Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1985, p. 13

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The Church Speaks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION far diF aI y'i ti fai ca ha mi sa Je JO By The Rev. Dr. RONALD E. BAXTER Pastor a] Faith Baptîst Church Pq Are you important? Sa many in this complex C' world, feel like mere cags in a complex system. ai Many have almost ceased caring and have a y fatalistic attitude towards the future which says, "Whatever will be, will be."w A COMPOSER'S QUESTION t] A poet thought along these lines many years ago. d Heeis the poetry ho set ta sang, as he addressed i Gd "When I consider Thy heavens, the wark of Thy fingers, the moan and the stars, which Thou t hast ordained; What is man that thou art mindful of 0 hiand the son of man that thou visitest him?" tb (am 8:3-4). r 1Here we are in this littie speck o! dust we calaur earthly home. We are often lost in its camplexity, as the individual ant would seem unimportant in the bustling industry carried an araund an anthili. People live and die, laugh and cry, work and relax, are here for a job today and gone tamarrow. Lord, in this world whero we seem tai livo and die f leaving no more trace of ourselves than a stone swalîowed up in water, "What is man that Thou are mindful of him? " SMALL WORLD OR BIG WORLD? Caira, Sydney, Mascow or New York meet someone fram here. Shaking hands the travellers will say, "Fancy meeting your here 1 Isn't it a small world a!- ter al!" But is that really what they mean? Do they nat 1man at for days thieyhave been travelling in the loneîiness a! distant places, knawing no one! Naw what they really mean is, "Fancy meeting yau here in this far lung place where we have been feeling s0 last and alone, so unneeded and insignificant. It's an awfully big world and we're so glad ta meet sameone we know soi far from home!" Lord, when I look at the bigness of us of this tiny speck amang the galazies, "What is man that Thou art mindful of him? " PAND BEYOND EARTH? "When I consider Thy heavens, the wark o! Thy fingers, the rnoon and the stars, which Thou hast ardained; What is man that Thou art mindful o! him." (Psalm 8:3-4). If we are but infantilismal creatures by comparisan ta earth's size, and earth is but a speck a! dust amidst "Thy heavons," 'What is man that Thou art mindful a! him." (Psalm 8 :4). BUT 110W SMALL 15 EARTH? When the Century a! Progross Exposition apenod in Chicago in 1933, forty years had passed since the Clumbian Wrld's Fair o! 1893 in the same city. Sa someone with imagination concoived the idea o! trapping a boam a! light from tho star Arcturus and having that beam o! light "turn on" one Exposition. For Arcturus is !orty lightyears away, and the ray o! light that arrived in 1933 started fram Arcturus la 1893. Have yau any idea a! the distance measured by a light-year? Light travels at the speed o! 186,300 miles per second. There are 86,400 seconds in a day or 31,536,000 la a year. Multiply this by 186,300 miles per second ta obtain the distance in miles light travels in a year. It produces a figure close ta six trillion miles (6,000,000,000,000). Arcturus is forty times that distance fram us, or about 2,500,000 times as far fram us as the sun. But Arcturus is one o! the nearer stars. Lord, when 1 look out there beyond where my natural eyes can soe and realize the immensity o! Thy creation, "What is man that Thou are mindful of him?" WIIAT IS MAN? in view o! ahl this, what can we say about man? Here he is, an atom in the immense creation a! God. Is Gad really interested in hlm? Does he caro? Can man even really hope that God remembers ho is la existarice at all' Listen ta the Psalmist agaia as he considers the mtter o! man's insignificance la creation. (Psalm ma-4 "When I consider thy heavens, the work o! thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which tbou hast ordained; htimata huatmnflo hlm? andthsoofmita huvstshm? And the aaswer ta the fearful queries o! man cames in the final statement of verse 4, "the son