Whitby Free Press, 12 Mar 1986, p. 21

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nyrisiI tsi ru VUDu nc 1Wr.Jnklrcl>AY Mà If2 %1--i>A~ F FREE PRESS E EMPO RIUM _ Emporium Ad@ will only be accepted subject to the foilowing conditions._____ _ _ _M_ " * r1 I % ARTICLES FOR SALE COLLiERS Encyclopodla wth blbilography and Index, 24 volumes warlh, $682. Aiea 23 Ysear bocks 1963-1986, cavers tonles <pIctures) of lKennedya eeeaelntilane, iret mas an the moon and meny ather etarlet tram eround the worid, total velue $1.200, esklng $550. Tas 1100 en- ewerlng eervice mechine, ane year aId, $120. Lanterne, ail sîzes and ehapes, $3 eech or ail for $150. raftlng teble, $200, Ilghts lncluded, $250. Three beeutiful hendmede sombreroe, 335 each. Caui 6u89208eflter 5 p.m. ENVIROLET electrîr waîeriesa follet, no Weter, na seplir tank, selle new for $943.95 <U.S. Refurb, Unit AI, $395 plus $45 vent kil. OeIli aller 5 p.m., 723- 9109. PRINCESS canopy bedraam suife, white wiIh goid trim, ln- dodoes hed wilh caaopy Ireme, chest aI dremiers, dresser and mirror and aile-table. Aiso bon aprIas and mallress, metchîng caaapy caver, tpreed, shem and cafleine, alto hed liens, $700. Ail Ilke naw. Cali 433-4093. INGLIS 30" white ses stovt, $150. Gaid Koomore dishwasher, 9 yeers aid, malar and pump 1 'h years.aid, $175. White changt table. $50. Ruai colourad couch and chair, $50. Phono 668-283. MOVIMO 9MUST SELL - Dlins roam tuile wilh 6 chairs, huicli and buffet, 2 years aid, S80. Ladies 3 speed bike, $55. Two palre ni ladies coller skates, elze 4 and 7, $25 each, Two side tables, $20 each. Round glass table, 3$55. AMIFM radio wilh record piaetr, $25. Ohesl af drowere, $20. Phane 686-220. *ENCM LATME - Logan. Ideai for hobbhyltlmechinist 2 foot Iurning lenii,' 5 I swing, 44 lavé uhuoka, feceple, veriaus gstr Wa threadcutlng, comple wlh steel workbenrh, $55 o.no. 668- MW80e1er4 p.m. 91ZE 12, Keeliager Golden'K ahi )cote, new, $11%), neyer wora. 'hone 66-4102 aller 6 p.m. IINING ROOM SET, eaiid pecen tedeetai ovaf table with two eavee, four beige uphaislered nd rened chairs, two with arme, sxcellent condition, $450. Ranch nink ful lengîli far cat, aime 18, 8W0 eteel. Oei 66-2551. SPEED QUEEN heavy duly waser and dryer, 4 yeare aid, good e8ppearenco and worklng order, $450 for the pair. 427-6244 or 427-2854. DIMNN TABLE, saild pine, double pedestel, 92"M3", au- caltent condition and 6 pine sîreiglil hack chairs, $800. Phoane 655-3668, aller S p.m. SEAUTIFUL blue fon ladie leoket (Sage-Fur), new, size 14, $280 or bail aler.'Like new, lîglil blue, 2 pace aki suit, sue 14,$375. 427-8636. GIRLS 21" ike, Raleigh, blue transit, $55, goad condition. Oel 666-3274 aller 6 p.m. COAL and wood huraing kitchen range, whie enamel flnish, price $3350. Oeil aller S p.m., 655-4860. ELECTRIC lypewriler, LUnder- wood Scriptor, office aie, $75. 668-9480 aller 4 pm, FOR SALE pariaur slave, $150. Woodhoider, 35. Phone 668-4032. POOL MEATER hat aoy sze pool, value $1000, now for $400, naturel ges or propane. Oeil 723. 1644 or 725802. COMPUTER Apple Il plus, Clone, 48K, $200. Three perîriai boards forrebove, $30. Pliant 666.8178. ANTIQUE Slaffardshire doge, famiiy aI tour, 2-15, 2-8, irca 1900, tageiher $400. Phone 683- 9471. SNOWBLOWER, Tara 12" eiec- rir, exrellent condition, $125. Phono 655-4110, aller 6 p.m. WOODOURNING fura, Surefiro 201, ettachies la taistIns frced air furne, hats 2,500 sq. f., neyer usod, 3750. Phase 655- 4882 aller 6 p.m. LARGE Colonial styloe rcchair, cocfortebie and Ila 5004-con- dition, $4. lterlar doar, $15. New vanity basin, $5. Grey Per- elan lamb fur lechel, 385. Warrn fait lengîli Mouton for coal, par- fart, aize 10, $75. Fali young siivtr Mapit tree, btiied, ta be dug up befons May, $15. Oldor menuet typewrIîer, $20. Phono 68-7404. Whea thse advertised item la aold, dispoaed of, or unavaitabte for whalever reasan, tise item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission wili be charged based on THE AtVERTISED PRICE au iiiustrated below, regardieso if price lassated wlth "best offer'. If the item la NOT SOLD, or dioposed of, the ad witt be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 37.50 wiii appty payable la advance of publication of tise first sd. The above minimum charge wili be appiied ta the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait edver- tisemnts must be piaced on an exclusive basin wiih the WHIiTBY FREE PRESS and runat ailsai one month if flot sold. RATES (if article is soîd i. 5% of advertmeel price up ta 3466,66 2% af balance 00cr $400.m EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertised for $150.00. om mission due 17.50 i minimum charge te 87.50) Privat advertilaig onty! Pîtase noiify tht Whiby Fret Press immediaiely when