Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1985, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESI)AY, NOVEMBLR 6. 1985, WITBY FREE I>RELSS FREE PRESS E M PO0R UM__ Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. _____ -1 l]wAI I -R --du o CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, burgandy enamel centre, gotd coinur arme, 15 ights, $170. Tant, 2 room. 9 n 12, vînyt inor In ateeplng re, gond condition, $80. Bttrroom double swag in. ture, $25. Phone 66&.9772. FOR SALE bar, $250. Coucit and chair, $150. Couch and 2 chairs and Otoman, $350. Table and 2 chairs, $75. Baby carniage, $25. Woodan bookcasai $150. Phrone 4334653. FOR SALE kitahen suite corner nook banch style (4) place, lita new, $250. Air conditianer 8000 BTU vertical, 1 yeer aId, $35. M664302. TWIN BEP, ftrame, brasa head- board, boa spring and mattress, $250. White lrainoom badspread, alectric blanket, 3 sets o shoots, $125. Ail excellent condition. 668. 5845. CUSTom BUILT ondes kilahen nook, table 29x49", excellant condition, $200. Phone 681382. DINING ROOM tabe, 4 Cane beck chairs, excellant condition, $275. Four mtai parlour chairs, $80 for set. Antique desk, $150. Rocking chair, $30. Old wicker trunk, $25. Fine boxes oI nid 78 records, $75 imany coleclablel. Phone 6n36638. FOUR SEATER couch and r- mclrair, $60)0. Said mnaple maod rocker, $300. Daboar lubular hunkbed, $500). Matress for ahane, $50. Cottea table and end table, $25 each. Antique rosewood lubie, $100, Phane 686 3476. DONTEMPI etectrIn orges, Min- srai modal with adapter and 2 learniflg books, nem price $850, salIfor $400. 12' back and white TV., $50 hardly ever used. Phone 6882155. DI$HWASHER, Sears deluxe por. table, chapping block top, three levai washing action, $170. Coeman lanter ciw case, $10. one electrical panai, $5. 60 amp. discannent, $25. Boys cross country skis, 160 cm size. dmw paies, $10. Firepiace soreen and heat cIrcululing grta, $18- / h.p. eectrin motar, $10. Toanler, heir curling se, eiectric callea gris. der, Manie Carlo 15" rim, $10 euch. Phase 5767697. FOR SALE antique dinisg room selle, halmeas 6605 0 yeare aid, n beautilut condition, sotid mepie, made In Bufalo, 9 paces, tabla extende la seai 10 comlor- table, $1.900 or boastaller. 6688- 2461. 011 SPACE heeter, loced drait humn, 3 speed Ian, excelent con- dition, Ideai Ion shop or Collage. $75. Phase 668554. SNOWB3LOWER, 5 tant MnKee modal 320, for 3 point hilch, ex- cellent condition, $795. Phase 655.4995.* INE FURNITURE, new con- dItIon, priced to sai. Two book- cases, 34" wlde x 88" high, open aens In top section, lwo donna n each iowan section, $450 Par compiles nokcase. Bufet, dry sink stle, 48 ide by 33 ligh, $435.666&2243. FOR SALE naridgenaior, $350. Stana. $250. Hein dryer and chair, $100. Phane 5794212. TWýO CASES ai1D. Baleards dog tood, $16 a case, 24x25.5 nzs. each. Phase 5763998. SAILDOAT, 12 fi.. mahogatly witli JIb and Main Sais, muet ha sean ta heaeppeciated. $325. Oit tank, 300 gais., $20. Hand boots ton Car body mark, $25. Phlone 4334689. 66 AVON cotiantahies, $5 each. Twn ladies 3 speed bikes, $40 each. Poralbe ypamiter, $25. 68-4032. UTILITY TRAILER enciosed, 7'nlO'nS', gond springs and ente. carrylsg cap 3,500 las.,tliiidock, $600 or hesi aller. 655-4187. TWO BUCKET car oseais. flup ranimne, black, like neW, $30 each. Lewnimawer, $50. AMIFM car radin cassette, $50. Barbaque oisarre and basket. nanan used. $15. AMIFM eiectronic dlock. $20. Gou carl. $40. Camping equIP- ment,varions Items. tolaling $80. Pieuse cati 6688178. SUPER SCANNER C.B. anenne, emllch bon. cahie and teade. god nacndition, $150. AInO a medicine cabinet, white anamaltad metl, siding mrrar doors. prleci Ian collage.