of man that Thou visitest hlm.'" You sec, God bas proven His interest la us. The Bible says, "When wie were yet without strength, la due time Christ died for the ungadly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradveature for a gaod man some would even dare ta die. But God commendeth bis lave toward us, la that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:6-8). The fact is that, infantilismal as we might be la relation ta God's total creatian, no other part o! His creatian is as important ta Hlm as yau are. God laves yau, and bas shawn the suprerne iftrest in ou by sending His anly begotten Son ta make a way r your eternal salvatiail. He bas further canferred upon you the supreme gnity of chaice. You are entrusted with the power I personal response ta God's overtures of lave ta ru. In other wards, ynu can either accept or reject he privilege of fargiveness of sin and thereby a amily relationship with God that allows a man ta be ýalled a son af Gad (John 1: 12). ýOD'S PART -- YOUR PART Gad's part in al af this bas been campleted. He ias made, "once for aIl" (Heb. 10: 10), the complote ;acrifice necessary ta atone for your sin. Nathing nore needs ta or can be done ta add ta that ;acrifice. The Bible clearly declares, "The Bload af lesus Christ His Son, cleanseth us fram aill sin" (l John 1: 8) - past, present and future. Your part now is ta believe Gad I Believe He cares bout yau personalîy. Then, by faith, use your ower of chaice and personally ask the Lard Jesus 'hrist ta forgive yaur sin (past, present and future) nd become your Master. 'OUR DIGNITY This is what you are, a persan God loves. This is why God has visited yau by His Son, Jesus Christ -- tat you might become His child by faith. What ignity God wishes ta bestow upon yau! Dan't throw i away by throwing away His o! fer of salvation. Your supreme dignity cames in yaur relatiansffip ao God. Thon be wise, and use your bestowed power of choice ta becomne rightly related ta Jesus Christ by persanal invitation right now. Only then can you reach the eîevated position of, "'children o! God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of Gad, and joint- heirs with Christ." (Romans 8: 16b-17a). Do yau enjoy such dignity? WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCT0O3ER 2, 1 985, PAGE 13 P.C. women eleet delegates District progressive Conservative Women's Association has elected a siate of five delegates to the party's leadership convention ta be held at the Toronto Convention Centre Nov. 15 and 16. The association covers the ridings of York, Durham East, Oshawa and Northum- berland. Eîected as delegates were: Judy Moskaîuk of Whitby; Mari-Anne Zakaraw o! Bawman- ville; Sue Kilgannon o! Ajax; Clare Boychyn of Oshawa; and, Liz Mc- Progressive Conser- vative Association wiIl elect 10 delegates to the convention at a meeting to, be held tonight (Oct. 2) at 7:30 p.m. in the Ajax Court House, Sherwood Ave., Pickering Village. PONY Ls6345 A M~-.~ Plus P.DI rih HOME 0F THE HYUNDAI STELLAR & PONY MON..THURS., 9.9 p.m.,-FRI. 9.6 p.m. 496 TAUNTON RDÏ. E., OSHAWA 576-7669 q /~17i [~jZiebart Rust Protection Ziebart Paint Protection Fi' iebairt Fabric Protection * [jZiebart Splaish Guards* Right now this Protection Package is speciatly priced at $100 off and backed by a Lifetime Limited Warranty** good for the life of your new car's sheet metal, paint, interior fabric and more. To assure tifetime protection, ZIEBART wiII perform annual maintenance checks on your car to keep it showroom new.** Now is a smart time to corne to your Ziebart dealer today and take advantage of this special saving. *Or your choice of Door Edge Guards, Body Side Moldings or Wheel-We'iI Moldings. **See your dealer for details. ***A -,i-l;nina cr rn aV aODIV. 'f.,r ~- 440OHopkins St. (south of Dundas St. E.) tiiiiiill APPEARANCE & PROTECTION SERVICES Wib OPEN DAILY 8 am .6 p.m., SAT. 9 a.m.-1p.m. 1 e--irk, rjlmmc==iiý c 1985 ZIEBART CORPORATION 1 L STELLAR A nommai pre-uiutil il, id %,l

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