PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2,1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS B3r«Dk1lin. Bylines By BElTY-JEAN BLYTH Cali 655e3679 wlth Items for this column Recently 1 was at a gathering where various people related their most embarrassing moments. As a born kultz, I found it not only entertaining but reassuring. What 1 mean is, it's always comforting to discover that other people can make a boo-boo now and then too. Although none of the experiences related were as spectacular as the one I read about where a man was fixing his roof and when he failed to find anytbing solid to attach a life-line to, he ran a line aver the peak and down to the bumper of his car on the other side of the bouse. Then, sometime later, he sent bis wife to the store for more nails and she used is cari One lady recounted baw, in the forties, when women's undergarments were held up with eitber buttons or inferior elastic, it was not uncommon for them to experience a sudden faîl-out. This once happened ta ber on a busy street whereupon she simply stepped out of them and kept walking, presuming that no one would notice. Her illusions PERMANENT HAIR REMO VAL Compllmentary consultations by a certlfied eloctrolaglsi. Member of the Elctratysîs Assoc. of Ontario 209 DUN DAS ST. E. SUITE 201, WHITBY 1666-2853 were sbattered however, wben a gentleman tapped her an the shaulder and handed them back to her. Then there was the woman who remembered the first grawn-up concert she attended respendant in a full skirt aver yards of lace-trimmed crinoline. She was seated "Up lin the gods" and as she prepared to leave, she stunibled, the lace caugbt, she tumbled to the bottom of the steps landing in an ignominious heap wbile ber escort followed gatbering up a trail of lace. That reminded me of one unforgettable date I had. It was during the time that 1 sbared an apar- tment witb three other girls. We also shared aur wardrobes. In one rather dimly lit loset, we kept our shoes and it just sa bappened that there were two pair identical in design but of different colours and heel beigbts. Can you imagine my conster- nation to discover as we arrived at tbe party that I was wearing one brown shoe and one blue sboe, one four inch heel and one two inch beel? On that oc- casion, my escort simply took it in bis stride and in- troduced me to his friends as Gimpyl1 Ail this is leading up to the fact tbat 1 goofed again last week. In connection with the Women's Institute fortbcoming meeting on Oct. 16 at 1:30 p.m. in Brooklin Community Centre, the Roll Caîl is to be answered by a point found in tbe Hand Book, not the b ymn book as I erroneously stated. ASHBURN EUCHRE Ashburn Community Centre will commence its popular eucbre parties on Oct. 10. These will take place every otber Tbursday night for the rest of the winter. Everyone is welcome to come out and join in the fun. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER There is to be a Marriage Encounter video presentation in Myrtle United Churcb on Oct. 6 at 7:30 p.m. This will be an hour-long preview by Bob and Bonnie Jackson of Pickering on a program that teaches couples how to make a good marriage even better. Ail couples from newlyweds to golden wed- ding celebrants are invited to attend. Tape the new TV shows 20% OFF our regular price on ail blank Maxel L-750 or T-120 Our regular: Sale price: $9 95 $7 96 (No member discounts) 76 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4229 68 WATER ST., PORT PERRV 985-9888 Coumeil seeks delay ini Ashburn heliport plan By SUSAN LESJAK Free Press Staff In a move ta block the construction af a private heliport witbin the municipality, Whitby Town Cauncil luas petitianed tbe Canadian Transport Commission ta delay action an a heliport license requested by a local pilot. Wbile the icensing of beliports is a federai matter, tbe Asbburn resident's plans ta con- struct a beliport bas aroused the cancern of bis neighbburs. "We're worried about noise and about the devaluatian of aur property, " explained Burt Wood, wbase property adjoins Straugban's. Witb 10 acre lots eacb, tbere's not a lot of space bet- ween tbe proposed air strip and the neigb- bouring bouses, be said. "This guy can land bis helicopter at Osbawa.. ar Buttanvilie, or in tbe middle of a 10 acre farm. He doesn't have ta do ithere," said Wood. Wood and 46 neigb- bours bave signed a petition asking council ta pass a by-law probibiting beiiports witbin tbe municipality. Regional councillar Gerry Emm supports the residents' request. "We've been forced ta sit back because a by- law wasn't on the books. I don't want ta see (beliports) establisbed in Whitby witbout tbat contrai." Other cauncillars, however, expressed doubt about the municîpaiity's power ta regulate air strips. "We baven't had a representative fram the federai ministry of transport ta tell us wbat we can or cannot do," said Centre Ward coun- cillor Marcel Brunelie. information to make a decision." Emm disagreed, Mississauga bas already passed a by-law prohibiting evening fligbts aver tbe city, be painted out. "Air Canada bas nat cballenged that. " If tbe town passes a by-law now, bowever, it will came tao late ta belp tbe Asbburn residents. "1Whatever else yau want ta do for tbe future of Whitby ... let's sup- port tbese citizens.' position naw, and ask the ministry ta turn down Mr. Straugban's request," Mayor Bob Attersley urged council. Attersley's recam- mendatian, adopted by council last Manday bas not