WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1986, PAGE 3 Province approves subsidized housing The Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation received approval from the province last week to deveiop 175 residential unit, throughout the reglon during 1986. However, while of- ficiais at the Ontario Housing Corporation are of the opinion that 50 of those units are to be built in Whitby, local of- ficiais say there have been no decisions made From page one about where in the region those 175 units will ha aliocated. A joint press release from the federal and provincial governmnents states that the Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation will develop 50 residen- tial units in Whitby and a spokesman at the On- tario Housing Cor- poration confirmed that the 175 approved units had aiready been allocated - 50 for Whit- by, 50 for Oshawa and 75 for Pickering. Program co-ordinator Heather Burke of the Ontario Housing Cor- poration said Tuesday morning that the units were distributed following guidelines set down in a report submit- ted by Durhamn's plan- ning commissioner Dr. Mofeed Michael. Both Dr. Michael and Durham Non-Profit Renfield residents promise to block street ta a bus problem in that (Otter Creek) im- mediate area, but a motion to accept the proposed route couid not ha made without transit officiaIs studying the proposal. He did suggest that the public works depar- tinent look at alter- natives to the problem and report back to the operations committe- - three weeks. This remark brought angry yells from the crowd. Councillor Gerry Emm then proposed that if the problem can ha fixed in this coming week then rîx it. "It would ha silly to wait three weeks to change the route if an alternative was discovered sooner," he iaid. A motion was finally passed by the commit- tee stating that if a solution becomes ap- parent it is to ha brought to the attention of the committee as soon as possible. They also set a definite date of three weeks for a solution to befound. Mr Allen then deiivered the ultimatum' giving Council one week to alter the route. Downatown brealkorn The Durham Regional Police are investigating the robhary of the Sub- marine Machine at 201 Dundas St. W. in Whitby which occured sometime early Friday morning. A police spokesman. said the theft was discovered at 9:30 ar.. Friday morning by an employee. An un- disclosed quantity of cash was stolen and there was no damage. Housing Corporation chairman Diane Hamre said Tuesday that the only communication they have received is one confirming the ap- proval of 175 units but a decision has yet to be made about how those units will ha distributed. "Dr. Michael would have laid down some general guidelines in his report (to the Ontario Housing Corporation) but no decisions have been Made," said Mrs. Hamre. The chairman said it is the Durham Non- Profit Housing Cor- poration's board of directors who will have the final say about where to build the units, some of which will ha rent-geared-to-income housing. Mms Hamre said her board will hab con- sidering all the urban centres for major developments as well as some smaller projeets for the region's rural communities. The priniary consideration for the board will ha the extent of the need for housing in each com- munity, she added. The housing program is funded by the federal and provincial gover- nments and ad- ministered by the On- tario Non-Profit Housing Corporation which approved 6,700 apartnients and townhouses for con- struction in 1986. The total cost of sub- sidizing the 6,700 units, which include both sub- sidized and market value units, is expected to ha about $47 million a year. Drapery 2 0M3 0% Ol FF on ali drapery fabrlc orders Ail drapes are custom-made on the premises featuring I p~ PAOOUCTrs UP TO Blinds, window 40 ~shades, vertical blln]ds, OFF woven woGds. * FREE Consultation ~ andiln-Home Estlmates VALEO FABRICS 1415 King St. East, Oshawa Mon.-ed93O 6:00 576-1l930 Ample Free Parking "'ari,909:0 drapery & upholstery tabrics =zm Now you don't. haveé to be rich, to afford Solid Oak! PIONEERAINTERIORS Making the Iegacy of our past part of your future. Àfdk 0 rokSretN (Hwy. 12) 2.3 km North of 401 and IIwy. 12 668-4231