Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1985, p. 22

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P>AGE 22, WEI)NESDAY. OCTOBI3R l0, 1()85, WHlTBY FREII, PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ iUBIE 1981 LADA, eew tires, clutch, roof rack, traiter hitch. FM cassette, $1.300 certifiait or best aller. Cati 668.455ý 1977 THUNDERBIRD AMIFM sterea cassette, excellent con- dition, eery ow mieage, cer- tilied, $3.195. 655-8038. 1969 CHEVELLE Malibou, backets, console, headers, for parts or restoratian, Edelbrock semi highrise 750 double pump Holey carba, duel point accel dIstributor, ail for smal boe Clrevy and maey stock prts, $500. 427-2688. APPLES, pick your owe. alsa _____________ reudy pickxd apples, squash, ______________ pumpkies. Indian corn, and uppie BUSINESS cider. s availubie. Archibaid Or- WnO ppoRTUNITIES- chards. Liberty Si., 1112 miles North of Tuntlon Rd.. 8owmun- ille. 823-7536. .IOIN OUR circuler miing - - program. Work aI home,. eure ex- tra income. Free deluils. M. Green Enterprises. 594 NieervitIe, ~~GARDENINGI Manitoa, FIGA 160. ISE MC OMPLETE AEO LAWN à A RDEN STARTING A MAINTENANCE NEW BUSINESS? Everygreen prunlg, NewGFI AL *Iandscaplng, FaitilertlliZng,* 17L L Grass cutling, apring bube, L.D. Macînnîs Ssxw removat. FREE CASE esiIle. EXPERIENCED day care worker wth Cbîtdhood Educatian Cour- ses, wouîd 116e ta Care for yaur chîîdren le my home, whIch sa close ta, Harmxny Heghte achoat, Oshawa. Prelerrably age 5 and under. Caîl Mandy 571- 0843. FOR RENT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for cent on prolessianailiaaor. Woutd Se sutuble for tawyer. accountant, etc. Fent Incluces ail uities and ls negyiable for un appropràate tenant. For furISer Information cail 668-6372 belmeen 8.30 a.m. and 5 p.m Monday ta Friduy. APARMENTS/ C~ON O0NSFR RENT ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS, WhItby, new cancept ln lving, 1-2 bedraomsa. 8883220. TWO BEDROOM spartment, In- cludes Sat, Sydro. parking and auedry laclities, $450. Anilabte Nov. 1. Phone 686-1228. FREE: Drop inIa the Dcksoe PrinIing & Office Suppiy store en the Aax Plaza and pick un a fre copy ol their 1985 Metric Caine- dur Prinled le two colours. Il makes for andy relereece. 683- 1968. "ORAMMER far people who hale grummar s the ideai pockel relerence boak for business peaple. $395 per capy and analabte aI ickson Prinling & Ofice Suppies in the Aa Plaza. Dealer enquIres Ieiled 683-1968. Co-ordi natoir (416) 571-1355 f0 assign a Counseltor f0 advise you on ait aspects of operating your own business FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK *Canadra Backlng ndependeril 1 Business 1 G:MLEl TYPEWRITER rentaI. many mukes and modeis. by the weekend, week or montS. Discoonts avaitubie. Ockson Printing & Oice Suppies in the Ajax Plaza. Cuit us for business machine repairs 683-1968. We need S a feW S boys and S girisi Become a carrier taday. Leam 10 Se a business persan with. responsibility 'wllle eareieg maney. Become the autstand- tng carrier- of the montS and became a winnerl Talk ta aur Circultalon Manager. Caîl 668-6111 Today! WHITBY FREE PRESS ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE A ?un x4u1w MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your akîn tone & enhance your beat featurea. OnIy $3W per Consultation Call R COMING I __ __ ___ Canadas ft st name in coorAayi &Glamsur CONGRATULATIONS os your Coslat ann rg $,Do- orttcoming marruge. Plnase $S300 a day Stryinl o ew our sampes olfegaved Chaelane. A b" n slde wedding insitations al ynu show Preview ot Seasons esue nin urAax Paza sone Oct. 22, 32ym-& 7Pým t Dckson Pntng &Office SUP YWCA Lbrary Oshawa or ylns, 683-1968. ca 576-5013. TENDERSI 1~L~ajTHE CO)RPORATION 0OF cet THETOWNOFWHITBY CONTRACT W85-35 BAN DSTAN D- ROTARY CENTENNIAL PARK Tenders wilI be received by Mrs. Gatt Gosieigh, Purchasing Agent until 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1985 for the construction of a ban- dstand at Rotary Centeninial Park. Specifications and tender forma are avaitabl *e at the Town of Whtby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone (416) 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. GAItL GOSLEIGH, PURCHAStNG AGENT. ARTICLESS KITCHEN SET, table and 4 chairs, NOTICE TO etmost new, $75. Otiter style CREDITORS steren, $25. 