served ta appease tbe residents. Tbe councillors say tbey don't knaw if tbey can pass a by-law, "but tbey baven't even ap- proacbed legal counsel as far as I know," said Wood. "This is just a cop out." A meeting bas been called for next Monday (Oct. 7) witb the ad- ministrative commîttee of council, Straugban and a representative from Transport Canada. Wood fears, bawever, that it may be too late. While council is "lstalling around," Straugban is going abead and building his beliport "wbetber anyane wants it or not," be said. Straughan was unavailable for com- ment., Tbe Asbburn resident works for CTV and uses bis belicopter for business and pleasure. He first told council of bis plans to build a heliport iast June. St. Leo's preparing for Parish Mission wlilch is to begin Oct. 27 St. Leo's Roman Cathalic Churcb, Braoklin, wil bold a parish renewal begin- ning Oct. 27. According ta Father Oliver Moloney, paster of the parisb, the renewai, or mission as its aiso called, wili be lead by a well known member of the Order of tbe Redemptarists. The congregation bas already begun many in- tensive activities that will make the five week periad a time for I'sawing tbe seed of the Word". Tbe parishioners bave already farmed cam- mittees ta direct publicity, bulletins, a telephane campaign, tbe iiturgy and yautb ac- tivities. "The week that bas been chasen for the preaching phase is one tbat is mast opportune for aur people," Father Maloney says. The missianary engaged for St. Lea's parisb mission is Father Jeremiab Hayes of the Alter he was ordained in 1946, be was sent ta Itaiy ta iearn the Italian language in order that he might assist tbe great wave of Italian immigrants arriving in Toronto. He worked witb Toranto's Italian community for 15 years. Since then, he bas been assigneci ta the preaching of parisb missions in both Itallan and Englisb. Hayes is a member of the Religiaus Order of Priests and Brothers that was founded by St. Aiphansus de Liguori in 1732. Tbe principie work of the order is preacbing parisb renewals. Moioney said that tbe' renewai will be an op- portunity for parishioners of St. Leo's ta bring ta, reaiity some of the spiritual recom- mendations tbat were outlined in the pastoral visit of Pape John Paul II last year. Tbe mission wili open Oct. 27 and continue un- tii Nov. 2. MITCHL BROTHERS Cassols & Church sI. BROOKLIN 655-4991 ALUMINUM DOORS AND STORM WINDOWS Boosi your Inauiaiiofl factors and save a bundie on anergy wih eiaae attractive doora and windowa. Te custom fit la ideai for any repacemenit lob. AIao avallabie ln colotira. fiing ln your sizes for a quotation DOOR 2" hici door ilniahed ln white or brown enami. selt-aioding gila. Inaart,[3 tirea hingea, prehung wWi hardware. ha tte big energy aver i TRI-LITE DOORS REGULAR S149.50 .S 'THE CORPORATION OF THETOWNOFWHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, C. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Councll of the Corporation of the Town qj Whitby has passed 8y-law No. 1906-85 to desîgnate the followlng property as belng of architectural andior historîcal value or in- terest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: Former Methodlst Church 202 Centre Street North and 300-304 Mary Street West REASONS FOR DESIG NATION F 202 CENTRE STREET NORTH AND 300-304 MARY STREET WEST Historical The former Methodist Church was built in 1855 by -the Trustees of the Methodist Church on land donated by John Ham Perry. One of the church's ministers, Rev. Joseph E. Sandersnn, was a prin- cipal supporter in the establishment of the On- tario Ladies College (now Trafalgar Castie School) in 1874. In 1876, the church was closed when the Melhodists completed their new, much larger Tabernacle (now St. Marks United Church). Architectural The former Methodist Church was originally builî n a simple Greek Revival style. Il was converted to residential purposes in 1877. At that time, many late-Victorian details were added such as bay win- dows, carved brackets and decorative wooden porches. The juxtaposition of the two styles nas produced a unique and interesting architectural composite. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 25th day of Sept ember, 1985. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 i -ULI s RO UT R THE CORPORATION 0F I~I~~1THE TOWN OFWH ITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK OC TOBER 15 - OCTOBER 18198 IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. LOOSE TREE LIMBS AND UNBUNDLED BRUSH WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. 2. Brush. hedglng, tree branches, and other similar type material will be picked up durlng Clean-Up Week provlding that it la not any longer than 2 1/2 feet in length and securely bundled. Loose and larger materlal WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. 3. Household furniture, appliances, clothing, rubbish resulting f rom the cleaning up of the grounds or from MINOR household repairs. domestic waste materials such as paper, rage, cartons, packing cases and bottles wîll be plcked up. 4. Collection will be llmited to a combined total ot NOT MORE THAN 12 RECEPTACLES OR BUNDLES per dwelling unit. 5. Each bundie or receptacle to have a gross weight of NOT MORE THAN 50 POUNDS. 6. The special collections apply only to dwelling unils and do >'zT IN- CLUDE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PREMISES. *Your co-operation ls requested in having ail garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works.