PAGE 2. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19,1986, WIIITBY FREE PRESS IrA-l NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INQUIRY TransCanada PipeLines Limited - Accident forth of Oshawa, Ontario The National Energy Board will hold a public inquiry into an accident that occurred on 17 October 1985 north of Oshawa, Ontario on the pipeline system of TransCanada PipeLines Limited, in which one person was killed and four were injured. The inquiry will start at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 15 April 1986, in the Ramada Hotel Don ValIey, 185 Yorkland Boulevard, Willowdale, Ontario. At the inquiry, the Board will examine the circumstances surrounding the accident, the possible cause of the accident and possible measures to prevent a recurrence of the accident. The inquiry will be public and will be held to obtain the evidence and relevant views of TransCanada PipeL-ines Limnited and interested persons, groups, organizations and companies. Parties who intend to appear at the inquîry for the purpose ot giving evidence or making submnissions, are requested to 50 advise the Secretary of the Board by 27 March 1986. The Secretary will then issue a list ot interested parties. Information on the procedures for this inquiry (Directions on Procedure: MH-1 -86) is availabte in both English and French and may be obtained by writing to, the Secretary at 473 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Ki A 0E5, or telepiioning the Boards Regulatory Support Office at (613) 998-7206. Please quote Order No. MH-1 -86 when corresponding with the Board on this matter. J.S. Klenavic Secretary National Energy Board 90 Province Stalling... Psycliiatrists may strike Medical staff from Whitby Psychiatric Hospital and nine other provincial psychiatric hospitals wete to vote yesterday afternoon on whether or not to pursue strike action. Although the resuit of that vote was not known at press time yesterday, Dr. Stephen Nugent of the Whitby facility said the psychiatrists and physicians are fed up with the lack of any genumne effort on the part of the province to resolve their longstan- ding differences. "We've heard ab- solutely nothing in the past week," said Dr. Nugent Monday. The doctors have been waiting for a response fromn the province to their demnands for a system of binding ar- bitration to settie al future contracts. Three weeks ago, when previous work actions had failed ta produce a response, the doctors moved to impose an escalating series of study days which effec- tively shut down al regular theraputic duties normally per- formed at the hospitals. Last week, doctors at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital à taged the study sessions on five days and this week they were again off regular duty Monday. "Both the rninister of health and Eleanor Caplan, who's aur key contact person, were away on holiday last week sa we've just been lef t hanging. I'm afraid that's fairly represen- tative of the kind of thing that's been hap- pening with the provin- ce for years," said Dr. Nugent. As long as the doctors choose to stay on the study day schedule, Dr. Nugent explained that they remain on the hospitai grounds and are available in the event of an emergency. However, if the doctors choose to go on strike, he said they will not show up for work and only a few doctors will report for limited duty on each shift. Councillors approve pay hike Whitby's regional council representatives lined up with the majority of their peers last week to approve a 4.25 percent increase in their salaries. Supporting the widely held consensus that they were worth every penny of the increase, Regional Council voted 22-6 in favour of the motion which brings most counillors' an- nual salary up to $16,600 for 1986. Pointing out that he will be reviewing some $60 million worth of regional expenditures this week, regional councillor Gerry Emm said Monday that he considered it reasonable that councillors be paid a salai-y commensurate with their respon- sibilities. 4"I've just been out al morning looking at regional raads. It takes a lot of time and 1 think if people realize what it is we nave ta do they'll understand. If you're going ta expect coun- cillors ta put in the time, you have ta pay them for it. Otherwise you're not going ta get people who do the work," said councillor Emm. As chairnian of the region's works depar- tment, Mr. Emm also receives an additional salary of $850. However, he said he must also devote considerably more time ta regional business as chairman. In Ottawa-Carlton Region, said Mr. Emm, committee chairmen are paid $3,000 more than their fellow coun- cillai-s. "I'm workîng at this job pretty well fulI-time. I spend a lot of time travelling around the region as works chair- man and I'm always there ta answer the phone if anyone has a prablem. I don't think I'm aver-paid. This in- crease is really just keeping up with in- flation, " he concluded. Regional councillor Tam Edwards agreed, stating that regular, moderate salary in- creases were politically expedient. Ail too often, accarding ta the coun- cillai-, moderate in- creases are resisted for political reasans and later attempts ta bring the salaries in line are necessarily much larger and tend ta stir up a lot of controversy which detracts firnmare im- portant government business. "We get the going rate for the regions around us. We're in the middle somewhere - some make more and some make less. But if we did not have moderate an- nual increases we'd have ta have massive increases later and we just dan't need the distraction," said Mr-. Edwards. The councillor said he would prefer to see a committee of impartial representatives of the cammunity at large establish pay increases for the council members but the majority of council does not support the idea. "Most conciliai-s feel it is their responsibility ta set the increases and it is a responsibility that should only be exercised during the yeai- in which they hold office. It shouldn't be done in ad- vance," said Mi-. Ed- wards in reference ta the fact that council voted in the pay hike af- ter last November's municipal election. Regional cauncillors also voted in favour of a salai-y increase for chairman Gary Herrema whose annual salai-y will increase from $48,000 ta $W,000 aver the next three years, 0WITH PURCHASE 0F 16 PIECE Jutchlcken, 15 pleces af tender tried chlcken perfect for a hungry famlly. The 15 piece Bucket is economical too, and as a BONUS you receive a two litre Coke. N~ ~ THT VLUE! FRIEI CHICK D EN 1017 DUNDAS ST. 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