Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN f I Cail 725-967 wtb Items for this colurnn EXTRA REGIONAL SEAT Better late than never. Whitby will get the much needed additional regional seat. Just how that wil be accomplished la stili up in the air, thanks to an in- carnera weekend tea party attended by our local counillors and mayor. Their littie get-to-gether resulted in a deal to name one of the local coun- chllors to take on both regional and local seats. The reason given is to avoid having eight counillors that might, juat might, end up with a tie vote at meetings. Big deail Al four ward councillors had every opportunity to run for Regional Counchl on Nov. 12, but obviously not one of them wanted the job. Now, under Councillor Bugelli's motion, one of these same four wil be appointed to the dual role of local and regional., Ia this democracy? Or is this totalitarian gover- nment One has to wonder if this method of ob- taining a third regional councillor would benefit the Town of Whitby as a whole, or benefit one of our present local councillors. As of this moment, only Joe Bugelhi has a sure seat on the new council, as he has already been acclaimed. The ward area, from which a counillor is chosen, would also be short- changed for local representation. I, for one, will be voting for a local councillor on Nov. 12, and that is exactly what I want. I firmly believe the people of Whitby should have a strong voice in the matter of selecting a third regional councillor. Oh, my, the littie games that go on behind closed doorsl Corne on Ross, Joe, Joe and Marcel if you gentlemen would like to be a regional counciHlor, go out on the hustings and let the people of Whitby choose. Give us back a littie fairnesa and democracy. It is hardly cricket to saddle a new council with a decision by an outgoing council or lame duck members. This important decision should be the responsibiity of the elected represen- tatives on Nov. 12, whoever they may bel And of the voters of Whitby 1 CAPERS BALL Thanka everyone for attending the Capers Bahl at Heydenshore Pavillion on Saturday evening. Toni, you did a fantastic job. Toni was left a little short handed by some members who were unable to at- tend and was saddled with a lot of extra work, but came through with flying colora. Our local merchants outdid themselves and prizes were greatly appreciated. Those who s0 generously donated were: Wheelies, Color Your World, Ann's Deli, Tass Jewellers, Woolco, Whitby Mal Restaurant, Signor Franco Restaurant & Pizzeria, Kameka Footwear, Reid's Floriat, Brothers Pizza and Spaghetti House, Gerry Emm, Town of Whitby, Tom Edwards, Hiltop Bakery, Bull Sabyan, Hirinan Walkers, North American Van Lines, Kelsey'a Restaurant, Signet Signs and McDonald's Restaurant. Many aspiring politicians attended, with Whitby Council and Durham Board of Education tying the firat place. They were Mayor Bob Attersley and hia wife Joan, Gerry and Betty Emm, Tom and June Edwards, Jim and Marj Gartshore, Joe and Nan Drumm, Joe and Linda Bugelli, Marcel and Shirley Brunelle, Linda Buffet and Vera Hugel. For achool board, ail but Mike Knell attended; welcomed were John Buchanan, Patty Bowman, Larry Kinnear, Tom Anderson, Ted Shiner, Ian Brown and Jerry Moskaluk. From the separate school board were Catherine Tunney and Sophia King and Gerry Cox who is runnmng for Hydro Electric Commissioner. Ail of these person were asked to bring igns, and the walls were decorated with many, many colors and styles of 'Vote for' on Nov. 12. Thank ynu ail for coming and making the night so colorful and suc- cessful. The food was supplied by Ann's Deli and was extra special. Thanks again Toni for all your work. THNE DURHAM BOARD OEDUCATION The Durham Board of Education will nominate two representatives to the WHITBY Public Library Board forsa three year term, effective December 1, BAZAAR St. Axdrew'a Preabyterian Women's wil present their annual bazaar in the church hall, Cochrane St. in Whitby, on Saturday, Nov. 9 from Il arn. until 3 p.m. There will be knitted and crotcheted articles, aprons, Christmas decorations, novelty items, jama, jellies and home baking. Bring the children to the playroom. Nearly new children'a clothing, books, and the white elephant table will be displayed. For lunch or a snack drop into the tea roomn for a bowl of soup and a sandwich. Last chan- ce to attend this Saturday. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Painting Bee. Ladies and gentlemen of the congregation, there is a project that needs your help. The property cornmittee would like you to sign up to help paint the upstairs of the church during the week of Nov. 18 to.23. Three hours of your time is needed in the evening to do anything from painting to dusting. Come alone or bring a friend, but please corne. Wl-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1985, PAGE 21 McKinon announces intention to run as sepa rate trus tee non, a married father with two children in Durham region Catholic achools, has announced his intention to seek the office of trustee with the local separate achool system. McKinnon is an active member of St. John the Evangeliat parish, an executive officer with the Knights of Columbus and a former Jaycee. The main issues, in his view, are the main- tenance of Catholic values in the separate system, child safety - including busing and playgrounds - value for dollars spent and quality of education. Population growth and ils impact on plan- ning and budget are believes. "In view of the increasing population, how can we continue with a piecerneal plan- ning procesa that has resulted in E8 portable clasarooma being used in the Durham separate achool system?"l he asks. McKinnon - a Whitby resident - works for the Royal Bank of Canada as manager, compen- sations, Ontario Field Headquarters in Toron- to. Stop at Midas Muff ler and Brake inspection. If your car needs Specialist. Hes specially trained Shops and we'll perform a f ree, repairs, youlIl gel a professional on brakes, so you know when no obligation brake system brake job f rom a Midas Brake they're f ixed. they're f ixed right. REAR DRUM FROM FREE! INSECION AT PARTICIPATINGS HERE'S WHAT WE'L Inspect your vehicle'st system çompletely at nc REAR DRUM -, resu rface your brake drums a install premium quality brake shoes SHOPS, L DO.* brake FRONT DISC - resurface your brake rotors a install premium quality MOST DOM ESTIC CARS 0 FRONT DISe FROM $7495 MOST B-wDOMESTIC CARS semi-metallic pads extra) * dean and repack front wheel bearings io charge, dise paos Mdas disc brake pads and brake shoes are guaranteed for as long ______________________________ as you own your cars 1220 Dundas Street East WHITBY