PAGE 30, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1985, Wl IITBY F-RET PRESS I CALL A v9 )ssi ESSON YOUR TIC-'KET TO INCREASED BUSINESS Barry Thompson fIýý & Sonls esorooms eFences e*Bathrooms *TIing Garages *Dlshwasher e cks Installations 668-w8455. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS & MPRO VEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Ktchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywatt, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Decks ytand Pato Doors. FREE ESTIAE :CALI 66846 ..................... ......... LUMBER LTD. IN-STOCK Over 1,000,000 feet of Uin dried Hardwoods Sof twoods. Dry Ki Ins Dressing Facilties WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Ritson Rd. N. 725-474 Oshawa WARQ _'MALLETTE CHARTERED Ac ý 'OL INTANTS M 0. lItrx,-b3(, I1<> If5 h gn' il hiI,. <it ia.,. 1.1 N. t i Accounting, auditing, taxation, consulting services. MOLLY MAID 666-21 44 CENTRAL PAINT AND WALLPAPER 295 Rtson Rd. S., Oshawa ~728-6809 AQUAGLO '1W~I\I eg~ AQUAVELVET WALL SATIN BUYUNG AN ANNUITY? If yo itý.:d yot w shtoasec irepayouî annulty frri votR RSP ca HERB TRAN Oshawa 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 TOP IVE QUOTES AVAILABLEnyt 3. 5,200 B.T.U. of heal INSTANTLY 4. CosI less than 50" for 10 hrs. of heal 5. 5 Year'Guarantee 6. *approved -non-f lanimable- FREE DEMONSTRATION ALLAN WOODLEY 37 Plikngton Cres., Whitby, Ont. 668-0674 DAN FORTH TYPEWRITER Il Sales and ServIce Llmlled SRENTALS* SALES* * SERVICE ]f ree esîlmiales on repairs [J SUPPLIES & MOST RENTALS 52NEWII 10MONTH RENTTO OWN PLAN [I AVAtLABLE ON NEWOQIympia TYPEWRITERS U rom as tow as 129.99 per monîh El HouRa 408 DufdaSt. W. fMon.-Frt. 95:30 Whtby. Onterto; sat. 101 666-1131 or 686.0861 Part<tng Aveiebte l VISA * MASTERCARD * AMERICAN EXPRESS U -Ouallty Repairs -Free Eslmates "Ail makes & models" -See us in the Yelow Pages under Sereo Servicel" S@lrý 427-6551 1385 Harwood Ave1N SENIOR CITIZENS SAVE MONEY ON AUTO AND HOME INSU RANCE PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 683-9725 MIDDLETON'iS STATIONERY OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRINTING, BOOKS, GREETING CARDS WHITBY, ONTARIO W&2M9 MON-FRI. 9-5:30, SAT. 9-5 AUTO INSURANCE TOO HIGlH? SAVE MON EV! PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 683-9725 z Thi nefot"as lid as they are' pint en d Chalie S 11W at Dick un Pîting & Office Supplies smihing at the many plansant assitifits. iAL .U OAY63M Fleming Vacuum Cleaneir [1SALES &SERVICE [ [j Repars & Pars [ for rsost Maies Auiiroriad HOOVER Osais, f 1 19 Harwood Ave Aax 683-0213 1111--lc~ DEADBOLT SALE VISA Kwikset eWeisereWestock Finishes avaitabte in potished brass. antique brass & bronze $ A Q S 4 nstatled $4 *8 (each addiîionat $43.84) Wide varieîy Of patio tockS * Locks demastered b Locks rekeyed *Auto *High secuity deadbotts sKeys cul & pick prool locks BUSINESS PEOPLE Recei'ables Increasing? We of fer a complte receivable recovery service on a regutar part-lime basis by professionat, tac- Ilul, credit and collection staff. Your Office Or Or.CatI (416) 723-5387 Weekdays 9-12 Noon For More Information And lUp To Two Weeks FREE SERVICE Sewing Machine Repalrs Ail Makes Free pick-up and delivery Complete tune-up 129.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines From 149." 12 Months Guarantee 571-1385 Top Line Sewing Centre 400 King St. W . Dines Plaza, Oshawa VISA 1 -i