Whitby Free Press, 19 Mar 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22. WEDNESDAY. MARCII 19,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS E WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ARTICLES AUTOMOB31ES1 ~ NE ET ~C E ~ FORSALEFOR SALE EXPEIENCED panting, Interior, BAR rItigeiraezer, setis repaît, lUS PONTAC Acadien, anip H.S.H.S. Valntine Ores cInners, esicrior, fre eilmaîes, guaran- as la $50. Phono 723-1958 allers5 12,000 km., rnosiy highWap firet prize: Joyco Futiarlon; teeti. Ccii 571-296. p.m. mleege, $6.900. Ccii afler 6 p.m. secondi prisa: Pat Krhp; bath aI _________________ _________________ 723-563. Whitby. PAINTING à DECORATING professionat bastieti orirman- ahip, roaldotiell anti cammerciat, f ree estimates. Ccil 839-4277 or 668-9712. CRAFTSMAN *Complete remodel-M lnsevc.Onea cati *doesFaial.579-11381 .Owner MY PERSONAL 0 eCOLOURS Diacovar the colours &yshadea that com- pliment your akîn tones enhance your beat Ffeatures. Only $30 par conutaion Cati 66.2770 TIDYUPI Homes, apartm enta, offices, halls, IReasonable rates. 666380 ENEEDLECRAFT tncsALyCLASSES Candtewlcking, Coun- cted Croaa-tltch. Em- debbroldery and Crewel. We even do TNeadtepoint and eTrapunto foo. Join ln the fun. Have a Creatîve Circle clasa In your home. Teachlng you 10 stît- ch la easy. Book now and -recelve a Free Gîft. Catil: Nadîne, evonînga ai 686-1490 COFFEE TABLE andt wa endi fables. Ladies full lcnglh wcier cot, fur coller, aise 14. SI ereo, radia anti cassate player. OU8 0820. VISIT our useti furnltura warehousa hy appoiniment. Big aings arr ceaks, chairs, f111mb cabinets, etc. celi ickson Prin. lng & Office Supplies la arrange an eppolimant ta icw. 683. 1968. MATTRESSES and hon apringa ai hall prie. McKean Furnlure, 524 Slmcoe Sreet Sauth, Oshawa. 725-5181. GEOTYPE prss-on lellering now n stack ai Ockson Prining & Of. lice Supplies ln the Alax Sirop. ping Plaza. Large selecian of styles anti aises. Why pay mare for a amaller aheel of lellering? 683-1968. DE-HUMIDIFIER, $150. Bar trItige, $150. TV. bis, $50. An. tique clone 19111 cenlaryt, $350. PhaneW88.708. '"HEROES of the Bible" colouring boak avalabla et ickson Pris. ting & Office Supplies, Alan Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries Inieti. FOR SALE 3 places nf antique lurnilure, larnilure neetis repair, hast aller. Propane barbaque. Phane 5769319. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveceals, secianals, essliras l'h price. Large selection. McKeen Furnilura, 524 Simcoe Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. SPECIALI $12.50 Service catis an any maire af colaur TV., Falcon TV., 100 Lupin Or., Blair Park Plaza, 668606, 723-0011. Wlth this cd. SPECIAL Toronta prices, 20" colaur TV. ln hases, $449,3 yaar tuit wirranly, Falcon TV., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 668. f06, 723-0011. SPECtAL 26" colaur console lelevîclon, $599, 3 year full scrrcnty, Falcon TV., 100 Lupin- Or., Blair Park Plaza, 6664060l, 723-0011. "GRAMMER for peope who haie grammer" l tire Ideat pockaI BEFORE YOU BUY a Zenith reference bock for business c0oaur TV. ram ap airer diealer people. $3.95 par capy anti coma anti ses Falcon TV. for anelabie et Dicirson Printing & hst prIces, 100 Lopin Dr., Blair Office Supplies IrheAae Plaza. Park Plaza, 668-606, 723-0011. Dealer Inquires Inilati 683-1968 OLO BRICK FARM HOUSES sun- ltid for wrckingisalsege. Roas Lurniey. Bondoti ant iinsureti, sith refresces, sincs 1969. Farrn buildings or complote factoris. 1.800265-7545, weehtays. BUYING hockey, basabail gurn cercle sets9 (sertes), 1910 ta 1967. Payisg 50% aI price guitie. Baing Shirriff hockey 'coins 1968, pcyisg Si1 to$65 nacir. Bapisg BaHive hockey piroto. Wrte ta: Sprts Collection AZ, 805 Fressiare, SI.-ustache, Qua. J7R 4K(3. (514-473-2822) Witt pick up. WANTED tract hockey goal pactio, bscher anti net. Plese ccii 668- 4861. WhtbplOshawa crea. Adulte sniy, no pets, appliances not 1980 PLYMOUTH Volera, 4 door, 6 cyl, ps., p.b., ses brairas, as- caltant condition, low mleage, ratiuced la $1.700. Phane 433- 6630 cter 5p.m. 1976 0000E hall ton with cam- par, gooti candition, $3.500 irm. Pickering, 631-3075. 