Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1985, p. 23

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WIIITBY FREF. >RFSS. WlVEDN13SAY, OCTOBER 2. 1985. PAGE 2-3 7 PT. HEAVY eteai toc chain cith hoaka, $5. Two white murbie slaSa (¾ttlSo7l), $15. Laundry tub pumo and motor, $45. Par. table radio cassette ployer, $15. Large office chair, $5. Antique Undorcood typecritor, $10. Otd faahionod baro iight, $10. Brasa 3 btadod boat propeitor, $50. Two 8' fluorescent fiaturea, $10. Phono 668-7404. FOR SALE ceramnIc Sandatane kilo, $425 and maida, $100. Phane 868-887. FOR SALE cuatomr buit 6 pace kitchen 000k Butcher Bocko table, Seige vinyt chairs and ban- chea, excellent condition. $350 or Seat offar. 579-3629 aler 12 0000, TWIN BED, trame, brass head- board, boa spring and mattress, $250. White ketrioom bodspread, eiectric bianket, 3 sets Of shoots, $125. Ail encollent condition. 668- 5645. ANTIQUE combinat ion wood and etectrtc sf000, idoal for cottage, ecollent condition. $480. 655- 3583. DEAUTIFUL dintng roomldiniettO faSte with f ghI oak finish and one btt.Pour cane back chairs wtth natural coiourad uphoiatered caverings, 2 yoars aid, a bargain ai $350. Cuit 6W8- 0010, ooenings. FOUR SEATER couch and ut- mchuir, $600. Sotid mapte cood rocker. $300. DeSoer tuhutar bunkSed, $500. Matironsfor aboya. $50. Colltab0lube and end table, $25 each. Antique rosewaod lubie, $100. Phono686.- 3476. CUSTOM BUILT immitution tirepiaco with intaid gray Sticks and marbie hearth eiectrIc loge and tireptaco screen Inctuded. $300. Beginnaro sei of drumos, $ 150. 666- 1338. DISHWASHER, Seuls dotuve pot. table, chopping Stock top, ihree ovet washing actian, $170. Coeman tenter ctc case. $10. One etectricat panel, $5. 60 amp. discannect, $25, Boy's cross country skis, 160 cm size, ctw potes, $10. Firoptace screon and heat circuiating grate, $18. sh. oiectric motar, $10. Toaster, flair curling set, olectrIc cal tee grin- der, Monta Caria 15" rim, $10 ec. P, hone 5676700. FOR SALE antique dinfing room suite, between 661o 050 pors oid, n beautifut condition. soiid mepie, made In Butffao, 9 Paecs. table exlends la seat 10 comfor table, $1.900 or bes citeor. B88- 2461. PLOW, 4 Furrow Massep Pergusson, shoar pin type, good condition, 3 point hlch. asking $295. Cuttnlvar, excellennt10fil. wide, ctw ketghl adjunt and auto seotling, $55. Cuit 576-7697. 6,000 8.T.U. Eioclrahomo horizontal air condilioner. $150. Phono 686185. ANTIQUE table and 2 chairs, $85. 24" white gos atone, $50. loar polishet, $5. Bundie buggy, $5. Hairdryer, table modet, $9.50. Siurdy caneas hammocto, $7.50. Slacking wine rock, $5. Standard fppewrtlor, Rayai, excelent con- dition, $50. Oider Rmington lppewriter, good, $25. Large com- fortabie armuhair. $25. Phono 668-7404. FOR SALE refridgoralor. $350. Stase, $250. Hair dryor and chair, $100. Phono 5794212. Two CASES aI Dr. Baitards dog foot, $16 a case, 24x25.5 ozs. each. Phona 5763998. SAILBOAT, 121fi., mahogany with JiS and Main Sale, Must Se 5000 10 be approciated. $325. Oi1tfanko, 300 gais., $20. Hand foots for car body work, $25. Phono 4334689. BE0 King size, Sears-O-Pedic, sotid toam mailrOss wilS bo spring, $250. Sofa bed. 3 oseat, puits ouI 10 double ioam mat- iress, $250. Phono 69895689. UTILITY TRAILER enctosvd, 7oxlOnx5. goad springs and axto. carryiog cao 3,500 l55. titi dock, $600 or Sent aller. 6554187 $TEREO PACKAGE receiver, tut. nable, cassette dock, ettuatizer. 2 speakers, $400 compets. Car siereo, 00000 receivor. 200 watt power booster, 4 speakevrs, 2 are 6x9 Apines, other 2 are 4* Tan- vox, $250. 