Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1986, p. 27

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WvITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1986 PAGE 27 Whitby man insecond place in regional Chess tournament The regional 1985-86 Agincourt, West Hill, Pickering, Ajax, Whlt- by, Oshawa (AWH- PAWO) Open Cbess Championsbip, a double Swiss System tour- nament, bas reached its mid-polnt with 40-year- old Ermanno Muignat of West Hill, already the victor of the * 85/86 AWHPAWO Closed and Match Chess Cham- pionahips respectlvely, in clear firat place wlth an unblemlshed 5-0 score. Followlng in second place are Maurice Smith '(Scar- borough) and Michael. Szlagyl, (Whtby) wlth 3.5-1.5 scores. Curren- tly, in third place with 3- 2 scores are Zbynek Skubnik (West Hill), Peter 'JasionoWski (Agtacourt), Daniel L. Allen (Osbawa) and James B. Holden The following 29 cails were responded to by the Whitby Fire Depar- tnient for the seven day period froni 8 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27 until a a.m. Monday, Feb. 2. JAN. 27 7:05 a.m. - Whitby Psych. Hospital, Durhamn Centre. Medical aid. 1:22 p.m. - Brooklin Arena, Winchester Rd. E. Building cali - alarni probleni. 2:06- p.m. - 225 Brock St.N. Check caîl - alarmn problem. 3:13, p.m. - Whitby Psycb. Hosp. Bldg. 26. Assistance ta ambulan- ce. 6:04p.m. - 204Higb St. Medcal aid. 11:54 p.m. - 211 Reedaire Ct., Apt. 101. Resuscitator. JAN. 28 5:24 a.m. - 689 Sugar Maple Dr. Medical aid. 10:44 a.m. - 108 Hillcrest Dr. C.P.R. >2:12 p.m. - 850 Green St., Apt. 402. Resuscitator. JAN. 29 9:29 a.m. - 500 Vic- toria St. W. (Ottenbrite Pool). Building caîl - alarm problem. 12: 10 p.m. - 500 Vic- toria St. W. (Ottenbrite Pool). Building caîl - alarm problem. 15:09 p.m. - Victoria St. east of Lakeridge Rd. Van fire - $3,000 damage. 5:18 p.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Sunnycrest Nursing Home. Medical (Oshawa). The remaining participants of the tournament bave less than 50 percent at this time. Mr. -Mucîgnat, the top seed of the tournament and the clear favorite ta win it, attributes is good fortune so far ta patience, 'analysis, and some good luck. 11I have prepared for this tournament by studying a variety of openlng systems from cbess publications beforeband. As weil, I have tended ta be patient during tour- naxhent games; that is to say, I have engaged in thorougb mental analysis before commit- ting myseif ta a course of action," empbasized Mr. Mucignat. "The only exception ta this was in round four in wbicb a position oc- curred wbere I stood to lose tbe game due to improper play on my part. However, unfor- tunately for my op- ponent, he didn'tsee the winning continuation either, and I was able ta batten down the batches and weatber out the storm. In fact, he made positional blunders bimself, and I capitalized thereon, thereby winning the game. Whlle luck is in- volved sometimes, psychology is very im- portant. One must remain cool, cairm and collected at ail times, includlng times of tense pressure in order ta think ciearly." John W. Puusa, secretary-treasurer of the regional AWH- PAWO Cbess Association, believes that Mr. Mucignat wil win 'the cbampionsbip tournament with eitber a perfect or near- perfect score. "On the whole, Mr. Muignat bas played excellent tournament cbess. He is a very for- midable- opponent ta those who bave the for- tune, or rather the misfortune, ta meet bim iln tournament com- petition," I noted Mr. Puusa. "The results thus far speak for them- selves. Ermanno bas wiped tbe floor with the opposition,. so-to-speak. A major reason for this la the serious approach that he takes toward the sport. However, another perbaps more impor- tant reason is that Er., mannu ls within striking distance of obtainlng the status of a National Ex- pert on the Chess Federation of Canada's (CFC) rating system. Ermanno Is currently