68-5652. AND OTHERS -IN THE ESTATE OF CHESTERFIELD suites. RICHARD WHITESIDE tanesoats. sectionals. lss than At pros hvn 112 price. Large selectlion. Aimpsoan a the McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe Cam gis h St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. Estate of Richard - -11- - -- -----W hiteslde, lte of the GEOTYPE pressos etterîng nom Town of Whitby, in the in stock et ickson Prnting & Of- Reglonai Munlclpality of ice Supplies le the Alan Shop- Dra ping Plaza. Large selection ot uhm Ontario, styles and sizes. Why puy more Canada and of the Town for a smuiter sheot of lttering? of Clatakanie, in the 683-1968. State ot Oregon, Retlred -Baker, who died on or TH I MNPLACE about the 3lat day of Ware a Canadien company May, 1985, are hereby Ibeling quaaity Canadinl notified f0 send par- mad CE.Jamesnroduc- ticutars of same to the ua t low mail order prices.ne on r Cati. isit us, 7,28-4694 tfor underaigne n o price fief. Ouaranteed,Senior before the 23rd day of Fdiscount. WATKINS roduc- OCtober, 1985, atter ts aeuitabtn. whiCh date the Estafe THE VITAMIN PLACE wiil be distributed, with '1HEROES otlhte Bible" coîouring regard onty f0 the dlaims book avaitable ut Ockson Prn- of which the uinder- tIng & Office Supplies. Aax aigned shall then have Ptaza, 683.1966. Deater inuuiries notice, and the uinder- ieeitnd. igned wiii nof be hiable MATTRESSES and box springs t for any person of whoae hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 dlaims fhey shahl not Simcoe Street Sauth, Oshawa. f hen have notice. 725-5181. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 23rd day of Septem- C.H.I.P. PROORAM. Only 167 ber, 1985. days left. For a free estimate Lre Tvre n contact McCleave lInsulation Ser- Lno Tvro n vions. 1-800-263-3204. Robent H. Backburn, ________ ___ Exocutors oft he Estalo VIStT our used lurniture of Richard Whitoaîdo, by warehousn by appoinîment. Big thoîr soliltor, Robert H. saiegs on desks, chairs, iling Blackburn, O.C., Messrs, cabinets, etc, Cuit ickson Prin- ing & Office Supplies te arrange Stong, Blackburn & un uppointmenet Io iew. 663- Machon, Suite 303, Box 19M8 176, 10350 Yonge Street, Rchmond HIi, Ontario, - - - iCanada L4C 4Y2. A UCTIONS FUN FOR THEWHOLE FAM ILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENDI _______ IANDJ MURE1A... MM ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographiec ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors BinTHuliEATion- $700 forethe (irof the words; 12< each such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, adtoa od replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rîght to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- rejeet ail advertisements. Ads must appear in t.he paper st 50 words; 12c each additional word. t)EADINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40t per life. (No word ads allowedi to insert or catcel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 AUCTION SALE THU RS., OCT. 17 8:00 P.M. Seliing at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Furniture, appliances, antiques, collectabies, conalgned trom Rev. C. KITNEY, Cannington and Janetviite est ste. Modemn large 9 pc. oak dinlng suite, good ap- pilances, modern & an- tique fturniture, cdock, china, oid books & magazines, etc., crocks. good 12/3 akidoo, hand foots. A good sale, 6 p.m. To lsf your sale catI 705-324-2783 ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS LIN DSAY AUCTION SALE SAT.; OCT. 19 1 1:00 A.M. (Ramn date - Sat. Oct. 26) Excellent sale of com- piete househotd conten- ta, for MR. & MRS. CECIL JONES, 25 Queen St., Brooktin, Ont. Seiling an- tique & modemn turnifure, cottectabte glass & china, good appiiances, bools, etc. Partial itfin- cludea: antique piano & bench, 9 pc. oak dining set, carved 3 Pc. sofa set, 4 pc. walnut bed set, wicker pcs., various tables, chairs, lampa, mant te dock, pocket wafch, many old quitta, braided and hooked ruga, Noritake dinner set, glass, china, silver