PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1985, WHITRY FREE PRESS st( fri 9: F( Calinw ail story telle" I NIGHTFOR ~IUAAIA~COMETS Looking forward to There are stlll sorne openings lef t for the day-long Halley's cornet next ,ory-telling workshop sponsored by the Whitby year? It won't be back 1ublic Library. The program, designed for aduits in our corner of the soler ho would like to perfect their story-telling skills systemn for another 75 vilI be led by famous tale-teller Dan Yashinsky years. To help you get om the Story-Teller School of Toronto. The the most out of the orkshop will be conducted Saturday, Nov. 23 fromn event, the Central Lake :30 am. to 4 p.m. The registration fee is $25, Ontario Conservation Iayable in advance et the Whitby Public Library. Authority is sponsoring or more information, caîl 668-6531. a star gazing night. on - - - - - - -- -- - -.Wednesday, Nov. 6 at A. I7:30 p.m. et 100 Whting CLQDAveý, in Oshawa, in the 2OTUNDAST..w. authriys new cotiser- f WMITBY I~ vation centre. There 868-2337 IRoas Bf na Kise vlvwill bc a film, refresh- SPECAL (nupii ~pIr~ ~.~ *ments and, if the sky's SPECAL (0111oilexpies NV. J85) clear, a littie outdoor Roat ee ona aier& Fries 52.14 I stargazing, so dress 12 oz Bottie of Beer $1 .75 * warmly and bring some ~3.89 In.. Ta. binoculars. More infor- mation is available et Chicken Fingers & Fries s3.16 I 579-0411. 12 oz Bottle of Beer $175 * Novembergt 9f h S $ 4.91 imc. Iax ~ RIVER STREET BAND . Capîniring nue spark fpiglm ~ I GOLDEN GATE 107 Brook St. S. Whltby 668- 2222 This populer, 30)-year aid ChIneoe restaurant hue recently lnlroduced Szecfruan Cuisine for Ihose who lie hot, splcy dshes. ln addition fa Ils Cfmnese feaethe Golden Gae also of- fer, a mîde selecîlon of Canadien dîshes. The BoBo plaffer and Ifeir chlcken fîngers are lwa epeclalîlles warlh lryng. Perfect for lun- ch or dinner. Open from il la 2 ar. dalîy. Frlday and Salurday unlîl 3 arn. Fully licensed. Dîne-la and f ast home delivery. 1 PHN 683198 L l ig n n a a a n i DELICIOUS LUNCHEON SPECIALS 12 NOON -2 P.M. SOUP PLUS5 MAINCOURSE$40 (WITH A DIFFERENT SPECIAL EACH DAY) M* SINCE 1874 M * FINE DINING LOUNGE 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY 666-3070 ~ BANQUETS AVAILABLE F0R EVERY OCCASION SPUBLIC INQUIRIES k- Ontario's minister of health, Murray Elston, did the ribbon-cutting honors at the new O.H.I.P. district office last week. The office, will serve the Oshawa-Whitby area. Helping cut the ribbon are (left to right) Regionel chairman Gary Herrema, Durham East MPP Sam Cureatz, Oshawa mayor Allan-Pi1key and Whitby regional councillor Tom Edwards. Fe rs tf ht OHIP opens new Oshawa headquarters. to serve Whitby and region The new local OHIP Oshawa District Office wes officielly opened last week by Health Minister Murray Elston. Elston eut the ribbon et the new quar- ters on the fourth floor of the Executive Tower in Oshawa Centre, at 419 King St. W. "The office is the fourth largest of the ministry's 21 OHIP of- fices throughout the province. With the latest in updeted equipment, including a new com- puterized telephone system, and an expan- ded customer service erea, access to services are greatly enhanced, not only for health professionals, but for the public as well," Elston seid. "The Oshawa office, with two satellite of- fices, serves a population of one million people, 6,400 employer groups and 3,000 physicians- and prectitioners, within a geogrephical area stretching from Trenton in the southeast to Collingwood in the nor- thwest," said Armen Arkelian, OHIP district director. The office processes more than 10 million dlaims annually. Claimns are paid for services rendered by physiciens and practitioners, such as chiropractors, chiropodists and osteopeths. In addition, the staff hendie approximately 500,000 inquiries each year. They provide in- formation on OHIP benefits, dlaimns and THAT'S Just 60" ... îs ail your Free Press carrier will be asking you for ... 60' for a whole month of home delivery of your local newspaper. This voluntary payment is the best bargain in town. No other newspaper costs so little and of- fers so much to local residents. And even if you don't want to contribute S1we'll deliver your newspaper anyway. Your 60" payment may flot seemn like very much money, but it means a lot to your carrier and to us. Your carrier ear- ns more money and as a result is more properly rewarded for a job well done. Your local newspaper benefits through defrayed circulation costs and happier carriers. And you benefit by supporting and helping to maintain your very own truly local newspaper. P.S. You can win - valuable prizes also! So when your e carrier says "Free Press calling" you'Il know what it's ail about and that your MOODIE'S PRESENTS In the lounge every Frlday and Saturday night the Country Music sound of PAT & DOITIE Every Saturday nght s Talent Nght MOODIE'S Restaurant & Lounge Kngston Rd., Pickering Village Just West of the Bridge Charlie is jumping for joy since he Ilound out about the service et Dickson Printini & Offica Supplies in the. Ajax Plana. enrolment as well as on other health care programs, such as On- tario Drug Benefit, ex- tended cere, assistive devices and ambulance services. Health professionals and the public cen deposit premiums, dlaims or inquiries in the secure dropbox, located et the front of the entrance to the Executive Tower, and accessible 24 hours a day. The offices is open- from 8 a.rn. to 5 pan., Monday to Friday. The new office's telephone number is the samne as before: 576-2870, and tol free lines are available for enyone outaide the local calling area: fromn area 705 dail 1-800-263- 3953, from area 416 dal 1-800-263-3814. OLDTIMERS SOCCER DANCE The Whitby Oldtimers Soccer Club is holding a dinner-dance et Cedrick's, 173 Brock St. N. on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 7 p.m. toi1 ar. There will be a local D.J. providing the music, with door prizes and spot prizes. For further infor- mation and tickets please contact Jim Mc- Cann et 666-1742 or Tony Vickers et 668-6203.