Whitby Free Press, 18 Dec 1985, p. 29

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WITITY FREE. PRESS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1985 PAGE 29 SKIS à BOOTS ski length 170 cm, boni sîze 10, $75. Maple kîtchen set, tour chaire, $145. Duncan Fyle, excellent condition, $125. Sewig machine, $35. 683-6638. ANTIQUE hutch (chOua 1860) lighl finIsh, top hua 4 ahelees behind 2 (original glaaaî doors (le. plate diaplay), bottom has 2 enclosed aheinea, nery nice plece, aP- pralaed $2000 aeling $1.400. Alan maple andwaulnut aecretatY early iBOQa, $875. Phone 571. 3638..- ELECTRIC mower, $75. Phone 668-2155. WH4ITE helrîon bedapread, etectrlc blanket, 3 sots of aheeis, el125. Phone 668-5645. FOR SALE kîtchen suite corner nook bench style (4) Place, 116e new, $25ù>. Air conditianer 8000 OTU vertical, 1 peur nId. $366. 666-4302. ASSORTED kitchen cabinets, upper, tomer, dnuble sink and tapa, need work, package dea8l, $85. New arborite counlter, white, $25. Whte arborite couter milS built-In atone top (4 elemreflîsi, $85. Whit1e enamel iaundry tub In orange arborite couniter, $35. orange ahag carpel, 9ut2 and underpad, $65. Green nylon car- pet, 12x18 wiih underpad, $85. Ouuntiiy amber cooraid decoralur glanae. $10. Phone 668- 7404. XIIFFET pine repro, drY aink style, 48" wlde. 23 high, $350. Etecirle iypewrlter, $200. Royale 1a erviced wlll guaruntee. 666.2243. SNOWBLOWER, 5 foot McKee model 320, for 3 point hlch, ex- collent condition, $795. Phone 65-5.499S. KENMORE portable diahweaser. anocado, 7 yearn nid, $100. Throe lier space saner, $20. Oueen aize bed, $75. Doubla bed. $100. Elec- fric grill, $5. Large dog houas, $10. Space healer, $15. Eight drawar dresser. $15. Large ham- ster cage wllh wheel and mulet baille. $15. Cal 728-88615. 1983 SUPRA, $14.000. IBM. PC. VR. cotor monitor, 128K D08 2.1 basic, $1.756. 1984 Vamaha Virago 1000, $3»556. Ail mini. Mage comlc collection, $8.000. Phone8668-9740. 61' ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE boys mouided Lange skates, size 10, excelent con- diion, $20. SIndy bouse and fur niiere, $40. Fisher Price tape recorder, $30. MataI 400 case, $25. New tabait cage, mater bol- lia and ouldoor pan, $50. JR grls 10 apeed hika, $50. Phone 723- 0768. FOR SALE cube dlay brick, ilghi Color, 540. SwiSti firaplace acrean. 36x28" Plus Andirosa, $45. swlSIi lirapiaca 1001 ual, $20. SwiSli fireplace woodhoidar, $15. Phone 6689041 allerS5 p.m. REFRIOGERATOR Admirai, 15 e. fi., excellent condition, $300. TFIs8O computer. nam 64K, as- pandad basic, coter compular- prInlar and cassette lape player lot programa, $35. Computer and software oniy $175. Piano. naw scale William, 1908, Oshawa beil, racondiiioned, $1.800. Phoena699-800 1. GIRLS 21" bike, Rlaleigh, blun transit, $55. gond condition. Cel 686-.3274 aller 6 p,m. CANOLE STERBO milh radie and speakers, ln good conditivn, $60. Cundte casette ployer, $25. Mukeop mirror. $25. Paît of size 6 Dominion toiler skaes, $20. comas ln skating bug lot $10ý Hamster cage. $10. Or hast cier. Phoon668-8459. FOR SALE lire scraan and alsec- trie loge, $50.14black and white TV, $25. Two table lampa, $20 set. Stop end table, $5. Two tiower poies, $5 aach. Phone 668-4032. FOR SALE iBM SaiecirIc. 9004 condition, muai ba aeen, $300. Cali 728-3163,9 a.m. io 5 p.m. FOR SALE bunik bed, $200. Rouler skaee, boys. sua 681h. $25. Oueen size bad, $25. Triple dresser, $50. Deak, $35.-668-1680. PUR JACKETS: neaury new. short dresay China Mink. darh brome. size 14, $195. Gorgeous tiame Muskrai. black mink irim, nize 12. $135. Grey persian lamb, sueda lrim, siza 12, $95. Back lealher ladies ceai. fuiiy mcnd wilh reai fur, aize 16, $40. New. ail wool ludies coal, ciassic style. mauve, petite 10112, $25. Mens ail wool McGregor carcoal. 