Whitby Free Press, 13 Nov 1985, p. 24

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Pi CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, FOR SALE antique dinting roxm burgandy enamel centre. gold salle, belmeen 80 Io 0 years aid. color arma, 15 iights, $170. Tnt, in beaulifai condition, solld 2 room. 9 s 12 vinyl loor ln mapte, made ln Baffalo, 9 pces, sleeping airea, good condition, table atends to seat 10 comfcur- $60. Bathroom double swag ie- table, $1.900 or hast ottar. 668- ture, $25. Phone 668-9772. 2461. FOR SALE bar, $250. Cxach and chair, $150. Couch and 2 chairs ând Ottoman. $350. Table and 2 chairs, $75. Baby cardage, $25. Wxaden boohoase, $150. Phone 433-4653. FOR SALE ktchen suite cornet nook hasch style (4) place. like new, $250. Air conditiaver 8000 BTU vertical, 1 eer aId, $350. 8666-4302. TWIN BE, rame, brans head- board, boa spring and mattress, $250. Whie heirixom bedspread, elaclrlc bianhet, 3 Sets of sheetS, $125. Ail eocellent condit ion. 668- 5645. CUSTOM BUILT wooden ktchen noak, table 2949'. excellent condit ian, $200. Phone 8681382. DINING ROOM table, 4 Cane back chairs, excellent condition, $275. Foar mtaf parixar chairs, $60 fat st. Antqae desk, $100. Rocking chair, $30. Old wicher trunk, $25. Fise boxes xl 014 78 records, $75 imanY cxlectabtei. Phone 683-6638. FOUR SEATER couch and ar- mchair, $600. Soid mapie wood rocker, $300. Daboar tubutar bunkbed, $500. Mattress for ahane. $50). Catllee fable and end fable. $25 aach. Antique rosawovd table, $100. Phone 686 3476. BONTEMPI electric organ, Min- strel mxdal with adapter and 2 erning books, xem prica $650, sai for $400. 12" black and whie TV., $50, hardly evar ased. Phone 6682155. DISHWASHER, Sears deluxe pur- table, chopping block top, three lexel washlng action. $170 Coleman tanter cia case. $10. Ose efactrical panaI, $5. 60 amp. discavuect, $25. Boys cross countryr skis, 160 cm siza, cia potes, $10. Freplace screen and heat circulating grte, $18. V h.p. eiectric mtor, $10. Toaster, hair carling set, aient rtc colfea grin- der, Monte Caria 15" rim, $10 each. Phone 576-7697. OIL SPACE heafer. forced draft harn, 3 Speed tan. excellent con- dtion. ideal for Shop or cottage. $75. Phone 668-6554. SNOWBLOWER, 5 foot McKe modal 320. for 3 point hitch, ex- cellent condition, $795. Phone 655-4895. PINE FURNITURE, new con- dit ion, prtced x salit. Two book- casas. 34" ide ex8" hgh. open shelves ln top section, tmo doors n aach tomer section. $450 pet complete bookcase. Ballet, dry stnk style, 48 wide by 33 high, $435. 666-2243. FOR SALE raridgarator. $350. Stxve. $250. Hait dryer and chatr, $100. Phone 579-4212. TWO CASES ut Dr. Balards dxg food, $16 a casa, 24e25.5 OZS. each. Phone 576-3998. SAtL9OAT. 12 Il., mahogany with ib and Main Salis, muet ha sean ta ha appreclatad, $325. Oit tank, 300 gai., $20. Hand foots for car body wort, $25. Phone 4334689. 68 AVON cxleclablas, $5 sach. Twx ladies 3 spaed biken, $40 each. Portable typewritar. $25. 868-4032. UTILITY TRAILER enctosed. 7oxlOx5, gxod Springs and aie. carrying cap 3.500 lbs. tilt dock, $600 or best citer. 855-4187 FORMAL WALTZ tength drass. dasty rose color. peart neckline, pteated nsert In ront aI sirt and Georgette cape on the back, bat ta match, oniy worn once, paid $260, will accepi $150. Formai tait length dress. Robin-egg bixe color, baaded ront and tati ienigih Georgeta seesas, xnly worn once, asisg $75 or hast of- fer. Phone 576-1059. PLOW. 4 Farrow Massey Fergusson, shear pin type, good condition. 