PAGE 36, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBLR 30,1985, WIIITB3Y FREE PRFSS FREE PRESS Emporiin Ad@ will nly b c cepted subjeet t the oliowing conditions. ri 'oc s At1 f CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, burgundy eamal centre, goid colour arma, 15 19ghte, $170. Tent, 2 reom, 9 n 12, vinyl floor In sleeping rea. good condition, $80. Bathroom double swag f ix- turo, $25. Phono 668-9772. FOR SALE bar, $250. Couch and chair, $150. Couch and 2 chairs asnd ottoman, $350. Table and 2 chairs, $75. Baby cardage, $25, Wooden bockcase, $150. Phone 433-4653. FOR SALE kitchen suite cor nook bonch stylo (4) Pace, itua noc, $250. Air conditionor 8M0 BTU vrical, 1 yoar old, $35. 666-4302. TWIN BED, rame, brous head- board, boa sprtng and mattreus, $2W. White helrtoom boesread, olectrtc bianket, 3 sets ot sheots, $125. Ait oxcellent condition. 661- 5645. CUSTOM BUtLT coodes kitchen nook, teSte 29u49", encllent condition, $20. Phono 6681382. DINING ROOM table, 4 Cane back chairs, excellent condition, $275. Four matai parlour chairs. $60 tor set. Antique dest, $100. Rocking chair, $30. Old wicker trunk, $25. Flue boues ut nid 76 records, $75 (muny cllectabtel. Phone 683-6638. FOUR SEATER couch and ur- mchelr. $600. Solid mapte coud rocker. $300. DeSuer tubulur bunkbed, 5500. Mattresu tor above, $5. Cfetalbe and end table, $25 each. Antique rosecood table, $100. Phone 686- 3476. BONTEMPI electrix orges, Min- strol modet wth adapter astd 2 toarning bocks, now pice $650, oittor $40. 12 black and white TV., $5, hardiy ever useal. Phone 668-2155. DISHWASHER, Saurs dotane por- table, choppiug btock top, thre tenel washing action, $170. Coleman tenter cia case, $10. Ose etocîrical panel, $5. 60 amp. diacunnect, $25. Boys cross country skis, 160 cm izO, cia potes, $10. Fireplace screen antI heat circatating grate . lhVuhp. èiectric mlor, $10. Toaster, hair curling sot, oiectrlc cottee grin- der, Monte Carte 15" rim, $10 each. Phone 57-7697. FOR SALE antique diing roccm suite, belweos 8001080 yoara oltI, n beautitul condition, solid mapto, modesnBuftalo, 9 paces, tabloetends te seat 10 coratar- table, $1.600 or best cIter. 868- 2481. W8 AVON coltectabtes, $5 oach. Tan ladios 3spead bikes. $40 each. Ose oxorcise biko. $45. Kit- chou table wth 2 chira, $15. Por- table typeaiter, $25. 66-4032. 8NOWOLOWER, 5 tact Mctea moeo 320, fer 3 point hitch, ou- cettent condition, $795. Phone 655.495. INE FURNITURE, 110w con- dition, pricod teoe i. Twc book- Cases. 34, aide xn86" high. open shotves In top section, twc doora In oach icor section, $450 per complete bookauso. Butet, dry sInk style. 48 aide by 33 high. $435. 6662243. FOR SALE retridgerater, $350. Steve, $250. Hir dryer and chair. $100. Phone 579-4212. TWýO CASES utfOr.Bilards des tood, $16 a case, 24x25.5 ozs. euch. Phone 576-39986. SAILSOAT, 12 il., mahogany with Jib and Main Salis, muet be sean le ba apprcited. $325. Oit tank. 300 gais., $20. Haud touts tor car bedy work, $25. Pthone 433-4689. BED Kng siza. Sars.-Pedic, soiid tuarn mattrens cith bon spring, $250. Sota bad. 3 saut, pulls ot le double teern mat- tress, $250. Phonoe66-566. UTtLITY TRAILER ancionad, 7axlOx5, geed sprisgs and unie. carrying cap 3,500 Ib, tilt dock, $60 or ent etter. 