Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1985, p. 32

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PGE 32, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS 0 'fBO)B'r ATIERSLEY -4- MAYOR 0-F WHITBY Dear Citizens -of Wbîtby: It bas been five years since I made one of tbe most important decisions in my career - to place my name as a Candidate for Mayor of tbe Towun of Wbitby. Having bad twelve prevlous j'ears on Council, I real- ized then as I do today, this leadersbip position z e- quîred afuiltime c omrnltmeflt and dedicatzufl to ser- vîng tbe Tow'n of Whibl's zesîlerits and tbe abilit v to work witb ail lez'els of governmfeflt. Needless (o saýy, I u'as deeply bonoured and emo- tionaliij moved on Decem ber lst, 1980 dui'ng tbe Inauguration as I received the Cbain of Office and repeated iyvo ws, u'bicb wvere once cîgain taken in 1 982. I1u'ill alu'ayýs rernem ber those andl otber imnpor- tant moments in my life wbicbfolloU'ed and I tbank Y tbepeople of Wbitbv for tbe opportuflitl' to serve tbem to tbe best of rny abiliti'. Iflnd it difficuit to believefiveyears bave passed by so quickly, andi bave been asked b>' many residents as to wbicb issue or situation was most reu'arding and acbieving durîng my terrn. To single out a specîfic ez'ent is impossible, as tbere u'ere 50 many wbicb toucbed me. I recaîl a youing lad in scbool u'bo cbose to select me as bis project and tben forWarded a personal bandwritt>n tbank you note (o "Mr. Maj'or ", wbicb I will cberisbforever. Otber special acknouledgefleflls corne to mind sucb as receiî'ing the HONORARYLIFE MEMBERSHIP of BRANCH 112, ROYAL CA1VADIAN LEGION, and of course tbe CHAMBER of COMMERCE BUSINESSMANV of tbe YEAR A WARD in 1981 of wbicb I was bumbly bonoured. I also believe, a Mayor's position 15 NO T ONE F INDEPENDENCE, taking individual credit for achievemefits. A Mayor is flot just a Leader but an "INTE.RDEPEND-ENT LEADER" requiring support from bis colleaguL'5 on Cou ncil, Tow'n Staff and tbe Citizens, be or sbe represents. Tbis u'a ' and tbis u'avj on!>'. ensures tbe dreans for our- tomorroWs become realit>' by wubat ive do oa' as a TEAM. Yes, Witbj' bas moved progressively abead of otber municiptilities u'itb a PLANNVIS), BALANCEI) GROWTH under my leadersbi ,btonly wuitb j'our involvement andi support. I would certainly bepleaseci to con tiniue as Mayjor of Witb anitd sbare itiapositil> and promisingfuturefor ourpeopc>. I arn tbere.fore requiestiflg.j'our support on TUESDA Y, NOVEMBER I2tb, 1985 so tbat 1 mai'share in tbe man>' excititîg plains u'bicb lie abead for Wbitby. On bebaîf of my wîfe Joan andi ourjaij' I would personall>' like to express our gratitude foi, your encouragement anid.friendsbip. especialli' during tbese past five years - it bas truly been appreciate'd. I lookforward to serving you in tbe future, as Major of* Witb j'. Sincerel>, Robert A. 4tteî lel, MA YOR

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