Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1985, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2,1i985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Would like to înform al their customers that they are now open --ALL DAY SATURDATS 3625 Brook St. N. 668-3321 Whltby FALL SPECIAL "10 O FF on PERMS Haircuts 16 15 OFF Streaks& Colours Specials in effect Thru Oct. 31/85 For Appointments Cati: 668-1310 FANTASTUCUTS 852 Brock St. N. Whitby CORPORATION OF TF TOWN OFWHITBY Last blood donor clinic of 1985 will he held Tuesday HORTON The Whitby blood donor clinic on Tuesday, Oct. 8, between the, hours of 1 and 8 p.m., will be the last clinic scheduled for the year. The donation record for the past year is as follows: 312 in January, 433 in April (best Whitby clinic ever) and 312 tn July.-Since the number in July was 312 as was the January clinic, it would be great if the Oc- tober number was 433 as was the AprilI clinic. As a matter of fact, the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society needs ap- proximately 375 donations to achieve a total donation number for 1985 that would be comparable to that of 1984. To achieve a donation number of 375 - 400, the Red Cross must appeal to ail their regular donors as well as to everyone else who is eligible to give blood. Any healthy person aged 17 - 66 can donate blood. A donor must not PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, October 21, 1985, 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whtby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Administrative Committee of the Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby t0 consider the re-zoning of the foiiowing parks to: (1> Open Space Ash Creek Diversion Ashburn Park BAIF Subdivision Park Bluegrass Meadows South Bradley Farm Parkette Brookiin - Kinsmen Park Cenotaph Cozmek Subdivision Park D'hiler Park Elizabeth Crescent Park Faliingbrook Gien Park Farewell Estates Park Firat City Park and Parkette Grass Park lntrepid Park Kinsmen Park Luther Vipond Memoril Arena & Fargrounds Myrtie Park Otter Creek Park, East and West Phillips-Kozaroff Park Pringie Creek Phase IV Park Robmar Street Park Westdate Parkette Whtby Heighta Subdivision Park Whitby Towne Estates Park and Parkettes Wiiiow Park (2) Greenbeli Westwood Park (3) Floodplain Pringie Creek Phase t Valey Lands The purpose of the proposed zoning bytaws is: (1) To introduce a new Open Space Zone int By-iaw 1784 to be apptied 10 ait pubiiciy owned parks; and, (2) To amend By-iaw No. 2585 10 correct instances whereby certain public open spaces are in zone categories other than Open Space. The purpose of the meeting is to provide adequate information 10 the public and 10 permit interested persons the opportunity to make representatiori in respect of the rezoning by-iaws. If you are unabte to attend the meeting, your representation can be fiied in writing by mail or personal detivery to reach the Planning Deparment not later than regular working hours on Oc- l obe r 28, 1985. For further information on the rezoning by-iaws interested persons may contact the Planning Deparînlent, Levet 7. 575 Rossiand Road Easst, during regular working hours, Monday 10 Friday or may contact the Planning Deparîment by teiephonîng (416)1668-5803 ROBERT B. SHORT Direcior of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby have had a cold or the (lu during the week prior to the clinic or be on any medication. The process of donating which includes registering, donating blood, resting and having a snack takes 45 minutes to one hour of time - not a very long time considering this one donation of blood can be broken up into components and can help four dif ferent people. Blood cannot be manufactured - it mufst be donated. This requires people who are willing and able to give of themselves. Remember --- Blood is lifel1 Pass it on! Corne to the Oct. 8th clinic at the Legion Hall, 117 Byron St. S. and enjoy the friendly atmosphere wbule you give the gift of if e. EDITOR'S NOTE: Margaret Horton is the chairman of the blood donor clinic committee of the Canadian Red Cross Society Whithy branch. Ç' Lot's see yoli Jo i I Bob in drag Could Whitby's mayor be getting tired of ribbon-cutting? Recently be shunned bis customary store-openitlg ritual in favor of "get- ting into" the merchandise. "If I'd known it would feel this good, I'd have put on a dress ages ago," he quipped to Garbo's co-owner Margaret Annan. The new Brock St. S. boutique, owned by Margaret and ber daughter Melissa features a wide array of womnen's apparel. And an eccentri clcientele, it seems.r trie FreOMPUs tERSkot AND KIDS The Whitby Public Library will once again hold their popular "Computers and Kids" this (ail. The programn is available in four categories: pre-school; Delta Drawing (ages 6 and 7); Logo (ages 8 to 10) and, Graphics (ages 10Oto 14). The cost ranges (rom $35 for the pre-sébhool program to $45 for the others. Classes will start the week of Oct. 14 and run until the week of Dec. 2. For more information call the library at 668- 6531. I 60< m THAT'S ALL Jtj.,it60c.. is alyour Free Press carrier will be askingyoîifor ... 60' for a whole month of home deliver of your local .. newspaper. This voluiary pqyment is the best bargain in town. No other newspaper cosis si) litlle and offers so mauch to local resilents. And evten if.vou <ion 't want to con tri bute tee 'il deli ver vour netvspaper an yuiav. Yotir 60' ,aymentintay nfltseeni like cery mtuc/t mon Y. butt il mearis a loti1<>o',our carrier aad to us. Your carrier earns more moneýy and asÇ a resu/t is more properlv retcarde<ifor a job tee/i done. lotir local neuspaper bene/ïts through defravyed circulation costs and /tappier carriers. A4nd vou benefit bv supporting anti heing to maintain your vers' ottn truly local newvspaper. P.S. You can win valuable prizes also! So whilen.your carrier saYS "Free Press calling" yoit'll know wvhat it'1s ail about andi that your monev îs going to be well spent. LwITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North Whitby 668-6111

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