$1 Cail 686-4953 unytimne When the udvertised itiers is setd, disposed of. or unuvalable fer miatever reason. the item will be deemed ta bave heen sold and a commission wttl be churged baed an THE ADVEIITISEI) PRIVE as ilusraled betow, regardiese if price ix staied wiih 'hesi offer- If the item is NiiT SOLD, er disposed ni., the ad wii he rus for t1 MiNTIIS and n MINIMUM CHARGE et $7.5Owilt apply payable in adsasce aI publcatton of the fîrsi ad The ahaneminimum charge wiil be applted ta the final commission due Maximum commission: $100.00 Ail adver- tisersents muai be placed o an exclusive basin wiih the WIIITBY FREE I'RE.SS und run ut leasi one rsonth if ont sold RATES (iIf article Irsld i of aIadvertised priere Up ta 4000 2% of balance aven 9400.0 F.XAMPI.E: Sotd item advertisedl for #150,001. tom missionaduec8.50 i Imai charge le 87.5ei Privale adverlisisg onlyl Please notify the Whiiby Free Press immediately when item is snld sn that we mey delete il tram the following issue. Al ados ot fittisg the Emporium guidelines will be tceated and charged per week as regular clasified ads an a prepaid basic such as: services. help wanted, clthing. rouI estait, and persanal message typa ade. or ads nol qunting price or quantily. Private ciassified adx tnay appear in the Emporiums section under apprnprîate headings ALL ADS WILL GO IN1 CLASSIFIED SECTrIIN UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 668-6111 Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMIPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES , ARTICLES 1 OSHL FO AE FOR SALE PLOW, 4 Purrow Massey FOR SALE IBM Selectric. go0d FOR SALE 9 drawer dresser, dark Fergusson. shear Pin type, good condition, muet be sean, $300 wood, with tlt mirror, asking $85. condition, 3 point hitnh, asking Calit 7283163,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Catil 723-9176. $295. Cutinator, excelent 10 fil, ____ wide, clw height adjuot and auto 12x12 Il. tent, with loor. $100. FOR SALE gold lrldge and gas netting, $85. Cali 5767697. Etectronic air cleuner, Lennox, stove, dueal ovans, approx. 7 yaars $125. Phone aller 5 p.m., 655- od, $400 irm. 666-4036- 3 HP. oas momer, $70. Etectric 3854. ___________ molar. $60. Gardening tanins and wheel harnm. $36. 50 tant hase, $10. Esquire 68882155. iANOSAW Gnerai 15' h hp weaclosed stand $880. Jolater Geserat 6" 1 hp wlopea sand $725. amaha 080 argan ihree keyboards $2900. Reese taad iaaeilng traiter hitch 10.000 lb cep. $110. Computer business prngram vnforDesign GIL. AI. IIM wth lactory hankupe. set $195. Jet watt pnmp 'hz hp wl30 gel tank $185. Utillly bax for pinkes truck weatherpraol 30wn511n23h witack $115. Wainut veneer 14'x14" $15. Wood threadlng tbols t", 3/", 1"' mcl boitoming tape sel $315. Rouler & stelec ase wiih guidas $55 Wine carbay 12 '/2 gallon $18 Cati 6554003. UEO King size. SearsO0-Pedic. slild lnam mattress with hon spring, $250. Soaa ed, 3 seat, pulls oui b double toam mat- tress, $250. Phone 6685689. 5,000 B.T.U. Etenrahame horizontal air condlionar..$150. Phase 6686185. FORMAL WALTZ tengih drsse. dasty rosa cninr, Pearl nenkila, pteated inser ln ront ai shirt and Georgette cape on the back. hat t0 match. oniywan once, peid $260, wili accepi $150. Formai flit engih drees, Robia-agg bine color, baadad ront and tait length ergette sleeaes. anly mors once. askivg $75 or boni al- ler, Phase 576.1059. GIRLS iasuiaied skates. aew. $20. 39" bad, $30. Double bed, aem mattrees. steel trame and heudhoard. $40. Sewiag machine. 2 yaars nId, $100. Mens bike, $25. Two gerbils iih nage and loci, $10. CastilaGreyskuti and neyerai mes iciuded, $20. Hot Wheei City, $10. Humpty Oumpip ton bon, $15. GoBai command cea- ire, $12. Cati 427.68W7. n excellent condition, $200. Osa cotIesa and twoaend tables. $60. Phase 66.3844. FOR SALE custom huilt 6 place kitches nook Buicher Bock table, beige inyl chaire and han- chas, excellent condition. $350 or hasi aller. 5793629 aller 12 KING SIZE mirrared nanapy, touir poster waierhed. "Panationa' seusoned pine. etras ion aumenilue Iol texecellent con- dition. wonlt liti n new home. mont sacrifice ai $1.500. Cati 655- 4187 LIVING ROOM SUITE candi. chairaotoman, calee alhe and Ioand albes, ike new. $750 or bent aller. 6685934. velvi swags and double pane: curtainn. $75, Wavnabeige tweed drapes, 2 pavais. 50 aide n 97 lon, $45. Phone 666-4264. 4!wCON FUSED? JUMUSIALTS FulOR SALES GERRIARD.HEINTZMÀAN uprIght 1965 000E Omni GLH, black, 5 plana, good condition, ranon- spaed, AMîFM seaea, Sagie GT diiiovad, $1.650. Phone 668-5072 radiais, elumlsum road mheets, allerS5 p.m. 45,000 km, marrasty, $8.500. 