WIIITBY FREE PRESS.WlEDNL-SDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1985, PAGE 29 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ MV PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the coloura & shades that com- pliment your skin tone & enhence your besi features. Oniy $30 par consultation 666-2770 UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE' Naad hatp? Worfers' Compen- sation, Wafata, OHtPassstfance, Unempîoymant Insuranca, or ecrtais raferris fa aI bar ageniese, cai: 579-1821. PAfINTING à DECORATING ptfsstonat honded wattman- elp, rleettialtand commrcitl, f ree stimaese. Cait 039-277 or 6(8e9712. "GRAMMER for people wha ats gremmer le9 the tisai pocitet refeenca book for businessa people. $395 par capa' anti avaiabte aI Dicksan Printing & Office Supplies n ftha Aia Paza. Dalerenquiless nvted 083-1968. GARAGE NEEDED for show car, monfilta papments, Whttha aras, cati 008&9288. (PRMENTS/ CODSFOR RIENT ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS, Whtfhy, naw concept ln living, 1-2 bdroame. 008&3220. FOR RENT sitf-contaifled basemnent apartment, abtainere onf, SM,01,8f111f183 and cabi e tn- cf udet. 060-407. IMMACULATE samni, newip dcratad, 4 badroome, taceatd n excellent northaset Oshawa losftion, avatabte Fabruara' 1. no pas, refatences requireti, $850 monthty plus ut f 111e. Cati 723- 59 belote 4 p.m., aller 5 p.m. cati l68-51%2. WHTBY OFFICE SPACE for tant on professlitnat Itoor. Would Se sitabis for awpsr, accauntant, etc. Rent icciudes al tiities and te negotiable for an appropriate tenant. For furfitar information cai 68-6.372 btwsen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mndap ta Fridap. JOIN OUR circuler mailing prgram. Watt at home, sars ex. Ira income. Free dststts. M. Geen Enterprises, 594 Niverilie, Manioba, POA 1 E0. ATCLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, i s17AT.F.gT1ATF FOR SALE 1983 chavette, eaod condition, excellent sterea, 2 fane pafin, $4700 or basf aller. W"0.007. 1903 FORD RANGER, cerftfiad, $5800or basf offer. caît aBs. 4273. 1900 VOLVO 245 GL rIght hand drive, atomatIc, fuel Inection, terea radio cassette, certtfied, goad Conditifon, great for rural malt me, $8,900. Ala, 4277251. 1970 GRANDE LEMANS sn0w tires, new battery and euftaust aystemt, O seatbetts $2,000 car- tifted or basf aller, as te. 579- 1970 DODGE Ramcharger 4 whest drive,. V8, auto, P.S., POB., paaitrack front and bacit, remavabte hard top, rebult If - joints, enes, feaey daty rad, bat- tara',aiternatar, Stock Ieater, 12115 apaite wfteef , approa. 84,000 mile, fooka and tuns good, $2,995 certif ted. cati Mike et 088372 9:30 arn. ta 5 p.m. Monday ta FrIda. TYPEWRITER rentai, mena' makes and modets, by the weekend, week or manth. Discoants avetable. Ocksan Prînting & Office Supplies In thte Aia Plaza. Cati us for business machine repaire 0831908 FREE: Drap into the Dickson Printîse & office suppfy store ln the Aia Plaza and pick up a f ree capy ai their f905 Metric cales- dat. Printed ln fwo colaurs. If makes for banda' refereece. 683. 1980. CONGRATULATIONS on our farfhcoming marriage. Mlase view aur sampias aI engraveti wedding invitations et pour telsate ln aur Aa Plaza store. Dlckson Printing & Office Sup- plies, 6831968. CRAFT SALE araoklIn com. manlttp Cente, 5sf urdsy, November 9, 10 s.m. ta 4 p.m. SOUTH ONTARIO Agrîcuf furet Society, Oshawa-Whitha' Fait. annuel meeting Wednesdsp, Nov. 0, 8 p.m., Brookit communifp Contre, Cassoa Road Easf, Brooktin. DRUMS, Ludwig, 5 pace, ted and amber spiral wlth cpmbais, $1,000, Phones088-0090. I4HEROES of the Bible" cotouring booki avaliable at Dickson Prie. ting & Office SUPPIOSs, Alan Plaza. 6831968. Deaer Incqulris lnvteti. MATTRESSES and bon springs ut haIt price. McKeen Furnîlats, 524 Simcos Street South, Oshawa. 7255181. WALNUT dlnIng room tahle and 4 chairs, opens faO 6fest, wtth but- fit and hufuh, 10 yase ad, $800. 5790487. GEOTYPE prsson isftsring now n stock t Dicknon Printing & 0f- tics Supplsaln the AaShop- ping Piaza. Large selection of styles and sizen, Whp pap mors for a smaler sheet of ettering? 