6683064 or 6680801, CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, Surgundy orentmat centre, goid cotour arme, 15 iigkts, $170, Tent, 2 roow, 9 a 12, vînytItfoor in seeping area, good condition, $80. Balhroom double swag lin- tare, $25. Phono 6689772. BEDROOM SUITE, quaen sizo. 6 paces, moditeraflean stye, made When the advertîsed item is sotd. dispoeed af. or onanuilahie for whatener reoson, the item wîilbe deemed ta thavr been svid and a commission wit Se charged liaser! on TIIE At>VERISFI) PtttCE as ittosirated beiow. regardtess if price is stated with -besi oSfer- If the item h NiT StitD. ar dispasedofai.the ad wîii Se ruir for :1 MiINTIIS and a MINIMUM CHIARGE oîf $7 sv wîi appiy payable in advanceotf publication otf the fîrsi ad The akoverminimum charge wiii ho applied b 1the final commission due Maximum commission $10000 Aitadver- tisements musi be placed vo an exclusive boots wih the WtiTtY FRESE PIIESS u; nd run ai icasi one month if foisoid RATES (if article ls seldi: 5% et advertisedl price ap t109400.00 2%or balance ever $400.00 EXAMP'iE: SoId item advertised fer Il 50.0o. om missionadue $7.u0t(minimum charge tain 1-50 Prinute udveriising ontYt Ptease notify tse Whitby Free Press immediatety when item is said s50 thut me may detete it froms the faîîowing issue. Al ads not fitting the Emporium guidetines wiiI Se treated and ctiarged per meeto as regutar ctassified adsonosa pre-puid hasts such as: services, heîp wasted, cathing. real estaste, and personat message type adn. or ado flot quoting price or quantity. Prinate ctassified ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headioga ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. FREE PRESOEMPORIUM P.O. Box z«6 Whtby. LIN S'il 668-611il 131 Bcock St. N. Whitby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. BLACK LEATHERETTE radliner n excellent condition. $200. One cottes and two end tables, $60. Phone 68663844. ALUMINUM DOOR (34x82), $20. Solid front dJoor (34x82), $50. Two new sheels ot arborite, $6 5 used arborile. $4. Single srnk, $7.50. Blue basin, laps and drains, $1250. Mirrored medicine cabinet, $5. Ouanlity amber decorator glass igreal tor bali, $20. Mahogany Silod. (240l9), $10. Set of antique double doors inlerioti 56x7g. cedar. $25 Phnne 66867404, BONTEMPI eiectrlc orgun,. Min. strei modoi witlr adapter and 2 iearniog 5books, nom prce $650. sei 1or $450 12" back and whte T.V-.$50, hardiy evor used, Phono 6682155 12x12 fi.l.ent. wiiflioor. $100 Eieclronic air cinaner, Lonnox, $125. Phono alter 5 pro . 605 3854. 1983 FIIL BoScat go cari. wih Honda G200, gooti condition. $650 Phono 668-4389 uller 4 y w FOR SALE 9 dracet dresser. durto wood, wiih tit mirrot, askinig $85 ARTICLES ART IC E FOR SALE bar, $250. Couch and SUPER SCANNER CB. anenna, chair. $150. Couch and 2 chairs switch Sox, caSte and ieads, and Ottoman, $350. Table and 2 g004 condition. $100. Aisoaa chairs, $75. Baby carniage. $25. medicine cabinet, white Wooden Soaocase. $150. Phono enameiied matai. siiding mirror 433-4653 doars. perlecitfor cattage, $15. Cuit 686-4953 anytimo. neivet swags and double yanel curtuins, $75. Waoen beige tweed drapes. 2 panels, 50 wdOn a 97 long.$45. Phono 6664264 WICKER change table. $30. Boostet suai. $8. 48- boa syring and hoadboatd. $40. Basket chair and coant. $6. Aitntri0004coo. 41h00.696.68145ý TWO BUCKET car suais, flou roclirno.back, tîke new, $30 ouch Lawnmowet. $50. AMîFM car radio cassette, $50 Baroaque rotiîsrrn and baskeot, nouer used. $15 AMFM etocirontc ciocto. $20 Gouf cari. $40 Campngno 000:- muni. naroas items. ltaaiîng $80 Piease cati 6688178. DININO ROOM table. 