Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1985, p. 20

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PAGE2. .'.WEI)NFSDAY. OCTOBI-,IZ16, 1985.WIIITB1Y FREE PRESS 7 PT. HEAVY steal taw chais wilh hooka, $8. Twa white marbie siabs l'rxl5x7l), $15. Laxndry tub pump and motor, $45. Par table radio cannelle player. $15. Large atfice chair, $5. Anique lJndarwaxd iypewrIler. $10. 014 taahixnad bars iighi, $10. Brasa 3 bladed bai prapeliar, $5. Tmo 8 fluorescent ixtures, $10. Phase 6687404. FOR SALE ceamic Sandnlone kits,$42and mxids, $100. Phono 688M7. FOR SALE kiiohan suite corner nook besch style (41 pace, lire new, $250. Air cxndiioner 8000 BTU ertical, 1 yoar oid, $350. 666-4302. TWIN BED, rame. brans haad- board, bon sping and matrens, $250. Whie heirioom badspread. aiecinic bankei, 3 sets aI ahets, $125. Ait excellent condition. 668- 5645. ANTIQUE cambination wood and oioctric slave, ideailar cottage. eacellent condition. $480. 655- 3581. DININO ROOM table, 4 Case back chairs, excelent condition, $275. Pour matai partour chairs, $60 for st. Antique desh, $100. Rackisg chair, $30. 010 wcirer trunk, $25. Pivo boes aI aid 78 records, $75 (many colaeclabiei. Phase 683.6638. FOUR SEATER couch and ar- mchair, $800. 80114 maple ood rocker, $300. Deboor labuiar bunkbed, $500. Mttrosfor above, $50. Callee table and end table, $25 each. Atique rxsawoad table. $100. Phone 688- 3476. CUSTOM BLILT Immitation irepiaca wiih Iniad grey bricks and marbie hearth electric logo and flreplace creen inciuded. $300. Begnners set of drums, $150. 6681336. DISHWASHER, Sears dluxe par- table, choppiso blockr top, three evel washing action, $170. Caleman tenter dmw case, $10. One lectricai panel, $5. 60 amp. discanneci, $25. Boys cross country skis, 160 cm size, c1w paies, $10. irepiace scroon and heat circuiating grale, $18. Va hp. oiectrlc motar, $10. Toaster, hair curling so, lectric colles gris. der, Mante Carix 15" im, $10 each. Phono 5767697. FOR SALE antique dining roxmn saie, bolmaan 601t 00 ears aid, sn boaaillul condition, solid mapaie, made ln Buffalo, 9 places, table oxlends lx seai 10 comlor- table, $1.900 or boni xl fe. 6618- 2461. PLOW. 4 Frrow Massey Fergasson. shear pin typa, goxd condition, 3 point Silo, askiog $295. Calivator, excellent 10 i. mide, c1m height adixot and auto selting, $85. CatI 576-7697. 5,000 B.T.U. Eecrohome horizontal air conditioner, $150. Phone 6686185. ANTIQUE table and 2 chairs, $85. 24' white gas sloue, $50. Fixor polshar, $5. Bandte buggy, $5. Hairdryen, table model, $9.50. Slxrdy canvas hammxck, $7.50. Stacklng wine rack, $5. Sandard lypewriter, Royal, excelent con- dilon, $50. Oldor Remington lypewrller, go04, $25. Largo com- lortabie armchair. $25. Phono 68-7404. FOR SALE rerIdgerator, $350 Stovo. $250. Hair dryer and chair. $100. Phone 5794212. TWO CASES of Or. Balards dxg lxxi, $16 a case, 24x25.5 OS each. Phono 576-3998. SAILDOAIT, 12 i., mahxgaoy wilh JuS and Mais Salis, mxei be soon te bo appreciated, $325. Oit tank. 300 gais., $20. Hand taxis fon car body wxrk, $25. Phono 4334689. BEO King size, Sears-O-Podic, sxlld foam malrossamlh box spring, $250. Sala bed. 3 seal, pls out lx double loam mat- rass, $250. Phase 6W8-5089. UTILITY TRAILER enciased, 7'xlO'x5', gxod springs and auto. campying cap 3,500 ibs, tilt dock. $600 or bonI aller. 