VEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours & hades thaf com- pliment your skin tone & enhance your best Efeafures. OnIy $30 per Coxsultation 882770 TWO HARD WORKINO relabis wxmen milli dean your home for nery reasoxabis pric. Please cal daytIme 668-2014, aier 4:30 cali 6688=3. UNEMPLOYED I4ELP CENTRE Nsei hieipi workers compen- sation, Weitsrs, OHtP asistance, uxempioymext Ineurance, or ciats reterrais f0 other agencies, cail: 579-1621. MANINAC SETICOMPLETE Everygreex proint, New *iandscaping, Faii fertiiizing,* Grass rcutting, Spring bulbe, Sxow removul, FRE estimatea. 725-2300 ELLMES, CHARLES - In ioving memory of mp dear hxsband wtio passes awup Oclober 21, 1983. Yox are gone but nol forgoten, in my teari i bold pou Osar. ioved. remembered, iongad for uiwaYs, brInginq maxy a sulent tsar. Sadip missed. kMCDONALD - BIlan and Deborah are piaased to ennounce the birlh of their third chid, e dsugtiter. Brienne Elizabeth, on Oclober 1, 1985, weighing 7 Iba 4 oza, t Oshawa Generai Hospital. Brian- nuis laaister for Srah and Jared. Happy Grandparsr' are Joan Rendis. Marlon and Pfii Wetmore and Mary and Roy McDonaid, Great Grandmoîher, Rose Kostier. Very specialtIhanke f0 Or. Scott Handersun and mter- nity staff. YARD SALE Sturday, Oct. 26 and 27 t 15 Vipond Road. erooklilo rein or shine, 10a m 10O 5 p.m 1982 DATSUN 280 zx, 2 plus 2 turbo, auto. tuiiy ixuded, T-rxofs, 1 year wsrlaxtp, $12000 tIrm. Cali enenInge 427-315. 1681 TERCEL, A-i conditiox, cer- tif led. drivsx by one persox. non- emoirer. Cail6638222 durixg business hours. Wiii accept boasf oiter. 1580 VOLVO 245 GL right hand drive. automatic, tualInjection, terso radio cassette, certItIed, goxd condition, greul for rural maimen, $8900. Ajax, 427-7251. jOIN ouR circuler miing prugram. Vork ai home. saro ex- tra ixcome. Free dells. M. Green Eterprises. 594 NIverilie. Manitoba, ROA 1i 60 IS YOUR BUSINESS IN DIFFICULTY CALL L.D. Macinnis (416) 571-1355 to lissign a Counsellor f0 adVlsa you on your business problems FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK CASE COU NSELLING * bCanara WHtTBY OFtCE 5PACE for rent on protessional fixor. Wouid bu solabis for iawyer, accouxtani, etc. Rent Includex lluliullilies and la negolalbe for an appropriais tenant. For further 'Information cali 6686372 biweex 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday lx Fridap. SINGLE, vworking. xon-smoking person wuxis i bsdrxom apar- tment in Whitby res, as acon as possible. Reasonable. 576-7282. ~ANNOUNCEMENTSIFOR RENTI ATTENTION SENORS 55 PLUS. CONGRATULATIONS On pur Whitbp, new concept ln living, 1-2 fortircomint marriage. Masuse bedrooms. 666-3220. slow ver samples of engravsd wsdding Inviations ef pour ONE SEDROOM APARTMENT in leisore In our Aax Plaza store. smeil Whifbp building. Adulte ickson Pintlng & Office Suls- onîy. fncîodes fridge. siove, piis, 683-196. hpdro and parking. CsSie TV and isundry facililes uvalable. Phone 668-6372 beiwssn 9:30 ARTICLES amand 5 pm 1 FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, meny A UCTIONS makes and modems, Sp the FUN FOR weekeiid. wsek or moth. H'HL Discounts avaliabie. Dicison TE H L printing & Office Supplies ln the FAMILY Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business ATTENDONETHIS machin repalrs 683-1W6. WEEKEND! ATTE? Please check your advertisement for errors on thse first day of publication. Tise Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publisis an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by tise error up to a maximum cost of tise first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 fot' 20 words; 12t each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ~~RTICïE~1 ~, ARTICLES ~FORSAI.E~LE ~~FORSAI.E~LE PINE KITCHEN xook for suie, SHOPMATE radiai Saw, arm pxwered by Sli, complaeS with steel stand, $125. Plhons 688- 8575. GEOTYPE proe-on lettering now n stock et Dicknon Printing & 0f- fice Supplies In tihs Alax Shop- ping Plaza. Large slecîlun ut styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smaiier sheet of lettering? 