item is soid 80 tisai we masy detete il fram the fottowing issue. Ail ada nt fitilg the Emporium guidelinta witt be treated and chargtd per week aa regular ctassified adsoan a pre-pald basin suris as: services, belp waattd, clothiag, meat nsatle, and persona] message type ads, or ada not quotiig price or quaatity. Privale classified ada may appear in tise Emporiou section under appropriat headînga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bas206e Whitby, LIN 551 If in doubi cati: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO 131 Brock St. N, Whigby, Ont, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SKATES, boys suzs 3, wayne Grolsky moal, $15. Boys tire 5 now Bauer, $25. Hockey Equip- met, shouider pada, pens and allier oquipmenl, fils 9-11 yoafr boys, $20. Ski boots, mas Roicker 5 buckit boots, size 9Vk, $35. Ldits lace bool, sire 7,3$10. Electricai panels, 8 fuse panel, $12. Two 30 amp panels, $5 oaci and 60 amp dscoa-neci, $10. Cali 576-7097. ANTIQUE dosk, pins top, rofinished. $50. Price. negoliahie. COeil725-1435. FOR SALE antique dining room toile, la showroom condition, 8 places, approoimateiy 60 Years aid, table wlioa ooloadtdasosis 10 people camforlabiy, price $1,650 or hest aller. 668-2461. Give -l UNICEFA gifts and cardsU M and help a child contact; [nkef Cao"da 1 443 MI. Pleaieni Rd Toronto. Ont. MOS 2Lt O. <eh ý <NEl lnCo.d, e Il J ,00 114îbt i2 11-11.4 TRAILER TP Rebel, toit top, ta- cellent condition. name camping equipruont Inciuded, $950~ or bosi offtr. 668-8178. FIVE QOOu YEAR Wrengier radiai ail lorrain tires, size P195l75Rl5, oniy 2,000 miles, $450. Pour Dodgo (Mllsihushi> Ralye whoels, size 14«xO, fil Colts Sapporo, Challenger, Arrow, $90. Phono 65"-286. SNOWTIRES Michelin Na. P22515, an oversiro Buick rima, Ilke new, $S0. Phono 655-4682 aflerO p.m. Chichie is jump in for joy since ho found out about the service et lJîckson Printittg & Office Supplies in tise Ajax Plaza. MUSICAL QOINSUMENTSI DEBUT, Lawrey orges, excellent rondition, asking 3950.pliant (705)>786-2543.~I JEEP RENAGADE165ereln rondition, ruaI, tint, hidc, i, 1, NE oKO hard-top, 5SsPetd, 6 rylinder, phb., NE oKO p-s., winlorleummer package, 8,000 km, $13,500. Phone 655. SOMETHING ABOUT 4882 alera8p.m. 19790MHEV Impala, 2 door, 0,000 mlles, rune gaad, $2,200 If cor- tifiod, $1,900 uncertilod. Phase 427-6307 or 839-1050. 1979 0MEV Monza, V-6i autamalie, 2 doar halchback, psB., p.b., AMIFM caseette sterea, 70,000 miles aaiy, bat new tires, excellent condition, $2,100.Oelil 66-4690allerS p.m, 1977 DODUE Aspon S.W., radio, ga0d lires, as sa, $450 or boat al- fer. Phone 683-3825 aller 5 p.m. 1977 DODQE 3h tan club cab, 318 ru. la., 4 speed stick, ps., p.b., $1,495. Oeil668-2655, aller 5 p.m. 1976 FORD MARQUIS station wagon, ps., p.b., cruise, very 900d condition, 92,000 miles, $500 lirm. 831-0880 aflerti p.m. 1979 CMRYSLER COROA ps., p.b., air randilianing, SM0 or hoastaller. Oei l 655-3178. 1975 DUSTER.S, 30,as ls or hast citer. Phone 688-6038. 1974 CMEV IMPALA, ps., p., 350 auloraeir, leuplunkt eterea and equalizer, good condition, certilied360.Plhante68-2187. W'UR NEW COMMUNIIY? Ca»l Phono 668.8943 Oui hosiess wiil bring gillo and greotiigs, aiong with haiptu> crummunity information. Buying or Ilin i.. tL., y« .h "wo a. s4~ te lTh, "M 8Y a tUaaladbo YOiedftl .,.l ep. "8-6111ouI 5sYtHITBYFRaE PREqa.Se PiIRTCff3adnJ HeIp your Fleart.. HeIp yaur Heart Fund 4%rCON FL Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our Iow advertising rates just becausie you have If you: *are a private advertiser; ehave an article to seil; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsî. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sel] within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article .selis, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. 1 have read the Emporium guidi following advertisement placed un IPress. ide n ISEDà? questions. Ilopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if flot, do cali 668-61 Il and we'iI be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. elines above and wish to have the ider this section of the Whitby Free -1don't (urge-i lu inriade yaur pliane numhvr. 1{ enclose $750 to cover the minimum charge.___ Charge $7.50 tn my Visa account MAIL Cr4 No. i-sp IDate 1WfIrBY Na meiplease prleti FREE PRESS I P.O. Box 206 IAddreis 131 Brock St. N. I Whitby LIN 5SI City Poitl Code Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Adveriised Price' Up to $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payiable I7.50 $10.00 $15.00 820.00 $22.00 $24.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 $32.00 $52.00 $72.00 s 92.00 8100.00 A 1 .. zm

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