Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1986, p. 16

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GAE 16, WEDNESDAY, FEbiRUARY 5.i1986 WIIITBY FRÉE PRESS Lots to do in and around town tis nionth UNI VERSITY WOMEN MEETING The University Women's Club of Oshawa and District wil meet Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. in tbe auditorium at McLaughlin Plic Library. . Guest speaker Barry McNamee wiil address the topic, Your Money: Making it Grow. Al members of the public are welcome to attend. For more information cail Shela Smyth, 668- 3M2. SENIORS' GET-TOGETHER On Feb. 4 and le, the Recratio'n Department of the Town of Whltby and the ' Brooklin Seniors' Club wlil be hosting social and recreation afternoons of lounges, library and games are available daiiy to ail members. There are billiàrds, dar- ts and shuffleboard. Coffee is 25 cents, and tea *is 20 cents. The seniors' centre is located at 801 Brock St. S. Phone 668-1424 or 668- 7919. Weèkends and evenings cali 668-7919. WOMEN'S AGLOW The next meeting of the Women's Aglow Feilowshlp wili be Thursday, Feb. 13 at Evangel Cbiurcb, 374 Farewell Ave. in Oshawa. The meeting ,wiwl begin at 7:30 p.m. 'witli refreshments to be foilowed at 8 p.m. with praise and worship. The guest speaker wiil be Gaetane LeCours. For more Information cal Sheryl 623-3197. which it bas and has not acbieved its stated ob- jectives. For more in- formation caîl Felicity Nelson 579-8482. AT THE LIBRARY The Whitby Public Library as a lot of things planned for cbildren tis month 50 drop by and pick up a calendar. There will be a free film night Tuesday, Feb. 25 firm 7 to 8 p.m. for children il and older and there will be P.D. Day films Feb. 17 froml10toil aa..for children five and older. And don't forget storY hour every Saturday from 10:30 ta 11:30 a.m. It's a great chance for parents to take a breather while the children enjoy crafts, stories, games and songs. pathological waste station being built in Whitby is asked to at- tend. For more Infor- mation cail 723-3896 or 576-4322. FREEDOM FROM FEAR MEETING The Freedomn From Fear Foundation wii meet Tuesday, Feb. il at Lakewoods Public Scbool, 323 Chaleur Ave. in Oshawa. The meeting begins at 7:15 p.m. and Winl feature psychologist Dr. Hank Frazer who wil speak about the treatment processes of anxiety and depression. For more Information caîl 723- 9216. GYMNASTICS CLASSES The Oshawa Gemini Gymnastica Club is taking registration for ds ta the Brooklta JOHN HOWARD EO 17. The club's programs Communlty Centre. the MEETING MEETING include kindergym, get-togethers begin at 2 The annual meeting of There will be an recreational, parent and p.m. and ait older adults the John Howard. emergency meeting of tot and teen gym (55 plus) are welcome. Society of Durbam thc Corridor Area lessons. The lessons are Region is coming ùp Ratepayers Association offered in Whitby, SENIORS' April 8. This year's tonight (Wednesday, Oshawa and Bowman- ACTIITY meeting will be beld at Feb. 5) at 7:30 p.m. at ville. For more infor- ACIVTY the Oshawa Golf Club 127 Tlickson Rd. S. to mation cail 57&-9517. CENTRE from 8 to 10 p.m. The diseuss the Decom Ther's lots to do tlis speaker, George Thom- Melical Waste Station SOCCER month at the Whitby son (formerly Judge proposai. PLAYERS Seniors' Activity Centre Thomson) wlll address Anyone wbo is con- NEEDED s0 drop by and pick up a the Young Offenders cerned about the Whitby Iroquois Sec- calendar of, events. The Act sand the extent to prospect of thîs cer Club will begin in- door training sessions for the 1986 competitive season on ,Feb. 9. Ad- ditional information is available by calling Mr. Mike Sookdeo at 666- 2821. RED CROSS MEETING The Whitby brancb of the Red Cross will hold its annual meeting Tuesday, Feb. il in the Whitby Public Library auditorium. Anyone interested in learning to what extent the local Red Cross is equipped to bandie emergencies and disasters will want toat- tend and see the presen- tation on the Red Cross Emergency Services program. The presentation will be followed by, a social hour wlth refreshments. The meeting la expected to run from 7:30 p.m. till 9:45 p.m* WHITBY PSYCH VOLUNTEER .DANCE The Volunteer Association of the Whit- by Psychiatric Hospital wilI be holding their an- nual "No Frilis" fund- raising dance on-Satur- day, Feb. 8. Proceeds from the dance will support programs volunteers provide for patients at Tickets are $12 per person and there will be a disc jockey, buffet and door prizes.-The dance wlll be -held at the Heydenshore Pavillon from 8 p.m. until 1 a.m. For tickets caîl Volun- teer Services, 66-588 extension 323 or 292. SANDRA BEECH IN CONCERT The Ajax-Pickeringi One Parent Familles Association will be presenting Sandra Beech in concert Satur- day,. Feb, 15 at the Ajax High School. There wlil be three shows beginnlng at il a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $375 par person and are on sale at Mainly Cheese, 26 Dreyer Dr. W. in Ajax. The Ajax lgh Scbool is located at 105 Bayly St. in Ajax. LACROSSE COACHES NEEDE D Lacrosse, the fastest game on two feet, needs your help. Whitby Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association is accepting applications to coach bouse.league* and rep teams for the 1986 season. Contact Gordon Tucker at 6U8- 4962. JAYCETTES INTRO NIGHT The Whitby Jaycettes are inviting women between tbe ages of 18 and 40 to attend an Intro Night, Wednesday, Feb. 5 beginnlnig at 8 p.mn. During the session women interested in joining the Jaycettes will learn about the organization's goals and activities and members wili be on-hand to an- swer any questions about this very valuable community service group. Anyone interested in attending thesession is.' asked to cali President Nancy McDowell for more information. MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION MEETING The Durham Brancb of the Canadian mental Health Association wil be holdingits 26th an- fluai meeting Tuesday, Feb. 18. Donna Noble, founder of the Manic-Depressive Association In Ontario wii conduct a presen- tation on ' EightKNeys to Mental Health. " Anyone interested in attending should RSVP by Feb.,4,,728-9931. The meeting wii be held at the Michal Starr Building, 33 king St. W. in Oshawa. FEBRUARY FROLIC The Ashburn Com- munity Centre Board will be hosting a February Frollc dance at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club Saturday, Feb. B.* Tickets are $20 'a couple and include bot lunch, a cash bar and dancing to the music of Magnum. Ail proceeds wiil be used for main- tenance of the Ashburn Community Centre. Reservations cati be made by calllng 655-3401 or 655-4625. ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENG EH & LIGHT TRUCKS - BRýAKES-SHOCKS- -TUNE-UPS-. COOLING SYSTEMS- R103DUNDAS ST. E.162KING ST. E. ~WHITBY SHAWA TO ALL UA W MEM BERS. The Mem bers of the Durham Reg ion Law Association wish to advise their clients that they now have f reedomn of choice. Under an arrangement between the Law Society of Upper Canada and the UAW Legal Services Plan, any benefi- ciary of the Plan can use his/1her own lawyer and submit the account to the Plan. You may use your own lawyer whether or flot the lawyer is a "Panel or Co-operatlng Lawyer" and stili have ail or part of the account for a covered service paid for by the Plan. A message from the >Durham Reglon Law AssocIation

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