6831968. FOUR SURNER 1elc siOVe. $25. Naurel wuodev criS, hum- par guards, new matirese, $70. Calil 66-5129. C.H..P. PROGRAM. Oniy 160 dsys sfit. For a free estimste con- tact McCisave Insulaf ion Ser- vices, 1-800-2633204. MATTRESSES and bou springs ai Self prive. MoKeex Furnilure, 524 SimcoosSreet South,. Osirawa. 725-5181. VIStT oui ossd turnit ors warehous Spappintmsnt. Big sevIngo on dss, chairs. fiing cabinets, sic. Cail DIckson Prix. liig & Office Supplies lv arrange an appoiniment la vlew. 883- 1968. FREE: Drop iv ohie Dickson Prlniing & 0ffice Supply store in the Ajax Plaza and pick on a fiee cvpy of iheir 1985 MstircCles- dur. Prinisd in tm colours il makes lor hondy riereiice. 683- 1968. usking $30. Grlsa 3-spesd bike, 24" whsels, $65. like brund new. Phone86662669. CIIESTERFIELO suites, loosseats, sectlonuis, lsas ihax i/i pce. Large seleclion. McKesn Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. KIMBALL eieclric organ, Swlnger 100,S800. Phono 668-4780. FtREWOOD $40 for non-spli lface cord. $50 for Split tacs cord. 7 deys s week. 86 sm. Io 6 p.m. Dgnisi Ski Rssorf. 1HEROES of the Bible' colourng Sook avaliable ut Ocison Prix. ing & office Supplies. Aes Fiezu, 663-1968. Dealer inquirios linviied. TWO 14" winfsr radial belled tires. $80 for boih. 666-3964. afler 5 p.M. MOFFAT FRIOGE and stove. evocado green, spartmsni size. spproximstsip 8 peers 010 e- cellsnt condition, $350 or bsst ot- fer. 66868674. "GRAMMER for peuple Who hale grammar" s9ihe Osai pocket reference booir for business people. $395 Par copp and avaleabie at Dicksun Priniing & office Supplies lnlire Aes Plaza. Daler enquirles invited 683-1968. -u CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., OCT. 25 8:00 P.M. Three miles esef of Little Britain or 7 mites west of Lndsay on the Lindsay Little Brtaîn Rd. The property of MRS. OLIVE JEWELL of Lindsay plus others. Oak Hoosier cupboard, pine biankef boxes, secret ariat desk (bail and ciaw seat), cedar chest, oak corner cupboard, fiat two Wall cupboard, 17 cu. fi. freezer, oak dining roomn extension table, pressback rockers, round Oak pedestal table, wicker fern stand, oval top trunks, antique dressers, G.E. 2 door refrldgerafor, 6 plece dînette suite, washstan- ds, chrome ktchen suites, pine table, han- dmade quIlts, mlcrowava oven, air conditionar, quantlty of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 ANTIQUE SALE SAT., OCT. 26 10:00 A.M. Af McLean AuctIon Cen- tre, Lindsay. Selllng con- tents f rom 18 room, 1860 Lndsay iandmark home, property of KNOWLSON- MARTIN. Gigantic sale o) antique furniture, 2 badroom suites, square piano, settee set, double oak ice box, secretarles, bureaus, fiat two Wall cupboard, sideboards, rockers, vîntage clothing, orientalItems, magazines, books, tîn- ware, parlour stove, t rames, steel engravings, oid prints and oil pain- tings, antique china, glass, lamps, crocks, duck decoys, coilec- tables. Dont miss this one. A coliactors dream. For flyer cal ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 LIN DSAY AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 26 1:00 P.M. Winchester Auto Sales, Hwy. 7, 1/4 mile west of Hwy. 12, Brookiin. Ap- prox. 25 vehicies will be soid by public auction f0 aliow for landscaping. Full size, mid size, com- pacts, pick ups, 1964 to 1983, some certif led. In- spection f rom 8 arn. same day. Terme $200 cash deposit. Vehicies to remain with vendor untli pald in f ull. Vehicles to be removed by Tuesday, Oct. 29. N.W. AUCTION SERVICE For Information cali WINCHESTER AUTO SALES 655-8954 AUCTION SALE MON., OCT. 28 7:00 P.M. At Prince Abert Hall. Furnîture, coliectables, dlnlng room table, kit- chen chairs, cedar chest, pins cupboard bottom, smaii tables, odd chairs, dishes and giassware. