PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6,A1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS So who's WHO? Saturday, Nov. 2 at the Whitby Public Library "Who's" young and old gathened to enjoy an afternoon of British science fiction. Pictured are two "Who's", Andrew Phillips (left), and Andrew Specht. __________________________________Specht is the Canadian co-ordinator of DWIN, mation Network) and -.THE (DoctorAhoIOnfOF (~Ii~1 CRPOATIO 0F actually becomes the ~~LIVLJ17 THE TOWN 0F WHITBY British science fiction character Dr. Who. In "real life" Specht is a PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMVENT daycare supervisor in Scarbono. Some mem- PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATION bers of the DWIN club iroquois Park Arena -.668-7765 N - which numbers 800 acnoss North Amnerica TIME: SNDAS2:O-3:5P.. -came from as fan TIESRSNDAYS 3:30-4:45 p.m. away as Peterboro al FRIDYS 330 -4:45p.m.eager to vicw Sci Fi Luher Vipond Memorial Arena -.655-4571 videos and admire -. -- -. .. . . .Qn-9. memorabilia. Photo Courtesy of Whitby Public Library AN ADVOCATE FOR: @PARENTS' RIGHTS *FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY @POLITICAL ACCOUNTABILITY *CHILDREN'S NEEDS oRESTORATION 0F FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION INSTILLING SELF-DISCIPLINE IN OUR CHILDREN YOUR TRUSTEE TOTHE DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATION O N NOVEMBER 12 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 668-30361655-4803 KNLL IKo( The Church Speaks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTEIAL ASSOCIATION By THE REV. STANLEY ISHERWOOD Rector St. John's Anglican Church This will be the last article to appear under my name in this colurnn for some time. No, P'm not moving away, taking a vacation or planning a trip to the hospital. It's just that I need to be reminded that I'm not the Church, not even St. John's Church. I arn the paid professional, that's dlear. As such 1 might be seen as having more time available to do such things as write xewspaper articles. And in fact I enjoy doing it. But let's be sure about one thing, P m not the Church. Nor for that matter is anyone else. So what's the answer? Not, I think, to discon- tinue the column, nor simply to change its name ( 'Clengy Comments"?), but to hear from some other, front line, Chistians. There is a certain aura of authority which cornes with an article written by a (hornors! ) "Revenend". Perhaps thene will be an aura of reality accom- panying one written fnom the front! There is, of course, some truth to the charge that '.wonds are cheap". No matter what I, or anyone else might say, it will need to be tested against the reaiity of one s own experience. The Church neally speaks through its actions and it is peoples ex- perience wth the Church which will to a large ex- tent determine their response to what the Church says verbally. Similarly it was Jesus' life, death and nesurrec- tion which put the seai on His teaching and His cal for commitment. What He said was confinmed by what He did. The Church veny often says one thing and does another. That is what Jesuscailed hypocrisy., 1 don't know whose name wili appear onMy next article, but I do know this: the Church is always speaking - it speaks through you, my feliow believers - what does the world see when you speak? CONT'D FROM PAGE 5 The same principles have been used in each of the followlng: "Woman" becomes, first "woperson", which it- self changes to "lwopendaughter". This will even- tually be shortened to "woper" not to be confused with "wopper" which