116e new. euee 38, $25. Oldar standard typewrlter, $25. Hairdryat. naw. 17.56. Bondie buggy. $5. Hand haid Shomer massage. $10. Phone 668-7404. - -r L 8 L k 3.~r~ K 1 -1 lt~L M U I A A U O M BI E When tie advertined item is anid. disposed of. or unavuilabie for whaiever reuses, the item miii ha deemed tn hune baccn oid and a cmmission miii ha chargad bused on TIE AI)VVIITISEI) PRICE us itiusirated heinw, regardiesa Il price is staied wîth "besi offar" If the item as NOT SOL.D. or disposed af, tbe ad miii ba rue for 3 MIONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of1$7.58 iii appiy payable in advtanceotf publication eftihe firsi ad. The ahane minimum charge wiii ha appiied lu the final commission due, Maximum commission: $100.00 Ail udver- tisemants must ha pluced o ana exclusive basis wtth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai ieuel one menih if nnt seid RATES (ifIarticle iv seid 1 5% of edvertised prIce up f.o $499,88 2ofnibalance anar $400-00 EXAMPIE: SoeId Item adveriised fer Il s0.oo.tom mission due $7.50 i minimum charge le $7.50) Privaite adveriieing onlyl Pieuse notify tse Whitby Frac Press immediatley mheti item ie soid so thut mc may delete iIrsomthsa fsllcming issue. Ail ads soi fitting tisa Emporum guidelînes miii ha treutad and chterged par wme aks regular clessified adsonosa pre-paid basia auch us: services, hcip wantad, ethting. reul asate, and persnnaî message typearada. or ada fol quoting prica or quuntity. Private ciessitied uda may upper i te Emporium section under apprnpriute heudingS AUL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION LINLESS OTSIERWISE SPECIFIED. MAILADI)SI: FREF.PRESS EMPORILM P.>. Box 206 Whitby. LIN 5851 If ls deuht rail: 668-6111 131 I5rock S. N . Whiby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AI)S 1 THE F1UDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~~RTICLE~1 ~~FORSA.I.E~LE BAND$AW General 15' Vu Sp wienclosed stand $880. Joinir Generai 6" 1 hp walpen stand $725, Yamuha D80 orgen ihruo keyboards $2900. Reese ioad lenelling traiter hilos 10,000 lb cap. $110. Computer busines program înt rDesigo GIL, AIP, IIM milS luciory buckupa. aet $195. Jet mail pump Va Sp m130 gel ianik $185. Utliîy bon lot pickup truck we aiharprool 30mn511n23h wilock $115. Walnui veneer 14e14" $15. Wood4 lhreuding tsols I", ;4",', 1 md. boltomIng eaps sel $315. Router & steel case milS guides $55. Wina carboy 12 5>gallon $18. Caeil655-4003. FORMAI WALTZ lengiS dresa, dusty rose calor. peaur neckline. pieuied insert le Iront of skift and Georgette cape on the buck, Sut io mach, oniy worn once, paid $260, waili ccepi $156. Formai full length dress. Ilobin-agg blue caler, beaded Iront and fu lengih Georgette sianvas, oniy worn onceuaking $75 or beal of- fer. Phonna576-1059. BEAUTIFUL tblus lau ladies Iackel (Saga-Fur), new. aize 14, $288 or basi oller, Lika new. iighN blue. 2 place ski soit. size 14. $75. 427-8838. M INK FUR COAT Pastel beige. POOL TABLE with acceSsI .iZe 9. excellent condition. excellent condilion, $600 P asking $700. Phone 668-2213. 579-3573. evenings. GIRLS lnaolaiad skates, nem, S20. 39" bed. $30. Dooble 064. new mattresa, steel Irume and heedbnard, $4. Sewlng machine, 2 peurs aId. $100. Mens 516e, $25. Two gerbîls wilh cage and foot, $10. Cealla Grayskuil and sevarai men lnciuded. $20. Hol Wheel Cip, S10. Humply Dumply loy bon, $15.GoBai command cen- tre. $12. Cail 427-687. FOR SALE 207 CM Dynastut libraglasa downhiiî skie. wllh polos and bindings. $75. Phone FOR SALE Commodore 64, 1541 single disc drIna wiih 33 diacs. disc bunk. loy stick, books on the 64, 500. Phone 668-5651. For uale imo ladies 3-apeed biken. $40 eech. Phone 868-4032. WOOD OR COAL burnîng kilcenn stone, id gond candition. 6 lids. white enamel mith hlgS back. $300. Cail anylime. 