6554187. TWO BUOKET car suais. fuliy recline, black, lire nom, $30 oach. Lamnmxwer, $50. AMIFM Car radio cassette, $50. Barbaque rxiserre and basket. seuor used. $15. AMIFM elecironlo dlock, $20 Goxl carl, $40. Camping equip- ment, narlous items. toling $80 PMaso cali 668-8178. SUPER SCANNER C.B. anienna, smitch bo, cabie and eads, 0004 condiion, $100. Aso a Medicine cabinet, white enameiied matai, siding mirror doors, perleci for cottage. $15. Cai 686-4953 anyima. -PLEASE KEAD- When the adverlised item iOs ld, disposed of, or unavaiabie for watever reasun, thc item iii ire deemed tu have bren soid and a commissio wil1w charged based on TIIE Ai)VERTISEI) PRI<E as iiislrated beiow, regardJess if price b siated with -besi offer* If the item is NIT SIiLD. or disposed ot. ibe ad mut 1bw ran for :1 MINTIIS aind a MINIMUM CHIARGE of $7 50 mutl appiy payable ix advance of pxblicatîin outihe firot ad Tire above minimum charge iii 1w applîrd lx the final commission due Maximum coimmissmon $100 Ou1 Al adver- tisemenis must 1w ptaced on an exclusive basis mur Ithe.WIITBY FRIEE PRESS and ron ai trahi one moxtir if xxi soid RATES (iiiartilee t>. nad i 5% of adsertined pricer p Le 8400.0 ut aIbaancer aer 400.00 EXAMLE: Soi4 Item advertised fer Si 50.00. (em mission due $.500 iminimum charge is97.501 Private adnertîsixg xniy! Ptease nulify tire Whirtby Free Press immediatety miren item is sold s0 tirat we may driete il fram thre fxlowing issue. AIl ados ot fitling tire Emporiuîm gidelines iii 1w trmated and cbarged per week as regular classfied adsonx a pre-paid basin oxcir as: services, hetp wanird. cttiing. reat ratate, and personai message type ado, or ados ot qxtisg price or quantiiy Prinale ciassified ado- may appear in tire Emporium section under appriipriale irradings ALI, AIS WILI. Go IN CLASSIFIEI) SE(1'iiN UNLESS OIIiERWISE SPECIFIED. MAl.ADSWTf FRlEE PRESS EIOxIHlM P.O. Bon 206 Whibiy. LIN 510 I e dssbât ral 668-6111 Ot DELAVEL TII: 131 lrock Si. N. Whiiiry. (Ont. ITHE DEADLINE FOR EMIPORIUM ADS ISTIIE IFRII)AY PREVIDUS TO PUBLICATI ON AT NOON. ARILSARTICLES HOUSHL FOR SLE FR SALE *1.%Mo EHOD BLACKI LEATHERETTE reclinar FOR SALE bar, $250. Couch and n excellent condition, $200. Ose chair, $150. Couch and 2 chairn FOR SALE 9 drawer dresser, dark coltee and two end tables, $80. and Ottoman, $350. Table and 2 wood, wilS tilt mirror. asking $85. Phone 666-3844. chairs, $75. Baby carniage, $25. Caill723-9176. Wooden bookcase, $150. Phone ---- - ALU.....N..M43-453.REDR3M UIT,2cee$20., Sa114 front doar (34x82), $50. Twa nem ShetS ol arborlie. $6. 5 uned arborile, $4. Single sinir, $750. Bue basin, laps and drains, $1250. Mrrred medicine cabinet, $5. Oaantly ambon decoratan glass grealtanorbar), $20. Mahxgany biloid. (24x79), $10 Set of antique double doons lInieioti 56x79, cedan. $25, Phono 668-71404. BONTEMPI aectiloargan. Miný aIrai model ilh adapter and 2 iearnrng books, nem pnIce $650, soul ton $400. 12" black and mhite T.V.. $50. herdiy aen rusad. Phase 688-2155 12a12 il. test. mth flxxi, $100 Electronie arr cleaser. Lnnox, S125. Phone aller 5 p.m. 655. 3854. CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, burgundy anamel centra, gotO colourearmo, 15 irohîs, $170. Tont. 2 roxm. 9 o 12, urnyl fbar in sleeping area. goxd condition. $80. Bathroom doubla swag tra- lune, $25. Phase 688-9772. STERSO console, $125. Blue saluai oaga and double panei certains, $75. Wooen beige tweed drapas. 2 panais, 50 widaex 97 long, $45. Phono 664264. 13ANDSAW Ganarai 15" Va hp menciosed stand $880. Jointer Generul 68 1 hp miapan stand $725. amaha 060 orges three keybuards $2900. Feese ixad iouallilng traiter hitch 10,000 lb cap, $110. Computan business program Inbor Design 011, ANP. IIM wilh lectony beckups. set $195. Jet mail pamp Va hp w130 gai tank $185. Uîîîîîy boa tix piCisup truck eatherprout 30mn511x23h iiocir $115. Weinul uenaer t4'x14 " $15 Wood threading tbols 1i, 3/4, 1" imci bottoming laps set $315. Roula> & steel case with guides $55 Wine carbay 12 'a galion $18, Cail 6554003. 1883 FKL Baircat go car. mrlh Honda G200, good condition, $650ý Phono 668-4389 aller 4 p.m FOR SALE booster seal, $8. In go04 condition. Phane 68.8145. FOR SALE 1974 Nova for parts, 250-6 cyI. and many new parts, $250 or boni oiter. 