Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1986, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JÀNIJÂRY 29.1I986i PAGE 25 MINK FUR COAT pastel beige, FOR SALE cuba clay brick, iigbi sizo 9, excellent condition, calor, $40. Sa/Sul firopiaca iaking $700. Phone 6682213, acren, 3611x28' plus Andîrona, evenlngs. $45. 5w/Sui firepiace too1 sot, $20. Sa/StI fireplace woodboider, $15. ANTIQUE butaI joirca 160) Iight Phone6689041 afler 5p.m. finish, top bas 4 vhais behind 2 (original glass> doors (le. plate dispisy), botlom has 2 enclosed shoivcs, vsry nice placo, ap- praised $2,000, seiing $1,400. Aiso maplo and waiîut socrclary oariy 1O00s, $675. Plions 571- M.3 ELECTRIO mawar, $75. Phono M&62155. NEW PARLOIR stova, 41 robhes bigh, large Intcrior chamber, chrome mails and lrrm,&lam somo pipes and accessorles, prico $325. Phone 655480. PitINCE8S canopy bctiroom suite, white wllh gold trIm, In- cludes bcd wth canopy frime, chosi of dmawcm, dresser and mIrror and nile-labis. Also box aprIng and mattraso, malchIng cýnopy cover, apread, sham and curtaIns, ausa bcd liens, 970. Ai l ke naw. Cati 43340M. INGLIS 30" whte gas atone, $150. Gold Kenmore dlahwasher. 9 ycars ad, mator and pump 1 'h yara aid, $175. Whte change table, $50 Rut coioured coucli and chair, $W. Phono 866"283. NEW arborle vaniiy coontor, 10 fest, white,.$25.Whie arborte counlar wtb bulli-in slave top (4 elements>, $85. White enamsl tasndry tub In orange arborilo counler, SU. Orange shog car- pet, 9x12 and uoderpad, M65. Green nylon carpel, 12x18 wllh onirpad, $95. Ouantty ambcr coioreid decorator glass, $10. Phone 666-7404. FOR SALE one bush card 0f sason hardwaod splIt, ualo quantly of kindiing, $1W0. One parlour atove, $150. Wood hoider, $5. Phone 668-4032. POOL i4EATER hat any sizo pool, valua $1000, now for $400, natural gas or propane. Cail 723- 1844 or 725M802. 1943 SUPRA, $14.000. IBOM. PC. V. color montor, 12tK DOS 2.1 basic, $1.750. 1964 Yamnaha Virago 1000, $3,550. Alilmini. Hugi comix collection, $6,000. Phone 666-9740. REFRIDGERATOR Admirai, 15 ou. fi., excelont condition, $300. TRSBO computer, oew 64K, cx- pandced basic, coior computer- prînlor and cassette tapc player for progras, $35. Computer and software oniy $175. Piano, oca sosie William, 1908, Oshawa buili, recondilioned,. $1.800. Phono 699-800. GIRLS 21" bike, Raigh, blue transit, $M5, good condition. Ccii 66-3274 aflere p.m. POOL TABLE alithaccssories, excellent condition, 8600. Plions 579-3573. MOVINO, MUST- SELL Dm109 room suite with 6 chairs, 2 yeams oid, $M0. Ladies 3 spaed bike, $55. Two pairs af ladies rouler skates, aise 4 and 7, $25 each. Twoalade tables, $20 each. Round glass table, M55. AMIPM radio alh record playar, $25. Chcst aI drawers, $2. Phone 86-4220. CANOLE STEREO with radio and speakers, ln fgood condition, $50. Cndie casst.e player, $25. Mak.up mirror, $25. Pair of size 0 Dominion rouler skates, $20, comea In akatIng bat; for $10. Hamster cags, 010. Or boatsit er. Phone 666-645. SNOWSLOWER, 5 foot McKcc model 320, for 3 point lîcli, ex- cellent condition, $795. Phono For "lte two ladies 3spoed bihos, $40 each. Phono 668-4032. PUR JACKETS: necriy osa, short dressy China MInk, dccli broan, sire 14, $195. Gorgeous f lama Musturcl, blcck mink f rim, sire 12, $135. Grey persian icmb, suode rim, sizo 12, $95. Back iodlher ladies coat, fuiiy linsd with reci for, sire 16, $40. New,,ai wool ladies coat, cicssic styla, mauve, petite 10112,$025. Mns il wooi MGregor carcoci, Ilice os, sire 38, $25. Older standcrd typeariler, $25. Hairdrysr, 00W, $7.50. Bondie buggy, $5. Hand held ehower massage, $10. Phono 666-7404. When the advertised Item ta