PAGE 22,.Wl\VI3NI.LSDAY,X"',OlilOBER2, I)5 VI B RLPIS DO'C kicks off new year by holding annual walk and visiting Stratford By VERONICA FILO Denis O'Connor H.S. The 1985-86 school year has begun at Denis O'Connor bringing with it a multitude of new grade 9's, new teachers and, of course, new por- tables. We welcome all - except the portables! During the first week of school DO'C celebrated its first Mass with our school Chaplain, Father Joe Murphy. In the following days two assemblies were held for Consumers Gas Presentations. Although the school year is into its fourth week various sports teams have been tried- out for, picked and prac- ticed. Among these are the boys junior and senior soccer teams with a one win, no loss, two tie season and a two win, one loss season, respectively. Both midget and junior girls basketball teams won their season opener against Anderson Collegiate. The junior team also came second in a tournament at O'Neill Collegiate over the past weekend. An additional team at the school this year is girls field hockey. They have started their season with one win and one loss. The senior boys volleybà ll team lost their first season match to Pickering High School on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Better luck next time guys! Denis O'Connor tennis team competed in LOSSA on Sept. 24. Both Paul Mahoney and Anthony Livingston won their first singles match but lost in the second round. Two other players, Ernest Domondon and Kelson LaChance, took second place and the silver medal in the doubles matches. Congratula- tions to the whole team and to their coach, Miss Robertson. Good luck with COSSA in the spring. The first Student Council meeting was held on Sept. 12. This year's executive is composed of the following members: president Josie Peschisolido, secretary Traci Melchor, treasurer Tracy Fer- nandez, social convenor Ed Devlin, and chair- person Rita Ankus. The homeroom represen- tatives are urged to at- tend every meeting to help promote school spirit. On Sept. 17 two busloads of students, teachers and parents participated in the an- nual pilgrimage to Stratford's Shakespear- ean Festival. This year's production was "King Lear". The weather was agreeable helping make the day a most enjoyable cultural event. The Ajax Community Centre hosted "Get- Acquamouu Day" on Sept. 18. This year the grade 9's were semi- tortured by the seniors as initiation was re- introduced at DO'C. Our first dance was held on Friday, Sept. 20, in the school gym- nasium. Ail sources in- dicated the first of many of this year's dances was a successful event and that great fun was had by all. The ith annual DO'C- a-Thon was held on Sept. 24. The day started off dreary and wet but as the kilometers ac- cumulated producing sore backs, legs, anc blisters, the sun came out and boosted the spirits of ail. By 5 p.m the last pairs of tire( and throbbing feet weri accounted for and sen home. Trials an( tribulations of the da: aside, the projectei $60,000 in sponsor makes the effort wortk while. It's party time atAnderson By ANGELA CR AIG Anderson C.V. "People are people so, why should it be, that you and I should get along so awkwardly..." Oh, sorry, I lost myself for a minute there. But after last night at An- derson's first dance of the year, I guess it's un- derstandable. Friday, Sept. 27 will be a night remembered in many minds. Corey Hard, Bryan Adams, Depeche Mode, Howard Jones, The Boss, Madonna, you name it, we had it. To top it all off, the already numbed minds of dancers were completely blown away with an outrageous laser show. Let it be known that when An- derson partys, it partys! That's not all that's been going on within Anderson's walls. Spir Day has been held ever Friday to get studeni into the Anderson spiri Last week when I aske one of the students whi he thought of Spirit Da: he replied, "Hey dude; let's party!" That right. For all yc Ridgemount High fan last Friday wC "Spicolli" day (thouE no one as yet has repo ted pizza having bet ordered in class). Coming up in Octobe is a trip to Stratford see "King Lear". M Williams assures a it's a trip not to I missed. The cost is $ and students will I gone from 9 a.m. to p.m. Anderson has mai plans for activities ov the next few months, watch for our reports the latest news. Ajax bridge The following are the North and Sout results of last week's Walter Soetens a handicapped game Phyllis Kelly, 131, played at the Ajax Elma Norman and J Bridge Club as reported Dynes, a tie with Mi by Dwight Oland. Fernley and Frank M Playu was in sections 125.5; and, All 'A' and 'D', average Doucette and J 108. Colvin, 123.5. In section 'A': East and West: Ch North and South: Thornley and Jc Dave Hutton and Pat Cook, 130; Gi Crampsey, 128.5; Sweeney and Hai Donalda Crawford and Verkirk, 129.5; Gi Sean Finan, 127; Bill Whittaker and Fra and Beth Sweeney, 122; VanderBruggen, 1 and, Ron Hensley and and, Jack Findlay E Gus Battaglia, 120. Grant Andrews, a East and West: Bea with, Truman Tuck i and Wybren Hoogland, Mike Norman, 122.5. 140; Marnie Carr and There will be an o Pat Hensley, 136; Everil pairs game on Oct. 8. Grant and Jackie Byr- The results of e ne, 135; and, Nancy week's play at the c Adams and Judy Denby, will be reported in 132. following issue of In Section 'D': Whitby Free Press. LIKETOSAVE? A PRETTY PICTURI The FramIng Centre 668-4521 The Framing Ceni 668-4521