WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1985, PAGE 33 Report from Q ueen's Park By THEHON. GEODRGE ASHE, MPP (PC -Durham West) Elected delegates from the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party recentiy elected Larry Grossman as their new leader out of a field of three candidates. Attendees at the leadership convention repeatediy beard cals, from ail three candidates, for unity witbin the party. As leader, Larry Grossman has already taken steps to show the depth of his commitment to party unity. He bas asked both Alan Pope and Dennis Timbreil, the two unsuccessfui leadership can- didates, to work witb him in senior positions within the caucus and the party. He bas also made it clear that he will seek the advice âà nd counsel of former leader Frank Miller. Lastly, he stated that be wants the brightest and best fromn his leadership opponen- ts' camps to work with im. These conciiatory actions by Mr. Grossman demnonstrate is determination to beal oid wounds, remove divisions and return tbe party to its former effective, efficient stature. Over the coming months Mr. Grossman will be charting a new course for tbe Ontario P.C. Party. He wiii be consulting witb bis Caucus members while at the same time sending out party represen- tatives to meet witb their feliow Ontarians. In tbe former case be bas already sent out a message to is fellow Tory MPPs that be intends to work with tbem, and expeets tbem to work witb him. In tbe latter case Mr. Grossman believes traditions and principles, and a collective commit- ment to responsibility, tolerance, excellence, freedom and order are ail prerequisites for meeting tbecurrent and future needs of ail Ontarians. But to determine tbose needs be must bave direct input from the people of tis province; and tbat wiii come from bhis representatives tnirougbout the province. In tbe coming montbs you will be bearing from, and about, Mr. Grossman;, so I would like to take a f ew moments to provide you witb a brief background. 1ýBorn in Toronto, in December, 1943, Mr. Grossmnan first learned politics from is fatber, Allan, who first ran provincially in 1954. In 1963 Larr'y-becamne campaign manager for bis fatber; and bas himseif been an MPP since 1975. Marrîed witb three cildren, be lives in Toronto and represents the riding of St. Andrew - St. Patrick. His wife Carole is owner/operator of a suc- cessful smaii business. Prior to entering the provin- cial political arena, Mr. Grossman practised iaw out of is own firm. Tbrougb tbe years Larry Grossman bas given considerable of bis time to local bospitai boards, as well as to tbe League from Human Rigbts and tbe Ontario Association of Corrections and Criminology. He bas served tbe people of Ontario as Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Industry and Tourism, Heath, and tben as Treasurer, Minister of Education and Colleges and Universities, Provin- cial Secretary for Social Deveiopment and Gover- nment House Leader. From the time tbe Conser- vative party was defeated by tbe Liberai/NDP alliance Larry served very effectively as Opposition House Leader. Witb bis solid combination of experience and ability, Larry Grossman wiii provide leadersbip necessary to force tbe Loberais to live up to their responsibilities ând obligations to the people of this great province and at tbe same time be a major fac- tor in earning tbe rigbt for tbe P.C. party to once again form tbe Government of Ontario. Frcm page 32 Give your chimney a good goingoover removed. Tbe presence of bits of brick or mûr- tar may indicate tbe in- terior cbimney walls are crumbling. Look for furtber signs of deterioration by holding a mirror inside tbe clean-out door. Tbis sbouid give you a good view of tbe inside walls of the cimney. However, if tbe cbimney bas an offset, you wont be able to see tbe walis and an expert will bave to be caled to conduct tbe inspection. White powder or moisture stains anywbere on the cbim- ney waiis can aiso warn of probienos. A registered bome beating contractor should be called im- mediately if any signs of deterioration are detec- ted. Installation of a metal cbimney liner may be necessary to bait furtber deterioration wbicb may eventualiy lead to blockage. If tbe cimney is pbysically biocked, do not use tbe beating system until an expert bas fixed the problem. Normal deposits of soot or asb on cbimney walis can be removed witb a special metal brusb. Poorly maintained furnaces and other fuel- burning appliances can also generate carbon monoxide. "If in doubt about tbe condition of any beating appliance, bave it in- spected by an expert before you turn it on for w* BRSiT AT HPKIN i SUPPLIER-i SALES REP-1 CALL OELIVERYWHEN YOU WANT ITOUOTATIONS WHEN vou NEEO THEMIPROM PT ATTENTION 1 HO Es 59ë *LETTERHEAD *ENVELOPES -BUSINESS FOF1MS INVOICES -CATALOGUES *CALENOAFIS *BOOKBINDING *5NAP SETS *CONTINIJOUS FOAMS -BUSINESS FORMOS *ANNOUNCEMENTS -TICK<ETS -CNEQUES *PRICE LISTS -BROCHURES *RAISED PRINTING -INSTANT PRINTING *GOLO STAMIPING *PHOTOGRAPHY *BINDER5 *COLOR WORK INVENTORY CAROS *SHIPPING TAGS -LABELS *NEWSLETTERS *NCR FORMS -SCRATCH PAOS *CREATIVE DESIGN A COMPLUTE PRINTINO SERVICE FOR lTEF PURCHASING AGENT OR SUYER FAS EFFICIENT SERVICE.PICI<-UP & DELIVERYCOPY DESIGN & PREPARATION the season," says Cien- dining. "And, wbiie you're preparing for winter, be sure you store ail fue-burning safeiy." Neyer bring fuels of any kind indoors, Cien- dining advises. __ M PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge cDealer - Parts& Service -Thursdays titi 9 p.m. L209 Dundas St. W., Whltby 666-3000 DR. GEORGE M, WIEBSTER s pleased to announice the opening of his office, for the practice of general dentistry at PRINGLE CREEK CENTRE, 728 ANDERSON ST., WH ITBY 666-5538 TECORPORATION 0F PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMVENT PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATION roq uois Park Arena - 668-7765 TIMES: SUNDAYS 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. FRIDAYS 3:30 - 4:45 pm. Luther Vipond Memoriat Arena - 655-4571 TIMES: SUNDAYS 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. WEDN ESDAYS 3:30 -4:45 p.m. tanks, gasoline con- tainers, iawnmowers and any fuei-powered OSHAWA 723-0868 WH1TBY/AJA X 668-8111 recreational veicles must be stored outside tbe bouse, away from al sources of ignition. s0? OUND4AS ST. W HWITY /, SPECIAL Chickefl Fingers & Fries $3.16 12 oz Bottle ofBeer 11.75 I DECEMBER 14h. GOODO Tosnags Head The Oid Monday Night Madness ls back at Cokee Joes MCAFE VIENNA JWKONDITOREI JWPATISSERIE JWi SPECIALIZING IN THE .*FINEST FUROPEAN WM .iCAKES & PAS TRIES -M JW LIGHT LUNCHEONS M S209 DUNDAS STREET EM Unit #12M 6 839 M Cookie Trays & Vule Logs JW Order Your Christmas M M Cakes by Diec. 20185 M PICKERING 752-9444 HIGH EFFICIENCY FURNACE f~ REDUCES YOUR FUEL BILLS 30% TO 60% AND RECEIVE 50% OFF ON CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING EASYPAYENTS ON YOUR CONSUMERS' GAS BIL Aulhodr.dd Corsumsf,eoa 0115< R tE oo HEATING & AIR CON DITIONING LTD. m mwý 34.91 in- tax (coupon explres Dec. 30185)