PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19. 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS, PROGRESS EDITION Chesterfield Factory off ers dou.ble value' Between them, the Nowensky brothers have ac- cumulated some 30 years experience ln the upholstery and furniture business and four years ago the three brothers declded to pariay 1966 that experience Into their own business. Since establish- ing the Chesterfield Factory ln Pickering, Larry, Willie and Brian have neyer looked back. With their distinctive brand of custom uphoistery work and the fiexibiiity to ac- commodate their customers' every whim, the Nowen- skys have had their hands fuit keeping pace with tnelr rapidiy growIng PAYuSý TV BLOCK BUSTER MO VI ES: Flrst run, crtlcally acclaimed award wlnning films tram the entertainment capitals of the world. Tities such as A PASSAGE TO INDIA, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, STARMAN, PLACES IN THE HEARI, STAR TREK 111, ROMANCING THE STONE, TERMS 0F ENDEARMENT, SUDDEN IMPACT, 48 I-OURS, FLASHOANCE, SOPHIE'S CHOICE, AN OFFICER & A GEN- TLEMAN. THE BIGGEST SPORT EVENTS:> Kick off the a »on wth... -BLUE JAYS BASEBALL *NHL HOCKEY *TOP RANK BOXING *NBA BASKETBALL *AUTO RACING 'TENNIS -GOLF The 11sfgoesonandonl Liveand exclusive. TH4E NASHVILE NETLUJRK. VOUR COUNTRY HOME On the Nashville Network, great mu- sic ls just the beglnning oftour quality country entertainment. The cable channel for people who REALLY love their country. MUCHMUSIC VIDEOS IN STEREO: A rlch variety of contemporary enter- talnment in music f rom around the world. Muchmuslc presents Bryan Adams, Cindy Lauper, Tîna Turner, Prince, Rush, Platlnum Blonde, Cory Hart and Bruce Springsteen. Ail in stereo on Cable FM. A dynamlc new TV Idea. Il la called Lifestyle Entertainment. lta about lite- style, relationshipa, titness, family and finances. lntroducing The Life Chan- nel - Unique - Entertaining -infor- mative. Arts.,Enrtainment Tune ln for the best ln compelllng drama, exotlc serles, sparkling stage productions, classical and performlng arts, comedy, varlety and movies. Ar- ts & Entertainment puis a smlle on your face and surprises your eyes night af ter nlght after nlght. CNN la a news source that takes ten minutes to cover stories most net- works dismlss ln two. CNN isn't just news, it's perspectlvel On HEADLINE NEWS you'll see qulck gllmpses of the most important storles of the day deîivered in crisp 30 minute newsblasts. See why we say, 'Behlnd every great headllne, theres a story.' FIND OUT WHAT YOU'VE GM» Rogers Cable TV BEEN-PnRdg MISSINO u PneRig PHONE OR VISIT USTODAT 579-2232 301 Marwood Drive Oshawa reputation and it wasn't long before word of the Chesterfield Fac- tory's quaiity produots spread to the rest of Durham Region. To meet that demand, the brothers opened a second showroom ln Taunton Square ln Oshawa over the New Year. The Oshawa outiet Is run by Lee Nowen- sky, Wlie's wife, who brings her considerable exper- tise ln Interior decorating to the business. Accor- ding to Larry Nowensky, the Oshawa showroom wiil be the limus test for the Chester- fileld Factory's future growth and already the brothers are considering new locations for expansion ln- cluding London and Ottawa. Because ail their products are manufactured ln their.Pickering fac- tory and then sold directly to the public, the Nowen- skys are able to of- fer their customers double value for their money and that message is ob- viously getting around. In 1985 the Chesterfield Fac- tory shIpped out ln excess of $1 million worth of merchan- dise and Larry an- ticipates that that figure shouid clImb significantly ln 1986. "We try to look after our customers properiy. i guess you can't make 100 percent of your customers happy but we sure work hard at trying to. We're an ail around factory too. We'll do everything from restoration of older furniture to boat seats - ship to shore," says Larry. Customers are even Invited Into the factory to see the work In progress and if's that kind of per- sonal attention to detail that the customer remem- bers. The Chesterfield Factory's Pickering showroom and fac- tory is located at 1650 Bayiy, west of Brock Rd. W hit Canada TELEPHONE (416) 668-1900 "PORT WHITBY MARINA.- GO FIRST CLASS"F I* 340 slips - f oating steel docks * docks serviced with hydro and water * 35 tonne Travelfi, Masi Crane * fenced winter storage area - hydro I * hi pressure power washerI Port Whitby Marina has a reputation of being one of the f inest pleasure craft recreational facilîties easi of Metro and is an Important factor ln making WhItby a great place to lîve, work and play.