Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1985, p. 37

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Wiit"nvBYFRP PlR FS WFF3NESDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1985. PAGE 37 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ADI$ AOLNCEMES CONGRATULATIONS on your furihcomIfng marriago. F10050 low Our samples of ongrasod weddlngInietations ai pour tlesuro le our Aies Plaza store. Ocksoe Prîstîng & Off ice Sup- pilIes, 683-1968. AN EVANGELISTIC Crusede wIli bo conducted thîs weok et the Slsation Anmy Corps, 75 Lbery Street South, owmmnsilla. Esenglsi oug Hiz, former Mthodisi Church Misstor, wili be the guesi speaker. Metings Wdnesday 7:30 p.mn., Thunsday 7:30 p.m., Friday 7:30 p.m., Sun- day 11 a.m. and :30 p.m. Come and met youn oid fnlesd Doug. Phono 623-5857. TRANSPORTATION roquired dally Monday t0 Fday, ai 5:00 0wm. from Whiiby to Eglinion and victoria Park area. Wl» shano ex- panses. 66-0379. FOR SALE two btack and tas dechshued papplos. Phono 6W8- 8842 LOST Yorksohire Terrionemli dog, btock and brome, lesttOOOfl Cochraenad WalnuitenWhItby, Oc. 26. Roward. Mlasecot 686- 2873. NORTHERN spy appios. Country Lune Road off Taunton, 1 mile wasi of No. 12 Hwy., 1 mite sorth os Country Lano Rond. Sgnes posiod. Clt e55-552. TYPEWRITER rentai, maey makos and morels, by the weekend, mook or monih. Discounts asalablo. Dickson PrlntIng & Office SuppIlntleh Aia Plaza. Cati us for busineOs machina rpaire 683-1968 jOIN OUR circuler mailng program. Wonlnai home, ern ex- ira Income. Free delails M. Green Enierpises. 594 NlsorvIle, Maitoba, RDA 1 E0 e SP0 WHITOY OFFICE SPACE for rosi on professionai floor. Would be suitable for lawyer, accounlanl, etc. Rosi nclude5 ail ulities and sa negoliable for an appropriale tenant. For f uriher information oi 6686372 belWeee 9:30 a. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. O-RAMMER for people who hale grammar la the ideal pocket refrence book for business people. $3.95 par copy and asalabie et Olokeon Pnting & office Supplies Ilte hoAax Plaza. Dealer esquiies nslled 6831968a FREE: Drop Inio the ickssn Pning & Office Supply store ln the Alan Plaza anct pick Up a ires copy of thlr 1985 Melic cales. der. Pnlsed lIrn o colours. Il mokas for handy efrenco. 683. 1968 MATTRESSES and boxseprnns t hall prîce. McKeen Funlure, 524 Slmcoe Street South, Oshawu. 7255181. OEOTVPE presson leilering 55w ln stock ai Ocksorn Pniig & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aias Shoip- ping Plaza. Large sleclios of styles and sizes. Why pay Mre ton a smaller sheel of leliening? 683-1968. MOVINI3 muet sell. stove, white, $150. Phone 681761. CHESTERFIEL.D suites, loveseals, sectîseals, leshan 1/ prIce. Lage selectios. McKeen Furiture, 524 Simcoe SiS., Oshawa. 725-5181. c.H..P. PROGRAM. Oly 153 deys lotft. Forea ree estimote con. tact McCtoosO tesulaios Ser- ines, 1600-263-3204. VISfT aur used fureilure warehouso by appoimeni. Big saviegs on dasks. chairs, tMilng cabinets, oic. Cal> Dcksoe ris- tleg & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoiniment 10 slow. 683 1968 *we are a Canadian company *soîîng qualiy Canadian maeCE Jamieson produc- tetlwmail ordor pricos. prico 1sf OGuaraniood, SnIor Fdiscouef. WATKINS produn- ts asaltablo. THE VITAMIN PLACE 1HEROES a of h ibe"coloulng book availabto ai Dckson Prie- ting & Office Supplies, Alun Plaza, 683-1968. Deaer Inquirlos Inviied. BARN SWALLOW POTTERS OPEN HOUSE SAT., NOV. 2 - 10 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. SUN., NOV. 3 -11 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. Functionai & decorative handmade pottery by Deanna Jones. Ref reshrnents. Top of the hili ln Greenwood (Westney Rd. & Highway 7) 427-0598 AUT M OB LESAUTOM O BILES FRA OESAL 4CP4Z 84 TOPAX AUTOMATIC 5006A 19814CHEROLET150 TON899500 50013A 9829FOR 50178D 1981 FORD ESCORT WGN 50437A 1979 FORD VAN 50236A 1979 MERCURY ZEPHER 50510A 1984 FORD F150 1978 OODGE Ramohergor 4 whool dniso, V8. auto. P.S., F6B.. posi-lrank front and back, romovabto bard top, robuiltia- jolins. axios, heasy duty rad, bai- iery, aiiereoior, bock heaier, 1215 spoko hels, appros. 64,000 mles, looks and ruvo g004, $2.995 cortlfied. cal> Mike ai 668-6372 9:30 .m. ta 5 p.m. Mondoy Io Fiday. 36950' 279500 74950' 1980 VOLVO 245 GL ighi hand drive, auiomalic, fuel Inection, stereo radio cassette, cerilled, good condition, greai for rural mailmen, $6900. Alan, 427-7251. CA LL*668-61 Il TO PLACE YOU AD PHOTOCOPYING ... at low, 10w rates... ..while you wait... We're open to serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PubIishiflgiWlitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whîtby Ojust noth of the four corners> THE FRAMING CENTRE 668-4521 1 A' Ci g( ts til nI ci ci 01 G 01 vý w N rE c S' ti b rr c ry 9 n p c a s h d c fi y walking splnnlng wheei, washstands, bed chesterfieid, chorme kit- chen suites, parlour tables, coffee and end tables, modemn chest of drawers, 6 pc. dînette suite, 24 cu. ft. freezer, wainut vanîty dresser, wooden ice