implies a weight probiem. "Woppers", meaning big, will be changed to "man- beenbelly". "Manager" becomes "woperdaughterager". "Manoeuven" becomes "huperpeopleouver". "Manhandie" becomes ":huperpeoplehandle". "Manipulate" becomes "hupendaughteipulate,' or "hupersonipulate," depending on who ià "ipulating" whom. These are just a few. Wliat the end result wil l x once we get into really complex words onl> "Huperpeopleitou" would know. At the library Tiharywhili Pbe featringth filowîng fevetsrgthe on- t f Nomber. on tho Novm.toDc2 the ispNovcae nth e- thlibr lay obby ilh febare hlnd-crafte faim ý al sclptrs by Cheral simlprson o SegavCer ylSimps whof ha wredatherlcnafth fa or fied y erars spec' iies in hrses- spanuicor ns. os andunrso. btwee 6:3ayNdv7:30 p.rwn. Ch:s0tevnson:of Kiplay whil esent o Crafs forlayitt ersa proram for a youngr, pradts oge 12 n ve adsge 12tondver babsiters ideas fo keepigteids buor Eachpat ipant wil leacaveicipntthat tey ewiha maan ane ie aesheet"ofac- tinîtiediscussedotat tte can usse th children ueistio begirns . Reistatithe begis No. 1 t th -BUY- RENT-SELL- LEASE- -fi.ple [i AtODAESAJXSOPN LZ there will be a $2 fee to cover cost of materials. Friday, Nov. 15, 10 to 11:30 a.m. a P.D. Day Film Show will be held in the library auditorium. This is a program of fairy tales recommended for age 5 and up featuring such old favorites as "Beauty and the Beast, " "Bremen Town Musicians," and "Rumpelstiltskin." Year End Tax Plan- ning Ideas are presen- ted by the Tilîcan Financial Corporation on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. The discussion will centre on how to neduce your 1985 taxes befone Dec. 31 and will cover such topics as RRSPs, what to do with RHOSPs before next December and how to avoid the last minute rush. Speaker is Robert Van Dusen, a local char. tered accountant. Registration is limited s0 caîl Richard Price at 433-1508 to reserve a seat. Microwave owners can pick up a few tips for sweets and treats on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. Demonstration is by home economnist Faye Glaspeli and microwave cookware wil be sold during the program. Tickets are $2 and can be obtained from the chiidren's desk, beginning Nov . 1.- Every Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. is children's story hour with games, crafts and stonies. Ail are welcome and no registration is necessary. For children age 5and up. Thunsday evenings from 7 to 7:30 p.m. ahl chiidnen are invited to bring their favorite stuf- fed toys for siumber- time, stonies and songs to warmn up a frosty evening. Don't forget youn p.j.'s. LEADERSHIP ROLE: MY PRIORITIES AS VOUR NEW MAYOR, *ATTRACT NEW COMMERCIAL & IN DUSTRIAL GROWTH TO WHITBY PEN-MINDED TO PROVIDE MORE JOBS TO LOCAL RESIDENTS AND IMPROVE THE PROPORTIONATE TAX BASE ECISIVE *TO CREATE A PRESTIGEOUS WATERFRONT COMMUNITY IN PPROACHABLE ~~~~~~~PORT WHITBV HTYADECUAER-EEOMN ~~PR0ACHABLE *~~~~~~TO REVITALIZE DOWNTOWNWHTYADECUGERDELOEN THAT WOULD BE HARMON IOUS WITH OUR VICTORIAN HERITAGE ID ESTANDIN 0F OUR*TO PROVIDE MORE AFFORDABLE HOUSING TO OFFSET OUR ZERO DNCERNS VACANCY RATE IN THE DURHAM REGION *IMPROVE OUR WHITBY TRANSIT SYSTEM TO ACCOMODATE OUR ECEPTIVE TO VOUR IDEAS GROWING COMMUNITY NEEDS *ESTABLISH A MAYORS ADVISORY GROUP TO GAI N YOU R1IN PUT ESPONSIVE TO VOUR N EEDS ON ALL 0F THESE IMPORTANT ISSUES. BEING AWARE 0F THE ISSUES AND TAKING POSITIVE ACTION DURING MV WORK IN THE COMMUNITY HAVE GIVEN ME THE NECESSARY EXPERIENCE TO EFFECTIVELY LEAD WHITBV BOTH IN THE PRESENT AND IN THE FUTURE. 6,i SB jTIMES: bUP4UMTS 1:30- 2'45iP.M MY *OF @DE eAF eU' c *RE oRE