above 1950 thereon. An expert is defined. as having a rating from 2000 to 2199 on the CFC system. The point to be made here is that he bas a reaiistic chance of becoming a National Expert, a very laudable goal. One knows that when someone bas a goal, he or she becomes mucb more formidable with which to deal. Add to that Ermanno's en- thusiasmn for tour- nament chess com- petition, and wowl1 What a dynamite com- binatiani"' If- Mr. Mucignat becomes an Expert, he would be'one of the few ln the AWHPAWO ares to bold that status, and more importantly, the anly one to participate actively in local chess circles. "6Many Experts tend ta play ln eitber down- town Toronto or western Scarborougb with Masters in competitive chess tournaments as those areas are traditionally cbess bastions," poînted out Mr. Puusa. "The 'AWHPAWO' concept is relatively new and bas diffièulty in competi ng wlth tradition, but Mr. Muignat la a big sup- porter of 'AWHPAWO' chess competition, as 1 amn, and if tournament chess is to become an activity in Canada with an enormous foilowing, it must be prompted al acrss the country at the grassroots level, not juat in certain areas. We are against promotion of. the sport witb a "cbeckerboard""effect; that la to say, promotion in some areas, and none whatsover in other areas. Perbaps I sbould bave said "chessboard" effect, but the unfor- tunate point to be made bere is that the upper echelons of the cbess establishement bave yet ta camne to this realization." Mr. Puusa praised the local media for. its coverage of local chess happeings, noting that,. the inimediate resuits therefromn have been more inquiries, and more importantly, an increase in membership of the Assoiation and of its affiliate the West Hill Chess Club. The AWHPAWO Chess Association and the West Hill Chess Club meet on, Tuesdays (7 pan. ta 12 midnight) at Sir Oliver Mowat CI, 540 Lawrence Ave. E., one block west of Port Union Rd. For infor- mation please cail 725- 468§ or 284-5860. aid. 11:00 p.m. - 1636 Dun- das St. E. C.P.R. JAN. 30 12:53 a.m. - 717 Maria St. Assistance ta am- bulance. 6:59 a.m. - 23 Hem- mingford Place. Building caîl - $40,000 damage. 0 *7:03 a.m. - 7 Forest Rd. Assistance ta am- bulance. 11:34 a.m. - 601 Dun- das St. W. Assistance ta ambulance. 3:25 p.rn. - 1010 Dun- das St. E. Trailer 8. Resuscitator. 4:58 p.m. - 140OKent St. Building caîl - alarn ringing. FEB. 1 12:44 a.m. - 121 Green St. Medical aid - bead injury. 11:51 a.m. - 225 Hickory St. - Building cail - alarmn problem. 9:52 p.m. - 182 Hazelwood Dr. Check caîl - furnace probleni. i:is p.m. - White Ash Dr. and Rossland Rd. Wires down. FEB. 2 8:56 a.m.- 204 Craydon Rd. Resuscitator. 10: 26 a.m. 221 Rosedale Dr. Building caîl - damage $50. 11:07 a.m. - 305 Ken- dalwood Rd. Car Fire. 11:23 a.m. - 896 White Ash Dr. Wires down. 4:42 p.m. - Halls Rd. sauta of Victoria St. Building cail - $60,000 .>amage. Housing minister in Oshawa The Honourable Alvin Curling, Minister of Houstag, will be guest speaker at a luncheon titled "Provincial Housing Policy flirec- 1j0fl5 ' Ç The Social Planning Counil of Oshawa- Whitby ta sponsoring this Inter-Agency Lun- cheon. It is ta ha held on Friday, Feb. 14 from 11:30 a.m. ta 1:30 p.m. at st. George's Ulrainian Catbolic Hall, located at 42 Jackson Ave., Oshawa. Tickets for the'event are $850 for members and $10 for non- members. Advance registration only please. Deadline for tickets is Monday, Feb. 10. As a service agencyof community organiza- tions, the Social Plan- ning Council is cancer- ned with the tight rental market in Oshawa. A survey done in Oc- tober, 1985, by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, states that Oshawa bas a 0.0 percent vacancy rate, and Whtby a 0.1 percent vacancy rate. For further Infor- mation contact Susan Fletcher at 7254774. Fire Department service caIlis

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