box, pine drop leaf table, f lat top trunks, single box sprlng and mattresses, filai two wall cupboard, odd pressback chairs, Zenith VHS video, splnnlng wheel parts, 5 h.p. Ariens ridlng iawnmower, 4 wheei 250 Honda Odessey, quantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 PAM7YlI.rI ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLE AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 2 10:00 A.M. Featuring: pump organ, art deco, Chippendale, Canadianna paine and oak furniture, depression and carnivai glass, fine china, dlocks, doils, bot- ties and numerous coilectables- At the Brooklin Community Centre, 1 bock north and 2 blocks east of Hwy's 7 and 12, Brookiin, Ont. Doors open ai 8 s.m, Terms cash or approved cheque. Snack bar avalabie P.O. BOX 1007 STATtON *B' OSHAWA, ONTARIO LI J 5Y9 434-6333 DALE SMITH & GARY HILL AUCTIONEERS ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE THURS., OCT. 31 SAT., NOV. 2 6:00 P.M. 110:00 A.M. it Orval McLean Auclion Antiques and quallty 'enter, Lindsay. Large furnlttJre, appliances. îood sale, consignmen- Sellng at Orval McLean ts f rom local estates. An- Auction Center, Lindsay. tiques, appliances, fur- Estate of late FLOREN- iture, Royfax bond CE RATHBUN and opier, white enamel CAMBRIDGE ST. ookstove, excellent set UNITED CHURCH MAN- if kitchen cupboards, SE. Oak sectional book- GE retrldgerator, built-in case, 9 pc. walnut dinlng Dven, counter top stove, suite (a beauty>, walnut Westinghouse auto library table, cedar washer, stereo, green chest, inlid leather step kicLary 2 door tables, picture trames, efrldgerator and mat- foot stool, wing back ching 30" auto electric chesterf laid, chests, stove, console color dressera, old rockers, elevision, modern cane bottomn chairs, bedroom suite, cheste, fireside bench, antique mnodern chesterfield, dinlng table, parlour chrome set (lke new>, table, pine cupboard, Tfapie table and chairs, trunks, console color TV, gold uprlght freezer (like good refrldgerator, 30" new), Meyers deep weii auto eiectric stove, pump, long chesterf lid, bedroomn suite, 2 housier crocks, sewlng machine, cabinets, china cabinet, antique cupboard. fern excellent antique carved stand, leather western settee and 2 matching rtats, coliectabies, chairs, carved parlour dishes, single beds, 54" table, walnut bedroom cont. bed, buffet, wlcker suife, green chesterfild fernery. 6:00 P.M. To ist suite, floor lamp, oak your sale cal> lbrary table, antique ORVAL MCLEAN piatform rocker and AUCTIONS chair, GE auto washer, 324-2783 cylinder gramophone, antique glass, china, Royal Doulton figurines, CORNEIL'S coilectables from oid AUCTION BARN estate. Dont miss this FRI., NOV. 1 quaîîîy sale. Open 9 asm. 6:00 P.M. Sale 10 arn. To list your Three miles east of Little sale cal Britain or 7 miles west of ORVAL MCLEAN Lindsay on the Lindsay AUCTIONS Little Britain Rd. Fine 3242783 corner cupboard, butter- LINDSAY It suitad Challie te take off fur Dickson Printing & Office Supplies at this particular point je time, something ha wiII naver raegfet! CLUS ,.,;,83:96 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words, every endeavofir to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Pi.ess will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BRHDAH 70frth is 0 od 2 ah sucn replies. We will not be responsible for box number by Jfothe error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not called for wthin 30 days. 1The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fr- rej ect al advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words 12t each additional word.IEI1IE:Mna onpirt ulcto ois one ay efoee heycanbe cangd o caceled.or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication on day brefore i othey canallbed chainsredo ornecaEmoriuled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES-4kelie Nwrasloeibisr rcne moimAs ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NLMBEI{S: Box numbers are available ai an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $20. The Whithy Free Press will make 668-6111 1u RENT A one storey, 2 bedroom tramne bungalow wth stone fIreplace stuated In the Town of Pckering and ocated at 1998 Lane Two, Squires Beach. Proceed south on Brook Road fromn Highway No. 401. Turn east at second stop light to McKay Road and follow road to, Intersection of McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road. Turc rlght to Susan Drive and proceed south. Open House - 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, Novemberl, 1985. Of fer f0 Lease wIll be accepted in Toronto Until 3:00 p.m., Mon- day, November 18, 1985. For Off er f0 Lease and further infor- mation cail George Macelian, telephone (416>965-2040. T.O. 137 File No. M767-45 Mnsiry of ® Govemnment Ontaaio APAMENTS/ CODSFOR lRENI ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS. Whiiby, new concept lnIlIving, 1.2 bedroomo e6&220. JUREAK.1 NEW& USED CAR BUYS NEAD . . .UY. ..5111 JUSTCALL 668-611il 1

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