WIII'FBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1985, PAGE 1l Believes every option mnust be examined.. AeC.O.' A public meeting to' discuss the future of the Lynde House wili be held tomorrow evening by the Durham Region branch of the Architec- tural Convervancy of Ontario (A.C.O.). "'The proposed move of Lynde House <Whitby Museumn) to Cullen Gardens will finally get the ful public scrutiny that it deserves," the A.C.O. said in a written statemnent released last Thursday. The Lynde House is a Georgian frame house dating from 1812 and stili standing on its original site on the western fringe of what is now Whitby. The house was "gif- ted"' to the Whitby Historical Society in 1972 by the Loblaws supermarket chain whlch owns the 80-acre parcel o! land it sits on at the corner of Dundas and D'Hiilier Sts. Last month, the. society accepted a proposai by Len Cullen, owner o! Cullen Gar- dens and Miniature Village to re-locate the house there. Negotiations between the society and Cullen are to begin in the near future to work out the details of the move. However, support for the proposai was not unanimous. Margaret Boyce resigned as secretary in protest last month. The local branch of the A.C.O. has also been critical of the plan and has presented Whitby Town Council with a brie! outlining their concerns. In his statement, An- derson noted that there bas been some disap- proval of the societY's intentions. "This action has aroused widespread consternation in the communlty including a great many members of the society,") the staternentsaid. It noted that the local branch is a. relatlvely new group la the area although it is part of a province wlde organization that was founded somne 50 years ago., "Tbe conservancY (A.C.O.) belleves that Lynde House la too, im- portant a structure to be moved without a thorough examination o! every option," An- derson said. "And even if it bas to be moved, Cullen Gardens la not an appropriate destina- tion. Y' Whole the statement admitted that the A.C.O. opposes the move, it's their intention that "this meeting be an ôpen discussion o! the issue." They bave invited members of the bistorical society te present their case as well as Centre Ward Coun. Marcel Bruneller who they saY "appears to be the prime mover behlnd the proposa." WHIBY S NSR holding meeting on plan to move mus eumn Aiso invited have been organizations. "seems to view this "&By concentrating industry in Ontario but have been gro representatives of the "If the town is current proposai as an Whitby's attractions in the fastest growing as derestimatedc Ontario Minstry of prepared to aiiow and opportunity to write the one location, the town well. And because it's the financial bi Cîtizenship and Culture, indeed promote the museumn off as well. would be virtuaiiy en- labor intensive more the move to Cul a major source of fun- relocation of such a "This attituder" they suring that the rest of People ct>uid benefit dens are ding for the museum. building to a privately added, "fails to the community wouid through the creation of exaggerated," The ACO. also main- owned tourist attrac- recognize and en- not benefit,", the new jobs. statement said. tains that this issue in- tion, does it in fact have courage the tens of statement said. "Only "The impact of The A.C.0. i volves more than the any appreciation of the thousands of hours that by diversifying its tourism is more subtie their findings relocation' of Lynde historic character of volunteers contribute to tourism potentiai, by than a new manufac- cil's admir House, which is this community?rr the this community." hnving a viable museum turing plant and harder committee Sepl probably one of the statement asks. The ACO. caiied on and other attractions to measure but couid be eommittee ref( oldest buildings bet- "Is Whitby's heritage council to enhance the separate from Cullen more important to brief, along wil ween Toronto and the for sale to the highest effectiveness of com- Gardens will it persuade Whitby than a new auto the Whitby 1 Loyalist settlements bidder to be disposed of munity groups "through tourists to use other plant," the statement Society, to t, surrounding the Bay of at will? " they added. co-operation and selec- facilities (restaurants, said. ministrator Bul Quinte. The A.C.O.'s tive investments in their gas stations, shops, Furthermore, the for a report. They have questioned statement notes that programs." etc.) while in Whitby in- A.C.O. dlaims that the The meeting the Town of Whitby's at- Whitby Town Council Reiocating Lynde stead of driving straight reasons given for the held tomorrom titude towards the has been funding fewer House to Cuilen Gar- back to Toronto or on to move "do not hold up p.m. in the preservation of local and fewer communitY dens, they feel, may be Oshawa." scrutiny". Research- Chambers of tI heritage and its policies groups over the last few akin to placing ail the The A.C.O. pointed they have done in- Municipal Buil concerning the funding years. They further town's eggs in one out that tourismn is not dicates "that the costs Rossland Rd.!1 of community dlaim that council basket. only the second largest of the proposed move welcome. ->ssly un- and that >nefits of alien Gar- grossiy the presented to coun- inistrative pt. 16. The ferred the th that of Historical ;own ad- 1l Wallace ig will be w at 7:30 cCouncil Ie Whitby ilding, 575 E. All are SwflEH1O NATURALGAS AU)FUEL SAVE MORE lTAN 40%0 Delivery services, fleets, taxis and private cars are rapidly converting to Natural Gas-because of the savings. CONVERSION 15 AFFORDABLE. Convert your vehicle now and Consurners' Gas, the Federal Gover* ment and the Ontario Governrne'ît will help pick up the tab. 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