Whitby Free Press, 18 Dec 1985, p. 30

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.. - - - . à%/ l x4n u 1 S u Q5 Z W[-IlTR)V P[ PP P«RODIVV KIRBeVCUUM 2 yesrs oid, ike MY PERSONAL aew, ait attactimens. îacîudîag COLOURS shampooer pus etras, worth Discover the coloura $1.200, asking $700 or hast offer. & shades that com- Mst ha seen. 723-6698. pliment your skin tone & enhance your FOR SALE ona aparmeat sized beat features - dryar, askiiig $150 or hast ottar. Only$30parconsltaion cait 666-2738 daps oaiy. Cail GEOTYPE press-on fttarinu o 662770 in stock t DIciveon Priting & Of- icesapplies ta tire Aax ahop- PAINTING & DECORATINO ping Piaza. Large se8ction Of prafessionat boaded workma- stylas andt ses. Wiry pap more shtp, residentit ad commercial, for a smaiier sireat afltttering? f ree estimtes. cati 839-4277 or 683-1968. UNEMPLOYEO HELP CENTRE' Naed hetp? Worfers Campea. satlion, Wettare, OHtP assistance, fjnempiapmellî Insurance, or crais reterrais ta other egeacies, cati: 579-1821. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on profssionai fioor. Woaid ha saitabte for tawyar, accoantartt. aItc. Rent inctades ait utiities and ta nagotiabta for an appraprias tenant. For turtiser Information cati 668-6372 betweao 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Moadap fa Friday. /7MENMTST1 CODSFOR RENT TWO BEOROOM APARTMENT ta ornaitiWhithp Aduit building. Caatratip tocated cose fa GO & toaetbs staps. ut ititias, fydro and parking tactvded. Cati 66M 6372 etweea 9:30 s.M. and 5 p.m. Maday ta FrIday. CENTRAL WHfIBY, aew 3 bedroomn brick home, double at- f ached garage, cose ta schoois and shopping, efficient gas heaf, $875 moafhty. 4337002, 9 c.m. ta 5 P.m. WANTED roase aad board ta Pckering aar& for Jaaaary 15, 196. Phone 579-153, este for Ken, &fter 6 p.m. SINGLE PARENT with oas chutd taoktag for basement aparfmeat, worfing fui-time, neded for May 1, 196, preferahiy Alax, Whithy as. 68-6678, betore 4:30 p.m. LARGE semni furnished room, privais bath, ta nera hoase. Brook and Rossiand ares, $300 monthtp, evaitahie Jaauarp 1. Phone66- 4073. MATTRESSES and boo springs ai hait prics. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 7255181. TYPE WRI TERS Portable & EtectriC God c tio t choose f rom. Reconditioned,& Guaranteed ENEWMAN'S 'OFFICE EQUIPMENT 66a.3738 60% OFF ait our short corses, git coupons worth $195 wiii be soit for hait price. Computer Sohoot 427-3010. VISIT Our uset turnitura warattouse by appoiniment. Big savngs os deuka. chairs. fiiirg cabinets, etc. Cati Dickeon Pria- tng & office Suppies to arrange an appoisimatit to viea. 683- 1968. CHESTERFIELD suites. toeseats, sectionais, tsa than %,a price. Large saiection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Sf. S., Oshawa. 7255181. Cf1.f.P. PROGRAM. Ontp 104 de tt. For a frae estimate con- tacf McCeava Insutation ser- vices, 1-800-3204. CHIRISTMAS TREE5 cvi pour oaa, Scott Pine, aprace and Whit e ine, $10, $15, $20. f-f gk- way 12, north Myrfte, Towaina Road East. *IHEROES of the Bibe" cotouring booku avaitahia ai Diokeon Pris- ting & office Suppies, Aa puea, 683-1968. Deaer taquinles Iavited.' CI-fRISTMAS TREES cat pour owa or pra-cut. apraca ro Pins, cane wreaths, Whith, Thictson Road exit et 401, north 4 mites f0 coatîn Roat, sasi 1 mite. Open aiiy 9 s.m. to 9 paz. Watson Tres Ferme. ATTENTION ait rintar mec.rhneire 1971 0h45 Cutisse, ____________________ 350 racket engins, 76000 mtes, ~ ARICLS jn:eds somnebodyp morte $500 un- ~ FOR REI~I~ENT 5965slle 5P. ffrcai 2 TYPEWRITER rantai. many 1978 CHEV Maiba. AMIPMIB malles ant modats, by tire track, PS., P.B., auto. VO, $1.895. weakent, week or moatir. 1979 Dateun 280ZX OL 2& Discounts avaitahie. Dikeon oaded, cerlitied, $6.500. 