1976 0000E Mani-Van, encellent condition, 60,000 mitas, anntng $4,900 cerlIiled. Phone 576-6652. 1977 DOD0E Aspen station wagon, power sleerlng, power brairas, top rack, asila, basf oltar. CONGRATULATIONS an your forthcomtng marriage. Please niew aur saniplas of engraucti sedtiing Isvitaions cf pour lelsure ln aur Aex Plaza store. Olcirson Pritling & Office Sup- plea, 683-196. EXPERIENCED GRANDMA sllito t do babynilliso ln my home, 5 minutas rom GM. south, fanceti yard. 4331519. BECOME A CARRIER! Heres an opportunltp la earn money for those thIngs pounve aisapa want- eti. A sew bike, ciothes, spors equipment, sterea 686-591.set, or the thousandn oI _____________________ other seetis pou map de- sire. Junt a phone ccli sili 197 CHEV Impala, power VCTON hing pou ail the Infarmation. steering asti braires, weli main- : RENTALSICcitui tained, 111h hlghway mleagaCekI u $1,700 carltied. Caii 427-2170, If CALL CIRCULATION no answer ceane message. RD 668-6111 10 Mobile HomesI WHITBY FREE PRESS, MOTORCYCLES Cînarwater -Threa betiraom SALE/RE AL mobile homes. Heuleti pools. tennis, close ta beaches asti major attractions, chittiren FOR CLASSIFIED 1978 HONDA 400 TwIn sith Ceae saîcoma î(Issiran motel ADVERTISING X tairing, $800 Pickering, 831. ronmt6350 CALL 668-6111 3075.6350 ~ BUSINESS FORRTU iTID EUNTE 60 acre ofPoodUNIUE NTEATMTV FOR RENNEW FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Farm Land. $18.00OperI AFTERMARKET INDUSTRY acre per yaar. Phone Atlas Suppty Company of Canada Limted, has a 55 Fyear record of aucceas as a national 1:3 Automotîve Atermaàrket supplier from coast to - ELDRIDGE. John William born Jusc 4, 1928, Braokiin. Onario, saarching for Information about parents. Please write John Tuty, Apt. 1706, 10045 117 Street, Ed- monton, Aberta. T5K 1W8. TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN, we are tryisg ta retrace aur tamiiy Irea. Ail Inormation wouid be greatip appracicteti. Thora are 11 Collins farnlys ln Sask. asti B.C. tram aur great greai grantiparen. ta the Colline and Matiuil familles. John asti Mary Collins - resitian- ce Pickering crac. Chiltiren: Mer- the Marrieti Lapham. Mary marrIeti Wiiisan. Chrioina merrioti H.J. Pters ec. 25,1858. George marriati Rachoal Matiil tmp great grantiparant, Jaspirus marrieti Hotin. tminisiert, Saraha marrieti clark, John l?. Williamn anti Mary Mcdiii - Chltiren: Elizabethr..? Facireai marrieti George Collins, Mary ?. Francis ?. Yours iruiy, Jules and Helen Sureau. 08-3950. 09%OFFCESPACEI COPO RTEN T WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for snt CONDO FOR EN T on prafesonal floor Wau ti ha ATTENTION SENIORS 65 PLUS, Whiriby; ses cancept In Ilving, une anti Iwo atraoms.6663220. SUPPLIES GREY DOMESTIC cal, loveabie sature, rac for adoption, pretor home sitir gartian. 668-1105. etc. ReniInicludes ail utilities anti s nagotiable for an appropriate tenant. For turther Intormatlon ccii 968-6372 betsean 9:30 ar. anti5 p.m. Montiap 10 FrlIcay. WHITBY COMMERCIAL SPACE endItabla Juiy lot, 1986, ap- prooirncteiy 2,300 square test, has heen useti far about th1efast 10 pears as a dance studio. Ccii Mr. Burgess et 668-6372. AD~. FOR A SETTER JOB SOONER ali ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE' " Travet & Tourism " Accounting/Business Admin. à, eSecretarisi a Bookkeeping e Word Processing e Law & Security 54A Centremat.CN.eOAide 576-9175r raiin Do You HAEIEota crirfor c boas? Bacame pour own. Rapid promotions for hard worktng people. 683-3340. ALLOETTE COSMETICS rcpidip grasiso manufacturer aI high qualitp skia cars anti make-up has immediate opanisos for con- sultants ln Pickering, Aax, Whit- by crac. No auperienca requireti, no innesiment, no0 deiinary, full training prouiieti, excellent career atinancament. For more Information ccii Cercle 579-1949 or 1-800-263-3930. POSITIONS AVAILABLE nowi E.0.E. anti assistant teachers wantet i etHanap Bear Ocy Caro, 668"200. ARE YOU LOOIiNQ for a lob ara lob worlh snrking for? Dont fight litiLears 110w la use the computer and heae stop ahea I n th1e lob market. W. aller lob placement anti financil assistance for ihose unemplopeti or tas incarne. 