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., OCT. 29 8:30 P.M. Three miles easf of Lttle Britain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Little Britaîn Rd. Large quantity of art materils, lncluding oils, acrylics, water colours, easils, drafting equlpmenf, paper, canvasseS. Above products by Windsor and Newton and Grambacher Talens and Reezes. Vic- for 2700 eiectric cash register (leas than 1 year old), Coronet super 12 elecfric typewriter, matai office desk, draltlng table, large quantity of furniture and househoid Items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 EXPERIENÇED walrOSslwaitOr needd parilime for th. Explorer Restaurant and Taem, 008-0310. SPORTS INTEREST? Share pour sports enthuelasm as anvolunteer leader et youlh sports programa ln Whtby and Bowmanvit fa. The Eastview Boys & Girls Club require voluolsers, two hours weekly, fromt Ocober f0 AprIl. Prooldes excellent soperience for those seaking people orlented careers. Ccli extension program coordinator, 728-5125. CAREERS IN TRUOKING. rloer lob traling and placement fielp la avalable. Cali Rodgers Sohoot et (416) 709-3548. CMSSIONED SALES REPS *NewSwlss welding* *product, proteCtedI *Ontaro territorles.I Laemessage 782.5452 (Toronto) WORD PROCESSI NO Program. mlng, Lotus, dbase, Il and 1il and mors, mlh certIicalseand lob placement. Government sp- proved, fininciai assistance analiable, tek deductible, grade il and 12 credif courses. These wii teft 2 months. Enrol now. 427-3010. SALES HELP WANTED Heting and Air CorditionIng. Experien. cedi saiesaurequired lm- medlateiy fultime, good com- mission, suads supplIed, major company, Whitby arsa. Cuit 88. 8268 for appoinîment. A CAREER IN TRUCKI NO. Tran. sport driosîs needed. Now lie lime f0 frein for pour Cose A license. For pre-ecreaning Inier- view and lob placement Infor- mation, contact Merv Dr's Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 14800-265-1260. PERSON REOItRED f0 teks cars ut ssmi-innsiid In my home, 3 to 4 days a week. 668-4760. ATTRACTIVE tomais modela reseded for portfolio worh, good psy. Repiy aith phtoo to Box 433, Srookuin, Onaro, LOB ICO. MACH INIST FITTER WELDERS & MILLWRIGHT positions availabie. Good wages, steady days and full benef if package. 1729 Charles St. Whltby 668-6990 ~J~TE~J ~J~TE~J 'NTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED AD VERT Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; 14t each additional word. 131RTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the fîrst 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS-OF THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- st 50 words; 12< each additional word. AUCT1ON SALES - 40e per line. (No word ads ailowed i. BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make ERS every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damnage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding sucis replies. We will flot be responsible for box nuznber replies not cailed for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporiumn Ads. CALL 668-6111 GARAGE EQUIPMENTr NAME & MAKE SALE PRICE ALLEN SCOPE 2200.00 COMPRESSOR 500,0 CHAMPION S PARK PLUG CLEANER 50.00 SMALL CAR RAMPS 12.50 BRAKE SHOE ARCHER 50.00 BUMPERJACK 4500 TRANS JACK 500.00 HEADLIGHTAIMERS 50.00 Contact Don Switzer BARN SWALLOW POTTERS OPEN HOUSE SAT., NOV. 2 -10 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. SUN., NOV. 3 - il A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. Functional & decoratlve handmade poftery by Deanna Jones. Ref reshments. Top of the hili ln Greenwood (Westney Rd. & Highway 7) 427-0598 m n