855- 4078 on 655-4989. FOR SALE Honda XL175 equtp- pad mith street and dIt lie, asad lest year an raad, $450. Cati 688-3456. - -N TWO FIRESTONE Deluea Chers pions 1-71-14 and 2 chromne rime, $150 pair. Tmo Oel Crown 78 H78-14 WÎW, $50 Pair. One Uniroyal steel hailad snawtira HR78.15, $25. Osa Cen Tira G78 15 plus 5im, $50. Ose Gul Cromn 78 H7814 and rim, $50. Twa 115"- rime, $50 pair. Or ail tan $250. Phase 6889288. TRAPAULIN nover Inn a Mazda long han truck. new test $163. wiut sait fnn $150o or hast aller. Phane Water 686-1337 avnnnge or 663- 2386 days. AUDIO VOXIJChrysier, electroic n dlash, AMIFM mpmX staren cassette wllh dlock, digital raad out. 12 presals, seait, san, dolby, autn reversa, matai napabliity. ile ail tliemodal Chryster praducte, $300. Mtorola AMIFM sterea cassette, posh buttas tuning, cula reverse, universel it, $125. Four Chrysier raliy wheis mith centras, trim rings. iug nuls, ta it ail 'K' cars, omnis. Mini Vans etc., siza 14"x6", $200. Four BF. Goodrinh Eura radial TA. ires. size 205170HR14, 11.000 mites wlih werranty. $450. Edeibrnck SP2P aluminium Intake manifold, wiih installetion ikit, ta fitiormait l bock Cheay, Brand nem unit 4 bhli, $250.Sel of pnished, isned atuminam rocker noyers tlotit 302 Fard angine, $100. Set oI lactnrY siainiass steel, tube headars ta it lte modal 302 Ford angines, braad sew, $275. Phane 655-3288. 350, V8, new, 8,000 km, 4661L, air, cruise, p.s., p.b., tinted windows, AMIFM cassette, bromo and beige, very gond condition. $8.500.655.4187. 1977 VW Rabbit, automallo, gond condition, $850flirrs.U632166.* 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOSA p.s., phb., air cosdîtioning, $800 or hoataller. Colil 655-3176. 1976 HORNEF WAGON, 6 cyl,, reilable, qulcit sale, $400 or hat aller. Phase 728-0676 aller 5 p.m. 1978 VEGA V8, 350, angine and bdy gond, sunrool, $950 or hat aller, as l.6615793. 197$ COUGAR. p.s., phb., 8 track, approx. 85,000 miles, naeds $mo mataI work and other. minor repaire, body fair, $600 Or hataller. 6688227. 1974 OLOSMOBILE Delta 88, 70,000 miles, esking $250. Phase 579-4212. TIIRO! <11I NEW & USED CAR BUYS REID. ..BRUV. .. SILL JUST CALL 6686111 Give UNICEF gifts and and help a child Cotact. finirefCanada .. 443 Mi MPasant F1d Tornto Ont MaS 28 , caUNCEF Ca--,daiIn 501D2686364651 lmo'Ilkxhlhd>364 -Il questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cali 668-6111 and we'Il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to vou personally. If you: *are a private advert iser - *have an article to sel and, *have a specified askîng price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion îsee guidelines above for more detaîls i Your ad wilI run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies (o each Empoîrium ad-, $7.50 payable in advance hefirî' (hi' first in- sertion of your ad. If your article doe-s NIIT veil i thtn lhree mîo ths, you pay only tie minimumn charge' Il is un. fortunate thal nio newspaper citf guaranîci' vîur article will sell but where eisec cîuld vilu gel three months ativcrltitttg (tir inl$7 5V1 When your artic'le selis, a coimmisslini s charged. based on the adverlised prît-e Cîm- mission 1: 5% Up tii $41m1 2% ofth balanîce' lver $400; LESS the minimum charge described 1'7have read the Empoîrium guidelities abtîve anîd wish lii havi' the followtng adverttsemcfll placed under this secctin ofthe hi' ntl1îFret' IPress. 1 enclose $7 .51) Iicliver Ileii im iimtîumchai 't- C'harge' $7 501 It rV sî\ ' i î'ICCIiltî a ard %il la 9., MiAILI To: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1.11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI Behare eed fuîra le sof wthinthree onths. ('iirmissifvour ahtwinc lde ih thre mnmum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABcLmEu l'ric-e $ 1501 $ 2i61 $. :116 $ 4(K)1 $ a16 $ 7()6 $2,(Xt s.,» $5t0and Up Payable 810.00 S15.00 $20.00 S22.00 $24.00 $ 26.00 $28.00 $30.(X) $ :12.00 S 52.00 $ 72.00 S 92.00 $ 100.00 above. City Postal Code MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPO5RIUM P.O. Bas 20 Whtbn INdSt Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press EmporÎum sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. I)on't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have 1 1 4 - M

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