1600 cc molor trxm a 1973 Pinto, 52,000 miles, aIll ew seais, $200 or besi olter. Midland AMIFM cassette sierex wiih faS, 3 way, 200 mail speakers, $150. Pomer booster, $25. Two 13" rime, $10 each. Twx new ultra Trac Il radial tires, sîze P185180R13, mounted and balan- cedi, $130. Phono 655-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Deluxe Cham- pions H78-14 and 2 chrome rime. $100 pair. Two Gulf Crown 78 H78-14 W1W, $50 pair. Ose iJniroyal steel belied snowilre HR78.15, $25. One Cen Tire G78- 15 plxs rlm, $50. One Gulf Crown 78 H78-14 and rim, $50. Two 15" rime, $50 pair. Or ail for $250. Phone8.9288. W;.7R C YRCCLE1 1982 YAMAHA YZ 250, nom Dunlop tiras, answer nuaencer, Boyesses racing reeds, $950. Cxii 668-4093, ash for Slave. FOR SALE Honda XL175 aqxip. ped wtth streel and dIrt lires, used aest year on road, $450. Cati 66U-3456. paes, madilenanean style, made i h UIA by Gibard. $800. Phase 668-8914. jUVISR.M.dSMET FOR SALE bad sofa. quaen size. GERRARO-HEINTZMAN uprighl SImmons matires. excellant piano, goxd candition, ecan- condition. $275. Phono 6882966. ditioned, $1.650. Phase 868-5072 - - 11- -- - ---- aller 5 p.m FOR SALE cutom but 6 place kitches nook Buicher Bockr teble, beige vixyl chairs and bon- chas. excallent condition. $350 or Seat ofarý 579-3629 alter 12 KING SIZE mrrored canopy. tour poster wmerbad. "Plantation" saasxnad pina. satras 100 numerots rol ti, excellant con. dition, monVt fit in nam home. muai sacrifice ai $1.500. Caii 655. 4187 MUST SELL Gibson bans galian with hendahail cane, nery 0004 condition, $360. Phase 723-2579, serlous Inquirias osly. L:7~. 1985 DODGO OnI 1H, blackr, 5 spaed, AMîFM stora, Sagle OT radiais, ataminum road wheels, 45,000 km, warraniy, $8.500. 655- 4078 or 855-4989. 1981 CHEV Suburban Slooerado 350, V8, now, 8,000 km, 4 BBL, air, craise, ps., pSb., linlod wIsdaws, AMIFM cassette, Srawn and beige. very gaad condition. $8.500.655.4187. 1966 HONDA Clubc, AMIPM stareo cassette, 125,000 kms., $1,800. Phono 8680440. 1977 VW Rabbil, automatIc, go00 condition, $1,000 tirm. 883-2168. 1976 DODOS Colt, good con- dIton, extra tires, $550 as le. Cali 655-3109. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDODA ps., p.b., air cxndiiionIng, $80 or best aller. Cali 855-3178. 1978 BIJICK REGAL, naw Michelin tires, battery, rad, suspension, $750. Phase 655. 4682. 1978 HORNEP WAGON, 6 cyl,, reliabte. quick sale, $400 or beni aller. Phono 7280676 alter 5 p.m. 1976 VEGA V8, 350, angine and body good, sunroal, $850 or bant altor, as.688»5793. 1975 PONTIAC Lemans, ps., p.b.. AMIFM alerax canneteex.a cellent condition, $1.450 car- liftait. Phase 686-4907 or 668- 6054. 197$ COUGAR, ps., p.b., 8 tracir, epprax. 85,000 miles, needa some malar mark and aihar minor repaira, body tain, $600 or beat aller. 668-8227. 1974 OLDSMOBILE Dalla 88, 70,000 miles, asking $200. Phona 579-4212. 1974 AMO HORNET Halchbeck, 6 cpi.. 30,000 muaes, gaad con. ditian. autxmallc transmissian, extra tines, $400 or boualtafr, as la, muai sait, Cali Doas 668M.800 Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emiporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have %Z~? questions. Llopefully. the explanation below can clear, Up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111l and we'il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: 'are a private advertiser. @have an article to selI:; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you con advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i Your ad wili-un each week until te article has been sold (maximum three montts i. A minimum charge applies to eacit Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance itefore thte first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil witin titrce mumn-j thsr you pay only thte minimum citarge. 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