Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1985, p. 25

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WIIITBY FREEPRI3SS'. WE,ýDNESDAYê.'OCTÃ"B3ER îi JÂZE I Whitby's Most WidIy Read CFASS1FJIED BO0RED? NEED EXTRA MONEY? WHY NOT DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKSI Men or women with automobiles or vans are needed to deliver phone books In the followlng areas: Ajax, Bewdiey, Bowmanville, Cobourg, Gar den Hill, Oshawa, Pckering, South Pickering, Port Perry, Port Hope, Whitby and ail surrounding areas. Must have car insurance and be 18 years of age. Cail collect '433-5083 or 433-5084 Monday to Frlday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Do flot cail the telephone company. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 12 POSITIONS OPEN For telephone sales people at our Ajax office on Harwood Plaza. Work noon - 4 p.m. or evenings 5 - 9 p.m. - no weekends. $4.25 per hour, plus bonuses. Cali Mrs. McNabb 1 686-3052 WHO0 CAftES? The Easlvlew Boys and Gls Club la operaling youih mini clubs In Whilby, Oshawa and Bwmanoille. volun. tesar leaders 17 years and up requlred 2 hoars weekly, midOci. 10 April. No experlence nscessary, training provldad. Thars la no baller Invesimeni titan yauit. lete cost 10 greal for you? Cati exlenslon programn co-orcinalor. 72&56125. CAREERS IN TRucKING. Driver lob traning and placemeni teiap le avalabis. Cali Roders Scitool ai (4167692546. MOLLY MAIO le acceplingaSp. plIcailns forIligiti iousewoiit ln Whitlby. Fuit and part.flme. Cati 668-9673. WORD PROCESSINQ Program. ming, Lofus, dbase, il end 111 and more, wilS certificale and lob pacement. Goernmenl ap. proved, Ilnanctel assistants avaitabte, fan deductibie, grade il and 12 credif courses. Titane Mili test 2 monihe. Enrol n0W. 4273010. HEATINQ AND AIR condifloning icensed, experlenced iInsîtar required. Aa, WMitlby. Oshtawa aras. Appiy ln peran f0 Brdtewood Heatlng and Air Con- dlloning, 111 Industriel Dr., Unit 23, Whltiby, Ont. EXPERIENCEO maifresaiwaiter naeded for nighta and daya for the Exporer Restaurant and Tavern. 668-0316. INDDUSTRAIL MILLWRIGHT MECHANIC Amjr manufacturer of Paper Products requlres a qualif ied Industriel Mllwrighl Mechanlc. You must have completad the required appren- ticeship program and have had at leasl 2 years ex- perience ln maintenance of production equlp- ment. We offer competitive wages and an excellent benef lis package. Please reply in writing to: Harry Lindgren MacMillan Bathurst Imc. P.O. Box 150, Water st. Whitby, Ont. Li N 5R7. Dynamic, growing Weekly Newspaper seeking professional advertising Sales Representatives. Potential excellent for high earnings. Apply to: Mr. KneiI, 131 Brook St. N., Whltby Wednesdays.Io Frldays - 9 arn to 5 pm HEATINC AND AIR Condilioning baiper rsquired, muet hans vaid drivers license and ba insurabie, saro as you leare, some ex- perience an assai, tari saiarY $8 an hour, Whlby ares. Cati 668 6111 or appiy la Bridiemood Heating and Air condifioning, fil industrial Dr., Uni23, Whitii by, Ont. MATURE BABYSITTER required for 3 boys an parit-Ime basie ta cornaln our home ln West Lynde ares, Whitby, nonsamoitar. Pisases Calit 666146. OFFSET ASSEMSLY artiet. ex- perience oniy, appiy by felephane ln te lirai instance and 1sans prt inen deisits. Fullime arn ptoymeot iocaiiy, good morking condifions. 