655-4167. TWO BUCICET car sats. tuiiY reclise, back, like sac, $30 each, Luwnmuwer. $50. AMIFM car radie cassette. $50. Bareaque retinerre antI basket, never used, $15. AMIFM lactrosix ctock, $20. Golt carl, $40. Camping equip- ment, orlons items, totaiing $80. Pteese cul' 668-8176. SUPER SCANNER C.B. antenne. swItch box, cabte and ieadx, gecd condition. $100. Ase a madicisa cabinet, white enamneiied matai, silding mirror deors, pertacitur cottage. $15. Cuti686-4953 anylime. When the advertised itemnis sald, dinposed uf, or unuvuilubte for chulever reuxun. the item will be deemed te have Seens sold and a commission wil be churged haued on TIE ADVERTISEI> PRICE us illastruted hetow. regardiens if price is stated with Sbent offer' If the item ns NOT SOLD. or disposed u. the ad ciii Se run for 3 MONTHS und s MINIMUM CHIARGE et 87.50 will upply payable in advance af pubticution of tthe firsi ad. The uhove minimum charge wiii be upptied ta the final cammission due. Maximum commission: $100600. Ait adver- tixements must he pluced un us exclusive basin with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and ruts ut leunt one munth if net sold, RATES i If articl tasatdt 5% of odverttsed price .p ta 9400.00 2% et batance ever $400.00 EXAMPLE: SettItem advertiseut fer 915.oo. (eommisuiae due 87.50 t(mnmum charge I1097.s81 Privute udvertlsing ontyt PIeuse notify the Whitby Free Preux immediutety when item ixsald 98 that ce may detete it frara Uhe fottowing issue. Aildnsot fitting tne Emporium guidetinen citI ha treuat antI cherged per weetu as reguter lennifieut ads n a pre-paid basin nucb an: services, Setp wanted. clothing. reet estate, andI persoae message type adn. or adsnoct quotiag price or qttantity. Privute clussifieut adn may uppeur in theEmpariam section under upprupriate heudings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTtIERWISE SPECIFIED. FREE PRE&S EMPORIUJM F..Box 266 Whtby. LIN 5SI 668-6111 131 Beack St. N. Whitby. Oct. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIAY REVOUSTOPUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLESS .:. IOUSEiIULD FOR SALE FOR SAL FLOW, 4 Furrea Masssay FOR SALE IBM Seiectric, geud FRSL rcrdenr at Fergussun, shear pin type. guod condition, muai Se seen. $300. O AE9dae rsedr codiio, pin htc, skng Cati 728-3163.9 .m. 10 5 p.m. cood, ciih tilti mirrur, usktng $85. $295. Cultilotor. excellant 10 i. - --_____73_976 aida, cia hnlghi adutnad auo 1963 FIIL BeScai go cari. cîth saiiing. $85, Cati 576-7697. Hundu G200,. od condition, FOR SALE uuid ridge andI nus 5,00 .T.U. Elactruhuma horizontal air cendillunef, $150 Phone 668-6185. BANDSAW Generut 15" Vu Sp wtenctened stand $8M. Jetnter Ganerai 6" i Sp clopen stand $725. amaha 060 orges ibrea kayboards $2900. Reese loutI ievelitlg traiter hltch 10,000 lb cap. $110. Computer business program InIer Dsign Gît. AI, 114y with tactory buckups, set $195. Jet watt pump Vu hp w130 gai tank $185. Utiity bon tor picknp truck weatherprout 30wu511u23h wlock $115. Waisut veneer 14u04" $15. Wood throadlsg touts 1t., 50, 1" lxi. bottuming tapn set $315. Reter & steel case aith guidas $55. Wlne carbey 12 Vu seallas $18. Cuitl 65540031 STEREO console, $125. Bine veivat scuos nad douabe panel curtains, $75. Weven beige tweed drupes. 2 panais, 50 wlde a 97 long, $45 Phone 666-4264. 12n12fil. tent, with luur, $100. Eiectrunic air cleanar. Lannux, $125. Phone atter 5 p.m., 655- 3854. INTUETS GERRARD.HEINTZMAN upright piano, goud condition, races. ditlusad, $1.650. Phase 8685672 atter 5 p.m. Give _ UNICEF f gifts and cards and help a child conad unic-ef Canada .11, 443 ML Prasaui Rd Tronto. Ont M4S 218 (> -dl iL ICEF (msi. tl l,, leffM864&h l&k,(112M02686i-, utd. $400 irx. 866-4036. BLACK LEATHERETTE tradiner ln excellent condition. $200. One cottseaandt lauentItables, $60. Phone 686-3844. FOR SALE custom built 6 plece kitchen sook Butchar Stock lubie, beige vinyl chairs and ban- ches, excellent condition. $350 cr Sent otterý 578-3029 aller 12 KItNG StZE mirrored casxpy, tounr poter caierbed, "Panation" neusosad pîse. autrux lau sumeroun lu it, excellent con- dtion, coni t in nec hume. muni sacritice ut $1.500. Cati 655- 4167. LIVING ROOM SUITE cuuch. chair. ottoman, cottee table and lau andI tables,Ilike sew. $700 cf besi ctter. a68-5924. U~>1EPARIP% W$ FORRT$SA LE 19845 DODUE Omni GLH, black, 5 TWO FIRESTONE Damnxe Chama- spoad, AMIFM siorea, Eagte OT pions H78-14 antI 2 chrome radiais, lumInant read ahoats, rIms, $100 pair, Taoniuf Crocu 45,000 km, warronty, $8.500. 