PAGE 20. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB3R 6, 1985. WIIITBY FREE PRESS w SPORTS WEEK NHL Oldtimers to play Whitby squad How many times have you or someone close to you said this? If this is your problem...1 exactty atîke DURHAM HEARING AID CLINIC 105 Coiborne St. W., Whltby 666-3797 Monday.Frlday :30 ar.-4:30 p.m. Other tîmeaby appt!. BATTERIESSREPAIRS*HEARING TESTS Quality, Cost- Effective Education Jerrv Moskaluk will electively resolve vour concerns. lie will listen and act on vour behaîf. Jerry Moskaluk supports: FUNDING, by lobbving lor funds needed nov. to build the required classrooms..flot portables... b accomnmodate our chtldren today. PROGRAM EVALUATION, by monitoring Durhamsjuniorschool test resultsto ensure that basic skills continue bo be taiîght at a satisfactory evecI PRACTICAL EXPIERIENCE, by asststing htgh school students to gain work experience nr business and industry as part ot their education. COMMUNITY INPUT, by promotîng taxpayer involvement in planning the future of' schools. Jerry Moskaluk bas 301 yeurs bustness expertcnce in finance. educatton und isurunce. On November 12/1985 Eleci Jerry Moskaluk TRUSTEE/TOWN 0F WHITBY for OUALITY, COST-EFFECTIVE EDUCATION 668-2816 % i ¶ 1 1 Ci."1 The Whitby Brooklin Minnr Hockey Association will be sponsoring a minor hockey Saturday, Nov. 16 at Iroquois Park in Whitby featuring a game between a Metro Toronto NHL oldtimers' jquad and a team made up of BWMHA coaches, managers and minor bantam players. The event will give the public a -chance to see the local team - the Peacock Crouch Canucks - which has been invited to play an international tour- nament in Helsinki, Finland, Dec. 28 to Jan. 2, 1986. Only two other'On- tario teams will be represented in the Helsinki competition for the 1985 Bantum World Cup. Also in Helsinki will be teams from Finland, the US, Sweden, Nor- way and Japan. Negottations are un- derway also through the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association 'and the Ontario Amateur Hockey Association for the BWMHA boys to play exhibition games in Stokholm, Sweden and Lenningrad, USSR. So corne out and wat- ch the local team play on Nov. 16. Tickets are $2 and ail players and children under 12 are free. A full range of en- taînment is scheduled between periods and al profits go to St. John's Ambulance in Whitby. winners and losers In minor hockey ac- tion iast week, the Whit- by Atom Reps lost twice: to Pickering 4-2 and Peterboro 3-2, a heart-breaking finish after a strong third period comne-back. Other scores: J.P. Screening and Spor- tswear Peewee 2 team drubbed Uxbridge 14-1, Bowmanville 6-1 and squeaked by the LNHL Canadians 3-2. Mr. Grocer Whitby Atom B team bowed out to Bowmanville 4-2 and Oshawa 4-1. Better iuck next time guys. The battle of the video shops in the Novice H/L saw Brock Video walk away with a 3-1 win over Showcase Video. Mc- Teague Electric took Duffs Towing 5-3 and Whitby Mail Video beat Dom's Auto Parts 6-3. The Smiling Drillers of the Bantom HIL took Brooklin Concrete 5-3 but Brooklin bounced back against Submarine Fair 4-1 whiie Danforth Typewriter stopped UAW Local 222 4-1. In Atom H/L play, Now it s their littie red firetruck Kristen Percy, 9 and Shawn Downey, 8, were recently named Whtby's honorary f ire chief and fire captain. The two elementary studen- ts won the honor by participating in a Fire Prevention Week draw. The contest was just one part of the fire prevention program taken to the local school's this year by Mac- Donald's assistant manager Shari Kameka Footware blanked Totten Sims Hubicki 3-zip only to be humiliated by Victoria & Grey Trust 9-1. Win some lose some, eh? ITT Cannon beat Roy's Enterprîse 5-3; Victoria & Grey Trust over Midas Muffler 5-4; Brooklin Esso 8, Valen- tino's 1 but against Brooklin Kinsmen Esso came up with only a 2-2 draw. Shewan. The program, which originated at another MacDonald's store in Edmonton, is an attempt to educate people about fire prevention at an early age. Both Fire chief Ed Crouch and fire department chair- man Tom Edwards congratulated Shewan and the food chain for their pioneering efforts in fire prevention. Free Press Staff Photo Local crime round-up A Whitby residence was broken into last week and $4,000 in jeweliery and video equipment taken. The thief gained entry to the Gilbert St. home of Allen McDonaid by prying open a basement window. Durham TRIPLE VUM MIRACLE /A^# -I Three vacuum price miracles frum Beam! THE FIRST A compiete 3-iet, whsper quiet buili-in vacuum kit, înciudîag attachmerits lot curtaîns. drapes and uphotstery. plus clog-free ductîng- ailtor the mracle prîce ot $399, THE SECOND AND THIRO MIRACLES: Boums mosi pomerlul cleaning tool - an electric powerhead marth up I 10,O. ilba motor-driven bouler bar and brush that cleans AND GROOMS your rugs to e velvety ueatness , and automaticulli adjui to any carpet - eues deep uhugs. Andti wîh ibis imo-motor pomer teum. yuu also get Beum's 30-tout. power-conductiflg hase - Beums besi - morth up 10 $150, Nom, tut a lmiled tîme only. Iis $300 electric powerhaad anti hase value is pouls for just $99, mhan pou boy a nem Beam built-i tor $399. -Easy ta instail in nem or aid homes t Year money-back guarunlee of satistaction. -Sa durable tl's the last vacuum youuii eueî haue to boy ACT NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LASI N.B. Hase and powerhend aller avaitable anlp ta iraI-tiare bupara Take il witb you wben you move. Sales, service and expert installation at 500 locations across Canada. Eail-ta re rbe Phonenumrber' 831 -"B EAM" 831-2326 Regional police say th break-in occured bel ween 6:30 and 9:25, on October 30. It could have been Halloween caper, bu for the fact that th mischief maker didn wait till the 31st. Whitby resident- toi police that on Hallowee Eve her Winston Cret, home was spiattere with black paint and ai tacked by flying eggE Obscene words wer spray-painted on he garage door and tw cars parked in th drivewav. Silver Sta Restaurant was broke into Sunday and a sma amount of cash stole from the cash registet Durham Regional poiic say the incident oi curred sometime be ween 1 a.m. and 4 p.n The thieves gained et try to the Whitt restaurant by spinniti of f the front door lock. The Whitby Boat Worl was broken i sometime between lai Friday night and earl Saturday. While poli( say the estimated vaîl of the goods stolen unknown, expensii tools such as drills, sa~ ders, jigsaws and gril ders were taken. Ti suspects broke intotli business by prying tI door bock. SALLY ANN TEA AND SALE The Salvation Army j sponsoring a hom league tea and sale o Saturday, Nov. 23 froi 2 to 4p.m. atl122 Kent S in Whitby. Everybody i welcome to brows through the crafts, kn goods, tea tables an baked goods on safi There will also be white elephant table an parcel post sale.