb, suffers from Cerebral Palsy and severe deafness. She was bora two and a ,haif nxontbs premature and ber con- dition was caused by an oxygen deficieacy, said ber mother, Karen. Lisa used to go to bed and wake up screamiag, sald Mrs. Chamberlain, because she couldn't bear ber parents. However, siace Lisa received a heariag aid, Mrs. Chamberlain said she and Lisa have begun to talk to each other. "We're com- municatiag more," said Mrs. Chamberlain. 'II used to have to sit. on top of Uisa to get ber bearing aid on. Now the first thing Lisa does la the morning la point to ber bearing aid," she added. Tbree quarters cf the cost for the hearing aid was paid for by the On- tario Assistant Devices Program witb the remalader being paid through Mr. Cbam- berlain's prescription prograrn at work. Mr. Chamberlain said the Easter Seals would have paid for the duf- fereace if he did net have a prescription program. Lisa ia now atteading E.A. Loveil School for the hearing impaired and two physic-tberapy sessions a week at Sim- coé Hall in Oshawa, She is tested twice a week for ber heariag and during the therapy classes Lisa's iastruc- tors are teachiag ber to walk properly. walk have improved tremendously. Mrs. Chamberlain pralsed the Easter Seals Camps rua by the Provincial goverament for belpiag Lisa, as well as belpiag she and John corne to terms witb Lisa's condition. The famlly bas twice atten- ded the Camps and Mrs. Chamberlain found the experience to be quite an eye opener. "We felt sorry for ourselves witb Lisa. But wben we weat to camp we discovered Lisa was tbe lucky one," said Mrs. Chamberlain. Fifty cents of every dollar collected by the Easter- Seals society goes te the Ontario Easter Seals Society wbicb runs tbe camps and provides fuadiag for parents who must pur- chase wheelchalrs. "The moaey la very mucb appreciated and is welI speat," said Mr. Kortekaas. He said that already SEE PG. 18 ANoTHiER PROGRAM PROM ASSURED HousiNG FOR ONTARIO home itt a renitai apatnint. Ioancxj tho(sn Now you can get interest-free boans for the creation of new rentai apartments. $7000jr for each new apart- $ 50 0 for each small-sized 5~Uê ment created through 1kk~ unit that is flot self- conversion. Eligible projects contained (e.g. shared bathroom, include: converting part of a single- itchen). family home into a rentai apart- $ 00 extra for each unit ment; creating rentai. housing from 2<Jý~ accessible to physi- non-residential property (e.g. cally-handicapped persons (e.g. vacant warehouse, school, or retail ramps, wider doors for wheelchair space). access). If you flèi youu have a project that qualifies, calI «r mail this voupon to your nearesi 0(11 C iîegiul Ilousing Progratus Office. " ' 1leitstse unillue informnatiuon YE <!!'nhow Conver-to-lelnî jcan liell) turn uny unused propeily inIs< money-niaking rentaI apartrnent.s. NameI - Postal Code_________Plhone______ OsNTAio Housw4e COOROmlON REGIONAL HousNG PROGRAMS ORcE SO1JTIERN OFFCE NORT}IWEKR'RN OFFI1CE SOUTIIWES1'RN OFFICE EAS'TEN OFFICE NOITHERN OFFCE CENTRAL OFFCE 55 1less St. S., 435 James St. S., 275 I)ondas St., Suite 1101 Il1154> Morrison D>r., 2nd F"Ir. 11191 Lansing Ave.. 17 Sheppard Ave. E., Hamiton, Ont. L8P 4118 Thunder R3ay, Ont. PiC 566 London, Ont. N613;11 Ottawa, Ont. M211 88$) Sudbury, Ont. 113A I 41I Suite 514, (416) 521-7500 (807 475-1465 (519) 679-7110 (613) 820-8305 (705) 560-6350 Toronto, Ont. M2N MZ or dial '0' and ask <jrtaI-free or toiI-free «r tal - free or tai-Iree (416) 224-7641 for Zenith 20450 1-800-465-5015 1-800-265-47,33 -800-267-6108 1-8010-461-1190 orddil0 and ask fer Zenith 20450 ®Ministry cîity 0f Housing H on . Alvin Curling, i oE CONVER'I- C)nt r o vi i te ls getting betteradbte makiiig refflul imits. Address-