PAGE 14 WEDNESDA Y, DECEM BER 18, 1985 WHITB Y FR EL PRESS m m M - VALUABLE COUPON M -m-M- - THISWEEK!* I ____Ail Sîzes & Styles - INMMM LIMIT ONE COUPONPFER CUSTOMER - - - -COOLING SYSTEMS- 103 DUN DAS ST.E. 162 KING ST. E Wi-ITBY OSHAWA 668-3356 571-3400 Beware in the kitchen- Chie! Crouch Fire is a dangerous enemy and the kitchen can be a dangerous place. Fire Chief Crouch s warning for today is: 'When cooking witb grease or fats, neyer leave it unattended. Always have a tight fit- ting lid handy for the pot or frying pan. If the grease catches fire, remove the source of beat, put the lid on and smother the f ire. Do not throw water on a grease fire, it only spreads the flame. Do not attempt f0 carry the flaming pot or pan - smotber that fire". Fire Chief E.M. Croucb asks you to be sp-~cially careful of fire this Christmas season. The kitchen will be a busy place witb ail the famiiy home. And watcb that Christmas tree, keep it standing in i SUPPLIER-i SALES REP-1 CALL OELIVERY WHEN YOU WANT ITIUOTATIONS WHEN YOU NEEO THEMIPROMPT ATTENTION *LETERHEAD *ENVELOPES *ANNOUNCEMENT5 *BINDERS *BUINESS FORM5 TICKETS *COLOR WORK .INVOICES :CHEQUES INVENTORYCARDS .CATALOGUES .PRICELISTS .5HIPFING TAGS : CALENDARS -BROCHURES -LABELS *BOOKBINOING *RAISEDPRINTINO *NEWSLETTERS *5NAP SETS INSTANT PRINTINO *NCR FORMS *CONTINUOUS FORMS *OOLO STAMPINO -SCRATCH FADS -BUSINESS FORMS *PHOTOORAPHY *CREATIVE DESIGN A COMPLETE PRINTINO SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASINO AGENT OR BUYER FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE.PICK-UP & DELIVERY.COPY DESIGN & PREPARATION I THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The CounCil of th 'e Corporation oi the Town of Whitby intends 10 pass by- Iaws to stop-up, close and seli the untravelled IndustrIal Drive road alowance as shown below and as more particuiarly shown on Registered Plan No. 871. INOUSTIAK ORVE ~(UN7RA VL L The Operations Commitiee of Whitby Town Council will meet on Monday, January 6, 1986, ai 7:30 p.m. ln Çommiiee Room One of the Whilby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, for the pur- pose of hearing any person who caims thai their land wili be prejudicially aff ected by the by-laws. Any person wishing to be heard by the Operations Commillee with respect to the by-laws is asked 10 advise the Town Cierk accordlngiy on or before Friday, January 3,1986. Dated ai Whitby, Ontario, Ihis 4th day of December, AD., 1985. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whtby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: f416) 668-5803 water and tie it securely. Turn the ligbts off before you leave the bouse or retire for the night. Do not let the youngsters play near the tree and keep mat- ches out of reach. Make if a merry and safe holiday time. Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN )~Cail 725-8967 wIth Items for this column CHRISTMAS PARTY Thie executive of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association enjoyed a fabulous dînner Christmas party at Kelsey's Restaurant on Dec. 10. Once a year the executive and their spouses have a social evening together. The rest of the year it is work for the members. Our thanks to Kelsey's and waitress Wendy, for the excellent service and food. Everyone enjoyed their evening. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Carol singing - There will be carol singing at 10:45 a.m. every Sunday until Christmas. Christmas Service - Dec. 22, il a.m. - Christmas Worship. Dec. 22, 7:30 p.m. - Candleligbt Carol Ser- vice. Tues., Dec. 24, 7:30 p.m. - Christmas Eve Ser- vice. Westminster Annual Meeting - The date for the annual meeting has been set for Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1986, with pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. and the business meeting at 7:30 p.m. AIl organizations with reports to be încluded in the annual reports are asked to give these to Margaret Beevor by Jan. 1. Sacrament of Infant Baptism - Jan. 12 at Il