1985 a The recorded ,figure In building permits for year end 1985 became a definite historical achievement, total- ling $68,106,368 which certalnly kept pacë with our international Mot- to's delivery that in Whitby "We Mean Business". Growth was ac- tively visible throughout the en- tire community with the additional housing develop- ment, to meet the growing demand for accommodation In the Town of Whitby. The dramatic in- crease In construc- -tion created vast remployment oppor- tunities not only within the housing industry but through the spin off into the commercial sector's enormous growth. The in- crease in Industrial permits was a reflection of many expansions and new medium and smaller Industries relocating to the area. An ap- proximate 300 per- cent increase over 1984's industrial ac- tivity was realized and the 1986 forecast looks even more promising with over two million dollars in permits during the first weeks of the new year. To com- pliment the total scope of our growth, Whitby was recognized for moving from 58th place to 9th place in per capita Income In all of Canada. Whitby Is an in- vestors paradise but the Council and Staff wIll never lose sight of demanding quality emphasis in future developmen- ts. - An open door policy for in-, novative and con- trolled environmen- tal Industries have always been received as poten- tlal investments for our future. We realize Increased jobs for our people Is essential and will strive to encourage the stability of this area as we move forward with many prospects on stream. Within the area of develop- ment, I would like to touch base with the Downtown Core Revitalization Pro- ject and the support and encouragement we as Council and year Staff believe will be the answer to greater advantages for the business people and the consumer. The ex- pertise of the Downtown Board of Management is working- In this regard and placing emphasis on needs which must be met to support our growing population. This priority in 1985 secured financial resources to move ahead and reinforce the need to retain the foundation of our community - the downtown core WHITBY FREE PRESS, PROGRESS EDITION. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 19 1986 PAGE 3 of historic growth which will prove once again to be the hub of business activity for Whitby. 1985 was as well, a year of progress wlthin the fleld of recreation and cultural activitles in the Town of Whitby. The exciting ex- pansion announ- cement for iroquois Park Complex, promises to surface In 1986 and com- pliment the many other projects well underway to meet the increased population requir- ments of our people in Whitby. A drive through the Town during the past summer would have allowed you to view over 30,000 plants in full bloom within the Town's 50 locations operated by the Parks and Recreation Depar- tment. Inevitably, the Marigold took priority to em- phasize Whltby as the "Home of the Marigold". Many individuals, busl- ness and Industries shared in an elegantly designed marigold contest to demonstrate their r - M - , -I - L dedicatlon and pride in the Town of Whitby. We realize this was not only appreclated by our residents but ap- proximately 800,000 visitors who chose to stop In Whitby. As the end of the year drew near, the Increase of tourlsts was exceptional. Cullen Gardens Christmas Festival was beyond description, one of the most beautiful sights to see in On- tarlo. Whitby cer- tainly has reason to be proud and as Mayor, I share your feelings as does Council and Staff and wish to extend to everyone a very prosperous coming year. As 1986 has been procialmed the In- ternational Year of Peace, it will definitely lend Itself to reinforce our believe that by working together with the future of our children In mjnd, we will grant them the greatest gift - security and peace In a place they will be proud to call home - Whit- by. i - i - M W A W M Genuine Ziebart® Rust Protection. For over 25 years, it's been us. Or rust!® Millions of rust-free automobiles worldwide prove that Ziebart exacting specifications, special spray tools and exclusive microfilm diagrams provide unbeatable rust protection; We're so confident, we back every car with a Lifetime Limited Warranty for the life of your new car.* But make sure its genuine Ziebart Rust Protection. Anything else isn't Ziebart. We also offer: Paint Protection, Fabric Protection, Sound Deadener, Splash Guards, Door Edge Guards, Body Side Mouldings, Wheel Weil Mouldings, Sun Roofs, VIP Car Care, Truck Bed Liners, Bug Deflectors, Running Boards. 'See your dealer for details. Be car smart. Go Ziebart.r c1985 ZIEBART CORPORATION 440 Hopkins St. (S. of Dundas St. E.) 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Daily î Z iebartWHITBY 9a.m.-1p.m.saturday APPEARANCE & PROTECTION SERVICES 666- Whitby-Oshawa Honda still on top Whitby-Oshawa Honda is still Durham Region's largest Honda dealership. The dealership, located at 1110 Dundas St. E., has been operating for 4½ years, although It was in business for seven years prior to that as City Centre Automobiles. David Nicholls, manager of Oshawa-Whitby Honda, says that the Japanese line of automobiles has been the largest selling import car in Canada for the last ten years. - Presently, Whitby-Oshawa Honda sells all the cars they can receive from the Japanese manufacturer and could seli even more. News of the construction of a new Honda plant in Allison, which is scheduled to come on line in 1987, is en- couraging since the cars manufactured there will be free of import restrictions. This Increase in supply will ultimately lead to greater growth and development for this Whitby based company. The dealership's em- ployees are fully conversant with their product and are more than willing to aid those in the market for a new car. mum..Rd - > 1 - .- ý - 1 ý «I