PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY MARCI-I 5, 1ý986, WH1TBY FREE PRESS- Mayor tops, expenses list Accordlng to the the 1985 budget. treasurer's report to the The total operations committee of remuneration costs for Whitby, Mayor Bob At- 1985 was $89,223.25 with tersley totalled travel the Mayor being the and conference expen 'tighest paid public ser- ses of $4,800 for 1985 - vat at $27,120.60, Each highest among the of the town's six coun- towns councillors., cilIor's receive a salary "Those expenses are of around $10,000. mainly for. car ailowan- Hlghest among the six ce from the town,"' said. town councillors was Mayor Attersley. The West Ward Councillor, Mayor added the expen- Joe Bugelli with ses were approved in $1,090.92 in expenses. CLI P & SAVE - mm-M Mr., Bugelli said his expenses carne from a three day conference ln Ottawa last August for the Association of the Municipalities of On- tario (AMO). Councillor Bugelli is on the Board of Directors of AMO. North Ward coun- cillor, Ross Batten, regional councillor Tom Edwards and. West Ward councillor Joe Drumm reported no ex- penses. Centre Ward coun- cillor, Marcel- Bruneile had $972 in expenses while regional coun- ciflor Gerry Emm had $862. The total cost of remuneration and ex- penses for Whitby's coundil members was $96,951. Br(ok1in By lines By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Calil 655-3679 wlth Items for this column In just a few short days the annual March Break will begin. Parents view this with a mixture of an- ticipation and dread. Anticipation, in having timne to spend with *the kids, especially if a holiday is in the offing. Dread, because no matter how much we love the littie dears, having them underfoot 48 hours a day can be trying. Note: That was flot misprint, every day seems at Ieast that long when you're trying to entertain children. For those who can't leave for sunnier climes, the dread usually outweights the anticipation as of al the weeks in the year, the weather during March Break seems to be the most uncooperative and un- predictable. Plan a ski outing and the snow disap- pears. Plan an excursion somewhere and we can either get a blinding snow storm or a blanket of fog. FROM PG. 4 Bugeili for Mayor?fo MLet us hope that saner heads will prevail and that the Council wilà ultimately elect to proceed with the 6.2 million dollar expansion of Iroquois Park and a feasibility study to determine the long range needs of the nor- thern portion of our community. A decision to proceed in this man- ner will indeed confirm Jthat financial respon- sibility is a concern of our elected represen- tatives. Yours truly, Walter Jones Calais St. HARI) CRENNA Whitby. Plan on letting them play outside while you get some spring cleaning done and it pours rain From my experience this particular week has been aptly named. After a couple of days, Mom is ready to break their little necks or have a nervous break- down. LIBERAL MEETING A. general meeting of the Whitby and District Liberal Association will be held on Wednesday, March 12 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of Whitby Public Library. Topics for discussion will include General Policy, Riding re distribution, and the regenerating of the local association. There will be an opportunity to renew or take out membership in both the Provin- cial and Federal Liberal parties. For further information please cail Robin Hep- burn.666-1130. WORLD DAY 0F'PRAYER Brooklin United Church is hosting the World Day of Prayer service this year. It will be held in the church on Friday, March 7 at 7:30 AlI memn- bers of the congregation as well as those of Myrtle United Church, St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Bur- ns Presbyterian Church and St. Leo's Catholic Church are invited to attend. EUCHRE PARTY Myrtle United Church wiil hold a euchre party in thç church basement on March 20 beginning at 8 p.m. If you haven't already made arrangements for your own special table, you'd better do so right away by calling 655-3023 and reserving your tickets. MARCH BREAK ACTIVITIES The library has scheduled a series of movies every afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 beginning on Mar- ch 10 through to March 15 for the stay-at-home school crowd. This spring break week is also a gcod time to get over to ' the library and catch up on some recreational reading or to work on science projects. Kids who would like to knowv just what's happening in the area and what activities are open to thern can get the information at the library as well. Don't forget to either renew or return ail the books you have out before you take off on holiday, you lucky ones who can get away. PAPER DRIVE Yes, it's that time againl 2nd Brooklin Cubs and Scouts will be out this Saturday morning to pick up aIl your accumulated newspapers. Be, sure to have them out to théÃ" curb by 9a.m. In Ashburn, the Scouts will pick up your papers from the Community Centre if you'll just drop them off there on Friday. No earlier than that please, in order to reduce the fire hazard. BrÉeak-rn Durham Regional Police are investigating a break-in at St. Theresa's Separate School early Monday mornlng. Police said two fire extinguishers, a casset- te elock radio and a digital dlock radio were stolen froni two por- tables sometime bet- ween midnight and 7:30 a.m. SUPPORT THE 6.2 MILLION IROQUOIS PARK EXPANSION PETITIONS AVAILABLE TO BESIGNED AT:,1 *Whitby Audio *The Kitchen Cupboard *Go Natural Health, Beauty and Food Store eA Touch 0f Class *The EarI 0f Durham *The Lion and The Unicorn e Durham Goldsmithing 'Peters Donut and Burger Stop *Whitby Dominion Hardware (Brock St. South) ON SATURDAY, MARCH THE 8TH'AT:- THE WOOLCO MAL THE COMMITTEE FOR THE 6.2 MILLION EXPANSION 0F IROQUOIS PARK .1 M MITCHELL BROTHERS. Caèsels & Church St. S 655-4991 \ 1INE SPECIAL ýLKL DRIED WHITE PINE 718 x 8 <4 8' LIN. T 718x10 60"LINFT. 718x12 70*LIN.FT. LESS 10% THIS WEEK' SPECIAL PRICE ON LIFT LOTS <Approx. 1500 Bd. Ft. M* SALLCAR CENTRE 630 EUCLID-ST., WHITBY 666-2323 TUNE-UPS 4 cyl. $48.95 Inol. Parts 6 cyl. $ 58.95 Inci. parts 8 cyl. - 68.95 Inci. parts PARTS INCLUDED:- New pîugs, Points, Condenser & Rotor' MOST CARS AND SMALL TRUCKS HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE, NURSERY SCHOOL For Chlidren 2 to 5 years old (Gomerment Lconsd Gomorment Approvsd) Full Days, Hall!Days or Hourly. *A brand new, totaîly renovated Government Approved Day care centre *An abundance0f new toys and equipment * Government approved Staff and Iearning programs * 3 meais a day prepared by a nutritionally aware cook * Learning themes and outings OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. - 6 P.M., MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Vear Except Canadian Statutory Holidays Minutes from Downtown Whitby FOR ENROLMVENT AND INFORMATION CALL: 668-6200 - à m" 1