3 point htch, askîno $295. Clitator, excellent 10 f, wida, clw hetght ad(ast and auto sating, $65. CatI 576-7697. When tIhe adnerttsed item is sxid, disposent xf, or uaaalabte for mtatever reasan. thse item wilt ho deemed tol have beensosxd and a commissn iii Se charged basent on TIII- AIVERTItIEI PRICE as ittastraient betow. regardiess i price is sialent wilh-best aller- If the item is N(IT SiLi.Jo r disposent tf. the att mil be ruolr : MIINTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ofl $7.50 wiii appiy payable ix advaxce il pubicatonIflIse lîrsl att The above minimum charge xiii ibc applied tolxthe final commissiooduceSMaximmntcommission: 8100 00 Att aduer- tîsemexto îsast be place n t an exclustve busts witlb lIe WIIITBY FRIEE PRESS and rus aI feast one mxnth tf nul(sttd RATES 1It article is naid t 5% et adverlised prier uopta 840.00 2% ot balance oser 84)0.00 EXAM>L.E: iild Item adverlisied toc 9t5o.86. commission due 17.5061 minimum charge is 87.50) Prinate advcriising only! Pirase notiîy the Whtby Free Pres mmeoiateiy ahen item is saint so that me may daiete il fronlIse Ioiiowing issue. Ail as xot itting the Ernporium gutdeliies iii ho trealed and chargent per week as regoiar ciassiftent adbsoosa pre-paid basis sacS as- services. help wanievt. clotiing. ceai esiale. and persanai message type ado, or adnt quoiing prieu or quastiiy l'rtvaie ciassilted mist may appear inlIse Empoîrium seclîtîn aster apprttprite headings ALL Ai)S WLi. GOIN CLAS2IFIEL) SE(710IN tiNi.ESS IITIERWISE SPECIFIED MAIl.A5s TII FREE PREiGI EMPIURlM P..lBon 20 Whitby. 1LIN SfI Il in douhl cali: 668-6111 31 Brxek St. N. Whithy. <Ont. ITIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TIIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SUPER SCANNER C.B. antenne, FOR SALE IBM Selectric. goxd ASSORTEO kitchen cabinets, swtch box. cabte and leads, condition, must be en. s300. upper. lower. double sink and guxd condition, $100. Also a Caît 728-3163, 9a.m. 105 p.m laps. need work, package deal, medicine cabinet, white $65. New arbonite counter, white. enamelled motai. sliding mirto> 3 HP. gas muwer, $70. Eiectric $25. Whit e arborite couffer wit h doors. perfect for couflfage, $15. mower, $75. Table saw and built-in stone t op (4 element 5f. Cati 6864953 anytiure. muta>. $60. Gardeningtfoots and $85. White enamet iaundry tub in f2x12 If. lent, mth fluor. $100 Electrxnîc air cleaner. Lennue. $125. Phose aller h p.m - 655- 3854. BANOSAW Generai 15" i1a hp wlenciosad stand $680. Joînter General 6" t Sp atopan stand $725. anaha D80 organ lhree keyboards $2900. Reese load ieselitg traiter htch 10.000 lb cap. $110 Computer business program Infor Dsign GIL. AIR. IIM with facfory hackups. sel $195. Jet watt pamp 1/2 hp w130 gai tank $185. Utlity boo for pickap truck weatherproxf 30wx511o23h wtiock $115, Wainul seneer ld4'0* $15. Wood threading tbois 1t, 3/4",1" mci boftomIng laps set $315. Rouler & steel casa with guides $55 Wine carbuy 12 112 galion $16 Catil 655-4003. BED Kng sica. Sears-O-Padic. sxtid toam mattrens wilh bo spring, $250. Sofa bed. 3 seat. pulls outicta double toam mal- trlss. $250 Phone 685689. $10. Enqaira 668-2155. AMIFM car radio cassette. $50 Camptng equîpmvnt, vaicus items. tofaing $60 lease cati 668-8178 FUR JACKETS: nearly nea. short dressy China Mink. dark broas, sîce 1d. $195. GOroeOaS f lame Mushral. black mii trîm., size 12, $135. Grey persian lamh, suede frîm. sîcv f2. $95. Back leathar ladies coat. liy ined aîîh real lur. sîzv 16 $40 Newa ait axa ladies coat. ciassic style, mauve, petite 10112. $25 Mens al axol McGregor carcoal, like vea. sîze 38. $25ý Older standard typewxtfer.$25. Hairdryer. nea. $7,50 Bundie buggy. $5 Hand hetd shxwer massage. $10 Phase 668-7404. STEREO console, $125, Blue seluat swags and doubla panai carlaîns. $75. WdOen beige tweed drapes. 2 panais. 