6830251, Aa. WAITRES81WAITER wanied, fuit. lima, 9:30 ar.m.f0 2 p.m., MondaY to Friday, pisases appiy f0 En. press Restaurant, 105 Co- Samera Dr., Whtby. WISH TO APPRENTICE ta traditionai cabtnet malter or mood monter. 6554035, Oen. St Johnri iavCsO aS neen ieacSurp andi slng in Canadla sncs 1663. Ytare invied lo bea part CI ott Oaci t ndisd yssus Gins tem sacall Leain htwIoin1heip St4obn Ambulance Thie nee yeF WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB House League Play-Off Results SQUIRT SEMI-FINALS Otter Creek 1 ......i Willow 1i...........O0 Sean Saunders Pringle Creek 2...3 C.R.C.S............O0 Michael John Praoad Jamie Nisbel SQUIRT FINALS Pringle Creek 2...2 Otter Creek i ......i Jamie Nobet......... 2 Sean Saunders ATOM SEMI-FINALS Bailey's Pharmacy.. .4 Garden............i1 Adam Blodeau ............ 3 Carey Bayford Tony Raffaele Willow 2 ........... 5 Omar EI.Behairy...... 3 Alland Woodhouse Bryan Cooper Highland Trophies .... Michael Slgaworth Jeff Needham Brian Uden ATOM FINALS Willow 2......2 Baiiey's Pharmacy ... Mike WaUlen Doug Whyte ornar EI.Behairy MOSQUITO SEMI-FINALS Willow 2 ........... 2 Hutchinson.........i1 Mike Lopers GeoffCadan Biair Sheppard Annes 1i........... 7 Brooklin ...........O0 Gosiacorera not provided MOSQUITO FINALS Annesi1........... 5 Willow2 ...........o0 Steve France ......... .2 Martin David Cam Schilling Derek Dixon PEEWEE SEMI-FINALS Jeffrey .........7 Brooklin ...........O Mark Bateman ...... 2 Domenic Aibia ........... 2 Oavid Fiant Tim Wber Doug Oliver Sarge's Gulf..... 7 Steve Cuiiy ... ........ Warren Milburn. . ........ ,3 Richard Tremblay Pringle Creek.. 0 PEEWEE FINALS Sarge's Gulf ....2 Jeffrey .........0 Steve Cully Warren Milburn BANTAM FINALS WÃŽilOW 2 ........... .2 Hutchinson.........t John Bandel .... ... ...2 Dave tiden Plaq ue presentation The Whitby Free Press was presented with a plaque last week by the president of the Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club, Corey Van Essen. The newspaper sponsored an atom soccer team this year. Valerie Cowen, Ad- vertising Manager is seen here receiving Oie plaque from Corey Van Essen. Last week's Curling bridge resits The following are the resuits of last week's play at the Whitby Curling Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Jini Wharrie. North and South: AI Leslie and Perry Laurence, a tie with Bill Nelson and Frank Mac- Neill, 52½ý; Mrs. John Frost and Mrs. P.N. Spratt, 49; and, Mr. and 48½/. East and West: Myr- tie Conrad and Leona Smuck, 431/2; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Smyth, 41; and, Zetta Cunnington and Ede Wilson, 40/. Lacrosse banquet Road Minor Lacrosse Association will hold their annual banquet on Oct. 6 at Heydenshore Pavillon beginning at 1 P.m. Ail players are asked to be there before that time. ........C.. P b Dboaýr, Halloween Treats for Tricksters Titis Hllttveen. nitny ttlis v. il bc ansv.ering the dottr tIi calîs tiI trick ttr treZlt**I roîîîîau asstîrttîîent tii tteighbîîorhoîîd gbttst.sand gîthliis. This custotîi cun bc îraced tîî happenings lotng igli. Ancieit Druid cusîttîti assîtctuted sprits v. lb their (Ictîther autuitîn lest isuL English custttnî hud chiidren dressitng up und wearing tîîasks as they went dîtt iidtîîr beg- g ing ltor -sotu1 cakes'. The 1irîsh piaced cundles