PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1985, WI-ITI3Y FREE PRESS Breathmng course starts There is stiliL ime to register for the Lung Association's Better Breathing Course, scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Nov. 12 in the second floor therapy gymnasium at Oshawa General Hospital. This free program, offered to aduits with em- physema, chronice bron- chitis or severe asthma. will run for seven twice- weekly sessions on Tuesdays and Thursday from noon to 1:30 p.m. Participants will be taught simple self-help techniques to improve the quality of their daily lives, with instruction in correct breathing, con- trolled coughing and tolerance exercises 6O4e ALL Just 60" ... is ail your Fre carrier will be asking you for.. whole month of home delivery local newspaper. ThiE payment is the best bargaii other newspaper costs so , fers so much to local re even if you don't want t we'll deliver your newspap( * Your 60" payment may r Lvery much money, but it nr your carrier and to us. YOi ns more money and as a ri properly rewarded for a jc Your local newspaper ben, defrayed circulation costs * cà rriers. And you benefit b and helping to maintain yi truly local newspaper. P.S. valuable prizes also! Sc carrier says " Free Press c know what it's ail abouta money is going to be wels WHITBY FREE1 131 Brook Street Norft 668-6111 3s v n in t )littE sidei t0 cc er an not si ieanc ir ca esuli ob w( efits sand )y su our *You D wh caluni and t spent Medical professionals will be on hand throughout the course to answer questions on medication, diet and overail management of lung disease. For more information on this free Christmas Seal Service, cal Durham Region Lung Association, at 723-3151, as soon as possible. ae Press yof your vo lu ntary town. No e and of- rts. And Dntribute yway. eem like ( s a lot to rrier ear- t is more ehl done. through I happier pporting iery own , i can win en you r hat your United Wav Campaign- is winding down With only two days lef t in the area United Wa Campaign, corporate fundraisers should be getting those last'minute dollars in. Don't let Whitby's Electronic Data Systems beat you out. The firm, which participated in its Mainstream CanadaJ Avoiding the VAT wasteland country îrying to sit the con- cept, il mustsloak ike the iegendary Phoenix. the bird bhai rose oui of its osax ashes. for a VAT promises o taise the fedcrai dehlicit out 01 its osan, very decp ashpit. Ta others. for intance tbe Canadian Federation of inde- peudenitlusiness, the VAT iv as seicome as a viturie toaa mats aost in ho devers. already disoriented by the endiesç dunes of red tape shai bhreaten o engaif is fragile existence. Whatisiv Iis VAT? tn it- first campaign this year, succeeded ini raising $45,000. Above, EDS's camipaign chairman presents a cheque to Wfhitby canxpaign chairman Mike Ambler and regional chair- man Armen Arkelian. lioniv, houi tits mahin rver bc turned on. The answer iv a defrnite No. First of al. it's a hidden iax, nos rang ap ai the cash rcgis- tcr as you pay for yoar share of the gross naional produci. Second. the temptaiion for politicians to ase such a pow- erfui 1001 for a massive tas rab is too mach to resisi. In Britamn, for instance. VAT iv second oniy ta incamne sas as a moncy maker. fhird. other countries have a whoie range of goods and services which are exempt from te VAT, a situtation wbich creates a ciericai night- mare for the snaii reiler who mast keep track of what's what. Nos oniy Ihot. in Canada there iv no guarantee shat the provinces wiil go aiong witb te scheme, which couid pro- duce a federai VAT plus a pro.- vincial resait sales tas. The resait: every rctaiýc wili ho faced i it coifeting and tracking two sepats te taxes. - Fourtit, a VAT wouid in- clude tbe service sector. lv it %vine to addle the rirrat that are ieading te nation in job creation saiit a new tas and red tape barden? Fifth, it woaid show the govertnmeut 50 ease up on any self-discipline in erms oflits osan spending. Sixth, it meann 1.4 million nesa tan fiiers and an oxpen- ive nesa iureaacracy ta adminixter. Tite ist gocs on. but Yua gel the idea: tl woaid bc bettee if this sirange nestiing neyer iearned 10 fly. cf..v . sa at every ievei of production, based upon basa mach vaue eacit stage addv ta the final price of tbe prodaci. For instance, the mutler takes grain and grinds it into floar, ibus adding vaue ta the prodact. The amoant of value added iv bhey saxed. Simiiariy, the baker saho takes the floar and makes a cake bas added value ta the product saich must shen be taxed, VAT supporters ciaim thIis wii bcbe btter titan the carrent federalisas ou manafactared goods because VAT wiii bit all products and services. They aiso point to the faci ibat something more than $2-bilion Cao be raiscd for every percentage point of VAT. There's va doubti tv a nianey machinite, but the ques- Vas ix an utîconîmon word hese days, rare in malt places except bresarries, winerievsud sitches* Ira pallies. Spelied etirely in capital leiers-VAT-it's an even rarer bird for mont Canadians uniess they have tome interna- tionai conuectionxs who bave cold hem aboutl bis creature Ittosn formaily as a value- added lxx. Il i% ancosomon t ua. be- cause il resembles differeni thines su differexi people. fa the civil servants saio P#4 RE-ELECT MARCEL BRUN ELLE AS CENTRE WARD COUNCILLOR s "SERVING YOU"I FOR "EFFECTIVE" REPRESENTATIONÀ0, Free Press Staff Photo