50 wîde o 97 long, $45 Phone 666-4264 Orange shag carpef. 9x12 and undorpad, $65. Green nylon car- pet, 12x16 mth undnrpud. $95, Ouanlîly amber colxred decorator glass. $10 Phone 668- 7404 GIRLS insulated skates, naw. $20. 39" bed. $30. Double bed, xew malrass, steel trama and haadhxard. $40. Sowing machina. 2 years ld. $100. Mns bike, $25. Two gaîils with cage and foot. $10. Castie Orayskall and noverai max lnciuded, $20. Hot h5heei City, $10, Hampiy Dampty loy boa. $15. GoBvi command cen- tra, $12. Cali 427.6887 1970 WOODS hardtoP traiter, as s. $1.600, Stexys eight, sas stove. ice box and farnace. 16 foot coda> huaI and moto>. si ý500.as is.668-2702. ýDINTRUENTS SL GERRARD-HEINTZMAN xpright 1985 DODGE Omni GLH, black, 5 piano, good condition. recon- speed, AMIFM sterex, bagle GT ditoned, $1.650. Phone 668-5672 radiais, alxmlnumn road aheef s, aller 5 gm. 45,000 km. warranty, $6.500. 655- ___________________- 4076 or 655-4989. FOR SALE Honda XL175 eqalp- ped wlh sîreef and dIrt tires. ased tant year on road, $450. Cal 6W-3456. TWO FIRESTONE Detaxe Cham- pions H7814 and 2 chrome rima, $100 pair. Two Galf Crown 78 H78-14 WIW, $50 pair. Ose Uniroyal steel heited snowtire HR78-15, $25. Osa Cas Tire G78- 15 plan rlm. $50. One Galf Crown 78 H78-14 and rim. $50. Two 15" rima, $60 pair. Or ail lot $250. Phone 6689266. TRAPAULIN covar for a Mazda long boo track, naw tant $163, wil sai for $100 or hast cfter. Phone Walter 666-1337 evenings or 863- 2366 days. n clash, AMIFM mplo slerao cassette wiih cdock, digital read out, 12 prosals, seeh. scan, dolby, aulx reverse, matai capabilily. Fils ait te model Chrysier producis. $300. Motorola AMIFM slareo cassette, push ballon tuning, auto reverse, universaelfit. $125. Four Chryster ralty whaelo wlih centres, irim rings, lug nuls. ix it att "K"cars. Omnis, Mini Vans etc., sica 14"x6" $200. Four BF. Goodrich Earo radial TA. tires, sica 205170HR14, 11,000 miles with warranty, $400. Edaibrock SP2P atamlnum Intake manifold, wtth Installation kt. lx it amati block Chevy. Brand new unit 4 hbii, $200. Set ol poltshed, flnned aiamInamn rocker covers ta fit 302 Ford engine, $100. Set of tactory stainles steel, tube headers lx fit tlai modal 302 Ford angines. brand nax, $275. Phone 655-3268. 1981 CHEV Saharban Sîlverado 350, VB, new, 8,000 km, 4 BBL, air, crabse, p.s., p..,t nted windows, AMIFM cannette. brawn and belge, vecy gaod condition. $6.500. 655-4187. 1979 CHEVETTE Hatchback, axtomatto, good condiion, wll cerf Ify, asktng $2,250.,atill negoltate. Phone 679-2644. 1977 VW Rabhlt, axtomatin. good condit ion, $650 f irm. 683-2166. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA p.s., phb., air candîttanIng, $60 or basf offer. CatI 655-3176. 1979 HORNET WAGON. 8 cyl,, retiable, qatck sale, $400 or beet citer. Phone 728-0676 aller 5 p.m. 1975 COUGAR, p-s., phb., 8 track. apprax. 85,000 mites, needs sonne mator work and offrer mînor repaîrs, body fair, $600 or best offer. 668-6227. 1974 OLOSMOBILE Delte66, 70,000 miles, anklng $200. Phone 579-4212. FOR SALE 9 drawer dresser, dark wood, wlth tilt mîrror, asktng $65. Calîl 723-9176. FOR SALE goid-lrtdge and gas stase, dual avens, appx. 7 years old, $400 I irm. 68-4036. BLACK LEATHERETTE radilner in excellent condition, $200. One colles and two end fables. $80. Phone 86-3844. KING SIZE mlrrxred canapy, toar pastel waterhed, "Plaxtattun' seasoned pine, extras fox namerous f0tolsI, encellent con- dItion, won't fit in new horne, must sacrifice ai $1,500. Cali 655- 4187. LIVING ROOM SUITE couch, chair, ottaman, caffea table and lwo end tables, ike new, $700 or best xlifer. 86-5934. CON FUSED?. 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