655- 78 H78-14 WiW, $50 pair. Osa 407 or 655-4U89. 15 pins rirs, $W. Ose Gulf Crown 78 H78-14 and rira, $5. Tac 15" rima, $50 pair. or it tor $250. Phono 68.-9288. FOR SALE Honda XL75 eqnip. ped with stroot and I drt tires, nsod test yoar on road, $450. Cati 666-3456.. NEED To KNOW SoMIETkflNO ABOUT '(aUR NEW oOMMUNITY? Cuit Phone 668-8943 Ont hustois naît brt ( ifs and grrniîutgs. utoxg cilS heipfni cxmmniy infornmatin. 350, VB, sec, ,000 km, 4 BBL, air, cramse, PS., pSb., tisted atndows, AMIFM casette, brocs and beige, oery good condition. $6.500. 655-4187. 1910 HONDA Ciuic. AMIFM storeo cassette, 125,000 kmns., $1,600.Phono 668-0440. 1977 VW Rabbit, aaternatid, goud condition, $1.000 irra. 683-21W6. 1976 CHRYBLER CORDOSA pS., pSb., air ccsdlitining. $60 or Seat o>1er. Cati 655-3176. 1976 HORNET WAGON, 6 cy.,, rattabla, quick sae, $400 or hoast etter. Phase 728-076 alter 5 p.m. 1975 VEGA VII. 350, enginse and body good, suniroot, $950 or hast atter, as 1.6685793. 1975 COUGAR. p.S., p.b., 8 truck. apprun. 85,000 miles, nesds sore m mtur ark and other minur repairs, body tuir, $660 or Sent uttar. 668-227. 1074 OLOSMOBILE Dlla 88, 70,000 mitas, auing $200. Phone 579-4212. Buyiung or toaom- ifs kIe. o~ou o hi.Oda le. deat hm lei.bel <@0- alan. 9" .MW cote mm"e. e e. 1.0. Cae " 951t1.1étand #hv.à I9 1. e. »Ne. y" .bu"l.e hl.»tO 0M lew d~ rMte ?fl..l.a0,r0 ~ M b."ai wHITeY FREE PRESS 4âFCONFU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: eare a prvate advertiser; @have an article to selI: and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months t -.A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7,50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of yotir ad. If your article does NOT seil wthîn three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge, l is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guaratntee yîtur article will sell, but where eIsec cîuld vîtu gel three months advertising for offly $7 50' When your article selis, a coîmmission s charged, based on the advertised prîce, Uom- mission is: 5% up to $400: 2% ofl the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described IS E D ? e questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if not. do cali 668-6111l and we'I1 be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally.- r-- -- - -- -- - - --71 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish ttî have the ifollowing advertisemeflt placed under this sectionof'th 1e Wht>by Free Presst I enciise $7 7)ot t -îtvýr tht niînimuii Charge $7 -in 1tin%.mVi\sa atciîtt l ard 5%o 5dm. - pe .prin',- MAU . Fati la. WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1:11 Brock st. N. Whitby IA.1N551 Below are stime examples of what you would be charged if yuîur article sold within three months. Coîmmissions shown include the minimum charge anti are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYNABL E %(I vert lsedi $ UI $ 2>1 $ 4(X) >~ $ 6(m) $ 9(X) $1.000O $2 00<> $4.00 j S5.XOoand up Payable S10.00 $15.00 S20.00 S22.00 $24.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 S 32.00 S 52.00 S 72.00 s 92.00 $100.00 aOVe. <i 1 i IloNtal i *tbd r 1 01