a.m. HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Whitby will hold a public meeting on Jan. 20, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Service Training Room, 2nd floor, Whitby Police Station, Rossland Rd. Mrs. Erma Wood and her Education Committee will present an informative program. Ail persons interested in fighting Canada's number one killer are invited to attend. ~ THE CORPORATION 0F I THETOWNOFWHITBY PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMVENT PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATION Iroquois Park Arena - 668-7765 TIMES: SUN DAYS 2:00 -3:45 p.m. FRIDAYS 3:30 -4:45 p.m. Luther Vîpond Memorial Arena - 6554571 TIMES: SUNDAYS 1:30 -2:45 p.m. WEDNESDAYS 3:30 -4:45 p.m. Report from- Q ueen' s Park w- livh 'Vîloit. (;eorge Ashe. NI 1'l) (P-)urha ni West) <httri Ni iitier of Itevenlie Action by Opposition Leader Larry Grossman has forced Liberal Treasurer Robert Nixon to back down on a plan thà t would have resulted in in- creased gas taxes. Had Nixon's tax plan gone through, it would have cost Ontarians more to fill-up their car, despite falling world oul prices. Under Nixon's plan, the province will scrap the existing fax structure which ailows the level of taxation to rise and fali with the price of gas. Nixon proposed a flat tax of 8.8 cents per litre that' would be unaffected by the cycles of the marketplace. This is now roiled back to 8.3 cents per litre. Progressive Conservatives believed Nixon s proposed gas tax was unfair. At a time when the price of gas shouid be faliing Nixon was going to put on a tax that would resuit in significant increased revenue for Queen's Park. The Treasurer in effect, was trying to gouge the province's drivers. Nothern memnbers of the P.C. caucus were especialiy annoyed with the proposed tax change. Most northerners have to travel long distances in order to get to work. A hike in the gas tax would have bit them harder than most other groups in the province. Opposition Leader Larry Grossmnan proposed that a sliding scale tax system sbouid be maintained on gas sales, so that the tax taken by the province wil be reduced when the price of gas falîs. The Liberais have rejected this positive suggestion. Progressive Conservatives were joined in their opposition f0 the gas tax increase by the NDP, wbo dlaimn the roll back of Nixon's proposed tax represents a victory for their alliance with the Liberal Government. But the NDP argument just doesn't hoid up. Witbout the opposition of the P.C.'s, the Liberals couid have, and wouid bave, voted their tax in- crease. It was because of the Conservatives saw the fundamentai unfairness of what Nixon was proposing that the gas tax increase was rolled back. The gas tax was a smail part of Treasurer Nixon's badly flawed budget. While not mucb. now can be done about our damaged credit rating, "the loss of our coveted Triple A", Conservatives and tbeir new leader Larry Grossman wiii be closely watching Liberal proposais and pusbing for a more positive economic programn for our province. A MORE LOCAL ITEM The Select Committee on Energy bas tabied it's interim report in the legisiature on the future of tbe Darlington Nulear Generating Station. In brief sumnlary, the report supported by the Conservative and Liberal members, recommends among other tbings that: Units one and two should proceed on scheduie as 80 percent of the total cost bas already been spent or committed. Construction of units tbree and four should continue but no new significant materiais contracts sbouid be finalized during the next six months wbile the committee reviews the electricity demand/supply scenario. In my view construction wiii continue after tbe review if for no other reason than the fact that a can- ceilation of units tbree or four would mean 85 per- SEE PG. 19 ~U ~ r' ~ *~5jft~~ ~ - ~4 -'.4... eoete e :nds *' l * *ti .an. oufor chee, orprt eclures e . - . Pa kI.à zi s'ib Mon. Dec 23, -7 hr. e.2 . Clsd Mo . 4I.30,9- Wed., Dec 2 , 4lused555 ., D c.28,9-:30We., an 1.cls