cutlery set, pca. of silver, crystai, copper boitera, crocks, bianket box, iawn turniture, Sylvania colour TV., bianketa, hospitai bed, garden tractor & mower, snow biower, shredder, roto tiller, lois of garden tools, & many other miac. items. Terma cash or good cheque. No reserve. Mr. & Mrs. Jones are moving 10 a senior citizens home. GAYLE & H EN RY KAHN, AUCTIONEERS 985-8161 REID, Alan Roy of Whitby, ut the Oshawa Genral Hospital, on Saturrlay. October 12, 1985. Sur- oîoed by his loving wiln Ruth Elizabeth and daughtnr Mchele Elizabeth. Panerai in Niagara Fells. Ontario on Wndnesduy. Oc- lober 1. Donations to the Heari anI Stroke Fund wouid Se ap- preciated 1 Vq2L-Zý-- CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., OCT. 18 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 mites west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. 8 PC. modemn dining roomn suife (table, 6 chairs, hutch, ait in excellent condition>, 4 pressback chairs, H-oosier kitchen cupboard, mahogany dressera, partour tables, secret ariaf, chester- fields, hait tree, Sim- pliCity spin washer, washstanda, chest of drawers, English saddle, barberas chair, wlcker chairs, odd pressback chairs, occasionat chairs, portable cotor TV., 14K goid dlamond ring, refinished antique dressera, quantity ot foots, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CONSIGNMENT SALE SAT., OCT. 19 110:00 A.M. Af Orval McLean Aucftoi Center, Lndsay. Fann machinery, tracions snowmobiies, cars, trucks, toots, construc fion equlpment, tnt W tractor, allia chaimers i tract or, tnt. 5 torag biower, John Deere 35( 3 cyt penkina crawle loader, 73 Ford -Y4f0 pick up with steepen, 2 ft. prowter office traiteî tires, office turnifure, 7 Dodge van cetitied, 7 silven camaro not drive n winfer, Michiten tire & rima, 75 Buick Cent ur) 79 Matibu wagon, 6x army truck, 77 Suburbar snowmobites, fer traiter, truck ti1ret« Bostnum truck seatz fruck transmission 15db outboard mofons, foolt« Consign this week, brin f0 barn or phone 324-2783 ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE -ANTIQUES- The Property of ESTATE 0F MARY STEWART -MARKHAM- f0 be held at MARKHAM FAIR GROUNDS McCowan Road SAT., OCTOBER 19,1985 -- 1:00 P.M. Kitchen cabinets, rocking chair, watnut tes wagon fernery, plant stand (pulpit stand), buffet, 2 willov piaffera dishes, gtassware lnctuding gobtets secretary (cherry), cheat drawers, corner cupboard 1/2 glass cupboard, open cupbosrd, fait test tablee stand, clothes baskets, miik pans, plckle crocks wardrobe, early Canadian dresser, towei rack, 5 or 1 dlning roomn chair set, 1 bed with dresser f0 match é washstand, 1 dresser, Earty Canadien, 2 chairs, swlni mirror, metal boxes, 2 oit lampa, cupboarda, piatters magazine rack, partial high chair, mahogany set-, settee, 1 plattorm rocker, 1 armn chair, 2 single chairs Granite pans, atuminum tray, totding clothes horse wicker rocking chair, wooden rocking chair, qulitint, chairs (red), 2 pine tables, 1 cupboard, bicycle, aleigli f ire extingulahera, 2 tiered cupboard, 1 box with if up id, 1 woodbox, ketties, pana, tubs, etc. eari Canadian 4 dressera, 1 waahstand, 2 beda witt feather tlcks, 1 rocktng chair, hooked ruga, 5 eari i9th century bianket boxes, Victrota, records, book: or albums, flour & sugar bin, Buffalo robe, benci (pine), clothes hamper, clover leaf table, doii's wlcke f urniture - bed, table, carniage, 3 rocking chairs, doit'. bed & cupboard with dishea and childas wash boarc buffet (ait parts present), 2 tsp desks, fait teaf tablE rug frames, 1-2 pairs quiiting trames, curtain 'strel chers, picture trames, eariy dsted books, 2 violineE wicker sewing basket, bed, couch, swing mirroi sewing machines (2), 2 wicker baskets, buttons, blac wsshstand, 1 commode chair, end table stand, plan hoider, raitway lampa, bed, barrel swing, gardeni amati toota, stepisdder, drill press, 2 swing mirrors, tour drawer dresser. Terms cash. Lunch avaiiabl( Sale 1 p.m. Att antiques in excellent condition. Don miss this one! NORM & PHIL FAULKNER EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEERS 640-5691 à 1

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