427-3010. A CAREER IN TRUCKtNG. Tran- sport dira needati. Nos ta the lima ta trais for pour Clas A license. For pra-screening Inter- nisw anti lob placement infor- mation, contact Mers Omra Tran- sport Driner Tristng, Brampton 14»00265-1260. CHtLDS PLAY e unique lina of educattoaet obldren'a books needa consultantae Il ama&rs. Huma party plan esperience as assai, but not naceacarp. We ciii train, worm pour own hours, no deilvertes. Ccli Karen 433-1604. UNEPdPLOYMENT la a crack, 18 positions eveilable. 683-3306. HELPERS WANTED toaessisti n Auction Business. Monas tt Thurstiay. Phono deps 683-041 oresening 968161. BRICKLAYERS cantati, union rate, Whitby mare. Ccli Mark et M&g.996 CUTHE FRAMI C NTRG8.52 .Gas Coat. To meet the demanda of changing market con- ditions, enhance customer service and ac- celerate growlh, Atlas la dramatically reorlentlng lis market place position by initiating a large scale franchise system across the country. We are looklng for the aggressive, financially secure entrepreneur who can capitalize on oppor- tunîtles that exiat within their own exclusive territorlea. The successful Franchisea will operata a wholesalelretail Automot ive Aftermarket business warehousing and supplying producta to local service stations, garages, end usera and do- it-yourself cuatomers. Thisaia an extraordinary one-of-a-kind-oppor- tunity that combines the entrepreneurial spirit of an independent businessman with the enormous resources and support of a watt established muiti-million dollar corporation in a franchise par- tnerahip. We are inviting responses f rom professional business managers, sales professionals or in- dependant businessmen with experience in the Automotive Aftermarket field. An immediate opportunity is availabte for the territory of Oahawa-Whitby. If your cornmunity presence and personali n- tegrity are ciearly watt established and you sea your background being a good fit for this superp opportunity, please reply with resume f0: Atlas Supply Company of Canada Llmlted 35 Worcester Rond Raxdalo, Ont. M9W 1 K9 Attention: Franchise Drector. TYPEWRITER rentul, many FREE: Drop niatao cisn I1 makes anti modems, by th1e PrinIing anti Office Suppip store weekenti, seak or manth. la tire Aau Plaza anti pick up c Discounts anailabte. ickson frea capp aI the 98 eîi Printing & Office Supplias ln tira Calantiar. Printetiln Ico colours. Aa Plaza. Cci us for business t1mk 8sforhetiy refrce machina repairs. 683-1968. 683-1968. CLASSIFIE CONTINUE S!, EJE L'I ME PAGE 23 PASTE-UF PERSON WANTED PART.TIME To asslst wlth preparation of local weekly newspaper. Ad assembly, headllner, and camera expJerlence an asset. Apply ln person to: Whltby Free Press 131 Brock St. N., Whltby ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the fîrst Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no Iiability regarding loas or damage lierror i ut publicaton ey n ad ofo te space o ccui BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding erros i pulicaionbéynd he cst f te spce ccuied addiionl wrd.such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum coat of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whtby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- one day before they can be changed or ca ncelled. or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43 par lina. (No word ada allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ada. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classîf ied BOX NUMBEES: Box numbers are available ai an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please bayve your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whilby Free Press wiJl make 668-6111

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