655-5032. TWiihAIboots nerosutr $kilhomotsiand12, $15 mni ei 2 und 31, $25. airdoL ku.size 9d3,$1. Prontr 9753. Buyinq ô liii daeniaI Y" am ebu he cosMi l rata u, ratMMIMO b oe lu bchei time o 'id 6 ~ 1 c .'o Mlwnl tata, 4Ml o tSSt,,*am d z fi li nou, ýtoit.. no 5 668-6111iail mHIn, .0 FR E E 64, l So INSTRUMENTSI BONTEMPI eleciric orges, min- atrel modal wiih adapter and 2 tearning books, naw prIca $650 sait for $400. Phone 668&2155. 1970 WOODS hardîop traiter, as la, $1.600 Steep e eghi hua alove, Ica bou and tornade. 16 loot cadar boul and motor. $1.500, as la. 669.2702. TRAPAULIN covar fer a Mazda long bex truck, new tast $163, wili soit for $100 or bast ollar. Phona Wallar 666-1337 anenInga or 683- 2386 daya. AUDIO VOXIChryslée eleteoionic n duas, AM îFM I mpm altereo cassette wilh dlock, digital read oui, 12 prenais, neek, acan, dolby, auto taverne, matai 1 1 1 cupebiiity. FPls ail aie modal Chrysier producis, $300. Phone unversel lit. $125. Four Chryaler rings, lug nota, 10 lit ail *K" cars Omnis, Mini Vans etc., aize ry skis 14x6, $200. Fout BF. Goodrich ie by Euro radiai TA. tires, siza Loute, 20570HR14. 11,000 miles muSh mne's wurranty, $400. Edeibruck SP2F a 6- aluminumn inluke manifold, with Installion kil, 10 fi samli bock Cheey, Brand nom unit (4 bb11. $200. Sel ol polshad, flnnad aiumlnum rocker cavera in fil 302 Ford angine, $100. Set et factory atainle5saateel, tuba heuders te fit aie model 302 Ford angines, brand naw. $275. Piona 655-3266. -8. pý My MI le. el :061 1 1. In à Io «0. .61 ss CON FUSED?. * FR AL 1MB 0000E OmnI GLH, black, 5 speed, AMIFM aleren, E8gi8 OT radiais, alumlnum rocd wheels, 45,000 km. warranly, $8.500. 655- 4078 or 655-4989. 1960 CIRYSLER PS., phb., 2 door, 60,000 mlles, $4.256. Phone 668-720W. 1B76 CHRYSLER CORDOBA PS.. p., .air condilllnlng, $600Or beai offer. Cali 655-3176. 1976 NOVA as la. $150. Phone 655-8001or6868-2187. 1976 HORNET WAGON, 6 cyl,, rellable, qulck sale, $400 or beai aller. Phone 7280676 aller 5 p.m. 1975 COUGAR, PaS., p.b., 8 irack, appron. 85,000 milea, needa some melor wnrk and other minor repaire, body lait, $800 or beat oller. 668-8227.' 1974 CHEV IMPALA. PaS., p.b., 350 aulomalic, Blauplunkt aleren and equalizer, gond condition. certif lad $650. Pihone 666.2187. 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 bond scoop, 350 2 Ob, also wiii Inclode Imo new rotors and culipera, for restorallen or parte, $400. 668- 2145. 1889 BUICK Skylark, 350 4 bri, auto. pas., p.b., new brukes, tires and more, gnod condition, $500. 1970 Camero R.S., 35064 bri, auto. mealailloblack, PaS., p.b., com- pieiely realored inaide and out, excellent condition, headera, duel exhaunt, many more extra, $3800o certilled. 1981 Cheneile, 4 door, 4 apeed, 65,000 miles, maroon, excellent condition, $3500 certiiied. Cali Vinca 666- 3802, anytime. ... OUSEOLD . GOVODS~ L-SHAPED enta lot sale, 5 yeara nId. nery good condition, asking $200. Phone 668-1485. / '4 FOR SALE gnld irldge and ges alose, duel ovaIt!, a"1prO1. 7 yaars old, $400 iirm. 666-14036. BLACK LEATHERETTE radIlner n excellent condition, $200. One colltee and iwo end tables, $80.1 Phone 66-3844. pain wÈ* -llý Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. [>ont miss out. on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. Hopefully, theexplanation below can clear up many of your questions - if Isot, do cail 668-6111l and we'lI be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you' eare a private advertiser: ehave an article to selI; and, *have a speeified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad wil non each weekc until the article has been sold (maximum three months i A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7,50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. 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