4 Cane bacto chairs, excellent conditian. $275, Four mataf partoar chairs. $60 lot set. Antique 405k. $100 Roching chair. $30. 014 michot tronto, $25. Pive boxes 0I 014 78 records, $75 imatly cotiociubtei, Phone 683-6638. M ORAI~L U~ E A R EpAR l~R IpU RT FOR SALE 1974 Nova tor parts, 250-6 cyi. and many new parts, $250 or Sest olter. 1600 cc mOtor tram a 1973 Pinto, 52,0(10 mites, ait 0w aseuls, $200 or best otter. Midiand AMIFM cassette stteO with Wo, 3 way, 200 Watt speakers, $150. Power booster, $25. Two 13" rima, $10 each. Two new uitra Troc Il radiai tires, sizo P185i80R13, mounited and Saien- cedi, $130. Phoan655-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Deiuxa Cham. pions H78-14 and 2 chromo rima, $100 pair. Two Gulf Crown 78 H478-14 WiW, $50 pair. Ona Uniroyat steel Seited enowtire HR178.15, $25. One Cen Tire G78- 15 plus rim, $50. One Gulf Crown 78 H478-14 and rtm, $50. Two 15" rima, $50 pair. or ait for $250. Phono 68.-9286. 1902 VAMAHA YZ 250, 00W Dunlop tires, answer sitoncOr, Boyessen racina reedo. $950. Cati 668-4093, ask for Steve. 1978 SUZUfOI GS 400, good con- dition, $600. Phonoe6683447. FOR SALE Honda XL75 equip- poil with streot and dirt tires, uaed test year on road, $.450. Cati 686-3456. tablC e and ca r rs , asin $1 0 Phone 6682676 or6863215. d- HOUSEHOLDI MUSICAL REFRIDGERATOR. t ast fI 00 Q pIIINSTd~RUMJENTS $200. Phone 688-6909. piano. 0004 condition, tacon. ditionOd. $1.650 Phono 666-5672 alîtr5 0wrr MUST SELI Gibsan Sass auitar wiih hardohetil case, very goad condition, $360> Phone 723-2579, sertous inqoitins aniy. HARMONIUM, smait antique pump orgun, famity heiriaOOm. $1.000 or Sesi ofler. John or Nan- cy 668-4335. 1981 CHEV Soburban Stiverada 350, V8, new 8000 km, 4BBLair, cruise, ps., phb., tinted windows, AMîPM cassette, Sracn and beige, verY gaod condition, $85050. 655-4187. 1980 HONDA Cieto, AMîPM eter00 cassette, 125,000 toms., $1,600. Phono 668-0440. 1977 VW RaSSit, automatic, good condition, $1,000 ino. 683-2166. 1978 DODGE Colt, good con- dition, extra tires, $550 as le. CaIf 655-3109. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDODA pas., p., air condttIonittg, $800or Seat affer. Cuit685-3170. 1978 13UICK< REGAL, 00W michetin tires, baftory, rad. suspension, $750. Phono 655- 4682. 1975 VEGA Vit, 350, engins and body good, aunroaf, $950 or bost of fer, as sa. 668-5793. 1975 PONTIAC Lemans, ps., p.,. AMîPM storeo cassette, ex. cellent condition, $1.450 cor- tifled. Phono 686-4907 or W68- 6054. 1975 COUGAR, ps., pSb., 8 tracto, approa. 85,000 mites, neods some molor corto and othor minor repaire, body fair, $600 or best otter. M-88227. 1974 OLOSMOHILE Dela68., 70.000 mitas. usking $200. Phono 5794212. $20 euck. Mapte huiltablOe, $125. Wooden kitchen set and 5 chairs, $110. Thrnu end lubies, $25 each. Cati663-6638 KING SIZE mîrrored canopy. tour poster waterbed. -Puntution- seasoned pion. eotras foc nameroos ta tist. eocellent con- dition, want fitin0 0W home, must sacrifice ai $1.500. Cuit 655- 4187. WANT ABS ALU-11 -. . -by Gibard, 60PhOnO 6U-8914. Cl 2-16 4!àrCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have 4 If you: eare a private advertiser: ahave an article to seil; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i Your ad wiii mun each week until the article has been soid (maximum three months t. A minimum charge appiies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. 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