The Durham Regian Family YMCA's fifth annual art auction is pramising ta be the most exciting event yet. This gala auctian, camplete wlth wine and cheese, will be hasted at the Oshawa Hliday Inn on Friday, Nov. 1. Previewing wil begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Guild Hall, with the auctian beginning at 8p.m. As in the past, it la the auctian's policy ta specfy a starting bld for each piece, which is of- ten less than haif the current gallery price. For this auction, bids wil range fram $40 ta $3,000, but at no tirne be allowed to exceed gallery price, insuring subst.antial savîngs on ail pieces. Art can be a good in- vestment, and for first- time auction guests, this event could be a good opportunity ta learn about art and haw the auction system warks. For >corporations, Canadian artwork can qualify for capital cost allowance. New for 1985, will be a featured artist exhibit. Whitby artist, Maureen Remington, wiil have some af her excellent work in a special display as well as having several pieces available for auctian. Other art pieces will be mainly Canadian with lots of familiar faces such as Grant Hilîman, Ken Mac- Farlane, Glen Loates, Robert Bateman and local artists Leslie Parkes, Greg Maud, Margaret Rodgers and Ron Thruston. Returning this year to start the low opening bids, will be Patricia FASHION SHOW The Ladies' Guild of Trafalgar Castie School wiil present "Fashion Extravaganza" on Oct. 22 ,at 7 p.m. at the school, 401 Reynolds St. The show will feature many local designers and merchants. Tickets are $7 eacfl and available by cailing either Mary Kamke at 668-0525 or Noreen Munro at 723-023. SALE The Durham Region Parents of Multiple Bir- th Association wiil hold a clothing sale on Satur- day, Oct. 26 from 9 a.m. ta 1 p.m. at the Centen- niai United Church, Rosehili Blvd. and Bond St. W., Oshawa. Any and ail baby and children's items will be available including: clothing, toys, carriages, stroilers and baby furniture. FISH AUCTION The Durham Region Aquarium Society wil hold a giant auction on Nov. 12 at 8 p.m. at Cen- tral Collegiate, Simcoe and Gibb Sts., Oshawa. Featured will be tropical f ish, aquariums, aquatic Granville. She has been conducting more than 80 aucions a year for almost five years with Park West Galerles of Michigan and now for Beaux Arts Inter- nationale. She has con- ducted auctians in every major U.S. city and many Canadian cities. Doar prizes seiected ta date for this special night will be: a signied lithograph by Grant Hilîman, and a screen print by AlRosenburg. Tickets are available at $5 per persan and can be obtained in advance at ail YMCA office locations, inciuding 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1985. PAGE 27 BOOK RE VIEW Ultra Health by L. Kenton is availabie fram ~ , Generai Publlshlng. The authar affers a positive S way ta vitality and gaod loks and this book la for everyane who wants to feel good, look gaad and fun- etion at their peak mentaliy and physically ail the time. The baok informs yau on the system to failow Sa that you wake up in the marning laoking forward ta each day, ta work hard but stiil have plenty of energy to spare at the end of the day, and ta laok S terrifie and feel younger than yau really are. Dazens of photos and charts are încluded. 225 pages. Good cooking, handmade crafts and lots of fun are just some of the things St. Mark~s United Church has in store for Whitby at its 1lth annual bazaar, Monday, Oct. 28. Above, bazaar organizers Helen Crawford, Roxena Ledgett and Dale Kalnay show off some of the items ta be sold or auctioned off. The World's Famlly, a book of photographs by Ken Heyman, is available from General Publishlng. The photos, taken in 50 countries, are a mirror held up ta the faces of al human klnd. Countries, where pictures were taken, showing people in every type and phase of human activity, include Engiand, Russia, Ireiand, Itaiy, U.S.A., Japan, Bali, Brazil, El Salvador, India, -Mexico, Yugosiavla, Sicily, Greece, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Somalia, Colombia, Switzerland, Demnark, Franice, Zaire, Hoiiand, Peru, Portugal, Kenya and Australia. 192 pages. NU STRINGS ATIACHED Brand New 1986 RELIANT i SUPER K cJmfLLIhT il 0DE(EiflL SAVEOVER $6O0, ON 1986 RELIANT MODELS 1986 ON TURISMC HORIZON WITH MANUAL TRAI 4 DR. ~dJ~ ~DISCOUNT 1986 SAVE SAVE SAVE TURISMO ON TURISMOS & HORIZONS - R WITH AUTO TRANSMISSION PACKAGE OVER '6D0O0DISCOUNT OS & HORIZONS NSMISSION PACKAGE YMCA Art Auction set for Nov. 1