sold, diapoeed of, or univailable for whatever reason, the item wtll be deemed ta bave been aotd and a commnission wilI be chargeit basco on TIHE ADVERTISED PRICE as illutrated belaw, regardieu If price la sttted wttb best offer". If tbe item la NOT SOLI), or disposed of, the ad will be rtxn.for 3 MONTHS snd a MINIMUM CHARGE nf 07.50 will appty payable ln advcnce of publication of the first ad. The above minimumo charge witt be applled ta the final commission due. Maximum commission, $100.00. Ail adver- tisemenix must be placed on an exclusive ais witb lte WHITBY F'REE PRESS and rus at teast one month il nont old. RATES (if article là soldi: 5% of adve.-'iqed price 5p te 8400.00 2% o alance ove.- 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Sotd Item advertiaed forr$150.00. Commission due $7.50 (minimum charge is 87.5o) Private cdvertising otyl Please notify te Whitby Frec Press immedictely wben item in sold 50 ltat we mcy deete it from the fottowing Issue. Ail ads sot fittinfi the Emporium guidelines wiJ be treated snd cbarged par week as regular clcssifiei ais on c pro-poi bonis sucb as: services, inclp ateot, clothing, real eate, coi personal message type scdc, or adas ot quoting prîce or qucntity. Private clcssified ais mcy appear in the Emporium section under appropriate hecdings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTI{ERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whtby. LIN 5MI If In doubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whttby. ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMIPORIUM ADS IS THE j FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SKAEtSy s model, 35.WByn e G l% nsulatcd skates, new, SIZE 12Z Kastinger Golden K ski Gfotsw Base, $5. Hoysey 5up. $20. 39" bcd, $3. Double bed, boots, new, $150, nover womn. newBaur, 25 HokeyEqup- new mattreas, steeltframe and Phone 08ff4102atiter 6 p.m. ment, shoulder pada, pennesand headboard, M4. Sewing machine, other eqsipmcnt, flis 9-11 year 2 yeaeaid, $100. Mens bike, $25. ttiRBY VACUUM complote at- boys, $20. Ski boots, mon'. Two gerbils wih cage and foot. taclimenîs, $250. Plhons 66&. Retcker 5 buokie boots, alz OW $10. Culte Grayakul ad several 2155. $35. Ladies lace boot, aize 7, $10. ElectrIcal panels, 8 fuse panel, mo ncludcd, $20. HotI Whcel _____________ $12 Tw 20amppanis,$5 ach City, $10. Humpty Oumpty toy $12.Two30 ap pnels $5«eh box, $15. GoBai command con-. mq and 60 amp disconroci, $10. Callti e 1.Cl 2-7 O SH L 576-7697. r.,12Ca n7- n. .nHUS HO D ANTIQUE doak, pino top, reflnishsd, $250. PrIce neotiabie. Ccli 725-1435. FORMAL WALTZ isogil irans, dusty roso color, paidnenckIne, pleated InsarttIo front of skIrt and Georgette cape on the back, bat la, match, oniy wom once, paid $260.,ahilaccopl $150. Format fuit [engini dreas, Robin.egg bise calor, beaded front and full lengîli Georgette siseves, oîiy womn once, asbing $75 or boni oi- for. Phone 576-1059. FOR SALE boys mooided Lange siccios, aira 10, excellent con- dition, $20. Sioiy hooso uni fur- niture, $40. Fisheor Price lape recorder, $30. Metl dog case. $25. Nea rabbil caga,water bot- le and osîdoor pon, $50. JR girls 10 speei bike, $50. Phono 723- 0768. FOR SALE flire acreen and aisec- trie logo, $50. Stop end table, $5. Phone 66-4032. BEAUTIFUL blue fox lîdios jacket (Saga-Fur), oea, niro 14, $80 or basi offor. Like oea,Iliglil bise, 2 place ski suit, ize 14,$75. 427-863. 1 FOR SALE rouler skates, boys sire 81h. $25. Ooeen size bai, $25. Denk, $35. Phone 6881680, SNOWBLOWER, Toro 12" alec- trie, eocellent condition, $125. Phono 655.4110, aller 6 p.m. SKIS à BOOTS ski longil 170 cm, bool clos 10. $75. Mapia kitchen set, four chairs, $145. Duncan Fyfa, excellent condition, $125. Seaing machino, 035.6836638. 