itîside putttpkins tt lîtighten :iv.uN spirits. itda tua av e ascadapted a tuitituer I*tif clsttîts t irqtîu r oýit luit and enji'itiett. Haliîtveeîî ,îust v.tuldnt be the sailte wiîhîtut traditionai curartîci upples in itur bug of'treats. Thîis gttîdy is terrific for Haiiîîween parties ut httne ttr school. Your chiidren v.ill delight in heiping yîîu îwiri the apples in caraîiel ctintg. Bewitcii ytur Halloween s-si- trs siih enchanttng tvcipes that llttwir Mioster Cinikies and Baked Peunut Butter Popcitrn. The pupulrtListe tif peanut but- ter in ibese treats wiii charîti tîricksters bitb ytung and îîld. ('ararnel Appies 2 cups <5001 tîLi lîghî creaîi 2 cups (500 imLl sugar i cup 250 tîLl Crm .i Brand corn syrup (Np Hs iitLl sait cup 175 tîîL) mtargarinec i spi(5itîLi vanilia 10i appkes 10i sunnen sticks Heat cream ta iukewartîî îti heavy saucepant. Set aside 1 cîîp (250 itîLi creain. Add ,tigar. corn sy rup and -.uit tsaucepati (tttti..oset itedium itieat. stil ring cîttstaitti uîttiI littlir contes ttr a bail. Add reniai n ina i cup (250 itîLi creuitiveisiowiy su ihat mixture cottinties ta bail. Cook 5 minute.,,ilonget. stirring colistantil .Stir in rilr garine i teaspool i iitLi ai a ittie. Turti licut btiimediumti o. Cooîk. ,siîrring cîînstutîtly (I 250'F i(120'C) or until a sttil ,itîourit brins a iriibail when tested in coid v.ater. Reitiove irotti lieut: udd vutillu. tus geîiîiy Jjab .oodeit stick lto cadli apple. T%. tri appies ni cari- itiel ttt coul . Stand appies ttt cool tit %v.ued paper sprayed v.itb Maitîla No-Stick., Serves 1l0. ( iiîiitl'l t<îîh liîr iîl iriî i iîu PilIt vil îî î. Moise Cup211îîi.isktp supet(liîiiik tir CrutîIx lîe:itttit butter cu C Xiii 11 mii .) Muiîîiîcint tii i clipi(2501 titiib vtsîit :tcip i(250i1111î.) .h sla I sp i(5 inii i itla tcuiis (31W1 iiJquitek ctîk- nu itlled tiats tclip (2W11 îii tlal lrpae 1 îsî 5 imi.)i baktim-s, l 1 cip 12510 ti. i pea1itîtîs I kgii,175 Lgi clittctlic clipýs ctip i125 ni L.i raisinis Beat itigeibet ii large btu. I peailut lbtter, ail. 1brttv. tsitUai v. ite sugar. eggs ;nid satîilia. Ctiiine nu led ots, flit tti bakiig soda. peautus. cîicît(iale chips and raisinis in second btîv.l. Sir drn ingrediets t large btiwl aîd tiis veil. Droîp bi> large spoainflshonto greased ctîîkie shcet. Buke ut 3510"F1 ii8<i'C 10iltoi 12 minules. Makes 3- I/z dtieti rge(3i clii7 ciii i tut kies. Baked APilaîuiButtelcrPpcorn iquarts, 3 1.) iresbiy pttpped ptîpctiri icup (2510 îni.)isugar cupii175 iiti Criwn lBrand tir, Kurîtcttrn syrup cupil175 îtl.) Skippý Super ('liîitk peulitil utter I sp i(5 1it1li satitla Ssp (2 titi. i bkiig stoda Plct, i iiiiiaLareshl tisu rtîajstitig lani lulteav sateliati. srtîgether sîlgar ,îîti ctrî sý rît 'ii>ace tiser mîediumîîitt Stirri iîg is Sur inii licailut butter. (.tiiue ctukii. siflîtîtît .tirritîg. 5 ities. Reittuise ri ntiheat. Suir iii satii and bakiiig sîit. iiii- titre v. i lo0111î(ll.tip.Pur peattut buitter ixîtîure tiser papctirn. St ir lui ettial v.ei1. Bake ut -175'F i 1411 'i 45iilitittes Diiriig Ilite -45 îîîîîîîîîs. reittse pati irtilti iv(Cesersl51lliiiuicîîs atnd ,Iirtoi citai ptîpcon u irt s i rup itis- titre. Tîîrn otlî 2 itîii-iined bakîîîg sheets lui coul sprcading tlt s itlii sîîdeîî spxîirt. Makes 3 qtiarts 3 Li.ý ...........

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