6831968. CHESTERFIELD suites, toveseats, sectionals, ess thun I/z prtcs. Large slect ion. Mcf(sen Furiture. 524 Simcoe Sf. S., Oshawa. 7255181. C.H.I.P. PROGRAM. Onip 146 dapa ieff. Forsafree estimate con- tact Mctleave Insuffation Set. ices. 1800.2033204. VISf T aur used furnIt re warhause hy appointmsnt. Big savtngs on desits, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. cati Dicksan Prin. ting & Office Supplies ta arrange an apoantment fa' visw. 083- 19688 EXPERIENcED mat her of twa wsut babpeittln ma' home, week. clires, Bradley Park res, fenced hsckpatd, tops gafore, ait baby equipmsnf, $65 pst week. 888 0283. MOTHERS at home wlth foti. dleref Gsf noms fItes time Sp trading day Cars services wlf h ms and mny toddier. West Lynide, mhttbp, 080-5253 mornns pisase. Privats Home Day Cars Service evailable for familtessln the Whifby-Brooklin oresa. roviders are scresned, f rained and supervised ta af- fer quality day cas for chiltiren 6 weeks ta 12 peas old in convenientiy iocafed roms.Appl ica Ions andi fur* thsr Information 655-3864 Brookln Day NurserY Non Prof it Agency CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., NOV. 8 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britaîn Rd. Estete of the laie DUNCAN MARTIN of Sunderland plus oihers.Bow front china cabinet, secretarlat combination (oak & birds eye maple wth leaded glass), oak china cabinet (curved glass aides wth lood & mirror), walnui dlning table, coder cheai, 3 pc. bedroom suite, walnut parlour table, mentie dlock, wicker chairs, 6 walnut balloon back chairs, walnut bonet chesi, 6 complete set- tinga ÇAhrenfeitd Limoges France diahes, walnut washstend, lam cupboard, pressback rockers, quentiiy of Pic- ture trames, amaîl elec- trical appliancea, tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTION EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURS., NOV. 7 8:30 P.M. Selllng ai Orval McLean Auction Center. Property of MYRTLE MCCULLUM, Lindsay (giving up houaekeepirtg) & local estate. Hardiop camping traider, brown modern chesierfileld, Skier rocker, lampa, drapes, 2 modemn bedroom suites, new posture king box & maitresa, double war- drobe, McLary f rosi f ree 2 door retridgeraior, G.E. apt. size elec. siove, chrome suite, vacuum, old eupboard, bedding, amaîl appliances, modemn bed chesterfield (like new),' hot drink machine, s'arec, cupa, crocks, pictures, Singer portable, Bond copier, wooden dineite set, cotn- dri sa Te AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 9 10:00 A.M. Antiques, quelity fur- niture, skl-doo. Estate of BUELLA SIMMONS, RR Cameron, selling ai Orval McLean Auciion Center, Lndsay. Good applian- cea, gold Frost Free refrldgerator & matchlng gold 30" auto electric stove (contirtuous dlean), bookcase, double war- drobe, Moffat 2 door ref rldgerator, uprighi f reezer, chest f reezer, Hoover spin waaher, dryer, excellent floral chesterfileld set, emokera stand, wlcker planter, G.E. console color television, carved antique arm chair, books, sectional book- case, mini drop leaf table, antique f loor lamp, amali tables, Singer con- sole aewlng machine, Kilgour maple dlning table & chairs, 2 antique parlour chairs, antique china cabinet curved glass on front, antique settee, carved parlour chairs, gold sectional chesterfleld, silverware n console chest, organ stool, corner carved parlour chair, oil lampa, vacuum, beda, dressers, antique bureau with mirror & carved posta, quilt' box, modern bedroom suite, irunk, painting by E. Jalava, pictures, antique dlock, oak buffet, pot belly stove, antique glass, china, -Royal Douton figurines, toola, Scandic ski-doo. Don't misa this sale - 10 A.M. To liai your sale eaul ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY ELPN~ AREYO LKNfte lb r lob wath worklng for? Don't flght fit Learn 50w fa use ftha computer and be a step ahaad in tbs lob matrket. We aller job placement and licenciai assistance for f boseanemployeti or 0ow incarna. 