1970 WOODS hrdIop tratter, sas 190 CHRYBLER P.I.,p.b.,2 le, 31,600. Sleops eigbi, bas door, 60000 mliii 8$4,20.Plane etove, Ice box and fumnace. 16 0666-7203, f oot codar boittand molor _____________ 1,500, es la. 688-2702.- TRAPAULIN caver for a Mazda long box truck, oow ast $163, ai ssliI for $100 or boailoffer. Phona Waler 666-11337 eveningo or M3. 2366 deys. AUDIO VOXIChcyalcr, eicctronic ln dlas, AMIPM apîx alîore cassette aitI dlock, digital food ouI, 12 proeta, sak, scan, dolby, iuoa revamse, matai cspeblity. Fit@ ail lite modal Chrysier prodocîs, 9300. MotaroiiAMIFM alerea cassette, puah btton tuolng, auta oovrse, universeilfit, $125. Four Chryster raiiy ahosla alli centras, trlm rnoga, iog nuta, ta fit &Qf "K" cars, Omnia, Mini Vins etc., aire 14x6, $200. Four BF. Goodricl Euo mdiii T.A. tines, size 205f70HR14, 11,000 mles aihI warranty, $40. Edoibrock SP2P aiomlnum Intake manIfoid, alili Installation kIt, ta fit ormait block Chevy, Brand new anIt (4 bbi>, $20. Sel af poiiahcd, floned siomInom rocker covera 10 fit 302 Fard engin., $100. Set af factory saInIsesateel, lobea hsdem tao fil lite modal 302 Ford angines, brand nsa. $275. Pioa 655-3M FIVE C0000 VEAR Wrsngier radiail Mterrain lines, aire %M uuaua P15575R15, oniy 2,000 mii.., $4M. Four Dodga iMitlbsahi> L-SHAPED sofa for sasie, 5 yeam Rallyc ahocis, SIxc 14"XO6, fil oid, vory good condition, asklna ColIs Sapporo, Challenger, $200. Phonoe68-1485. Arrow, $90. Phonec055-3266. FOR SALE gold fridge soi ga siovo, dual ovens, approx. 7.yiams oid, $400fIrm. 666-4035. SPEED OUEEN heavy doty Hecut wanher and dryar, 4 yecrs oid, good appearance cnd aorkinig ordor, $450 for the pair. 427-6244 or 427-2854. 1979 ussEV Mona, V-6 atomnailo, 2 door hatchbeck, pa&., p.b., AMIFM cassette aterso, 70,000 miles oniy, bas new lirea, excellent condition, $2.100. Cati 646-Mamter ôp.m. 1977 DODOS Aspen B.W., radio, good lirea, as le, 8Sm or boat ai. fer. Phono 683-3M25 aIarS5 p.m. 1970 CHRYBLER CORDOR ps., p.b., air canditioning, $60 or boat offar. Cali 6664'176. 1978 NOVA as la, $150. Phono 655-6001 or66W&2187. 1976 OUaTER, $40, as la or bcat ailer. Phone 66&5=3. 1974 CHEV IMPALA, pis., p.b., 350 automatliaBiaaptunkt aterea and equatizer, good condition, certIfled $65. Phone «666-2187. 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 hoad scoop, 350 2 bol, also wIli Inctude lwo 00w rotors and calipae, for realoration or pants, $40. 666& 2145. 1000 UICK SIcylsur, 350 4 brI, auto, ps., p.b., new braicca, tires and more, good condition, $50. 1970 Camera R.S. 3W04 bof, auto, moellil black, ps., p.b., com- pletliy ratared Inlide and oui, excellant condition, headera, dual exhasat, many moraentras, 113,80)certif led. 1081 Chcvelte, 4 door, 4 spccd, 65,000 mites, maroon, cxcellent condition, $3.500 certIled. Calil Vnce 666- 3802, anytime. < 1 DININO TABLE, soiid pins, double padestai, 92x36", ex- callent condition cni 6 plie siraight back chairs, $80. Phono 655.3m.8,aller 5 p.m. WASHERISPINNER, Simplily, aparimeol sire, lookus cod rois lita osa. $90. Plone 655-4989. 4!rCON FU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because youhave If you: tare a private advertiser; *have an article to seli; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sel wîthin three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you get three months advertisi ng for only $750? When your article sells, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% oif the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. SED?9 questions. 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