1979 Printing & Office Suppieasin the Cheo Impaa, 9 passanger wagon. Ajax Piaza. Cati us for business PS., PB., auto. 350, air, $2.965. macine repaire 6831968 Catil 6554069. MENTWORK WONDERS WUN.' ABS CALLOU-6111 WANTED grandfather ciacks by Jorden Post and oid pintInge of animais. Cati e55-e49, avannge. *REVEALEIM MAudia cassette tellsM *profifable formuleas. $7.95 *garaneedShiohM A1socaesP.O.Box 405, Station A, Toronto, M5W IC7. THANKS ta ai. Jade for tavOrs receined. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS n the Estate of AN- THONY ADAM KASPERSKI, deceaaed. Ail persons having dlaimts againat the Estate of ANTHONY ADAM KASPERSKI, sate of the Town of Ajax, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on the 25th day of Auguat, 1985, are hereby notîfied to'send particuiars of same to the undersigned on or before the 131h day of February 1985, after which date the Estate wlii be ditrlbuted, wth regard oniy 10 the dlaIms of which the under- signed shaii then have notice, and the under- signed wiii not be hiable to any person of whose dlaim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 19th day of November, 1985. Peter A. Kasperaki and Martin D. Rabinovitch, Executors, by thelr Solicitors LASH, JOHN- STON, 24th Floor, North Tower. PO. Box 11, Royal Bank Plaza, Toron- to, Ontario M5J 2J1. 'ÉW É[TIAO ALI '-GRAMMER for people eho haie grammar s15tire ideai pocteet peope. $395 par copy and anaitabte at Dickson Printing & Office Suppies ln tire A ao Piaza. Deaer entiiries invitet 63-19IL8. PROTECTYOURHOMEM *Compiete Ilustratad guide toi *homsecuiagattirsfe Istorms, neecte endt burgas cp -NEMIEN Ts $995 post pald ist cto guaraniet . Shttsh Aseocaftea P-0O Bos 405 Statton A, Taronto, M5W CONGRATULATONS on pour 1c-7- toticomIng marriage. Pisase -- 1 watding invitations ai pour ieurs in our Alan Piaza store. Dickson Printinu 8& Office Sup- pies, 683-1968. lob training and pacement heip s avaitabte. Cati Rotgers Sciroot ai (416) 769-3548. CORNEt L'S AUCTION BARN FR1., DEC. 20 8:00 P.M. Three miles eass of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Road. The property of MRS. M. TREDGER of Beaverton, plus others. Wainut drop leaf table, 6 walnut needie point chairs, pressback rockers, 30" yeilow Kenmore eiectric stove, Coldapot 2 door refridgerator, Kenmore automatic washer, Kirby vacuum (ail attachments, like new), 6 f t. pine har- vest table, wooden war- drobe, Ingils apt. size dryer, chrome kitchen suite, Westioghouse dryer, MacCiary 30" elec- trlc stove, modemn dressers and chest of drawers, chesterfielda, single box spring and mattresses, co-oli lampa, 5 hp. Craftsman snow biower, quantity of new tools, china and glass. This la the last sale of the season. We would like to thank everyone for their patronage throughout the year on behave of our family and staff we wouid like ta wish everyone a H-appy Holiday Season. Check your paper for our opening January sale. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786.2183 A CAREER IN TRUCKf NO. Tran- sport drivers needed. Nom is tihe lime oa train for pour ctass A ticense. For prenscreening Inter. view and job placement infor- matiloti, contact Merv Orr's Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1260ý PART-Tf ME office work, daYs Or anenings, students weicomne. Cati 683-3300. FULLER BRU5H reqairas fuit and partIma heip, good earnings. Cati carman 723-7044 anytime. ALI~ LOOKI NO for fait-time work ta crediticotiactions ares. Have 2'h pears experteace, saaary negafishie. Pieuse cati 66-9796. FREE: Drop into tira Dicheors rinting & Office SUPPIY Store sn the Aax Fiaza and pick up a f ree copy of their 1985 Mtric Caien- dar. Printed ln tmo cotoars. ti mafren for hasdy retarence. 683- f968. ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION SALE BOXING DAY TH URS., DEC. 26 110:00 A.M. Brooklin Communlty Centre, Hwy. 7 and 12, watch for signs. Featuring 250 quaiity Items. lncluding a slgn Vienna regulator, 10 pece oak dining room suite, made ln "Berlin" Pequegniat dlock, dining room hanging o011 amp, vIctrola, brasa bed, music box, Duncan Fyfe coffee and end tables, pressbacks, Princes dresser and matching highboy, chiidren's pedal cart and horse, Royal Doulton figurines and plates, R.S. Prussia flo0w blue, carnival and ruby glass, Occupled Japan, stirling apoona, ohl paintinga, Rogers iiverware, crocks, linen, violina, and much more. Doora open at 8 a.m. Snack bar. Terma cash or approved cheque. D.L.S. AUCTION SERVICE (416)434-6333 DALE SMITH & GARY HILL AUCTIONEERS St. JONImAtnhanc ha ben eachistuandsrirugln Canalda stace t1883. oure rstted I ta panat ci thiri nesi hunrrd pears Orna hase s caf Lea n hoW Io halp St. lohn Ambulanc Thr ned nedwm We need S a few good ~r boys and 9- girls! Become a carrier today. Lests to ha a business peran wtth, respotisibIiitp'wftIie earntig mooey. Secome Ithe Oatstand- tng carrier Of the mosth and become a wInneri TaIýti r U Circulation Manager. Cali 668-6111 Todayl WHITBV FREE PRESS Chariie is jumping for jay since he f ound out about the service et Dickssn Printing & Off ice Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. CA L uU ..:.:ý68 16 pr NEED TO KNOW SoMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW aOMMUNITY? Cali Phono 668-8943 Our hostess wili bring gluts and greetings, aixng with hoiptul commtiiity informationi. 1I7 * I FIRE ALARM MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Provide Fire Aiarm Maintenance at the Psychiatric Hospital, Registry Office and the Jail ln WHITBY, Ontario for a three year period. TENDER NO. ORI-85-176 Seaied Tenders wIii be received untIl 2:00 p.m. local lime on WEDNESDAY. JANiJ. ARY 8, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, OrIllia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For furiher In- formation regarding the tenders, please cail the Tenders 0f- fice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 3Ï6.7403. The iowest or any Tender flot neceasarily accepted. Minstry 0f ( ) Govem ment Set-c.. Ont ario rle eruhATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14c each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space o ITHDATS-$70fo h frt10 ors 2<ec such replies. We will not b>e responsible for box number btheror U oamxmmcs ftefrtisrin additional word. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject l detsmn. Ads mnust appear in the paper st 50 words: 12t each additional word. DEAI)LINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert aedaveretiem a e n cacl. or cancel Classîfied Ads. Friday noon prior to publication on day beforesthey cr be changedorrianceled y ASIlIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- -UT AE40t per lne.(No word adsallowedi aisr o aclE.oimAs ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NIM BERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa accounit. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 PAGE 30 W WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLAIUIIFIfL ARTIST Major manufacturer of paper packaging produc- ts requires a quallfied artist. You wIl be responsible for the creation and preparation of functional art work or layouts per- tainlng to the promotional requirementS of corrugated cartons and dispisys. Your background should include a diploma f rom a community college, graphic design course, several years experience in graphlc design and capability to perform creative as weiI as reproduc- tive art. We offer competitive saiary and an excellent benefits package. Please submnit your resume f0: Harry Llndgren MacMillan Bathurst Imc. P.O. Box 150, Wator Street Whltby, Ontarlo, LiN5R7 ,VEDNESDAY.DECEMBER lb, 196à WI-11113Y 1-mroa à THENED ARE YOU LOOKING fora loh or a lob worth Ywarking for? Dont fight Ill Lears how ta use the computer ad ha a etep ahesd ta the tas markeat. Wa otter job placement and financiai assisfance for those unempioyed or tom Income. 427-3010. 1 ý ELP WHA'N'lTED

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