427-3010. COOK MANAGER saperienceti food seice staff for smatt s-. duettiai cafeterias. We bave gond positions for qaaiifted self- motieefed, people, comPetitive satatp and fuit range of benefits. Pisse caît240-7420 for appoin- f ment. A CAREER IN TRUOKINO. Tran. sport drivers nseded. Naw le the time ta train for pour Clse A license. For pre-ecreenîno Inter. view asnd lob placement Infor- mation, contact Mery Orves Tran. spart Driver Training, Brampton 1.800-265-1260. HOL.LYWOOD HAI R and Beauty tooking for naît technicien. Phlons 08-7494, Wbifby location. BABYStTTER wanted ln my home evety ofher two weefis, Ash Sftet ares, two cilidres. cati 668-4278. DENTAL HYGENIST for uabridge Heelith Centre. Pisse s end resame ta Bon 051, uabridge, On- farta, LOC ît<0 or cait 14101 852- 7213 afler O p.m. CAREERS IN TRUCKING. Driver lob training and placement hstp sa analfabie. cati Radgsts SchlO at 1416)1789-3546. LIGHT DELfVERY. We rettaire e wel groometi persan ta detivet $mal packages ln the Alan, Pickering, Oshawsaores. amatI car and knowtedge of tettitOa' te s muet. aaiffy and ggs eitowaft- ce. Pisasecatil O. Gery 088-3052. E.cE. endior persane with chttd casereferences for sapanding day cars, North Whif ha'. 55-3884. SDNTS& HOMEMAKERSI WELCOMEI *Come loin a compenyl *with over 20years ex- Ferisen1 ni ele-U -i $425 per hour plus ~y~Enplytî1nt~ bonuseS. Choose the I.M.~ Waîtedt beat shift suîted for *you. Hours noon to.4 For furiher information please Sertous persons only call 680539. appîy. essera, old irons, Chain HELP I Cai686-3052..... iw, dishes. 6:30 sharp. WUiA A NTE.~ ED 'liai your sale caîl rvI-. uie AUCTIONS CMSASIED n the Brooklin- 324-2783 New Swiss welding Whitby area to care LINDSAY produet, protected for childrei' 6 weeks ___________ Ontario terriiories. îo 12 yearsin YOur Leav mesageown home. Furiher 782-5452 (Toronto) ifraincl CAREER POSITION Electrolue Brookliif Day Nursery cv part-time sales and servce reps - o serve cusiomers Cali 723. -~ 4163S M ATTRACTIVE fumnais modems The simple solution fi needed foi porfolio work, good )T Lj~U puy. fepiy with photo L,oxo 433, n the attite and ga WR, Brookliî, OntarioOBL08 CQ. WHITBY FREE PR NEEO To KNOW SaMETHING ABOUT 'YôUR NEW cOMMUNITY? CaI Phone 668-8943 arhsess wili bring gis and greetîngs. along wîlh heiptul cummusilir inlormatlln. It suîted CheùIie ta take off for Dickon Printing & Office Supplies et this perticular point in time, something he i wiII nover regret! i. A 68 19 8 BECOME A CARRIER! liere's an oppori unity f0 earn money for tirose things you've aiways want- ed- A new bike, ciothes. sports eqaipmeflt, stereo set, or the thoasaflds of Ottier needs you may de- sire. Just a phone cati wiii brisa pou ail nhe Information. Checl Il ouf i CALL CIRCULATION r668-6111 r WHITBY FREE PRESS CA Ll-668-6111 'lO PLACE YOUR AI) arage is a Classified Ad. 'ESS......... 6686111 AND MORE... .......7jL > ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words. every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no iability regarding loss or damage bable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocupe BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words. 12c each such replies. We wiIl not be responsible for box num1 er bthe rby the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. additîonal word. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8,00 for the ftr- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12 each additional word . DEAI)LINES: Monday noon prior to publication to in. 'rt one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior bo publical on CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40c per line. (No word ads allowedi oisr rcne moimAs itional wordif pre-paid. Youmay charge your Classified BO>X NUMBEHS: Box numbers are available ai an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa accounit. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 D e CUTHOFRM CNRE 6.452 wi